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Ms Murtagh
Can anyone tell me why the Jews were waiting
for a Messiah?
Palestine in the First century was part of the
Roman Empire. The Roman occupation caused a
lot of political unrest in the country. The Jewish
population longed for the Messiah, a great
leader who would restore their freedom.
The Jews believed God spoke to them throw the prophets.
Can anyone tell me who Prophets were?
 The prophets were holy men and women who carried messages from
God. They told of God’s promise to send a great leader to guide and rule
the Jewish people.
Can anyone name a Prophet?
 Prophets such as Jeremiah and Isaiah said a descendant of King David
would rule over Israel at a future time.
 The Jews had a troubled history, several times their land was invaded and
their cities destroyed.
 They were ruled by the Persians, the Greeks, and then by the Romans.
The Jews yearned for freedom and the only thing that Kept them going was
the belief that God would send them a great leader to set them free.
The Jewish had a special name for a leader sent by
God, he was called a Messiah.
Can anyone tell me what they word Messiah means?
The word Messiah means “anointed one”.
 In ancient Judaism all new leaders, such as kings, and
high priests were anointed or blessed with oil.
Can anyone tell what this is sign off?
 It was a sign that they were chosen by God for an
important task.
 David, Israel’s greatest King, was anointed with oil at
the start of his reign. People looked back to David’s
time as a ‘Golden age’ when they were a free and
proud Jewish nation.
Many Jews expected the Messiah would be a king,
someone wealthy and powerful, like King David of
old. A great king who would secure their freedom and
make them a powerful nation once more.
 Others expected the Messiah to be a great warrior,
someone brave and courageous who would use force
to drive the Romans out of Palestine.
 Whatever their viewpoint all Jews lived in hope that a
messiah would arrive and there would be peace in
Palestine at last.
Can anyone tell me who Christians believe their
Messiah to be today?
 Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Jews
believe that their Messiah is yet to come.
Name two prophets in the Old testament?
What was the role of the prophet in the Old
Testament Times?
3. Who invaded Palestine at different times
BEFORE the time of Jesus?
4. What title did the Jews give to the great leader
they were expecting?
5. What does the title MESSIAH mean?
6. What the Jew’s expect the Messiah to be like?
7. What did they expect the Jews expect the
Messiah to do?