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 Secede: to withdraw from the Union, as 11 Southern states did between 1860-1
 Border State: Slave-owning states that did not secede from the Union, including Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland,
and Missouri
 Casualty: A person killed, wounded, or missing during the war
 Confederacy: The alliance of 11 Southern states (to form CSA)
 Union: The alliance of 23 Northern states (USA) that fought CSA
 Recruit: A soldier who has just signed up with no experience
 Drill: the process of instructing new recruits how to march and practice the military arts as a unit
 Picket: One or more soldiers responsible for guard duty, always watchful for the enemy approach
Hardtack: A ¼” to ½” thick cracker eaten by soldiers—a main staple!
Haversack: Cloth bag used by soldiers to carry rations
Artillery: Large, powerful weapons such as cannon and mortars
Cartridge Box: A leather box used by soldiers to carry ammunition (Minie balls)
Minnie Ball: Standard rifle bullet used in The Civil War—it led to staggering casualties!
Flanks: The sides of an army’s line in battle. A flanking movement is attacking the sides
Skedaddle: Slang term for retreat
Conscription: The selection of citizens for mandatory military service (draft)
Salt Pork: The most common meal ration during the war—salted pork (like pork-jerky)
Desertion: To leave one’s military post, or to run away from battle (Often punishable by death)
Deploy: To spread out armies to create a battle line
Battery: A unit of 4 or 6 cannons or a fortified position on which they are placed
Bayonet: knife-like weapon attached to the front end of a musket or rifle
Dysentery: An often-fatal disease of the human intestines caused by unsanitary conditions (resulted in the
 Scurvy: A disease caused by the lack of Vitamin C—often a result of no fruits/veggies (bleeding gums etc.)
Cavalry: Soldiers mounted on horseback. The “eyes” of the army.
Carnage: Extensive slaughter
Rations: Military term for food
Maggots: Fly eggs—Civil War soldiers discovered that these helped to cure infection
Contraband: Goods illegally traded during wartime. Slaves were sometimes called contraband during the war.
Sawbones: Slang term for a surgeon
Hornets: Slang term for bullets
Dixie: Slang term for confederacy/Also the name of a favorite song on both sides
Scabbard: A sheath for a sword, bayonet, or dagger
Treason: To betray one’s country
Greenhorn/Skunk/Bugger: Slang term for a military officer
Blowhard: Slang term for a braggart (a person who brags)
 Assassination: to murder for political reasons
 Mourn: to express or feel sorrow (for or over)
 Forfeit: to sacrifice something highly valued for the sake of someone or something considered having greater
value or claim.
 Solemn: deeply earnest, gloomy, or somber
 Telegraph: a means of communication by which electric impulses are sent over a wire
 Tyrant: a ruthless ruler or one who betrays their country