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World History semester Two final exam study guide
mr. wiggins
Listed below is the first semester class final exam schedule. The
department final exam will be given on the same day as the class final. Both
finals will be combined into one grade and account for 20% of your semester
grade. Inside this study guide packet, you will find an itemized list of terms
and topics that you may see on either, or both, finals. Remember, a wise man
once said… “Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” So, start studying
early! Good luck!
JUNE 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Period 1
Period 2
Period 4
7:30 – 9:00
9:15 – 10:45
11:00 – 12:30
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Period 3
Period 5
Period 6
7:30 – 9:00
9:15 – 10:45
11:00 – 12:30
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Period 7
Period 8
Make-up Period
7:30 – 9:00
9:15 – 10:45
11:00 – 12:30
TUESDAY = 12:40
THURSDAY = 10:55
World History
Semester 2 Final Exam Study Guide
Mr. Wiggins
*The following are a FEW of the topics you MAY see on both the department & class final
exams. You are responsible for ALL material covered in class. Do not rely solely on this study
guide for your preparation for these exams! I recommend also referring to the study guides that
were given out prior to the Unit Tests, as well as your class notes & assigned readings from the
text. Good luck!
Renaissance and Reformation
1. Who was Leonardo da Vinci and what were his accomplishments?
2. What Christian Humanist wrote Utopia and what was it about?
3. Who wrote The Prince and what was it about?
4. Who invented the printing press and how did it impact the spread of ideas?
5. Who was William Shakespeare and what were his accomplishments?
6. What Christian humanist wrote The Praise of Folly and what was it about?
7. Who was Michelangelo what was were his accomplishments?
8. Who was the early Renaissance writer who became known as the father of humanism?
9. Who was Martin Luther and what were his accomplishments?
10. In what town did the Italian Renaissance begin? Why there?
11. What did it mean to be a “Renaissance Man”?
12. What architect designed the dome of Florence’s Cathedral?
13. Who were the following: Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas More, Francesco Petrarch?
14. Who was Raphael Sanzio and what were his accomplishments?
15. What was the name of the powerful banking family in Florence?
16. What was the intellectual movement called that focused on human potential and individual
17. What were the people called that financially supported the artists during the Renaissance?
18. What were the characteristics of Renaissance art in comparison to the art of the Middle Ages?
19. Explain the ways in which the Renaissance ideas spread north from Italy.
20. The Renaissance in England was named after
21. What is meant by the phrase, “selling of indulgences?”
22. What order by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V declared Martin Luther an outlaw and heretic?
23. What did the Peace of Augsburg state and what was its purpose?
24. Describe the difference between the coming of the Reformation in England and elsewhere in Europe.
25. How did Henry VIII impact England during this time?
26. What type of church did Elizabeth I establish and why?
27. What was the Catholic Reformation?
28. Who was Ignatius of Loyola and what were his followers known as?
29. What was the goal of the Jesuit order?
30. For whom was The Prince written for?
31. Who carried out the Church’s work during the Counter Reformation?
32. What is linear perspective and how was it used during the Renaissance?
33. Who was Johann Tetzel?
34. Who was John Calvin?
35. Who was John Knox?
36. What was The Courtier about?
37. What was the Council of Trent?
38. What was the humanist movement?
39. Who were the Huguenots?
40. What was the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre?
41. What were the Five Powers of Italy?
Early Africa
42. Where is the region known as the Maghreb located?
43. In general, where were the Muslim states of Africa established?
44. Who were the Almohads and Almoravids?
45. What is the age-set system?
46. Be able to distinguish between the following empires: Ghana, Mali, & Songhai.
47. Describe how Islam spread into East Africa.
48. What do archaeologists believe the Great Enclosure of Great Zimbabwe was intended to do?
49. How did Islam spread into sub-Saharan Africa?
50. What precious mineral were the Muslims trading for the gold of the great empires of
sub-Saharan Africa?
51. What does it mean if an African society is matrilineal?
52. What are Africa’s savannas like?
53. Who was Mansa Musa?
54. What does the title “Ghana” actually mean?
55. The trade of what good made early African societies wealthy?
56. What was the source of Great Zimbabwe’s wealth?
57. Who was Mali’s first great leader?
58. How were the West African empires similar?
59. How were the Mutapa Empire and the Great Zimbabwe Empire connected?
60. What was the connection between the Songhai and Mali?
61. What is animism?
62. What was the Bantu migration and why did it occur?
63. What is the semi-arid region just south of the Sahara Desert known as?
64. What are push-pull factors?
Age of Exploration
65. What were the Europeans’ main motives for making voyages of exploration?
66. How did Prince Henry influence exploration?
67. Which European nation led the Age of Exploration? Why?
68. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas? Who was it signed by?
69. Where in the Americas did Christopher Columbus first land? Where did he think he was?
70. What type of policy did Japan impose to control the spread of foreign ideas?
71. Who was Vasco Nunez Balboa? What did he do?
72. Who was Amerigo Vespucci? What did he do?
73. Who was Vasco da Gama? What did he do?
74. Who conquered the Aztecs?
75. What were El Dorados?
76. Who was Montezuma?
77. What was the capital of the Aztecs? What city is it today?
78. Who, or what, was Quetzacoatl? Who did the Aztecs mistake for this being?
79. What internal problem helped lead to the downfall of the Inca?
80. Who defeated the Inca?
81. What was the Incan capital city?
82. Upon the defeat of the Inca, to where did Pizarro move the capital city? Why?
83. Who was Atahualpa?
84. Who was Huascar?
85. Who was Manco and who was his “puppet master”?
86. Who was Juan Ponce de Leon? What was he looking for?
87. What are mestizos?
88. What was the astrolabe, magnetic compass, and caravel?
89. What were the motives of the French in exploring and colonizing North America?
90. What was the “middle passage”?
91. Why did the Europeans consider Africans as a better labor source than Native Americans?
92. What cultural impact did Africans have on the New World?
93. Explain how Africa was impacted by the Atlantic slave trade.
94. What does it mean to have a favorable balance of trade?
95. Who was the namesake for America?
96. What was the Columbian Exchange? How did it impact the world?
97. What was the MOST significant staple crop that arrived in Europe as a consequence of the
Columbian Exchange?
98. In the end, how did Portugal come to compete with other European nations in the Age of
99. Who were the most successful of the Europeans when it came to early dealings in the Orient?
100. Who settled in Plymouth Bay?
101. What was the Trans-Atlantic trade?
102. What were the sought after trade goods from the East?
103. Who was Bartolomeu Dias?
104. What was the purpose of the Line of Demarcation?
105. What was the British East India Company? Where was it prevalent?
106. What was the Dutch East India Company? Where was it prevalent?
107. What group of islands became known as the Spice Islands?
108. Who were the first Europeans to arrive on Japanese soil?
109. Who was Commodore Matthew C. Perry and what did he do?
110. Why did China reject the Europeans’ offers to trade?
111. What is Ferdinand Magellan credited for doing? But did HE really do it? Explain.
112. What are mulattos?
113. What are mestizos?
114. Who were the founders of St. Louis?
115. What was the goal of mercantilism?
116. What European country had the strongest diplomatic relations with the Native Americans?
117. How did the French lose their land east of the Mississippi River to the British?
118. What was the encomienda?
119. The greatest number of African slaves were imported into Brazil to work where?
120. What does a cartographer do?
121. What is capitalism?
122. Who was Zheng He?
123. Why did the Europeans need slavery in the New World?
124. What was the Edict of Nantes?
125. Who was Philip II?
126. Who was Louis XIV?
127. Who was the ruling family of Austria?
128. Who was Ivan IV?
129. Who was Peter the Great? Why was he so great?
130. What was the Spanish Armada?
131. Who built the palace at Versailles?
132. Who boasted, “I am the state.”
133. Who was Jean Baptiste Colbert?
134. What political purpose did the palace at Versailles serve?
135. What was the Thirty Years’ War a conflict over?
136. What was the Peace of Wesphalia?
137. In the English Civil War, those loyal to Charles I were known as
138. How did the economy of central Europe differ from that of western Europe?
139. What was the Glorious Revolution of 1688?
140. The Times of Trouble ended in 1613 with the election of
as czar of
141. Why did the Dutch revolt in the Spanish Netherlands?
142. Why did nobles hate Cardinal Mazarin?
143. Who was the big winner in the War of Spanish Succession and received N. American territories
as well as Gibraltar?
144. Describe the absolute rule of Louis XIV.
145. What was the English Civil War about?
146. Explain the War of Austrian Succession.
147. What was a boyar?
148. What was Peter’s “Grand Embassy”?
149. What did Peter think was the key to Russian progress?
150. Who was Oliver Cromwell?
151. What did James II do while he was the King of England?
152. What was the main purpose of England’s Bill of Rights of 1689?
153. What was Peter’s reasoning for building the city of St. Petersburg?
154. How did the Dutch Netherlands differ from neighboring states?
155. Why was Ivan IV known as Ivan the Terrible?
156. How did Cardinal Richelieu work to increase the power of the Bourbon monarchy?
157. Who was the first Russian ruler to adopt the title czar, meaning “Caesar”?
158. Why did strong states form more slowly in central Europe than in western Europe?
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
159. Who was Galileo Galilei?
160. Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?
161. Who was Rene Descartes?
162. Who was Isaac Newton?
163. Who was Johannes Kepler?
164. Who was Robert Boyle?
165. Who was Francis Bacon?
166. How did Aristotle tie into the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment?
167. How did the neoclassical style or art differ from the previous Baroque style?
168. What are the steps of the scientific method?
169. What elements drove the Scientific Revolution?
170. What was the social contract?
171. Who was Montesquieu and how did he influence the U.S. Constitution?
172. Who was Thomas Hobbes?
173. Who was John Locke?
174. Who was Rousseau?
175. Who was Voltaire?
176. Who was Beccaria?
177. Who was Wollstonecraft?
178. How did Zacharias Janssen make Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries possible?
179. Who was Denis Diderot?
180. What did American colonists protest as “taxation without representation”?
181. What was the purpose of the U.S. Constitutional Convention?
182. Who wrote the U.S. Declaration of Independence?
183. Describe what the Age of Enlightenment was.
184. What was an absolute despot?
French Revolution and Napoleon
185. Describe the unrest in France that led to the Revolution.
186. Describe the Old Regime (3 Estates).
187. What group made up the First Estate?
188. What group made up the Second Estate?
189. What groups made up the Third Estate?
190. What percentage of France’s population made each Estate?
191. How did the first two Estates differ from the Third Estate?
192. How did the Enlightenment affect France during this time?
193. What was the Estates-General?
194. Who was Louis XVI?
195. What was the National Assembly?
196. What was the Tennis Court Oath?
197. What happened on July 14, 1789?
198. Why did the National Assembly lose the support of many French peasants?
199. What issue arose after the king called for the Estates-General to meet?
200. Who were the bourgeoisie and how did they differ from the rest of the Third Estate?
200. Who wrote “A Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”? What was it about?
201. Who was Olympe de Gouges?
202. Who were the Jacobins?
203. What was the Legislative Assembly?
204. Who was Jean-Paul Marat?
205. Who was Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes?
206. What was the Reign of Terror and what group imposed it?
207. What was the Committee of Public Safety?
208. Who war Georges-Jacques Danton?
209. Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
210. Who was safe from the Reign of Terror?
211. How did the Reign of Terror come to an end?
212. What executive body of five men was developed after the end of the Reign of Terror?
213. How did Napoleon come to power?
214. What is a plebiscite?
215. Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
216. What was the Napoleonic Code?
217. What was the purpose of the Continental System?
218. What was the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar?
219. Why was the Peninsular War fought?
220. What strategy did Czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon in Russia?
221. What major European power NEVER fell to Napoleon?
222. Where was Napoleon exiled to, first?
223. What was Napoleon’s Hundred Days? Were they successful?
224. Who were the sans-culottes?
225. Where did Napoleon lose his final battle before being exiled for a second time?
226. Where was Napoleon exiled to the second time?
227. What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna?
228. What was the Concert of Europe?
229. What was the purpose of the Concordant of 1801?
230. Why did Napoleon invade Russia?
231. Who were the émigrés?
232. What was the guillotine?
233. What did it mean to be “left wing” and “right wing”?
234. Who became the King of France after Napoleon was exiled in 1814?
Industrial Revolution and Imperialism
235. In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin and why?
236. How did the Agricultural Revolution spur the Industrial Revolution?
237. What was the Industrial Revolution?
238. What were the three factors of production required for industrialization?
239. What was the first area to undergo major industrialization/mechanization?
240. How did Britain attempt to keep its secrets of industrialization from the rest of the world?
241. Who were the following and what did they do: Watt, Fulton, Hargreaves, Whitney?
242. What is an entrepreneur?
243. How was transportation changed during the I.R.?
244. How did the Napoleonic Wars and French Revolution impact the industrialization of
Continental Europe?
245. Explain how the factory system came about.
246. Before the factory system developed, how were goods created?
247. What were the causes of imperialism?
248. What made Africa easy to overtake and colonize?
249. Which country of Continental Europe was the first to industrialize? How?
250. What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
251. Why was India called the “jewel in the crown”?
252. What was Social Darwinism?
253. Describe the Belgian Congo.
254. Who were the three major groups that settled in South Africa?
255. Who were the Boers?
256. What was the Great Trek?
257. What was the Boer War? Who won?
258. What was the significance of Britain controlling the Suez Canal?
259. How did the British use the Suez Canal to take over Egypt?
260. Who were the sepoys? What was the cause of the Sepoy Mutiny?
261. What was the Opium War? What did the Treaty of Nanjing declare?
262. What was the Boxer Rebellion?
263. What was the only African country to avoid European colonization? How did they do it?
264. Who was Menelik II?
265. What were the negatives and positives for colonial rule in Africa?
266. What are geopolitics?
267. What was the Crimean War?
268. How did the Europeans justify their colonization of Africa?
269. Why did the Chinese become very upset with the British?
270. How did the Meiji emperor of Japan go about modernizing Japan’s government and society?
271. What was the Taiping Rebellion?
272. What was the Open Door Policy?
273. What are the following: colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, economic
imperialism, indirect control, direct control, and assimilation?
274. Who colonized the different parts of S.E. Asia? What was so attractive about it?
275. What was the only part of S.E. Asia to avoid being colonized?
276. What countries made up French Indochina?
World War I
277. What were the M.A.I.N. reasons for the Great War?
278. What was militarism?
279. What were alliances?
280. How did imperialism contribute to the war?
281. How did nationalism contribute to the war?
282. What countries made up the Triple Alliance?
283. What countries made up the Triple Entente?
284. What was the crisis in the Balkans and how did it contribute to the outbreak of the war?
285. Who was Gavrilo Princip and why did he shoot Franz Ferdinand and Sophie?
286. What countries made up the Central Powers? Why were they called this?
287. What countries made up the Allied Powers?
288. What was the Schleiffen Plan? Did it work?
289. What was the significance of the First Battle of the Marne?
290. What was the Western Front and Eastern Front?
291. Describe trench warfare.
292. What new killing technologies emerged during World War I?
293. What were the Russian struggles during the war?
294. What was the Gallipoli Campaign?
295. How did the U.S. get involved in this war?
300. What was unrestricted submarine warfare?
301. What was the Lusitania?
302. What was the Zimmerman Note?
303. What made up the Big Four?
304. What were the Fourteen Points and who wrote them?
305. What was the Treaty of Versailles?
Russian Revolution
306. Who was Nicholas II?
307. What group made up the Proletariat?
308. Who were the Bolsheviks?
309. Who was Vladimir Lenin?
310. What was Bloody Sunday?
311. Who was Leon Trotsky?
312. What was the Bolshevik Revolution?
313. What was the Red Army and the White Army?
314. Who was Joseph Stalin?
315. What type of government is a totalitarian one like?
316. What were Stalin’s Five Year Plans and how successful were they?