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Civil War Test
Period_________(Please Make Sure it is the Right Period, ex. 2B, not Period 2)
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. How did President Lincoln address the South in his inaugural speech?
a. He threatened to attack unless they returned to the Union.
b. He promised not to interfere with slavery where it existed.
c. He repeated his commitment to abolishing slavery.
d. He recognized the independence of the Confederacy.
2. Why did Robert E. Lee turn down command of the Union troops?
a. He believed in slavery.
b. He supported secession.
c. He refused to fight against the South.
d. He disliked President Lincoln.
3. Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus. As a result,
a. any man could be drafted into the army.
b. any person could be tried for treason and executed.
c. Southern citizens found in the North could be tried as spies.
d. a person could be imprisoned indefinitely without a trial.
4. Lincoln interpreted his reelection as a mandate to
a. make peace with the South quickly.
b. improve relations with Britain and France.
c. end slavery permanently by amending the Constitution.
d. punish Southern states for their secession from the Union.
5. To receive a pardon under Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan, Southerners had to take an oath of loyalty to the
United States and
a. promise never to secede again.
c. set up schools for freedmen.
b. accept that slavery had ended.
d. pay monetary damages.
According to the graph above, what was the area of resources where the Union states clearly held the
major advantage?
a. grain production
c. iron production
b. exports
d. railroad track
“Men fall. . . . They are bleeding, torn, and mangled. . . .The trees are splintered, crushed, and
broken, as if smitten by thunderbolts. . . .There is smoke, dust, wild talking, shouting;
hissings, howlings, explosions. It is a new, strange, unanticipated experience to the soldiers of
both armies, far different from what they thought it would be.”
–Charles Coffin, from My Days and Nights on the Battlefield
What would be the best term to describe this battlefield?
a. quiet
c. orderly
b. chaotic
d. predictable
Wade-Davis Bill
Majority of white men in former Confederate states must take an
oath of allegiance to the Union.
Former Confederate states must hold a constitutional convention
to create a new state government.
State conventions must abolish slavery, reject debts acquired in Confederacy.
Former Confederate government officials are prohibited
from voting or holding office.
According to the chart above, under the proposed terms of the Wade-Davis Bill, restrictions were
harshest on
a. citizens of former Confederate states.
b. African Americans.
c. former Confederate officials.
d. congressional delegates.
9. Which of the following states was the first to secede from the Union?
a. North Carolina
c. Arkansas
b. Tennessee
d. South Carolina
____ 10. The announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation
a. ended the war immediately.
b. freed all enslaved people in the states at war with the Union.
c. freed all enslaved people in the loyal border states.
d. amended the Constitution to free all enslaved people.
____ 11.
Study the map of the area around Vicksburg, Mississippi, to help you answer the question:Why was
capturing Vicksburg an important objective for the North?
a. Its location made it an invasion route to the North.
b. Its capture gave the North control of the Mississippi River delta.
c. It was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.
d. Its capture prevented the South from shipping its cotton to Europe.
____ 12. What did the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution prohibit?
a. war
c. secession
b. discrimination
d. slavery
____ 13. Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction called for
a. trying Confederate leaders for war crimes.
b. guaranteeing African American voting rights.
c. revolutionizing Southern institutions, habits, and manners.
d. reconciling with the South rather than punishing it.
____ 14. Which of the following was an advantage the South enjoyed over the North from the beginning of the war?
a. more merchant ships.
c. more military colleges
b. more industry
d. more miles of railroad track
____ 15. Citizens of the South suffered food shortages during the Civil War because
a. most Southern farms grew cotton, not food crops.
b. the Confederate government was sending most of the food to the troops.
c. the Confederate government was focusing its spending on weapons production.
d. the South’s transportation system had collapsed and Union troops occupied several
important agricultural regions.
____ 16.
According to the circle graph above, which of the following is the most accurate statement?
There were approximately 34 percent more casualties in the Civil War than in World War
Five times as many soldiers died in the Civil War as in previous wars.
Ten times as many soldiers died in the Civil War as in previous wars.
The number of deaths in the Revolutionary War was one-third of those of the Civil War.
Women’s Roles during Civil War
Protected homes from
bands of soldiers
Managed family
farms and businesses
Founded small
____ 17.
Worked for U.S.
providing medical
assistance and
Served as nurses to
wounded on the
Based on the diagram above, which statement below is the most accurate description of women’s roles
during the Civil War?
Women were kept from danger in the battlefield.
Women lost farms because they lacked the skills or brawn to keep them running.
Women filled roles typically carried out by men.
Women showed their vulnerability as soldiers invaded their farms.
____ 18. Who was the group that Southerners called carpetbaggers?
a. Northerners who moved to the South to take advantage of the war-torn region
b. Southerners who favored Republican plans for developing the economy
c. Southern African Americans who moved North after the war
d. white Southerners who moved out of the region to escape postwar turmoil
____ 19.
Examine the map of Military Reconstruction. Which of these former Confederate states was not part of a
military district?
a. Texas
c. Tennessee
b. Florida
d. Kentucky
____ 20. What made the capture of New Orleans an important naval victory for Union forces?
a. It gave the Union complete control of the Mississippi River.
b. It was part of the Union effort to close Southern ports and cut off their trade.
c. It prevented Great Britain from recognizing Southern independence.
d. It meant a quick end to the war by dividing the Confederacy in two.
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Gettysburg
b. Battle of Shiloh
c. Thirteenth Amendment
d. Fifteenth Amendment
e. First Battle of Bull Run
Southern Democrats
Fourteenth Amendment
Military Reconstruction Act
____ 21. supported the Dred Scott decision
____ 22. nominated Abraham Lincoln for president
____ 23. early Union defeat against “Stonewall” Jackson
____ 24. declared that no state could deny any person “equal protection of the laws”
____ 25. battle that is considered a major turning point of the war
____ 26. Southern defeat in this battle led Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
____ 27. divided the former Confederacy into five districts
____ 28. high casualties in this battle led newspapers to demand that Lincoln fire Grant
____ 29. banned slavery in the United States
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Edwin M. Stanton
b. “Stonewall” Jackson
c. Robert Anderson
d. Abraham Lincoln
e. Horace Greeley
Ulysses S. Grant
Jefferson Davis
William Tecumseh Sherman
Rutherford B. Hayes
Robert E. Lee
____ 30. led troops across Georgia and captured Atlanta
____ 31. former Mississippi senator chosen to be president of the Confederacy
____ 32. surrendered to Grant to end the Civil War
____ 33. ended Radical Reconstruction
____ 34. Andrew Johnson’s Secretary of War
____ 35. nominated for president in 1872 by Liberal Republicans
____ 36. promoted by Lincoln to lieutenant general
Short Answer (At least 3 Sentences)
“Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier who deserts, while I must not touch the hair of a wily
agitator who induces him to desert?”
—President Abraham Lincoln
Explain the meaning of the quotation within its historical context.
“You never saw a people more excited on the subject of politics than are the [African
Americans] of the South.”
–anonymous plantation manager
Why do you believe African Americans were excited about politics at this time, as the above quotation
“. . .With all my devotion to the Union and feeling of loyalty and duty of an American
citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my
children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in the
defense of my native State. . . I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword. I know you
blame me; but you must think as kindly of me as you can.”
—General Robert E. Lee
Why was Lee conflicted over the Civil War?
“In the South, the [Civil] war is what A.D. is elsewhere: they date from it.”
—Mark Twain
What does Twain mean by his statement above?
Essay (6 Sentence min.)
41. Give several reasons why Robert E. Lee decided to invade Maryland during the early part of the Civil War.
42. Describe the establishment of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the work it did.
43. What were some of the effects of the Civil War on the nation and American society?
44. Describe some of the requirements established by black codes in the South.
“As in the war, freedom was the keynote of victory, so now is universal suffrage the keynote of
—Elizabeth Cady Stanton
What does this quotation say about the different focuses of the Civil War and the period of
46. Identify some of the roles that women in the North and the South undertook during the Civil War. Other than
providing valuable service to the war effort, what do you think was the long-term impact of women assuming
so many roles after the Civil War?
47. Describe the South’s efforts to win international recognition during the Civil War. Explain the effect of the
Battles of Antietam and Gettysburg on this Southern strategy.
48. Explain the circumstances that led to the impeachment of President Johnson and its impact on the course of
Reconstruction in the South after the Civil War.
49. What made the Battle of Gettysburg an important turning point of the Civil War?
50. Describe the Southern economy that emerged from the Reconstruction period. What impact did it have on the
role of the newly freed African Americans in Southern society?