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I. Climate
A. The ___________________________conditions in an area _____________________ of
time, ___________________________________
1. Usually described using just _______________________________________________
a. Average
b. Range
c. Extremes – _____________________________________________
II. 5 Factors affecting climate
A. Temperature
1. Average _________________________________
2. _______________ average T
3. ______________ average T
4. __________ = _____________– _____________
a. Climates with similar average T may have widely different ranges
B. ____________________________
1. ______________________________________________________________________
C. ________________________
1._________________________________ different by ____________________
a. ___________ latitudes –___________________of solar energy, ______ temp
b. ___________ latitude –_________________ of solar energy, _______________ temp
2. _______________________ Hemisphere
a. Tilted _____________________ in winter,
1) __________ shorter, temperatures __________
2) North Pole – ___________________________
3) Southern Hemisphere __________________
b. Tilted ______________________ in summer,
1) days ___________________, temperatures _________________
2) North Pole – ________________________________
3) Southern Hemisphere ________________
3. Solar energy affects air at __________________________
a. ___________________________________ affect weather
b. _______________ cells - 3 large __________________ cells in each hemisphere
c. ______ near _____________ where air ___________________________
d. _____ near __________ lat. where air ____________________________
1) Most ____________________ in this range
e. __________ near __________ lat. where __________ air meets ___________ air +
air ___________
1) ________________ in this zone
f. _______near _________ lat. where air __________, warms some but still cold
g. Wind belts ___________________________________ as Earth’s tilt changes
D. Bodies of water
1. Water ___________________________________________ slower than land
a. Higher ________________ heat – amount of heat energy needed to raise
_______ of a substance/________________
b. __________________________________________
2. ________________________________ longer than land
3. ______________________ occurs more over ____________ so land near water has
more _________________ + more precipitation
Climate Notes 1
a. ____________________________________ warmer in winter, colder in summer
b. Land not near water heats up a lot during day, ___________________________
during night – may be huge difference ex. _________________________
4. Ocean Currents
a. Temperature of ocean current ____________________________________________
1) ______________ Atlantic current + westerly winds = higher average temperature in
b. _______________________ – periodic cycle in eastern ________________________
1) _________________________ temperature unusually ______________________
2) Changes ocean/atmosphere interaction
3) Makes ________________________________________
E. Topography
1. ____________________________________________________ influence climate
a. Elevation _____ temp ___________
1) ________________ on equatorial mountains
b. _______________________________
1) _______________ side - _______________ - mountains ________ air
causing __________________
2) Air flowing down _______________________ side of mountain is ______________
Copy Fig. 25 -5, p. 636 or this diagram.
2. ______________________ mountains create rain shadow zones
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. As you go ______________________________________________
3.. ________________________ winds
a. _________________________________________
1) Toward _____________ in summer, ___________________
2) Away from land in winter, dry weather
b. _____________________ – from _____________________ in So. California, ______
A. _______________________________ with several subclimates
1. Amount of precipitation in each zone varies
B. _________________________
1. Equatorial
2. ______________ temperatures
a. Average at least ______________
3. Subclimates
a. Tropical _________________ – lots of precipitation (average __________),
Climate Notes 2
b. Tropical ______________ – ________________________ precipitation/yr, drastic
temperature changes day/night, ___________________________________
c. ____________________ – open ________________, fairly even temperature,
alternating __________________ periods, ___________________________ plants
C. ___________________________
1. Average _____ 8º C in coldest months, average ______ 10º C in warmest months
2. Subclimates
a. __________________________________ – frequent rain (60 – 150 cm),
b. _______________________ –large precipitation range, ____________________
winters, warm, wet
summers, ____________________________________
c. Humid continental, humid subtropical - large precipitation range
1) ____________________________________ – greater temp range,
2) ____________________________________ – smaller temp range,
d. _________________________ – mild, small temp range, _______________________
D. ______________________________________
1. Average temperature near or below freezing
2. __________________________ – largest _________________________________ of
all climate (as
much as 63º C), ____________________________________
3. _____________________________ – smaller temp range, 9 months of
______________________________ temps, _______________________________
4. _______________________________ – Most land + ocean covered in ice, yearly
average temp below ______________________________, little life
E. Same temperature + climate changes as __________________________________
1. ______________________ climate - large variation in temperatures + precipitation
over ___________________ distance because of _______________________
F. _____________________________
1. The climate of a _______________________
2. Influenced by vegetation, elevation, proximity to _______________________________
a. _________________________ - In a city, pavement + buildings _________________
solar energy, raising air temperature
b ______________ vegetation doesn’t as much so temps are ________________
G. _______________________ occur in bands corresponding to _______________
1. ________________ - dry areas, sinking air, _________________________
2. ________________ – wet areas, rising air, _________________________
3. Remember bodies of water affect climate
H. Ca has __________________________, some caused by differences in
___________________ (List in Fig 6, p. C7)
A. ____________________ - scientist who studies past + present climates, predicts future
1. Looks for ___________________
2. Uses evidence of past
a. __________________ – measure gas concentrations
1) High CO2 – _____________________________
b. ___________________________ – measures 18O in fossil shells
1) High levels = __________________________________
c. Fossils – _____________________________________________________________
1) Broad leaves = ____________________________
d. ____________________
Climate Notes 3
1) ____________ rings = high precipitation, _____________________ weather
3. _____________________________________ – computer models used to study climate
B. Earth’s Climate History
1. Major changes in Earth’s surface, climate, types of organisms
2. ___________________ rock difficult to interpret since most rock _________________
a. Stromatolite fossils in Precambrian rocks show shallow seas covered much of Earth
3. __________________________ began to develop
4. Carboniferous Period – ________ climate with forests + swamps covering most of world
5. Permian Period – _____________________________
6. Earth’s surface changed dramatically during Mesozoic Era
a. ______________________________________
b. Climate warm, humid
7. _________________________________________ at end of Cretaceous Period
a. _______________ blocked sun’s rays for many years
b. Colder climate caused death of _____________________________________ species
8. Cenozoic Era - dramatic changes in _________________
a. _________________ - temperatures , new species adapted to cooler climates
b. Global temperatures ______________ at end of Eocene Epoch
c. Holocene Epoch - ice sheets melted, sea level ___________________________,
coastlines got present shapes
C. ____________________________________ of Climate Change
1. ________________________________
a. Continents ________________________________ changing wind + ocean currents
b. Temperature + precipitation patterns of continents + oceans ________________
2. _____________________________ – Milankovitch Theory
a. Shape of Earth’s ________, Earth’s _______, _________________ of Earth on its axis
3. Human Activity
a. Use of _________________________________ releases CO2 into atmosphere
b. ___________________  one of natural ways of removing CO2 from atmosphere
4. ________________________________________________
a. Sulfur + ash from large eruptions + impacts  temperatures by
b. Changes can last from few weeks to several years
D. __________________________________ of Climate Change
1. Even short-term changes in 1 area may have long-lasting effects making
_____________________________________ on Earth more difficult
2. ________________________________
a. A gradual increase in average global temperatures
b. May be from higher concentration of gases like ___________________ in atmosphere
c. Global temperatures ___________________________________________________
d. Don’t know if  is natural variation or result of _________________________
e. Can lead to __________________________________________
3. _______________________________________
a. Could melt _____________________________, raising ______________________
b. Coastal flooding – _________________________________________ affected
c.  freshwater + __________________________ land resources
d. In Ca, some of ____________________, cities around ______________, 1/3 of
__________________________ would be ___________________
4. Human intervention
a. ______________________________________ reducing pollution
b. _________________________________ projects
c. Changes in ______________________________
Climate Notes 4