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EOCT Review Statements – US History
EOCT Review Statements – US History
The Protestant Reformation in England differed from the reform movements in other countries because
the Church of England retained many of the practices of the Catholic Church.
According to the theory of Mercantilism a nation’s power is measured by its gold reserves. A country
strives to export more than it imports in order to create a surplus of gold.
The main difference between communism and fascism in the 1930’s was that fascism permitted a
capitalist economy while communism did not.
Japan is an island nation completely surrounded by water. Culturally, one would expect that shipping is
the main industry of the nation.
Granted a charter in 1628, the Massachusetts Bay Colony became a haven for the Puritans.
The conflict considered to be the beginning of the Revolutionary War is the Battle of Lexington.
In 1812, some members of Congress wanted to go to war with Great Britain because the British were
forcing United States sailors to serve in their Navy.
President Andrew Jackson believed in appointing his friends and allies to well-paying jobs in
government. This approach to democracy was called the spoils system.
As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Law required states in the North to return
escaped slaves to their owners in the South.
Nuclear weapon technology led to the development of a cold war policy between the U.S. and the Soviet
The Freedman’s Bureau along with the 14th & 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution helped secure
the rights of blacks during the time of Reconstruction.
The March on Washington was a major event that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(The first major piece of civil rights legislation in the 1960s).
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occurred in the 18th century.
Over the last 100 years, the United States has experienced significant improvements in transportation
and technology. As a result, urban centers of today differ from those of the 1800s in that modern cities
can be located farther from supplies of food and fresh water.
When Theodore Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” he was trying to gain support for
building a powerful navy to aid U.S. diplomacy.
Imposing a tariff upon finished goods would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and
opposed by Southern planters.
“A treaty and agreement betwixt the commissioners for the United Colonies of New England on the one
part and. . .[the] Sagamores of the Narraganset and Niantic Indians on the other part made and
concluded at Boston in the Massachusetts the xxviith of the sixth month 1645.” - This passage suggests
that Sagamores were tribal leaders.
In President Kennedy’s inaugural address he included the section, “To our sister republics south of the
border, we offer a special pledge. . . a new alliance for progress. . . Let all our neighbors know that we
shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other
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power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.” - President Kennedy
used President Monroe’s Monroe Doctrine as support for his position.
A Native American living in the Ohio River valley region would have agreed with the Proclamation of
1763 which forbade colonists from entering the region because they didn’t want to see Europeans in the
Most anti-Federalists changed from opponents to supporters of the Constitution after they were
promised a bill of rights.
The rush among European powers to establish colonies in the Americas can BEST be described as an
extension of military and economic rivalries.
Demands for the calling of a Constitutional Convention in 1787 reflected the growing belief that the . . .
national government needed to be strengthened.
“. . .In contemplating the causes which may disturb our union, It occurs as matter of serious concern
that any ground should Have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical
Discriminations-Northern & Southern, Atlantic & Western - Whence [from which] designing men may
endeavor to excite Belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. . .” -George
Washington Farewell Address, Sept. 1796 Based on this advice to the nation by President Washington,
delivered upon his retirement, President Washington’s principal concerns for the future of the United
States were citizens should be wary of Sectionalism in the United States.
When southern states’ representatives were contributing to drafting the Constitution, they tended to
argue that slaves should be counted in the census.
One way that the development of the colonies responded to Florida being a Spanish colony was to make
Georgia a buffer zone between the British & Spanish.
One result of the French and Indian War (1754-1763) was that dominance in North America was
achieved by Great Britain.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are established among men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed.”-Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence, 1776 Thomas Jefferson
was restating ideas expressed in the Two Treatises on Government by British philosopher John Locke.
One major compromise at the Constitutional Convention settled the difference between large states and
small states over the issue of representation in Congress.
Because of the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765, many colonists began to believe that they should only
abide by laws enacted by their own representative.
“The slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the
federal government will become their enemy. . .”-South Carolina legislature, Declaration of the Causes
of Secession, 1860“The Union is older than any of these states, and, in fact, it created them as states.”Abraham Lincoln, 1861 These quotes represent the conflict over how much independence states should
have in the federal system.
Attempts to escape religious persecution were key factors in the original settlement of Pennsylvania and
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“I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by
color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the reaction now
existing in the slave holding states between the two is, instead of an evil, a good – a positive good.” 1837 John C. Calhoun expressed these ideas.
John Brown (1800-1859) believed that slavery should be abolished by violent means if necessary.
The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 impacted New York City because NYC became a major
economical and financial center.
Amendment 10-Powers of the States and People-MOST directly addresses the issue of limiting the
authority of the federal government.
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 served to restrict freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
The new Republican Party of the 1850s drew much of its northern base from antislavery or “conscience”
The nullification confrontation of 1832-1833 between President Andrew Jackson and South Carolina
Senator John C. Calhoun concerned Calhoun’s claim that a state has the power to ignore federal laws.
“You have secured to us the free navigation of the Mississippi. you have procured an immense and
fertile country: and all these great blessings are obtained without bloodshed.” This quotation refers to
the Louisiana Purchase.
When the U.S. Government needed 10,000 rifles for the army, Eli Whitney applied for the contract. He
took several guns, dismantled them, put the pieces in a box, and shook it. He then randomly selected the
pieces he needed, assembled one rifle, and fired it. By doing this, Eli Whitney demonstrated
interchangeable parts.
In 1850, the official U.S. government policy was that the nation has a right and a duty to expand to the
Pacific Coast. This policy is called Manifest Destiny.
Abraham Lincoln’s public position on slavery by 1860 was that he opposed the expansion of slavery but
not its existence.
On May 10, 1869, in Promontory, Utah, the East and the West were connected by the completion of the
Transcontinental Railroad.
The core membership of the Populist Party in the 1890’s consisted of farmers.
21 July 1861. . .First Battle of Manassas 26 June-2 July 1862. . .Seven Days’ Battles 30 August 1862. .
.Second Battle of Manassas Confederate victories in these battles are BEST explained by Confederate
superiority in military leadership.
By 1863, MOST military planners knew that the South could not continue to fight indefinitely because
the Southern industrial base was too weak to support the expense of waging war.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers, proposed that the union should
negotiate for all the workers. This idea is called collective bargaining.
The Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that segregated accommodations were
constitutionally allowable as long as they were equal. So the doctrine of “separate but equal” was
established. Many people objected to that ruling because people knew the reality of the situation was
based upon inequality. If institutions were separate, they could not be equal.
The Confederate defeat at Vicksburg was important because it resulted in the Confederacy being split in
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EOCT Review Statements – US History
half along the Mississippi River.
The Fourteenth Amendment was NOT successfully implemented in Southern states during the
Reconstruction Era because the Southern states refused to acknowledge the amendment because of its
The word that best describes the agricultural system used during Reconstruction that allowed white
landowners to benefit from the labor of former slaves without paying wages is sharecropping.
“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the
right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds. . .to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations.” -March 4, 1865
This selection expressed Lincoln’s hope for restoration of national unity.
In the late 1800s, railroads were charging high prices to ship and store agricultural produce. When other
political efforts failed to reduce freight charges, farmers began to demand that the U.S. produce more
silver money. The farmers wanted the minting of more silver money because they expected monetary
inflation, which would give them better prices for their crops.
One effect of the Wagner Act (1935) was that employers were prohibited from interfering in workers’
efforts to unionize.
The United States wanted to build the Panama Canal because it would allow U.S. ships to travel backand-forth between the Atlantic and Pacific more easily.
Charles A. Lindbergh piloted The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris in the first successful solo
flight across the Atlantic Ocean. The greatest immediate impact of Lindberg’s flight was that it sparked
public interest and boosted the aviation industry.
In the 1920’s, the Ku Klux Klan & nativist movements such as the Immigration Restriction League
shared the belief that white Americans were racially superior to other groups.
One result of the work of the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1930’s was the generation of affordable
electricity for rural areas.
They left the rural South for jobs in the North, is MOST true about many African Americans during
World War I.
By the early 1900s, U.S. government interest in developing an economic relationship with the Chinese
empire was part of an overall plan to become an imperialist power
The effect on the United States of the sinking of the ship LUSITANIA by a German submarine in 1915
was that it aroused public anger against Germany and led President Wilson to demand that Germany
respect the rights of travelers from neutral countries.
“Let me assert [declare] my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” -President
Franklin D. Roosevelt March 4, 1933 In his first inaugural address, President Roosevelt was warning the
American people NOT to be discouraged by the effects of the Great Depression.
The Battle of Gettysburg ended Lee’s second attempt to invade the North and marked a major turning
point in the Civil War.
President Theodore Roosevelt stated that the people deserved a “Square Deal” from their government
because business groups should be restricted from unfair business practices by government.
“The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest.” -John D. Rockefeller The point of
view expressed in this quotation is an example of Social Darwinism.
The reason for American expansionism in the mid-1800s to the early 1900s was that the United States
sought new markets for agricultural and industrial products.
The development of suburban areas in the United States during the 1950s can be attributed mostly to
increasing development of the national highway system.
The purpose of the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II was to punish German leaders for
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crimes against humanity.
During the 1990s, the economics of Canada, Mexico, and the United States became more integrated
when all three nations agreed to lower trade barriers. (NAFTA)
President Kennedy approved the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles supported by the Central
Intelligence Agency in 1961 because Castro had developed close economic and political ties to the
Soviet Union.
Federal spending was increased for education, housing, and health care MOST accurately describes a
result of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs.
The integration of “Ole Miss” is NOT an example of a nonviolent demonstration against racial
segregation in the United States in the 1960s.
President Dwight Eisenhower sent the U.S. Army to Little Rock to enforce the law when Governor
Orval Faubus refused to allow African-American students to attend Central High School in Little Rock,
The one major result of the “space race” that occurred during the 1950s and 1960s was the improvement
of satellite communications.
A direct cause of the involvement of the United States in the Persian Gulf War was that Iraq invaded
Kuwait, an ally of the United States.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader during the Civil Rights era beginning in 1947, is BEST known for
advocating non-violent demonstrations.
The purpose of the SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, was to coordinate students
around the south in resisting segregation laws during the early years of the Civil Rights era.
1962’s Silent Spring by Rachel Carson played an important role in the environmental movement.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the first president of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
that used African-American churches to coordinate the civil rights movement.
Airline, banking and telecommunications were industries that were “deregulated” during the Reagan
Cesar Chavez was a key figure in gaining rights for migrant workers.
The Cabinet department of the United States Department of Homeland Security was established in
November 2002.
Rise of Counter Culture, Feminist Movement, Environmentalism, Rock and Roll All of these social
movements took place in the years immediately after World War II.
The Supreme Court case of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) dealt with the issue
of affirmative action.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools allowed schools to use forced
bussing to ensure integration of its schools.
The Red Scare of the 1920’s was caused primarily by the fear of communist infiltration of the United
During World War II, a widely adopted means of solving labor shortage problems in U.S. industry was
to employ women.
On June 6, 1944, a combined American-British force landed in Normandy, France, also called D-Day.
Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations was included in the Treaty of Versailles.
Herbert Hoover’s solution to the Depression was primarily to provide some federal help to bankers, but
leave relief for the poor to private charities.
The House of Burgesses is significant because it was the start of representative government in Virginia.
The Middle Passage was a part of the 17th-century trans-Atlantic trade.
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Samuel Adams was a: Tax collector, Elected to Massachusetts Assembly, Leader of the Boston Tea
Party, Delegate to the First Continental Congress.
During the Progressive Era, journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics were called
The effect that the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 had on westward expansion was that it established
territories that led to statehood.
With the exception of Missouri, the Missouri Compromise restricted slavery to below the 36˚30΄ latitude
The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
On April 10, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Northern Virginia Army at Appomattox Court House,
Virginia. This signaled the end of the Civil War.
In 1963, television cameras carried into America’s homes images of powerful fire-hoses used on men,
women, and children participating in civil rights demonstrations. In what way did television affect the
civil rights movement? It prompted federal legislation to address America’s social problems.
Taxation without representation, citizens forced to house soldiers, colonial trade limited to Britain were
issues that led to the American Revolution. The limitation of government power was NOT an issue.
In 1933, the federal government established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). One of the primary
efforts of this New Deal agency was to bring electricity to rural areas.
The effect that Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb and George Westinghouse’s invention of an
alternating current system had on the American system was that together they allowed for the growth of
factories away from waterways.
A power that only the Senate has is approving Presidential appointments and treaties. The House of
Representative initiates tax bills and impeachment charges, while either house can introduce
The Hull House was opened by 20th century reformer Jane Addams as a settlement house to help the
poor and immigrants.
The Thirteenth Amendment ended the slavery debate forever by outlawing the institution throughout
the country.
From late 1995 until spring 1996, certain departments and services of the federal government shut
down because there was no approved federal budget. The reason there was no budget was
predominantly due to the executive and legislative branches' inability to compromise on government
Following World War I, President Woodrow Wilson DID NOT oppose acquiring new territories from a
defeated Germany.
The president that was LEAST supportive of civil rights was Richard Nixon.
President Lyndon B. Johnson described his domestic plan for the nation as a “Great Society” meant to
end poverty.
Immigrants who came to the U.S. from other countries during the late 19 th and early 20th centuries
tended to live together in ghettos, along with other immigrants with whom they shared the same
language and cultural background.
The House of Burgesses was significant because it was the start of representative government in
The Middle Passage was part of the 17th century trans-Atlantic trade.
Samuel Adams was a: Tax Collector; Elected to Massachusetts Assembly; Leader of the Boston Tea
Party, Delegate to the First Continental Congress.
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EOCT Review Statements – US History
114. During the Progressive Era, journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics were called
115. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 effected westward expansion because it established territories that
led to statehood.
116. With the exception of Missouri, the Missouri Compromise restricted slavery to below the 36˚ 30’
latitude line.
117. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said that Roosevelt (and the US) assumed new police
powers in the Caribbean and Central America.
118. The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
119. On April 10, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Northern Virginia Army at Appomattox Court House,
Virginia. This signaled the end of the Civil War.
120. In 1963, television cameras carried images of powerful fire hoses being used on men, women, and
children who were participating in civil rights demonstrations. The television coverage affected the civil
rights movement by prompting federal legislation to address America’s social problems.
121. Computers were the technology that gave rise to the information age.
122. On August 28, 1963, some 250,000 demonstrators marched to Washington, D.C. Such non-violent
protests led to the Civil Rights Act.
123. In 1924, Congress passed the National Origins Act. It restricted immigration from southern and eastern
European countries. In part, the 1924 National Origins Act was a reaction to the Red Scare.
124. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) was a U.S. Supreme Court decision that
addressed affirmative action.
125. The Black codes is one example of resistance to racial equality during Reconstruction.
126. The decision of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) established that “separate but equal” laws did not violate the
US Constitution. This allowed states to enact Jim Crow laws.
127. In 1893 American imperialism extended to the islands of the Pacific when American sugar growers
orchestrated a coup to take over the government of Hawaii. In 1894 Stanford Dole was made president
of the new Republic of Hawaii.
128. For many, the election of Richard Nixon indicated the rise of the conservative movement.
129. The 2000 presidential election was determined by the vote of the Electoral College.
130. The turning point in the Anti-Vietnam War movement was the Kent State killings.
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