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Name: __________________________________
World History I
Midterm Exam Review
Mr. Williams
Room 136
1. What landform did Old Stone Age people use to migrate from Asia to North
2. What is China’s major religion?
3. What geographical feature separates India from China?
4. What is the primary religion of India?
5. Ancient Greece was located on which peninsula?
6. Scientist believe that Homo Sapiens first emerged in which part of the world?
7. True or False? Paleolithic peoples had spoken languages?
8. A hunter-gather society would most likely develop in an area where this is
9. The period of history before events were recorded is known as –
10. What was the primary change that characterized the New Stone Age?
11. Neolithic societies led to the deployment of civilizations by creating settled –
12. Types of early human housing depended on peoples adaptation to their –
13. Early people stopped roaming with the development of –
14. Scientist who study past cultures by location ad analyzing human remains or
artifacts are called –
15. What ancient civilization was built around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
16. Artifacts are –
17. The form of government in which the ruling power rests in the hands of religious
leaders is known as -
18. Where is Stonehenge?
19. What were the first tools used during the Old Stone Age?
20. What major characteristic distinguished the Hebrews from other ancient peoples?
21. Groups of people who believe in many gods practice which type of religion?
22. Who led the Hebrews in their flight from slavery in Egypt?
23. The early Hebrews people trace the beginning of their history back to which
important individual?
24. Which two rivers influenced Mesopotamia?
25. The ten basic moral laws for the Hebrews is called –
26. True or False? Egyptians were monotheistic.
27. What geographic feature was important for the development of Egyptian
28. The Great Royal Road was an achievement of which civilization?
29. True or False? The Persians had tolerance of traditions and customs of the people
they conquered.
30. The Persian Empire practiced this religion.
31. What area of the world did the Persian Empire exist?
32. True or False? The Persians developed a successful Imperial bureaucracy.
33. What two rivers influenced the ancient Indian civilization?
34. Which physical barrier separated India from China?
35. Which mountain pass provided a route to invade the Indus Valley/ Indian
36. Who came up with the concept of the number zero?
37. In India, what name was used to describe the rigid class system?
38. The sacred writings of the Aryans used in India were –
39. Hindus believed that their caste in the next life could be changed by their actions
in this life. This belief was known as –
40. What would the caste system in India determine for each individual?
41. Who was the founder of Buddhism?
42. True or False? Buddhism is polytheistic.
43. What was the major trade route that linked China to the west?
44. What was the purpose of the Great Wall of China?
45. Describe the Mandate of Heaven.
46. Which world religion spread from India to China through the teachings of early
47. How did geography influence the development of ancient Greece?
48. What were the two main Greek city-states?
49. What physical barriers influenced Greece to create city-states?
50. What Greek religion polytheistic or monotheistic?
51. Who was the goddess of war and wisdom?
52. Conflict between Athens and Sparta resulted in which war?
53. What was the main result of the Peloponnesian War?
54. Following the Persian Wars, which Greek city-state was the most dominate?
55. The “Golden Age” of Athens occurred under the leadership of this individual?
56. According to Aristotle, the best form of government was one ruled by a strong
and virtuous –
57. Who participated in the Athenian democracy?
58. The terms Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian are used to describe what architectural
59. Which Greek philosopher is considered the “Father of History?” (Hint: He is
how we know about the 300 Spartans).
60. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were ancient Greek –
61. The Empire of Alexander the Great stretched from Greece to –
62. What great Greek philosopher was the personal tutor of Alexander the Great?
63. Rome was built on seven hills on the banks of which river?
64. The major advantage of the Roman Empire was that it was located where?
65. How did the location of Rome aide the development of Rome?
66. How did the Alps in the northern area of the Italian peninsula aide Rome?
67. What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to invade the Italian peninsula?
68. The religion of ancient Rome was influenced by which civilization?
69. True or False? Roman mythology was polytheistic and based on nature?
70. Know the Greek and Roman mythology name for Zeus and Hera.
71. Members of the upper class of Rome were –
72. The democracy of Rome differed from Greece in that Rome –
73. The Republic of Rome divided its population into classes known as –
74. Rome fought three wars with which African country?
75. Because of the Punic Wars, Rome controlled which area(s)?
76. Why did Carthage become important to Rome?
77. What was a warning sign of trouble for the Roman Republic?
78. Because of the increase in the number of slaves in the Roman Republic, what
happened to the farmers of Rome?
79. True or False? The rise of Christianity helped led to the decline of the Roman
80. True or False? The Roman Empire became too big to be properly ruled by one
81. What Roman leader was declared “Dictator for Life” and died the same year?
82. What was the new world religion that began during the Roman Empire?
83. How did the apostle Paul help spread Christianity?
84. The Roman term “triumvirate” refers to –
85. Which official doctrine ended the persecution of Christians?
86. In the early years of Christianity, the final authority of the Christian Church was
87. Before the creation of the Twelve Tables, why did Roman plebeians want a
written law code?
88. What is the Pantheon?
89. What was the language of the Roman Empire?
90. The laws of Rome were known as –
91. Which principle of Roman law is used by the United States today?
92. What was new building material used by the Romans?
93. True or False? Perhaps the greatest of all Roman achievement was their
94. Did the Romans tolerate different religious believes from the people the
95. Virgil wrote this Roman literature that is today’s national epic of Italy.
96. What are the three Greek names of columns used by the Romans?
97. True or False? Great national pride was partially the downfall of the Roman
98. Which Roman Emperors tried to save and restore the power of Rome?
99. The Roman Empire was divided into two parts by which emperor?
What city became the new capital o the Roman Empire after it was moved
to Byzantium?