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Cell Communication and Division Study Review
1. Explain the differences between eukaryotic cell division and binary fission.
2. Define the following words: chromosome, chromatin, chromatid, centriole, cytokinesis,
centromere, and kinetochore.
3. Explain the checkpoints in the cell cycle.
4. Explain the rolls of cyclin, MFP protein complex, protein kinases in cell division.
5. Describe the events that occur during the phases of mitosis.
6. How does plant cell mitosis differ from animal cell mitosis and cytokinesis
7. Describe the cell cycle, including a description of interphase. Be sure to discuss the events of the
G1, S and G2 phases.
8. Discuss a total of four internal and external cues that a cell uses to control it’s division
9. Compare and contrast the following terms in relation to cancer cells: neoplasm, tumor, benign,
malignant, metastasis, angiogensis.
10. What is the significance of the p53 gene in cellular regulation.
11. List and discuss four characteristics of cancer cells that distinguish them from normal cells.
12. What is cancer, and how can mutations cause it?
13. How are the following terms related: haploid, diploid, gametes, zygote
14. Explain the difference between Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
15. Provide a discussion of synapsis, tetrads, crossing over and the homologous chromosomes and
how it allows for genetic recombination.
16. Explain what is meant by independent assortment of chromosomes. Why is this advantageous?
17. Discuss each significant event of Meiosis !
18. Discuss each significant event of Meiosis II
19. Provide a comparison of the processes of mitosis and meiosis. Include discussions of the
following events: DNA replication, Numbers of divisions, number and genetic composition of
daughter cells, importance.
20. Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
21. Explain the following terms: ligand, G protein, cyclic AMP, protein kinase, phosphorylation,
transcription factor
22. Discuss the main steps of a signal transduction pathway.
23. What is a secondary messanger?
24. What are the differences in structure and function of steroid and peptide hormones?
25. What is homeostasis and how do hormones help to maintain it?
26. Explain how negative feedback work with hormones, and provide an example.
27. Explain how positive feedback works and provide an example.
28. Explain why hormones don’t illicit changes in all cells, and can illicit different responses in different