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English for Careers, 11e (Smith)
Chapter 2 The Parts of Speech
1) A(n) ________ names a person, place, thing, or idea.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) pronoun
Answer: A
2) A(n) ________ names a specific person, place, or thing.
A) common noun
B) proper noun
C) pronoun
D) preposition
Answer: B
3) An —ing word that acts as a noun is called a(n) ________.
A) preposition
B) gerund
C) infinitive
D) being verb
Answer: B
4) A(n) ________ refers to anything you can physically or mentally do.
A) helping verb
B) being verb
C) action verb
D) gerund
Answer: C
5) A(n) ________ describes a noun or pronoun.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adverb
D) adjective
Answer: D
6) A(n) ________ takes the place of a noun.
A) adjective
B) adverb
C) pronoun
D) preposition
Answer: C
7) Have, has, and had are examples of
A) helping verbs.
B) being verbs.
C) adverbs.
D) action verbs.
Answer: A
8) A(n) ________ describes a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: D
9) For, nor, but, and yet are examples of ________.
A) conjunctions
B) prepositions
C) interjections
D) pronouns
Answer: A
10) Words such as in, at, around, and between are examples of ________.
A) conjunctions
B) prepositions
C) interjections
D) pronouns
Answer: B
11) To run, to see, and to go are examples of ________.
A) infinitives
B) verbs
C) gerunds
D) prepositional phrases
Answer: A
Identify the part of speech or the form of a part of speech in the underlined portion of each
12) Hurricane Katrina was the costliest hurricane in US history.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: C
13) The hit-and-run driver fled from the scene.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: C
14) The hit-and-run driver fled from the scene.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: A
15) Exhausted and tired, I went home and immediately collapsed on the couch.
A) noun
B) verb
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: D
16) The coffee was lukewarm.
A) action verb
B) helping verb
C) being verb
D) infinitive
Answer: C
17) Ugh! That cough medicine tastes gross.
A) preposition
B) conjunction
C) gerund
D) interjection
Answer: D
18) I wanted to see that movie yesterday, but I didn't have time.
A) prepositional phrase
B) infinitive
C) verb
D) gerund
Answer: B
19) My friend Amanda went to the University of Florida for pharmacy school.
A) proper noun
B) common noun
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: A
20) What year did you graduate from high school?
A) proper noun
B) common noun
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: B
21) Matt has been helping me overcome some difficulties.
A) linking verb
B) action verb
C) helping verb
D) gerund
Answer: C
22) Sleeping is my favorite hobby.
A) helping verb
B) gerund
C) being verb
D) infinitive
Answer: B
23) Abraham Lincoln once stated that "government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth."
A) infinitives
B) prepositional phrases
C) common nouns
D) adjectives
Answer: B
24) You should visit New York in the winter to attend the New Year's Eve party in Time Square.
A) common noun
B) adjective
C) proper noun
D) pronoun
Answer: D
25) Because my uncle's apartment building does not have elevators, he climbs four flights of
stairs every day.
A) being verb
B) helping verb
C) action verb
D) infinitive
Answer: C
26) The yellow house down the street from me is for sale.
A) preposition
B) conjunction
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: A
27) The groundhog looked down and saw its shadow.
A) preposition
B) conjunction
C) adjective
D) adverb
Answer: D
28) The children steadily eased themselves into the cold water of the neighborhood pool.
A) common noun
B) proper noun
C) pronoun
D) adjective
Answer: C
29) Identify all the nouns in the following sentence: The parents proudly watched their little
girl perform at the ballet recital.
Answer: parents, girl, recital
30) Identify all the verbs in the following sentence: The elderly patient has been sleeping all
Answer: has been sleeping
31) Identify all the adjectives in the following sentence: The little girl licked her ice cream
sundae that had chocolate sprinkles, a sweet syrup, a yellow banana, and a red cherry.
Answer: little, ice cream, chocolate, sweet, yellow, red
32) Identify all the adverbs in the following sentence: The well-trained divers slowly climbed
the steps, steadily walked the platform, and gracefully dove into the glistening pool.
Answer: slowly, steadily, gracefully
33) Identify all the prepositional phrases in the following sentence: Some of the teenagers
from the neighborhood lit fireworks on July 4.
Answer: of the teenagers, from the neighborhood, on July 4
34) Identify all the infinitives in the following sentence: Edwin wanted to take his new
girlfriend to see the movie at the local theater.
Answer: to take, to see
35) Identify all the gerunds in the following sentence: Some people believe that editing is
easier than writing.
Answer: editing, writing