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Are we alone?
Lecture Thirty-Four, April 25, 2003
Drake Equation
Nc=Rs fp n fl fi fc L
Rs=rate of (suitable) star formation
fp=fraction of stars with planets
n=number of “Earthlike” planets per solar system
fl=fraction of “Earths” with life
fi=fraction that is intelligent
fc=fraction that develops a civilization
L=lifetime of civilization
Drake Equation
Ns = A ¢ B ¢ C
A = Astronomy = Rs¢ fp ¢ n
B = Biology = fl¢ fi
C = Civilization = fc¢ L
Are we alone?
Here’s to Us
• Who is there like us?
• Darn few and there all dead!
–Scottish toast
Lifetime of Civilization
• Many civilizations on earth come and go:
Egypt, Greece, Rome,…
• We face many man made and natural
• Vast majority of species that every lived on
earth are now extinct.
Total Extinction
• How close have we ever come to the total
extinction of all life on earth?
• A very large impact could kill all life.
– It would have to be so large that the heat
boiled away all the oceans and filled the
atmosphere with molten rock!
– Perhaps this happened very early on and life
had to start more than once.
– We don’t think there has been an impact this
large since.
Death of the dinosaurs
• A 10 km rock strikes earth about once every 100
million years.
• Does this place an upper limit on civilization
lifetime of around 100 million years?
• Impact did not kill all life. Indeed it “helped”
mammals evolve.
• Perhaps we can now deflect/ destroy such a
rock and, very likely, will be able to do so in the
Impact Basins on Moon
Great Impacts of 3.8 Billion Years
Ago Could Have Killed All Life.
• Possible to have an impact large enough to boil
all the oceans and fill atmosphere with molten
• These impacts carved great basins on Moon.
• However, most large objects now gone from
solar system (or in very stable orbits).
• Impacts this large are now very very rare (> 1
billion years between impacts).
• So rare they don’t limit our lifespan.
Painting of Moon just after Imbrium impact showing sea of melted rock.
Permian Mass Extinction
• Perhaps closet we have come to total
• 245 million years ago.
• Of order 96% of all species died!
• But important animals made it through
such as reptiles that evolved to become
dinosaurs and the first mammals.
Cambrian Explosion of Life
• Around 580 million years ago there was a great
explosion in the diversity and complexity of life.
• Organisms develop hard parts such as bones
that can leave clear fossils.
• Hard to read earlier fossil record to track major
advances and possible mass extinctions.
• Indeed Precambrian in the past meant before
life. Although we now know this to be very far
from true.
Snowball Earth
• We have evidence that about 700 million
years ago earth was covered in a global
and very deep ice age.
• Originally it was thought such an ice age
would be disastrous with no way out.
– Snow and ice reflect sun’s heat and this would
keep earth cold with no way to melt the ice.
– Apparently there was a way out.
CO2 Cycle Controls Temp.
• Volcanoes continue to put CO2 into atmosphere
even in ice world.
• However, ice covers rock. Thus no way to
capture CO2 back into the rock to make new
• Greenhouse CO2 continues to build up in
atmosphere. This finally melts ice and converts
earth from frozen to very warm.
• With ice gone, eventually high CO2 in
atmosphere recaptured into rocks.
Snowball earth and life
• Ice killed much life. However, some small
pockets survived perhaps in volcanically heated
• This was before life had evolved hard parts
(such as bones) that left clear fossils.
• Great explosion of life with great increase in
complexity and diversity occurred just after the
Other Extraterrestrial Dangers
• Nearby supernova. Massive explosion of star
could kill all nearby life.
• No known defense except to move far away.
• Low density of stars near sun suggest that a
very close supernova is very rare!
• Also worry about gamma ray burst (collapse of
very massive star to form black hole).
• Gamma Ray bursts would kill anything that
happened to be in narrow cone of two jets.
• Chance that burst is pointing at us is rare.
Massive star Eta Carinae
Evolution of Star
• When sun becomes red giant this will
certainly kill all earth life.
• Even before this, sun is becoming hotter
as it burns and in about 1 billion years it
will become so hot that the oceans will boil
away and all life on earth will end.
• Thus one optimistic estimate of a lifetime
is of order one billion years.
Sun as a red giant
Space colonization and Lifetime
• If we colonize Mars say this might protect
some life against many dangers such as a
single large impact or a disease.
• Still depend on the same sun so the sun
going red giant will kill both earth and
• Colonizing other stars may prevent total
extinction of humans and increase L.
Number in Galaxy
• Provides an estimate of distance between
civilizations thus how far one must
• Represent galaxy as a disk about 50000
Lt-years in radius.
• Area of galaxy= R2 = 7.85e9 (Lt-Y)2.
• Density of civilizations =N/A
Example N=106
• =1e6/7.85e9 = 1.3e-4 civilizations per
square Lt-Y.
• Average distance to next civilization L
•  ¼ 1/L2 assume uniform grid of
civilizations each L apart.
• Or L¼ [1/]1/2.
• L¼ 90 Lt-Years.
What makes Earth Special?
Is this a physics/ astronomy question? Or a
biological question? Or a religious
/philosophical question?
What are some of the physics that goes into
Earth having a stable climate for five billion
Are We Alone?
• Yes!
• But how can that be. All those worlds, all those Suns in
all those Galaxies.
• Why only us?
• How could the Universe be so big and so so lonely?
• What is our destiny? If we kill ourselves, what has it all
been for?
• All those worlds we can not detect. What are they for?
• “It would be a great waste of space”.
We are not alone!
• The Universe may team with intelligent life!
• Man has been here for only a few million years.
Less then one one thousandth the age of the
Universe. It is very likely that other intelligences
are much older and wiser then we.
• We are but an insignificant new comer in a vast
– What do we matter?
– What will the older and wiser races do with us?
Either Way it’s Scary
• How can we be so utterly alone!
• Or
• How can we be so insignificant. Just one
among so many countless millions.
Primitive Life
• Primitive life may be common in the Universe.
– Organic compounds may be easy to make, [Review
Miller Exp.] , and they may be common [Amino acids
found in meteorites, spectral lines from some
compounds found in space and in the atmosphere of
– Life appears to have started quickly on Earth. [What
happened quickly may be highly probable to happen
• Life is extraordinarily complicated. We don’t
understand very much about how it got started
on Earth.