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Beach Park
Formal-Informal Language
In this lesson, you will learn how to use appropriate words and phrases in writing selections.
Five minute freewrite:
Writing is best when it makes use of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. For example,
which sentence gives you a better image?
1. The girl wore a red dress.
2. The tall brunette girl wore a silky, cherry red dress.
You probably chose the second sentence because it creates a more specific image in your mind. Imagery
refers to a writer's use of specific, concrete words that can be recognized by one of the five senses listed
above. These words create an emotional response in the reader. This is the effect you, as a writer, want
to achieve.
List three sights that make you happy.
List three sounds that scare or frighten you.
List three tastes that cause you to react with a "yuck!"
List three objects that give you the "creepies" when you touch them.
List three smells that make you hungry.
Beach Park
Formal-Informal Language
Formal and Informal Language
The words you choose reflect your attitude toward your subject, your attitude toward yourself, and your
attitude toward your audience. If you do not select words that are appropriate for your subject and your
audience, you will have no audience.
It is important for you to know the appropriate place to use the thousands of words in our English
The two recognized categories of the English language arestandard andnonstandard.
Standard English applies to the written and spoken language of educated people. It is the language used
in writing and speaking in professions such as business, journalism, media, law, education, medicine,
politics, engineering, and technology.
Standard English can be formal or informal.
Formal English is used in scholarly books and articles, business, scientific, and government reports, legal
writing, and early literary prose. Informal English is the language generally used in everyday speaking
and writing.
Informal English is characterized by the use of conversational, everyday words and expressions, a
generous use of contractions, and loose sentence structure. Colloquial English is associated with
informal English and is characteristic of some speech patterns used in everyday conversation.
Examples of colloquialisms include phone for telephone, exam for examination, TV for television, and
dorm for dormitory. Other colloquialisms include placeholders and utility words such as you know, sort
of, kind of, I mean, nice, funny, and great. Some colloquial verbs are come up with, check it out, get
Nonstandard English
Nonstandard English is characterized by such things as double negatives and limited vocabulary,
different pronunciations and spellings, and limited sentence structures. Nonstandard English is generally
restricted to the speech of a particular geographical area and is calledregionalism. Regionalisms include
words like fried cake, take sick, and howdy.
Regional -He toted them taters to town to sell.
General -He took the potatoes to town to sell.
Nonstandard English: -I ain't got no money.
Standard English -I have no money.
Slang words are extremely informal. Words like uptight, groovy, heavy, rip off, and happening were
popular in the 1960s. The 70s gave us such slang words as input, feedback, disco, nuke, burn-out, and
macho. The 1980s contributed such words and expressions as for sure, awesome and grody. Can you
think of examples of slang the 90s and the new century have made popular?
Slang varies with time and place. It becomes quickly dated (and outdated) and eventually fades into
history. Use slang only when it fits your purpose and audience.
Beach Park
Formal-Informal Language
A euphemism (Ù' fþ miz' þm) is a "nice" word that is used in place of one that may offend or suggest
something unpleasant. Euphemisms began in the Victorian era when direct references to the body, its
parts, and its functions were unacceptable. Supports for tables were called limbs to avoid use of the
word "leg."
Now it's your turn.
Follow the instructions in each of these assignments.
List 5 slang expressions (trendy, non-specific phrases). For example, Dude!
1. Hey, Man! I'm ticked off.
List 5 cliches(klÈ shÀz) (overworked, boring expressions). For example, tired as a dog.
1. happy as a lark, quiet as a mouse
List 5 regional expressions (words and phrases used by people from a certain geographic area). For
example, salt of the earth.
1. y'all