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Module 2.
Inflamantory process of Maxillofacial Area (MFA)
Text test tasks
1. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
2. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
3. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. * 30.0% sol. Iodolipoli
4. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. * 10.0% sol. Etiotrasti
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
5. Orofacial infections are:
A. Common following contaminated facial laceration
B. A common source of lost working days
C. Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
D. Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
E. * B and C are correct
6. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
7. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal white
blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
8. In radiographic findings,ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
9. At what age lower limit of maxillary sinus is on one level with the bottom of the nasal
cavity? :
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. * 6 years
D. 10 years
E. 15 years
10. Pneumatic type maxillary sinus - is:
A. * Profusely developed sinus when it can spread even sprouts Maxilla
B. Small size of maxillary sinus
C. No right answer
D. Large amounts of the lower jaw;
E. All answers are true
11. Can molars of the upper jaw to cause inflammation in the maxillary sinus?
A. They can, but very rarely;
B. No, I can not
C. * They can quite often;
D. Do not cause inflammation
E. All answers are correct
12. Odontogenic antritis in children with inflammation in the bicuspid and molars of the upper
jaw appears:
A. very often
B. often
C. * rarely
D. not found
E. No right answer
13. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
14. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
15. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
E. all answers are correct
16. In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
17. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell during
puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
18. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
19. Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
20. What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
21. With uncharacteristic for lateral genyantritis?
A. Defeat from one side
B. * pour character
C. existence of a causal tooth
D. presence of punched holes in the bottom of the maxillary sinus
E. localization in the bottom, front and lateral walls
22. What is not typical for rinogenic genyantritis?
A. All answer are right
B. pour character
C. no causal tooth
D. No right answer
E. * localization in the bottom of the front and outer walls of maxillary sinus
23. What is X-ray contrast study of maxillary sinus?
A. Verohrafin
B. * Yodolipol
C. Kardiotrastom
D. Urotrastom
E. all correct answers
24. What is not typical for allergic genyantritis?
A. runs lasted
B. frequent exacerbation
C. seasonality of disease
D. rich selection of liquid fluid from the nose
E. * absence of edema and nasal mucosa
25. Acute lateral serous antritis treated by :
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
26. How it is right to treat Acute lateral serous antritis ?
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
27. What we must to do to right treating of Acute lateral serous antritis ?
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
28. Treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
29. What we must to do , if patient have acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis?
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
30. What treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
31. Treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis:
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
32. What treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis, do you know ?
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
33. What you must to do , if your patient have chronic lateral genyantritis:
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
34. What can cause inflammation of maxillary sinus?
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
E. * All answers are true;
35. What reason of inflammation of maxillary sinus , do you know?
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection
E. * All answers are true
36. The most important reason of inflammation in maxillary sinus is -:
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
E. * All answers are true
37. What teeth may cause perforation of maxillary sinus?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
38. 38. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
39. Odontogenic antritis mainly on developing:
A. * One side of the upper jaw
B. Two sides of the upper jaw
C. One side of the mandible
D. Two sides of the mandible
E. In both jaws
40. Where develop Odontogenic antritis mainly ?
A. * One side of the upper jaw
B. Two sides of the upper jaw
C. One side of the mandible
D. Two sides of the mandible
E. In both jaws
41. Why do not carry out differential diagnosis of odontogenic genyantritis?
A. From nahnoyenoyu Brush
B. With acute abscess
C. * There is no correct answer
D. In osteomyelitis of the maxilla
E. All answer are right
42. By the clinical picture antritis divided into:
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
43. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
44. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
45. Only in cases that have been refractory to aggressive treatment and to culture specific
antibiotic is hyperbaric oxygen a useful adjunct.This refractory cases benefit from hyperbaric
oxygen’s ability to oxygenate hypoxic osteomyelitic bone and enhance neutrophil and
macrophage microbial killing ability. What is the hyperbaric oxygen dose?
A. 7.2 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 50 minutes,100% once or twice daily
B. 2.4 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,100% only once per week
C. 2.6 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,150% once or twice daily
D. 2.7 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 60minutes,120% once or twice weekly
E. * 2.4 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,100% once or twice daily
46. Maxillary sinus volume in 3 summer child: ( square santimenters )
A. 0.05
B. 0.15
C. 0.5
D. 1.0
E. * 1.5
47. Up to what age a child maxillary sinus dimensions approaching the size of an adult:
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. * 6 years
D. 10 years
E. 15 years
48. At what age lower limit of maxillary sinus is on one level with the bottom of the nasal
cavity? :
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. * 6 years
D. 10 years
E. 15 years
49. At what age lower limit of maxillary sinus lies below the bottom of the nasal cavity? :
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 6 years
D. * 10 years
E. 15 years
50. Pneumatic type maxillary sinus - is:
A. * Profusely developed sinus when it can spread even sprouts Maxilla
B. Small size of maxillary sinus
C. No right answer
D. Large amounts of the lower jaw;
E. All answers are true
51. Can molars of the upper jaw to cause inflammation in the maxillary sinus?
A. No, I can not
B. They can, but very rarely;
C. * They can quite often;
D. Do not cause inflammation
E. All answers are correct
52. Surgical intervention in the alveolar can cause or exacerbate the flow genyantritis?
A. No, this does not happen
B. can, but very rarely
C. * may quite often
D. not cause
E. not allow deterioration
53. Odontogenic antritis in children with inflammation in the bicuspid and molars of the upper
jaw appears:
A. very often
B. often
C. * rarely
D. . not found
E. No right answer
54. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
55. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
56. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
E. all answers are correct
57. In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
58. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell during
puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
59. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
60. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
61. Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
62. What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
63. With uncharacteristic for lateral genyantritis?
A. defeat from one side
B. * pour character
C. existence of a causal tooth
D. presence of punched holes in the bottom of the maxillary sinus
E. localization in the bottom, front and lateral walls
64. What is not typical for rinogenic genyantritis?
A. All answer are right
B. pour character
C. no causal tooth
D. No right answer
E. * localization in the bottom of the front and outer walls of maxillary sinus
65. What is X-ray contrast study of maxillary sinus?
A. Verohrafin
B. * Yodolipol
C. Kardiotrastom
D. Urotrastom
E. all correct answers
66. What is not typical for allergic genyantritis?
A. runs lasted
B. frequent exacerbation
C. seasonality of disease
D. rich selection of liquid fluid from the nose
E. * absence of edema and nasal mucosa
67. These cysts maxillary sinus:
A. Radykulyar
B. * Retention
C. No right answer
D. Rezydual
E. All answer are right
68. These cysts arise maxillary sinus:
A. * by obturation excretory duct tubular-alveolar gland mucosa
B. no right answer
C. As a result of edema
D. as a result of the roots of molars in maxillary sinus
E. all answer are right
69. Acute lateral serous antritis treated by :
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
70. How it is right to treat Acute lateral serous antritis ?
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
71. What we must to do to right treating of Acute lateral serous antritis ?
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
72. Treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
73. What we must to do , if patient have acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis?
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
74. What treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
A. maxillary sinus puncture
B. * remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
C. haymorotomi
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
75. Treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis:
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
76. What treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis, do you know ?
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
77. What you must to do, if your patient have chronic lateral genyantritis:
A. causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
B. all answer are right
C. * remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
D. haymorotomi
E. all answers are correct
78. What can cause inflammation of maxillary sinus?
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
E. * All answers are true;
79. What reason of inflammation of maxillary sinus, do you know?
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection
E. * All answers are true
80. The most important reason of inflammation in maxillary sinus is -:
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
E. * All answers are true
81. What teeth may cause perforation of maxillary sinus?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
82. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
83. Odontogenic antritis mainly on developing:
A. * One side of the upper jaw
B. Two sides of the upper jaw
C. One side of the mandible
D. Two sides of the mandible
E. In both jaws
84. Where develop Odontogenic antritis mainly ?
A. * One side of the upper jaw
B. Two sides of the upper jaw
C. One side of the mandible
D. Two sides of the mandible
E. In both jaws
85. Why do not carry out differential diagnosis of odontogenic genyantritis?
A. From nahnoyenoyu Brush
B. With acute abscess
C. * There is no correct answer
D. In osteomyelitis of the maxilla
E. All answer are right
86. By the clinical picture antritis divided into:
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
87. How divided antritis by the clinical picture ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
88. What types of antritis do you know ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
89. Characteristic feature of acute genyantritis are:
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. No correct answer
90. Acute genyantritis characterize by :
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. No correct answer
91. When conservative treatment is used genyantritis drainage, put in his bosom a puncture hole
A. Morgagni course
B. Middle nasal course
C. * Maxilloturbinal course
D. The correct answer A, B
E. No correct answer
92. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of which is not genyantritis?
A. Haematogenous;
B. Trauma;
C. Lateral;
D. * There is no correct answer
E. Rhinogenous
93. What distinguish forms of acute genyantritis,do you know?
A. * Catarrhal, seropurulent, purulent
B. Polipoz, purulent
C. Fibrous, seropurulent, purulent
D. Catarrhal, purulent
E. Fibrous, purulent;
94. Outflow of fluid from maxillary sinus may prevent by:
A. Thickening of middle turbinate
B. Tampering of nasal septum
C. Spiked nasal septum
D. * All answers are true
E. Stenosed ostium maxillare
95. How divided antritis by the clinical picture ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
96. What form of chronic genyantritis, do you know?
A. Serous, fibrous, purulent
B. * Catarrhal, purulent, polipoz
C. Serous, polipoz
D. Catarrhal, fibrous, polipoz
E. Catarrhal, purulent
97. What types of antritis do you know ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
98. What could be more difficult like antritis?
A. Abscess or abscess tissue orbit
B. Meningitis
C. Sepsis
D. Abscess of the upper jaw
E. * All answers are true
99. What solution we use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. * All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
100. What solution we not use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. * No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
101. What research we not use for diagnosis of genyantritis ?
A. Transillumination
B. Rynoskopi
C. X-ray photo
D. * There is no correct answer
E. sinus puncture
102. Characteristic feature of acute genyantritis are:
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
103. Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon suborbital’s region are
A. Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
B. Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
C. Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve , branches II
D. No right answer
E. * Correct answer A and E
104. Odontogenic phlegmon of suborbital region characterize by:
A. Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
B. Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of suborbital area
C. Shortness of breath at the opening
D. No right answer
E. * True A, B, C
105. Acute genyantritis characterize by :
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
106. You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of suborbital region. Tactics of treatment of this
A. Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
B. Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
C. Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
D. To send the patient on admission independently
E. * Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
107. The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
A. Acute purulent antritis
B. Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
C. Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
D. Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
E. * All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
108. In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
A. Edema age
B. Pain when you click the eyeball
C. Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
D. Presence of purulent nasal Office
E. * True C and D
109. When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
A. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
B. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
C. * First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
D. First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
110. When conservative treatment is used genyantritis drainage, put in his bosom a puncture
hole in:
A. Morgagni course
B. Middle nasal course
C. * Maxilloturbinal course
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C
111. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
112. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
B. Excudative disease.
C. Excudative-haemorrhagic
D. Excudative-putrid
E. * Excudative-Purulent
113. Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
A. Kanamitsyn
B. Ampicillin
C. Penicillin
D. * Erythromycin
E. Oksatsylin
114. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of which is not genyantritis?
A. Haematogenous;
B. Trauma;
C. Lateral;
D. * There is no correct answer
E. Rhinogenous
115. Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. * The lower edge of ocular depression
C. Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
116. Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. The lower edge of ocular depression
C. * Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
117. What distinguish forms of acute genyantritis ,do you know?
A. * Catarrhal, seropurulent, purulent
B. Polipoz, purulent
C. Fibrous, seropurulent, purulent
D. Catarrhal, purulent
E. Fibrous, purulent;
118. Eye holes are outside:
A. Walls Eye fossa
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. * Lacrimal bone
E. Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
119. Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
A. Kserotomiya
B. Eversion of ever
C. * Loss of view
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Enoftalm
120. Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
A. Possible complications
B. The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
C. Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
D. Evidence of local clinical manifestations
E. * One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbone
121. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. * Angular vein phlebitis
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Hematoma of soft tissue
122. Outflow of fluid from maxillary sinus may prevent by:
A. Thickening of middle turbinate
B. Tampering of nasal septum
C. Spiked nasal septum
D. * All answers are true
E. Stenosed ostium maxillare
123. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. Facial nerve paresis
D. Hematoma of soft tissue
E. * Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
124. What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
125. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
126. What form of chronic genyantritis, do you know?
A. Serous, fibrous, purulent
B. * Catarrhal, purulent, polipoz
C. Serous, polipoz
D. Catarrhal, fibrous, polipoz
E. Catarrhal, purulent
127. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages.
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
128. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroid.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
129. What could be more difficult like antritis?
A. Abscess or abscess tissue orbit
B. Meningitis
C. Sepsis
D. Abscess of the upper jaw
E. * All answers are true
130. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
131. What dieases are complicate by of facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins ?
A. Purulent meningitis
B. * Thrombase cavernous sinus
C. No right answer
D. All answer are correct
E. Acute osteomyelitis
132. What we need to do, to prevent possible thrombosis and venous sinus face ?
A. No right answer
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. * Anticoagulant therapy
D. Vitamin
E. All answers are correct
133. In patients aged 42 years diagnosed abscess of hard palate. Select the right method to
opening of the abscess:
A. Linear
B. * Triangular
C. Trapezoid
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
134. What solution we use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. * All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
135. Men diagnosis abscess hard palate (the source of infection - 12 tooth). Which way should
apply to section abscess:
A. Puncture boil
B. Linear opening parallel to the seam hard palate
C. Line-section perpendicular to the seam hard palate
D. * Cut periosteum section of mucosa-piece
E. Removing 12 of the tooth
136. In patients diagnosed hard palate abscess, solid taste. Select the method of cutting
A. Linear incision along the ridge of alveolar process
B. Linear cut perpendicular to the middle palate seam
C. Puncture boil and suction fluid
D. Cross section
E. * Extact small area of soft tissue on the triangular points
137. What solution we not use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. * No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
138. What drainage should be used after the autopsy abscess in the first 2-3 days:
A. Turunda roll, soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
B. Rubber band
C. * Smooth tubes made of synthetic materials
D. Rubber band Turunda with gauze soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
E. No right answer
139. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
140. What research we not use for diagnosis ofgenyantritis ?
A. Transillumination
B. Rynoskopi
C. X-ray photo
D. * There is no correct answer
E. sinus puncture
141. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens often are:
A. Stafilokokk
B. Streptokokk
C. Meninhokokk
D. Pnevmokokk
E. * Anaerobes stafilokokk
142. Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon sub orbital’s region are
A. Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
B. Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
C. Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve ,branches II
D. No right answer
E. * Correct answer A and E
143. Septic process, which does not occur in the maxillofacial area:
A. Odontogenic
B. Stomatogenic
C. * Wound
D. Dermatogenic
E. No right answer
144. Beta-lactamase - an enzyme is produced by some microorganisms. His(enzyme) action?
A. Synthesize new proteins
B. Crash membrane of microorganisms
C. * Crash penicillin
D. Crash erythrocytes
E. Crash leukocytes
145. Odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region characterize by:
A. Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
146. B.
Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of sub orbital area
A. Shortness of breath at the opening
B. No right answer
C. * True A, B, C
147. Early secondary suture is:
A. Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
B. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
C. * Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
D. Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
E. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
148. You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region. Tactics of treatment of this
A. Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
B. Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
C. Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
D. To send the patient on admission independently
E. * Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
149. What disease is most often develops an acute abscess?
A. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
B. In periodontitis
C. With problematic eruption of the tooth
D. As complications of extraction
E. No right answer
150. What methodics shoud be use in the treatment of acute abscess?
A. Treat causes and tooth
B. Drug therapy
C. Make an incision in the mucous ham, in the area of the causal tooth
D. * incision of soft tissue
Do nothing
What happens patient with abscess?
* In most cases the body temperature rises
In most cases temperature is normal
No laws
Temperature near 41 0C
No right answer
The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
Acute purulent antritis
Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
* All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
No change
Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
Emerging young immature blood cells
* The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
No right answer
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess of submental area?
Covering angle of mandible
* In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
Extra oral cut
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess of phterigomandibular area?
* Covering angle of mandible
In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
Extra oral cut
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess of submasseteric area?
* Covering angle of mandible
In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
Extra oral cut
In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
Edema age
Pain when you click the eyeball
Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
Presence of purulent nasal Office
* True C and D
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess of submandibular area?
Covering angle of mandible
In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
* Extra oral cut, 2 santimeter under edge of mandible
When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
C. * First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
D. First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
160. What is the typical clinical sign of abscess of MFA?
A. Difficulty swallowing
B. Difficulty opening mouth
C. * All right answer
D. Vomiting
E. Congestion and edema of the transitional fold
161. What forms of acute abscess , do you know?
A. Limited and diffuse
B. * Serous and purulent
C. Lateral and medial
D. No right answer
E. General and local
162. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
163. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
164. Which symptom occurs when the localization of inflammatory process in the region of
the angle of mandible acute abscess?
A. Flyuktuation
B. * Inflammatory contracture
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Resorption of bone tissue
E. Symptom Vincent
165. What is the reaction to thermal factors in patients with acute suppurative periostitis?
A. The pain subsides from the cold
B. Pain exacerbated by cold
C. * The pain subsides from the heat
D. The pain is aggravated by heat
E. Condition unchanged
166. At any time left in the wound drainage after disclosure after abscess?
A. 1-2 days
B. 3-4 days
C. 5-6 days
D. 6-7 days
E. * 1-2 weeks
167. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
B. Excudative disease.
C. Excudative-haemorrhagic
D. Excudative-putrid
E. * Excudative-Purulent
168. What is the doctor's tactics in acute purulent odontogenic abscess?
A. Endodontic intervention
B. Therapeutic exercise
C. General therapy
D. * Disclosure abscess, followed by possible removal of tooth
E. Do nothing
169. At what location of subbone abscess, Occurs symptom of Vincent?
A. As part of the lower incisors
B. * As part of mandibular molars
C. As part of bicuspid upper jaw
D. As part of the upper jaw molars
E. As part of the upper incisors
170. The patient complains of swelling in the mouth, pain in the left upper jaw tooth. Swelling
observed with days ago. Diagnosed: Abscess palate. How do you spend disclosure abscess in
this case?
A. * Triangle cut
B. Linear cut in sahitali
C. Linear cut in transverzali
D. Puncture abscess
E. Puncture
171. What is the doctor's tactics in the treatment of acute serous lateral abscess?
A. Appointment of symptomatic treatment
B. Periostotomi
C. Required removal of a tooth
D. Perapical therapy
E. * Remove the causal tooth, symptomatic treatment
172. Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
A. Kanamitsyn
B. Ampicillin
C. Penicillin
D. * Erythromycin
E. Oksatsylin
173. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediastenitis
B. Periostitis
C. * Abscesses and phlegmons of MFA
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
174. What we must to use if we want chek the state of apical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
175. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
176. Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. * The lower edge of ocular depression
C. Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
177. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes, painful, elastic, mobil
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful
D. slightly larger and slightly painful
E. there is no correct answer
178. How offend meet furuncles and carbuncles of MFA are:
A. 40%.
B. * 30%.
C. 60%.
D. 45%
E. 80%.
179. What kind of microorganism caused furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. * Streptococcus.
B. Golden streptococcus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Enteropol.
E. Yeast fungi
180. Depending on the nature of the clinical course lymphadenitis is divided into:
A. lateral, rhinogenous, otogenic, stomatogenic
B. * acute, chronic
C. specific and nonspecific
D. primary and secondary
E. all answer are right
181. Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. The lower edge of ocular depression
C. * Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
182. Which lymph nodes are often inflamate when patient have tuberculosis lymphadenitis:
A. * Neck
B. Parotid
C. Bucal
D. Submental
E. All answer are right
183. Is it possible to overlay on the primary wound stitches after dissection complicated forms
A. Possible
B. That in some cases
C. * Impossible
D. No correct answer
E. possible in 2 days later
184. What kind of furunculs is often complicated by angular vein thrombophlebitis face?
A. * upper lip, angle of mouth, and peryorbital region
B. cheek-chewing and parotid region.
nose and the outer corner of eye
All answer are right
Eye holes are outside:
Walls Eye fossa
No right answer
All answer are right
* Lacrimal bone
Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
What is the structure of pyogenic membrane that surrounds the furuncles and carbuncles:
solid, but thin membranes
solid and thick membranes
* reticulation
it does not exist at all
no correct answer
Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
Eversion of ever
* Loss of view
Facial nerve paresis
What period of anthrax:
5-7 days
8-10 days
12-14 days
* 15-18 days
No correct answer
Carbuncules - is:
acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
* acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and
sebaceous asces
C. glands, which extends to the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue
D. serous inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
E. serous inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and sebaceous glands
190. Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
A. Possible complications
B. The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
C. Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
D. Evidence of local clinical manifestations
E. * One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbone
191. Female treated at the furuncle of the left cheek. Suddenly the patient's condition
worsened. Appeared with severe headache, high body temperature, increased swelling of the
cheeks with dense infiltration What complications developed in this patient?
A. * Facial vein thrombophlebitis
B. No right answer
C. acute purulent antritis
D. Limyfanhoit
E. wildfire
192. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. * Angular vein phlebitis
Facial nerve paresis
Hematoma of soft tissue
The main method of t reatment of chronic purulent lymphadenitis is:
Lymph node puncture
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Drug therapy
* Removing lymph node
All answers are correct
Adenophlegmon is -:
Preceding the development of abscess
Is the particular disease
No right answer
* Is the further progression lymphadenitis
All answers are correct
Furuncle is -:
Acute purulent inflammation of sweat glands
* Acute purulent inflammation of hair follicles
Chronic inflammation of the skin
No right answer
All answer are right
The most dangerous localization of foruncle is:
Hair of head
* Nasolabial triangle
Inframaxillary area
Chewing area
All answers are correct
Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
Facial nerve paresis
Hematoma of soft tissue
* Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
What complication can be if patient have facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins of face
Purulent meningitis
* Thrombase cavernous sinus
Acute osteomyelitis in jaw
All answers are correct
What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
* Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
More often furuncles developing:
* The youth ful age (14-18 years);
In old age (over 50 years);
At the age of 20-40 years;
At any age equally often;
All answers are correct
Promotes the emergence of furuncles:
Stomach ulcer
B. Chronic inflammation of the lungs
C. Concomitant disease do not matter
D. * Diabetes
E. All answers are correct
202. Complications of furuncle it is result of :
A. Virulence microorganisms
B. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin
C. * Feature venous outflow
D. The feature of arterial bleeding
E. All answers are correct
203. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
204. The main method of treatment of furuncle is -:
A. General therapy
B. * Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy
C. Physiotherapy;
D. Surgical intervention
E. All answers are correct
205. How many lymph nodes located at submental region:
A. * From 1-3 to 8-10
B. No more than 2
C. More 10-12
D. No one
E. No correct answer
206. Supramandible lymph nodes receive lymph from:
A. Molar upper jaw, nose, upper and lower lip
B. Bicuspid and molar of mandible, nose, upper and lower lip
C. * Molar and bicuspid both jaws, nose, upper and lower lip
D. Molar upper jaw, upper and lower lip
E. No right answer
207. At what age finish the final formation of lymph nodes:
A. 2-3 years
B. 4-6 years
C. 6-8 years
D. 8-10 years
E. * 10-12 years
208. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages.
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
209. Peryadenit is:
A. Serous inflammation of the lymph node
B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node
C. * Serosal infiltration of tissues around the inflammatory changed node
D. Purulent inflammation of the tissues around the inflammatory changed node
E. No correct answer
210. What is Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
211. How to call lymphadenitis if he haven’t etiological reason ?
A. Not odontogenic
B. Specific
C. Nonspecific
D. * Primary
E. Secondar
212. What is the diagnostic method allows us, to made differential diagnostic chronic
lymphadenitis of dermoid and epidermoid cysts face?
A. * Puncture
B. Sialohrafiya
C. Biopsy
D. Blood testing
E. No right answer
213. What microorganism often causing furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. Monoculture streptococci
B. * Monoculture staphylococcus
C. Monoculture protein
D. Association and staphylococcus protein
E. Association of staphylococcus and streptococcus
214. At what age are often found furuncles and carbuncles?
A. Children
B. Youthful
C. * Young
D. Mature
E. Elderly
215. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
216. What complications of furuncles or carbuncles is contributing factor of phlebitis and
thrombophlebitis of facial veins?
A. Ostiofolikulit
B. Deep limfanhoyit
C. Suppurative lymphadenitis
D. Peryadenit
E. * Heylit
217. What are the typical signs of syphilitic lymphadenitis?
A. * Significant hardness lymph node, positive Wassermann reaction , in punctate pale
B. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-negative
C. Suppurating lymph nodes
D. In no pale punctate treponem, RW-negative
E. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-positive
218. Delayed tooth can be complicated:
A. Parotitis
B. Caries
C. Epulisom
D. * Lymphadenitis
E. No right answer
219. Delayed tooth can be complicated:
A. Parotitis
B. Caries
C. Epulisom
D. * Phlegmon
E. No right answer
220. Delayed tooth can be complicated by :
A. Parotitis
B. Caries
C. Epulisom
D. * Abscess
E. No right answer
221. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
222. Early secondary suture is:
A. Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
B. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
C. * Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
D. without the prior vysichennya granulation
E. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
223. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
224. Late secondary suture is:
A. Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
B. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
C. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
D. * Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
E. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
225. Impressions to the use of primary joints:
A. Failure removal of viable tissue.
B. Expressions of inflammatory skin changes
C. Advanced age
D. When osteogenic processes
E. * Limited inflammation of the lymph nodes
226. Ttrophic to the bone has:
* Lincomycin
Errors in the treatment of abscess related:
* With the appointment of antibiotics without determining susceptibility to these
microorganisms, improper disclosure of abscess and its drainage
B. With the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotic
C. From the early disclosure of purulent foci
D. Since drainage of purulent foci silicone drainage pipe
E. For the detoxification and anti Inflammation therapy
228. For generalization of infection requires a critical level of bacterial cells :
A. 100 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
B. 1000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
C. 10000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
D. * 100000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
E. 1000000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
229. How offend meet Furuncles and carbuncles are:
A. 40%.
B. * 30%.
C. 60%.
D. 45%
E. 80%.
230. Outbreak characteristic:
A. Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. * Phlegmon
D. Lymphadenitis
E. No right answer
231. What kind of microorganism Caused furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. * Streptococcus.
B. Golden streptococcus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Enteropol.
E. Yeast fungi
232. Overall condition was changed to:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess.
C. Phlegmon.
D. Glandular abscess
E. No right answer
233. Subfebril body temperature often occur when:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. Phlegmon
D. Glandular abscess
E. Mediastenit
234. What diseases have : Thick, gray secretory with an unpleasant smell and a little touch of
manure ?
A. Edema.
B. Infiltration
C. Abscess
D. * Phlegmon.
E. Lymphadenitis
235. Treating carbuncles or furuncles type:
A. 0,2% lidocain
B. * 0,5% novocaine
C. 0,4% lidocain
D. 0,2% novocaine
E. 10% lidocain
236. In what cases Endoflebit not developing ?
A. lower reactivity of the organism
B. deceleration of blood flow
C. venous wall damage
D. change of the blood
E. * transition of the inflammatory process of surrounding tissues
237. Reduction of smooth muscle cells of lymph nodes leads to:
A. increase of lymph node lymph stasis
B. * Reduction of volume . lymph node push lymph
C. volume of lymph node and lymph movement is changing
D. increase of lymph node
E. lymph node volume reduction
238. When suppuration of the soft tissues in the face of an inflammatory process goes on Sinus
brain often by:
A. veni angular face
B. facial artery
C. * anastomosis of facial veins
D. transverse artery of face
E. temporal veni
239. Depending on the nature of the clinical course lymphadenitis is divided into:
A. lateral, rhinogenous, otogenic, stomatogenic
B. * acute, chronic and chronic, which escalated
C. specific and nonspecific
D. primary and secondary
E. Purulent and serous
240. Is it possible to overlay on the primary wound stitches after dissection complicated forms
A. Possible
B. That in some cases
C. * impossible
D. No correct answer
E. possible in 2 days later
241. What is the structure of pyogenic membrane that surrounds the furuncles and carbuncles:
A. solid, but thin membranes
B. solid and thick membranes
C. * Reticulation
D. it does not exist at all
E. No correct answer
242. What period of anthrax:
A. 5-7 days
B. 8-10 days
C. 12-14 days
D. * 15-18 days
E. No correct answer
243. in what cases we can see infiltration of Ever ?
A. * thrombophlebitis facial veins
B. No right answer
C. boil
D. anthrax
E. Siberian ulcer
244. Painful infiltration occurs if:
A. Boil
B. Anthrax
C. * Angular vein thrombophlebitis
D. No right answer
E. Nomi
245. When angular vein thrombophlebitis of face, body temperature in the pathological foci
increases to:
A. 0.5 degrees
B. 0,5-1,0 degrees
C. * 1,5-2,5 degrees
D. 3-4 degrees
E. No right answer
246. Expansion of pupil and oculi veins occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
247. Paresis of nerve “oculomotorius” may occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
248. What disease characterize by Symptoms Gerko, Ivanova, Rawicz-Shcherba ?
A. phlegmon bottom mouth
B. pneumonia
C. * mediastenitis
D. sepsis
E. no right answer
249. When passive shift trachea amplified retrosternal pain, dyspnea and dysphagia. This
A. Popova;
B. Gerko;
C. Rawicz-Shcherba
D. * Rutenburha-Revuc'kogo
E. No right answer
250. Symptom Ridinhera - is:
A. retrosternal pain
B. pain intensifies stress neurovascular bundle up the neck
C. * pain intensifies when you try to swallow food or during deep inspiration
D. long stiff muscles
E. no right answer
251. Synonym of septicemia:
A. permanent bakteriemiya with purulent metastases
B. bakteriemiya pus without metastases
C. * toxemia
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
252. Hallmark inframaxillary lymphadenitis is:
A. Presence of painful infiltration in inframaxillary site
B. Dermahemia;
C. * Painful round tumor
D. Multitude round painless tumors in inframaxillary site
E. All answers are correct.
253. Stages of DIC-syndrome:
A. hipokoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
B. hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
C. hipokoahulyatsiyi, hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
D. * hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
E. no right answer
254. The primary method of diagnosis of chronic lymphadenitis is:
A. * Tapping suspected neoplasm
B. Limfohrafiya
C. Complete blood count
D. Workup
E. All answers are correct
255. To expedite the clearance of purulent wounds appoint:
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsion
256. Token favorable trends in the process of bullet wounds cytological study of patients with
odontogenic phlegmon SCHLD are:
A. * The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
257. The main method of treatment of purulent lymphadenitis is:
A. Lymph node puncture
B. Physiotherapeutic treatment
C. Drug therapy
D. * Removing lymph node
E. All answers are correct
258. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
259. Phlegmonous adenitis is-:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. No right answer
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
260. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
261. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroid:
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
262. Furuncle is -:
A. Acute purulent inflammation of sweat glands
B. * Acute purulent inflammation of hair follicles
C. Chronic inflammation of the skin
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
263. The most dangerous localization of furuncle is:
A. Hair of head
B. * Plot nasolabial triangle
C. Inframaxillary area
D. chewing area
E. All answers are correct
264. Promotes the emergence of furuncles:
A. Stomach ulcer
B. Chronic inflammation of the lungs
C. Concomitant disease do not matter
D. * Diabetes
E. All answers are correct
265. Complications of furuncle it is result of :
A. Virulence microorganisms
B. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin
C. * Feature venous outflow
D. The feature of arterial bleeding
E. All answers are correct
266. The main method of treatment of furuncle is -:
A. General therapy
B. * Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy
C. Physiotherapy;
D. Surgical intervention
E. All answers are correct
267. How many lymph nodes located at submental region:
A. * From 1-3 to 8-10
B. No more than 2
C. More 10-12
D. No one
E. No correct answer
Supra mandible lymph nodes receive lymph from:
Molar upper jaw, nose, upper and lower lip
Bicuspid and molar of mandible, nose, upper and lower lip
* Molar and bicuspid both jaws, nose, upper and lower lip
Molar upper jaw, upper and lower lip
No right answer
At what age finish the final formation of lymph nodes:
2-3 years
4-6 years
6-8 years
8-10 years
* 10-12 years
Peryadenit is:
Serous inflammation of the lymph node
Purulent inflammation of the lymph node
* Serosal infiltration of tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
Purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
No correct answer
How to call lymphadenitis if he haven’t etiological reason ?
Not odontogenic
* Primary
What microorganism often causing furuncles and carbuncles ?
Monoculture streptococci
* Monoculture staphylococcus
Monoculture protein
Association and staphylococcus protein
Association of staphylococcus and streptococcus
At what age are often found furuncles and carbuncles?
* Young
What are the typical signs of syphilitic lymphadenitis?
* Significant hardness lymph node positive Wassermann reaction in punctate pale
Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-negative
Suppurating lymph nodes
In no pale punctate treponem, RW-negative
Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-positive
Ttrophic to the bone has:
* Lincomycin hilrohloryd
Errors in the treatment of abscess related:
* With the appointment of antibiotics without determining susceptibility to these
microorganisms, improper disclosure of abscess and its drainage
B. With the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotic
C. From the early disclosure of purulent foci
D. Since drainage of purulent foci silicone drainage pipe
E. For the detoxification and anti Inflammation therapy
277. For generalization of infection requires a critical level of bacterial cells :
A. 100 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
B. 1000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
C. 10000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
D. * 100000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
E. 1000000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
278. Subfebril body temperature often occur when:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. Phlegmon
D. Glandular abscess
E. Mediastenit
279. What diseases have : Thick, gray secretory with an unpleasant smell and a little touch of
manure ?
A. Edema.
B. Infiltration
C. Abscess
D. * Phlegmon.
E. Lymphadenitis.
280. Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
281. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
282. Most often the bottom of maxillary sinus perforation occurs when you remove:
A. Upper incisors
B. Upper incisors and cuter tooth
C. * Upper molars and bicuspid;
D. Upper cuter and bicuspid
E. All answers are true
283. Token bottom of maxillary sinus perforation is:
A. Epistaxis
B. Bleeding from the hole
C. Alveolar rupture appendix
D. * Select from the hole foam blood
E. All answers are true
284. Diagnosis of perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus put under:
A. Patient complaints
B. Clinical data
C. X-ray pictures
D. * Clinical and x-ray picture
E. Data anamnesis
285. At the bottom of the maxillary sinus perforation after removal of the tooth and the
presence of inflammatory processes it is necessary:
A. Conduct haymorotomi
B. Dynamic monitoring
C. Antiseptic wash shirt
D. * Tamponade hole yodidi pad
E. Close hole punched flap of cheek
286. At the bottom of the maxillary sinus perforation after removal of the tooth and the
absence of inflammatory phenomena it is necessary:
A. Conduct haymorotomi
B. Dynamic monitorinп
C. Antiseptic wash shirt
D. Tamponade hole yodoform pad
E. * Close hole punched flap of cheek
287. When formed lateral maxillary sinus fistula will show:
A. Physiotherapy
B. Haymorotomi
C. Vysichennya badger
D. Sinus lavage antiseptic
E. * Haymorotomiya with plastic overnight badger
288. To resolve communication maxillary sinus with oral tissues are used:
A. Filatov stem
B. Mucous membrane of cheeks
C. Mucosa of the upper lip
D. Mucosal surface of the vestibular alveolar appendix
E. * Mucosal surface of the vestibular alveolar appendix and cheeks
289. Early local complications after radical haymorotomii and plastic are:
A. Lockjaw
B. * Nosebleed
C. Zygomatic strain region
D. Paresis boundary branch n.facialis
E. All answers are true
290. To accelerate epithelial wound plastic fistula after maxillary sinus locally appointed:
A. Massage
B. * Laser therapy
C. No right answer
D. Electro-dermal therapy
E. All answers are true
291. To expedite the clearance of purulent wounds appoint:
A. * UHF
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. No right answer
292. Most often the bottom of maxillary sinus perforation occurs when uninstalling:
A. 21 І 12 teeth
B. 321 І 123 teeth
C. * 87654 І 45678 teeth
D. 876543 І 345678 teeth
E. 543 І 345 teeth
293. Signs characteristic of acute odontogenic anamnesis genyantritis are:
A. * All are listed below
B. Sharp Top
C. Feeling lengthened teeth on the side of lesion
D. Attenuation of smell
E. Painting II neuralgia trigeminal nerve branches
294. For the diagnosis of acute lateral antritis required the following survey:
A. Transillumination
B. Radioscopy
C. Electric pulp of teeth
D. Endonasal research
E. * The correct answer C, D
295. Which research method should be used to assess chewing function?
A. Radiography
B. Thermometry
C. Tomography
D. * Mastikatsiohrafi
E. Thermography
296. Which method are used to exam tissues near apex of the tooth?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * X-ray
297. Which study should be carried out to assess the contractile function of masticatory
A. X-ray
B. * Hnatodynamometriya
C. Tomography
D. Thermometry
E. Thermography
298. Which method exam soft tissues near apex of the tooth?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. * Elektroodonometri
E. Polls
299. What is the path of transmission, where infection transmitted through the suture material
or other materials that remain in the wound?
A. Contact direct
B. Indirect contact
C. * Implantation
D. Breezing
E. Dust
300. What to do with the bottom of the perforation maxillary sinus after removal of the tooth
and the absence of inflammatory processes in it?
A. Conduct haymorotomiy
B. Dynamic observation
C. Rinse lap antiseptic
D. * Close hole punched flap of cheek
E. Do nothing
301. What is the most characteristic symptom in the detection of demage of maxillary sinus ?
A. Sharp pain in maxilla region
B. * Positive oral- nasal test
C. Pathological mobility of alveolar appendix
D. No discharge from the bladder
E. No right answer
302. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
303. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
304. Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
A. Osteomieliotis
B. sharp Periodontitis
C. chronic Periodontitis
D. tuberculosis
E. * B and C are correct
305. How is looking clinic in periostitis?
A. pain in the tooth , ear
B. pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
C. * pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
306. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
307. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
308. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
B. periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
C. only body of the jaw
D. inflammation of the bone
E. non of the above
309. Periostitis is classifeid into?
acute and sub acute
sub acute and chronic
sharp and sub acute
* acute and chronic
non of the above
Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
ifections odontogenical
infection stomatogenical and trauma
* C and D are correct
Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
fibrinotic and simple
simple and ossificial
* simple , ossificial and ravicular
non of the above
Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
* pus-forming bacteria
A and B are correct
pneumococcal bacteria
How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
E. * B and C are correct
320. Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
A. acute osteomilelitis
B. Periodontitis
C. Peritonitis
D. * Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
E. non of the above
321. Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
A. * inflammatory area of spongiosa
B. streptococci.
C. ECHO viruses
D. Staphylococc
E. and D are correct
322. Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
A. antibiotic therapy
B. extraction of the tooth
C. mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
D. * all of the above are correct
E. non of the above is correct
323. Remission of the lesion is expected within?
A. 3-4months
B. one year
C. 9months
D. up to 2 years
E. * 2-6months
324. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
325. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
326. Patients with suppurative osteomyelitis will present with some or all of the signs of
inflammation and a warmth over the underlying tissues. Which of the following signs are
most correct?
A. Swelling,limited motion,temperature,cough
B. Swelling,limited motion,erythema,temperature
C. * Swelling ,limited motion,erythema,pain
D. Redness, limited motion,erythema,Swelling
E. All of the answers are correct
327. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal
white blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
328. Which among the choices fall in the list of causes?
A. Extension of dentoalveolar infection
B. * Complication of a fracture and failed root canal treatment
C. Cysts and infections from extraction sockets
D. Both A and C and blood pathogens
E. All of the answers are correct
329. In most cases of suppurative osteomyelitis,the mandible is mostly affected with
occassionally oral-cutaneous,oral-antral or oraonasal fistulas resulting. In some cases bacteria
induced vessel thrombosis create an?
A. Blockage of the blood flow to the mandile area
B. * Ischemic neuropathy causing lip paresthesias
C. Ischemic damage of the small facial vessels
D. Ischemic thrombosis of the lip and jaws
E. Blockage and ischemia of facial vessels
330. In radiographic findings, ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
331. In differential diagnosis which of the following pathologies are differentiated from
osteomyelitis causing destruction of bone in a similar pattern and produce enough tumor
related necrosis mimicking osteomyelitis?
A. Erwing sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Non-Hodgkin lyphoma of bone
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. * All are correct
332. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
333. The use of internal fixation plates in such infected tissue beds unless a resection type of
debridement is undertaken.Therfore if osteomyelitis affects the mandible what is undertaken?
A. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
B. * Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
C. Mobilization with mandibulomaxilla fixation or internal skeletal pins
D. Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
E. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
334. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
335. Only in cases that have been refractory to aggressive treatment and to culture specific
antibiotic is hyperbaric oxygen a useful adjunct.This refractory cases benefit from hyperbaric
oxygen’s ability to oxygenate hypoxic osteomyelitic bone and enhance neutrophil and
macrophage microbial killing ability. What is the hyperbaric oxygen dose?
A. 7.2 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 50 minutes,100% once or twice daily
B. 2.4 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,100% only once per week
C. 2.6 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,150% once or twice daily
D. 2.7 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 60minutes,120% once or twice weekly
E. * 2.4 atmosphere of absolute pressure (ATA) for 90minutes,100% once or twice daily
336. Histopathological features seen for osteomyelitis involves all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Internal bone marrow with vascular thrombosis
C. * Edema of bone tissues
D. Necrotic bone
E. Only B and D
337. The following can be causes of periostitis EXCEPT?
A. Yaws
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. * Metastatic Carcinoma
E. Endodontic origin
338. Management of periostitis involves;
A. * Removal of source of infection and antibotic treatment
B. There is no cure for this disease due to antibiotic resistance
C. Only surgical intervention with no antibiotics
D. Root canal treatment
E. Answers A and D
339. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the infection in periostitis
takes place?
A. It spreads through bony structures of mandible with periosteal reaction or perforation of
cortical plate
B. It spread through cortical plate only with no perforation or periostel reaction of the
mandible bone
C. Its can either happen as described in answer A or B
D. * Only A correctly describes
E. None of the above correctly describes
340. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis is a clinical radiographic variant of chronic
osteomyelitis found in young individuals because of their;
A. Low resistance, increased blood suppy, and less bone regenrative capabilities
B. Low resistance, decreased blood supply and less bone regenerative capabilities
C. * High resistance,increased blood supply, and high bone regenerative capabilities
D. High resistance, increades blood suppy,and less bone regenerative capabilities
E. None of the above
341. During patient examination different methods are used so as to diagnose and come up
with the right patient treatment.Which of the following best describes periostitis?
A. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painful
on both inside and outside with swelling on the vestibular side
B. * During palpation of process alveolaris,pain is felt only outside,during percussion only
the sick tooth is painful and swelling is on the vestibular
C. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painless
on both inside and outside with swelling on oral surface only
D. All of the above are possible
E. Only A is the most correct describing periostitis
342. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis presents most often in child or teenager
associated with an apical infection in a mandibular posterior teeth.It does not seem occur in
maxilla.Which best describes the expansion?
A. * Expansion is soft and spongy,very painful or tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
no erythema
B. Expansion is hard and spongy, painless though thender to palpation,without pus,drainge
and no erythema
C. Expansion is hard and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainage or
D. Expansion is hard and usually painful and tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
E. Expansion is soft and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainge or
343. During radiographic findings in periostitis what should one look out for?
A. What clinically seems to be an expanded cortex and is not, its deposition of extracortical
new bone
B. * Extracortical bone with a trabecular bone pattern appearing as onion skin pattern
C. Extracortical new born forming outside an intact cortex
D. Extracortical new bone with a destroyed cortex and an intramedullary radiopacities
E. Answers A,B, and C are correct
344. The following describes various treatment of periostitis which of them is most
A. Surgical incision of the periostium, use of rubber drainage and 10day course of antibiotics
and antianalgesics
B. Surgical excision of the mucous membrane,using of rubber drainage,10 day course of
antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
C. * Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by either extraction or
root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
D. Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by not extracting or
doing root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
E. None of them is appropriate
345. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
346. Maxillary sinus volume in the newborn: ( square santimenters )
A. 0.05
B. * 0.15
C. 0.5
D. 1.0
E. 1.5
347. Maxillary sinus volume in 3 summer child: ( square santimenters )
A. 0.05
B. 0.15
C. 0.5
D. 1.0
E. * 1.5
348. Up to what age a child maxillary sinus dimensions approaching the size of an adult:
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. * 6 years
D. 10 years
E. 15 years
349. At what age lower limit of maxillary sinus is on one level with the bottom of the nasal
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. * 6 years
D. 10 years
E. 15 years
350. At what age lower limit of maxillary sinus lies below the bottom of the nasal cavity? :
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 6 years
D. * 10 years
E. 15 years
351. Pneumatic type maxillary sinus - is:
A. * Profusely developed sinus when it can spread even sprouts Maxilla
B. Small size of maxillary sinus
C. No right answer
D. Large amounts of the lower jaw;
E. All answers are true
352. Can molars of the upper jaw to cause inflammation in the maxillary sinus?
A. No, I can not
B. They can, but very rarely;
C. * They can quite often;
D. Do not cause inflammation
E. All answers are correct
353. Surgical intervention in the alveolar can cause or exacerbate the flow genyantritis?
A. No, this does not happen
B. can, but very rarely
C. * may quite often
D. not cause
E. not allow deterioration
354. Odontogenic antritis in children with inflammation in the bicuspid and molars of the
upper jaw appears:
A. very often
B. often
C. * rarely
D. . not found
E. No right answer
355. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
356. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
357. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
E. all answers are correct
358. In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
359. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell
during puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
360. Feature lateral genyantritis:
A. often has a sharp flow
B. often have primary chronic flow
C. must have a sense of weight in the upper jaw
D. no right answer
E. often has a chronic flow
361. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
362. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
363. Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
364. What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
365. With uncharacteristic for lateral genyantritis?
A. Defeat from one side
B. * pour character
C. existence of a causal tooth
D. . presence of punched holes in the bottom of the maxillary sinus
E. . localization in the bottom, front and lateral walls
366. What is not typical for rinogenic genyantritis?
A. All answer are right
B. pour character
C. no causal tooth
D. No right answer
E. * localization in the bottom of the front and outer walls of maxillary sinus
367. What is X-ray contrast study of maxillary sinus?
A. Verohrafin
B. * Yodolipol
C. Kardiotrastom
D. Urotrastom
E. all correct answers
368. What is not typical for allergic genyantritis?
A. runs lasted
B. frequent exacerbation
C. seasonality of disease
D. rich selection of liquid fluid from the nose
E. * absence of edema and nasal mucosa
369. These cysts maxillary sinus:
A. Radykulyar
B. * Retention
C. No right answer
D. Rezydual
E. All answer are right
370. These cysts arise maxillary sinus:
A. * by obturation excretory duct tubular-alveolar gland mucosa
B. no right answer
C. As a result of edema
D. as a result of the roots of molars in maxillary sinus
E. all answer are right
371. in what proection we must made x-ray photo to made differential diagnostic between
retention of the tooth and radikulyar cysts of maxillary sinus?
A. side shot
overview of the upper jaw
no right answer
all answer are right
What is not typical for malignant tumors of the upper jaw?
pains are persistent nature
terrible smell discharge from the nose
* presence of impurities in the selection of blood
existence of a causal tooth
Acute lateral serous antritis treated by :
removal of the causal tooth
* removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
drug therapy
no right answer
How it is right to treat Acute lateral serous antritis ?
removal of the causal tooth
* removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
drug therapy
no right answer
What we must to do to right treating of Acute lateral serous antritis ?
removal of the causal tooth
* removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
drug therapy
no right answer
Treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
What we must to do , if patient have acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis?
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
What treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
Treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis:
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
all answers are correct
What treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis, do you know ?
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
all answers are correct
What you must to do , if your patient have chronic lateral genyantritis:
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
all answers are correct
What can cause inflammation of maxillary sinus?
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
* All answers are true;
What reason of inflammation of maxillary sinus , do you know?
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection
* All answers are true
The most important reason of inflammation in maxillary sinus is -:
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
* All answers are true
What teeth may cause perforation of maxillary sinus?
Upper canine
* The first upper molar
Upper lateral incisor
The lower second bicuspid
Lower wisdom tooth
What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
Upper canine
* The first upper molar
Upper lateral incisor
The lower second bicuspid
Lower wisdom tooth
Odontogenic antritis mainly on developing:
* One side of the upper jaw
Two sides of the upper jaw
One side of the mandible
Two sides of the mandible
In both jaws
Where develop Odontogenic antritis mainly ?
* One side of the upper jaw
Two sides of the upper jaw
One side of the mandible
D. Two sides of the mandible
E. In both jaws
389. Why do not carry out differential diagnosis of odontogenic genyantritis?
A. From nahnoyenoyu Brush
B. With acute abscess
C. * There is no correct answer
D. In osteomyelitis of the maxilla
E. All answer are right
390. By the clinical picture antritis divided into:
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
391. How divided antritis by the clinical picture ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
392. What types of antritis do you know ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
393. Characteristic feature of acute genyantritis are:
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
394. Acute genyantritis characterize by :
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
395. When conservative treatment is used genyantritis drainage, put in his bosom a puncture
hole in:
A. Morgagni course
B. Middle nasal course
C. * Maxilloturbinal course
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C
396. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of which is not genyantritis?
A. Haematogenous;
B. Trauma;
C. Lateral;
D. * There is no correct answer
E. Rhinogenous
397. What distinguish forms of acute genyantritis ,do you know?
* Catarrhal, seropurulent, purulent
Polipoz, purulent
Fibrous, seropurulent, purulent
Catarrhal, purulent
Fibrous, purulent;
Outflow of fluid from maxillary sinus may prevent by:
Thickening of middle turbinate
Tampering of nasal septum
Spiked nasal septum
* All answers are true
Stenosed ostium maxillare
What form of chronic genyantritis, do you know?
Serous, fibrous, purulent
* Catarrhal, purulent, polipoz
Serous, polipoz
Catarrhal, fibrous, polipoz
Catarrhal, purulent
What could be more difficult like antritis?
Abscess or abscess tissue orbit
Abscess of the upper jaw
* All answers are true
What solution we use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
Boric acid
No right answer
Streptotsid solution
* All answers are true
Furatsylin solution
What solution we not use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
Boric acid
* No right answer
Streptotsid solution
All answers are true
Furatsylin solution
What research we not use for diagnosis ofgenyantritis ?
X-ray photo
* There is no correct answer
sinus puncture
Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon sub orbital’s region are
Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve ,branches II
No right answer
* Correct answer A and E
Odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region characterize by:
Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of sub orbital area
Shortness of breath at the opening
No right answer
E. * True A, B, C
406. You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region. Tactics of treatment of this
A. Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
B. Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
C. Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
D. To send the patient on admission independently
E. * Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
407. The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
A. Acute purulent antritis
B. Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
C. Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
D. Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
E. * All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
408. In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
A. Edema age
B. Pain when you click the eyeball
C. Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
D. Presence of purulent nasal Office
E. * True C and D
409. When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
A. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
B. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
C. * First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
D. First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
410. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
411. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
B. Excudative disease.
C. Excudative-haemorrhagic
D. Excudative-putrid
E. * Excudative-Purulent
412. Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
A. Kanamitsyn
B. Ampicillin
C. Penicillin
D. * Erythromycin
E. Oksatsylin
413. Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. * The lower edge of ocular depression
C. Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
414. Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. The lower edge of ocular depression
C. * Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
415. Eye holes are outside:
A. Walls Eye fossa
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. * Lacrimal bone
E. Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
416. Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
A. Kserotomiya
B. Eversion of ever
C. * Loss of view
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Enoftalm
417. Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
A. Possible complications
B. The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
C. Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
D. Evidence of local clinical manifestations
E. * One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbone
418. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. * Angular vein phlebitis
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Hematoma of soft tissue
419. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. Facial nerve paresis
D. Hematoma of soft tissue
E. * Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
420. What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
421. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
422. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
* The appearance of macrophages.
The appearance of neutrophils
The appearance of leukocytes
The appearance of monocytes
The appearance of plasma cells
Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
* Metronidozol
What is Phlegmonous adenitis:
Preceding the development of abscess
Is the particular disease
Accompanies lymphadenitis
* Is the further progression lymphadenitis
All answers are correct
The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
* Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
426. What dieases are complicate by of facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins ?
A. Purulent meningitis
B. * Thrombase cavernous sinus
C. No right answer
D. All answer are correct
E. Acute osteomyelitis
427. What we need to do ,to prevent possible thrombosis and venous sinus face ?
A. No right answer
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. * Anticoagulant therapy
D. Vitamin
E. All answers are correct
428. In patients aged 42 years diagnosed abscess of hard palate. Select the right method to
opening of the abscess:
A. Linear
B. * Triangular
C. Trapezoid
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
429. Men diagnosis abscess hard palate (the source of infection - 12 tooth). Which way should
apply to section abscess:
A. Puncture boil
B. Linear opening parallel to the seam hard palate
C. Line-section perpendicular to the seam hard palate
D. * Cut periosteum section of mucosa-piece
E. Removing 12 of the tooth
430. In patients diagnosed periostal abscess, solid taste. Select the method of cutting abscess:
A. Linear incision along the ridge of alveolar process
B. Linear cut perpendicular to the middle palate seam
C. Puncture boil and suction fluid
D. Cross section
E. * Extact small area of soft tissue on the triangular points
431. What drainage should be used after the autopsy abscess in the first 2-3 days:
A. Turunda roll, soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
B. Rubber band
C. * Smooth tubes made of synthetic materials
D. Rubber band Turunda with gauze soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
E. No right answer
432. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
433. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens often are:
A. Stafilokok
B. Streptokok
C. Meninhokok
D. Pnevmokok
E. * Anaerobes stafilokok
434. Septic process, which does not occur in the maxillofacial area:
A. Odontogenic
B. Stomatogenic
C. * Wound
D. Urogenic
E. No right answer
435. Beta-lactamase - an enzyme is produced by some microorganisms. His(enzyme) action?
A. Synthesize new proteins
B. Crash membrane of microorganisms
C. * Crash penicillin
D. Crash erythrocytes
E. Crash leukocytes
436. When occurs Inhibition of erythropoiesis ?
A. Sepsis
B. Phlegmon
C. * Abscess
D. Anthrax
E. Glandular abscess
437. Early secondary suture is:
A. Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
B. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
C. * Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
D. Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
E. Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
438. What mean acute purulent periostitis?
A. Symptom of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. One of the stages of odontogenic osteomyelitis
C. * Self purulent-necrotic inflammation ham alveolar germ
D. Specific inflammatory process
E. No right answer
439. What disease is most often develops an acute abscess?
A. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
B. In periodontitis
C. With problematic eruption of the tooth
D. As complications of extraction
E. No right answer
440. What methodics shoud be use in the treatment of acute abscess?
A. Treat causes and tooth
B. Drug therapy
C. Make an incision in the mucous ham, in the area of the causal tooth
D. * incision mucous and ham during infiltration or abscess and remove the tooth
E. Do nothing
441. What happens in acute purulent periostitis?
A. In most cases the body temperature rises
B. * In most cases temperature is normal
C. No laws
D. Temperature near 41°C
E. No right answer
442. What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
A. No change
B. Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
C. Emerging young immature blood cells
D. * The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
E. No right answer
443. Where most often on the lower jaw is formed septic fire?
A. * In the area of the body jaw
B. In area of the jaw branches
C. In the appendix section of alveolar
D. No Laws
E. As part of clippings mandibular
444. What is the average period of temporary disability in acute purulent periostitis?
A. By 2-3 days
B. * From 3 to 5 days
C. More than 20 days
D. No precise boundaries
E. 30 days
445. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
446. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
447. What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess?
A. Covering angle of mandible
B. In submental area, region of the median line
C. In the upper cervical fold
D. * Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
E. Extra oral cut
448. What is the reason for the development of abscess?
A. * Alveolitis
B. Breast tissue of face
C. Fibroma of alveolar appendix
D. Appendix articular fracture of mandible
E. Dehydration
449. Where localized abscess in the process of abscess?
A. Under the Skin
B. Under muscles
C. * In ham
D. When the outer cortical plate jaw
E. In cancellous bone
450. If the cause of tooth abscess is a cognate, when it should be filled?
A. A week
B. Immediately after the removal of drainage
C. * After calming down inflammatory processes
D. On the third day after removal of drainage
E. One month
451. What is the typical clinical sign of abscess?
A. Difficulty swallowing
B. Difficulty opening mouth
C. No right answer
D. Vomiting
E. * Congestion and edema of the transitional fold
452. What disease is characterized by inflammation of ham spread jaws?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Alveolitis
C. * Periostitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Parotitis
453. What forms of acute abscess , do you know?
A. Limited and diffuse
B. * Serous and purulent
C. Lateral and medial
D. No right answer
E. General and local
454. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
455. Which symptom occurs when the localization of inflammatory process in the region of
the angle of mandible acute abscess?
A. Flyuktuatsiya
B. * Inflammatory contracture
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Resorption of bone tissue
E. Symptom Vincent
456. What is the reaction to thermal factors in patients with acute suppurative periostitis?
A. The pain subsides from the cold
B. Pain exacerbated by cold
C. * The pain subsides from the heat
D. The pain is aggravated by heat
E. Condition unchanged
457. At any time left in the wound drainage after disclosure after sub bone abscess?
A. * 1-2 days
B. 3-4 days
C. 5-6 days
D. 6-7 days
E. 7-8 days
458. What is the doctor's tactics in acute purulent odontogenic abscess?
A. Endodontic intervention
B. Therapeutic exercise
C. General therapy
D. * Disclosure sub bone abscess, followed by possible removal of tooth
E. Do nothing
459. At what location of sub bone abscess, Occurs symptom of Vincent?
A. As part of the lower incisors
B. * As part of mandibular molars
C. As part of bicuspid upper jaw
D. As part of the upper jaw molars
E. As part of the upper incisors
460. What percussion when patient have chronic abscess?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. * Slight or no
D. Slight
E. Sharp positive
461. The patient complains of swelling in the mouth, pain in the left upper jaw tooth. Swelling
observed with days ago. Diagnosed: Abstses palate. How do you spend disclosure abscess in
this case?
A. * Triangle cut
B. Linear cut in sahitali
C. Linear cut in transverzali
D. Puncture abscess
E. Puncture
462. Appointing acute purulent periostitis, immediately after disclosure abstsess?
A. UVC at a dose of heat
B. * UHF in athermanous dose
C. Electrophoresis iodine Lidaza
D. Laser therapy
E. No right answer
463. What is the most common cause of parulis jaw?
A. * Bonfire situated in the molars
B. Bonfire is now in bicuspid
C. Bonfire situated in the central cutter
D. Bonfire is now in iklah
E. Bonfire which is the side cutter
464. What is the doctor's tactics in the treatment of acute serous lateral abscess?
Appointment of symptomatic treatment
Required removal of a tooth
Perapical therapy
* Remove the causal tooth or tooth cavity opening fire with drainage channels of the
tooth, symptomatic treatment
Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
Symptom vazoparezi
* Fever
Symptom "Butter" crackle
Inflammatory contracture
No right answer
What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
* Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
Directly at the beginning of the disease
* In 10-14 days after onset
After 5-7 days after onset
After 1-2 days after onset
3-4 days after onset
What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
acute parotitis
jaw fracture
acute lymphadenitis
worsening of chronic periodontitis in background reduction reactivity of the organism
* Epulis
What is the clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
In motion all the teeth in the jaw
In the headaches, the positive symptoms of stress
* The fever, raising the temperature to 40 C, positive symptoms Vincent, motion group of
In sharp pulsating pain in the tooth
No right answer
What drugs used in treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
* Lincomycin
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the causal tooth
In broad periostotomi jaw on both sides
In periostotomiyi of the causal tooth , after that drainage
* Removing the causal tooth broad periostotomi jaw on both sides, drainage
No right answer
What limits should have focal osteomyelitis?
Within the body of the jaw or arms
* Within 3 teeth
C. Within half jaw
D. The whole jaw
E. No right answer
473. What limits should have diffuse osteomyelitis?
A. Within 3 teeth
B. Within the body of mandible
C. Within the alveolar bone
D. * Half or whole jaw
E. Within one tooth
474. Who is the author of infectious theory of osteomyelitis?
A. * E. Lekser, AA Bazhanov
B. Deryzhanov
C. Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Sologub
475. Who is the author of allergic theory of osteomyelitis?
A. Lekser, Bazhanov
B. * Deryzhanov
C. Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Seek the correct answer
476. Who is the author of neyrotrofic theory of osteomyelitis?
A. Lekser
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
477. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
478. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
479. What changes In acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
A. Reactive changes of the barking does not occur
B. Ham revealed changes only on one side jaw
C. * There were changes on both sides of ham jaw
D. Condition adjacent jaw tissue for diagnosis
E. No right answer
480. When the localization process where the most pronounced clinical signs of local progress
A. When the localization process in the area of the body of mandible
B. * The location of the upper jaw
C. When localization field angle of the jaw and arms
D. Differences in the clinical picture, depending on location
E. No right answer
What additional test method need to clarify the diagnosis for periodontitis?
Panoramic radiography
Precision X-ray photo
Computed tomography
What treatment is best one for treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
Remove tooth
* Ensure the outflow of fluid by periostotomiyi
operation resection of apex of the tooth roots
Conduct nekrotomy of gangrenous tooth and after that doctor must made control X-ray
E. rinse oral cavity by solution by baking soda
483. What kind of periodontitis is the most aggressive place of odontogenic infection?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. Chronic periodontitis hranulematozis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
484. What changes in the radiograph in acute periodontitis?
A. Availability of the causal tooth with sparse bone at the top of the root, which has a clear
outline of round shape
B. Availability of the causal tooth with sparse bone at the top of the root, with fuzzy edges
C. Availability of the causal tooth extended periodontal slit
D. * Availability of the causal tooth unchanged in periodont
E. Availability of sequestration
485. What the most characteristic symptom of acute periodontitis do you know?
A. Gnawing pain
B. * Symptom of the erupted tooth
C. Increasing of the body temperature 38-39 ? C
D. Availability badger on mucous
E. No right answer
486. What form of acute periodontitis do you know?
A. * Serous and purulent
B. Hranulyuyuchui and hranulematozis
C. Fibrous and gangrenous
D. Traumatic and drug
E. Hypertrophic and atrophic
487. How divided periodontitis by prevalence?
A. Apical and apikolateralnyy
B. Apical and marginal
C. * Diffuse and limited
D. Hranulyuyuchui and hnulematozis
E. No right answer
488. What is the maximum size of granuloma?
A. 0.2 cm
B. * 0.5 cm
C. 0.8 cm
D. 1.0 cm
E. 2.0 cm
489. What is the reaction for high temperature in patients who have acute suppurative
* The pain subsides from the cold, aggravated by heat
Pain exacerbated by cold
Augmentation of both stimuli
Weakens both stimuli
No response
What method of treatment for periodontitis is the best one?
Replantatsion of the tooth
Tooth root amputation
* Extraction
Resection of the jaw
In which of these processes is shown operation of radiectomy?
When pathological motion of the tooth
In acute or chronic form of periodontitis
* If granuloma located near apex of the tooth
When periodontal disease are present
acute abscess
What mean tooth root amputation?
Remove the apex together with the adjacent part of the coronal tooth
Autopsy of crown to the bifurcation of the root, after that revision of the pathological foci
* Autopsy on the edge of the top neck of the tooth and remove it
Autopsy top and remove part of his riding
Remove the top half of the rooth
What mean replantatsion of the tooth?
Remove the top and keeping it in the alveoli of artificial tooth
Autopsy coronal part of the tooth to its bifurcation
Extraction, abscission top of the tooth root and the introduction of intervention and
resection of bladder top top
No right answer
* Removing the tooth and putting in his bladder after endodontic intervention
In what tooth you can made operation of hemisektsion of the apex ?
At any tooth
* In the molars of maxilla and mandibular
In the tooth with the orthopedic device
Bicuspid on the upper and lower jaws
On the incisour
What mean periodontitis?
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth bone hole
* Inflammation which strikes periodont tissue and spread to adjacent bone structure
Inflammatory process that affects gum tissue in the area of a causal tooth
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth pulp
Inflammatory process that affects the bones of the jaws
What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
0,5-0,12 mm
0,8-0,16 mm
* 0,15-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
0.25-0.30 mm
What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
* 0,15-0,22 mm.
0,18-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
D. 0,22-0,28 mm
E. 0.28-0.34 mm
498. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
499. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
500. Classification of periodontitis which the author is most poular ?
A. Hofunha
B. Vayndruha
C. Ovrutskogo
D. * Lukomskoho
E. Gorbachev
501. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
502. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
503. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
504. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
505. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
506. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
507. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
508. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
509. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
510. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
511. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
512. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
513. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
514. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26
sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
515. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the
area of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in
the region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
516. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the
deep carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100
mkA. In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
517. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
518. What kind of microorganism Caused furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. * Streptococcus.
B. Golden streptococcus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Enteropol.
E. Yeast fungi
519. Treating carbuncles or furuncles type:
A. 0,2% lidocain
B. * 0,5% novocaine
C. 0,4% lidocain
D. 0,2% novocaine
E. 10% lidocain
520. Reduction of smooth muscle cells of lymph nodes leads to:
A. increase of lymph node lymph stasis
B. * Reduction of volume . lymph node push lymph
C. volume of lymph node and lymph movement is changing
D. increase of lymph node
E. lymph node volume reduction
521. Depending on the nature of the clinical course lymphadenitis is divided into:
A. lateral, rhinogenous, otogenic, stomatogenic
B. * . acute, chronic and chronic, which escalated
C. specific and nonspecific
D. primary and secondary
E. Purulent and serous
522. . At what age in children often occurs not odonthogenic abscess?
A. in newborns
B. Up to 2 Rocky
C. * 5 years
D. 10 years
E. 14 years
523. Which lymph nodes are often inflamate when patient have tuberculosis lymphadenitis:
A. * neck
B. Parotid
C. Bucal
D. Submental
E. All answer are right
524. Is it possible to overlay on the primary wound stitches after dissection complicated forms
A. Possible
B. That in some cases
C. * impossible
D. No correct answer
E. possible in 2 days later
525. What kind of forunculs is often complicated by angular vein thrombophlebitis face?
A. * Upper lip, angle of mouth, and peryorbital region
B. cheek-chewing and parotid region.
C. nose and the outer corner of eye
D. noseband
E. All answer are right
526. What is the structure of pyogenic membrane that surrounds the furuncles and carbuncles:
A. solid, but thin membranes
B. solid and thick membranes
C. * Reticulation
D. it does not exist at all
E. No correct answer
527. What period of anthrax:
A. 5-7 days
B. 8-10 days
C. 12-14 days
D. * 15-18 days
E. No correct answer
528. Carbuncules - is:
A. acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
B. * Acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and
sebaceous asces
C. glands, which extends to the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue
D. serous inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
E. serous inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and sebaceous glands
529. Female treated at the furuncle of the left cheek. Suddenly the patient's condition
worsened. Appeared with severe headache, high body temperature, increased swelling of the
cheeks with dense infiltration What complications developed in this patient?
A. * Facial vein thrombophlebitis
B. No right answer
acute purulent antritis
Hallmark inframaxillary lymphadenitis is:
Presence of painful infiltration in inframaxillary site
* Painful round tumor
Multitude round painless tumors in inframaxillary site
All answers are correct.
The primary method of diagnosis of chronic lymphadenitis is:
* Tapping suspected neoplasm
Complete blood count
All answers are correct
The main method of treatment of purulent lymphadenitis is:
Lymph node puncture
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Drug therapy
* Removing lymph node
All answers are correct
Phlegmonous adenitis is-:
Preceding the development of abscess
Is the particular disease
No right answer
* Is the further progression lymphadenitis
All answers are correct
Furuncle is -:
Acute purulent inflammation of sweat glands
* Acute purulent inflammation of hair follicles
Chronic inflammation of the skin
No right answer
All answer are right
The most dangerous localization of foruncle is:
Hair of head
* Plot nasolabial triangle
Inframaxillary area
chewing area
All answers are correct
What complication can be if patient have facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins of face
Purulent meningitis
* Thrombase cavernous sinus
Acute osteomyelitis in jaw
All answers are correct
More often furuncles developing:
* The youthful age (14-18 years);
In old age (over 50 years);
At the age of 20-40 years;
At any age equally often;
All answers are correct
Promotes the emergence of furuncles:
A. Stomach ulcer
B. Chronic inflammation of the lungs
C. Concomitant disease do not matter
D. * Diabetes
E. All answers are correct
539. Complications of furuncle it is result of :
A. Virulence microorganisms
B. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin
C. * Feature venous outflow
D. The feature of arterial bleeding
E. All answers are correct
540. The main method of treatment of furuncle is -:
A. General therapy
B. * Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy
C. Physiotherapy;
D. Surgical intervention
E. All answers are correct
541. How many lymph nodes located at submental region:
A. * From 1-3 to 8-10
B. No more than 2
C. More 10-12
D. No one
E. No correct answer
542. Supra mandible lymph nodes receive lymph from:
A. Molar upper jaw, nose, upper and lower lip
B. Bicuspid and molar of mandible, nose, upper and lower lip
C. * Molar and bicuspid both jaws, nose, upper and lower lip
D. Molar upper jaw, upper and lower lip
E. No right answer
543. At what age finish the final formation of lymph nodes:
A. 2-3 years
B. 4-6 years
C. 6-8 years
D. 8-10 years
E. * 10-12 years
544. Peryadenit is:
A. Serous inflammation of the lymph node
B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node
C. * Serosal infiltration of tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
D. Purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
E. No correct answer
545. How to call lymphadenitis if he haven’t etiological reason ?
A. Not odontogenic
B. Specific
C. Nonspecific
D. * Primary
E. Secondar
546. What is the diagnostic method allows us , to made differential diagnostic chronic
lymphadenitis of dermoid and epidermoid cysts face?
A. * Puncture
B. Sialohrafiya
C. Biopsy
D. Blood testing
E. No right answer
547. What microorganism often causing furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. Monoculture streptococci
B. * Monoculture staphylococcus
C. Monoculture protein
D. Association and staphylococcus protein
E. Association of staphylococcus and streptococcus
548. At what age are often found furuncles and carbuncles?
A. Children
B. Youthful
C. * Young
D. Mature
E. Elderly
549. What complications of furuncles or carbuncles is contributing factor of phlebitis and
thrombophlebitis of facial veins?
A. Ostiofolikulit
B. Deep limfanhoyit
C. Suppurative lymphadenitis
D. Peryadenit
E. * Heylit
550. What are the typical signs of syphilitic lymphadenitis?
A. * Significant hardness lymph node positive Wassermann reaction in punctate pale
B. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-negative
C. Suppurating lymph nodes
D. In no pale punctate treponem, RW-negative
E. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-positive
551. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
552. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
A. Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. * Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
553. What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
A. * Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
554. What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
A. Periostitis
B. * Perykoronaritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Pulpitis
555. What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
A. Therapeutic
B. Orthodontic
C. * Surgical
D. Orthopedic
E. Stationary
556. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Vysichennya hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
557. When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. At 1-2-dong day
B. . At 3-4-th day
C. * The 15-day 20 th
D. At 30-40-day
E. On the 50 th day
558. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
A. Age of patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
E. No right answer
559. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. * Injection line break of fracture
D. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
E. No right answer
560. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
E. No right answer
561. What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation fragment
D. * Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
E. No right answer
562. What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation of fragment
D. * Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
E. No right answer
563. What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Removing the sequestration
B. revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
* X-ray
No right answer
Delay eruption of the tooth can be complicated by :
* Osteomyelitis
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated:
* Lymphadenitis
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated:
* Phlegmon
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated by :
* Abscess
No right answer
What to must do with detained tooth in inflammatory processes?
Wait till time , when inflammation will stopped
Use conservative treatment
* Remove the problematic tooth with pathological place
Do nothing
No right answer
What better to do with detained tooth, when he haven’t inflammation complications?
Extract problematic tooth
Do nothing
* Remove only when the tooth will aggravate
Do nothing
No right answer
What principles should lead the surgeon, if he wiil extract the detained tooth?
The lower the duration of the operation
* What is less traumatic operation
No right answer
Optimal choice of instruments
The lower the duration of postoperative time
What is the best age for treatment of the children , who have cysts?
1 - 2 years
3 - 4 years
5 - 6 years
6 - 7 years
* 9 - 10 years
What is the most typical complication , surgical treatment of middle cyst ?
* laryngeal edema
angular vein thrombophlebitis face
cavernous sinus thrombosis
Synonymous with cervical cyst is not:
branhiohenna cyst;
* tireoglosal cyst;
branchial cyst
no right answer
all answer are right
What disease preceded the emergence of lateral neck cysts and fistulas?
Dental disease
periodontal disease
* flu, sore throat
Gastrointestinal tract
cardio - vascular system
Cervical cyst is located:
* under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Where located cervical cysts ?
* under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Medial cervical cyst is located:
under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
* near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Treatment of cervical cyst:
A. * surgery only;
B. only conservative
C. both surgical and conservative
D. biological method
E. no right answer
599. To defects which include cysts branchial arch and carotid areas badger?
A. * 1 - g;
B. 2 - g;
C. 3 - th;
D. 4 - th;
E. 5 - th;
600. Where can penetrate parotid fistula site?
A. mouth;
B. in the nasal cavity
C. * in the external auditory passage
D. in the middle cranial fossa
E. in the cavernous sinus
601. Treatment of cysts and fistulas parotid area:
A. * surgery only;
B. only conservative
C. both surgical and conservative
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
602. where most ofen hapend a retention cyst:
A. Sweat gland;
B. salivary gland
C. * sebaceous gland
D. mucous gland
E. no right answer
603. What content in atheroma?
A. Serous
B. Mucous
C. Sanguinolent
D. * No right answer
E. All answer are right
604. What kind of Cyst of maxillary sinus , do you know?
A. * true and false
B. serous and purulent
C. lateral and medial
D. penetrating and those that do not penetrate
E. all answer are right
605. Post-traumatic cysts of soft tissue:
A. This innate disease
B. a lateral disease
C. * occurs in the introduction of foreign body tissue
D. a disease that occurs on the background of allergic changes in the body
E. all answer are right
606. In patients diagnosed during the examination of foreign incomplete median badger's
neck. What treatment should apply to this patient?
A. * badger removal to sublingual bone resection of the sublingual bone of the body
B. badger removal to sublingual bone, resection of the body sublingual bone, removing up to
a blind badger hole tongue root
badger removal, beginning in the skin and extends to the level of thyroid cartilage
badger removal beginning at the thyroid cartilage and extends to the palate tonsils
no right answer
Osteoma divided into:
* peripheral and central
intraosteal and extra osteal
firm and soft
all answer are right
no right answer
To ekzostozis include:
Bone deformities of the jaws arising after the removal of teeth
peripheral osteoma
congenital deformities of the jaws
* all previously listed
no right answer
Find the right X-ray description of osteoma:
* round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide;
destruction of bone cells with indistinct borders, surrounded obodkom sklerozovanoyi
no right answer
Find X-ray description of ossificate abscess:
round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
* homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide
no right answer
all answer are right
Find X-ray odontomy description:
round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
* center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide
no right answer
all answer are right
What mechanism of osteoma operation ?
* removed within the formation of healthy tissue
is smoothing (leveling) deformed jaw area
resection of the jaw area is within the pathological cells
no right answer
all answer are right
What is the primary symptom of the presence of jaw osteoyid - Osteoma?
swelling in the area of localization of the pathological cells
* pain in the jaw aching character, which appears without any apparent reason, increasing
at night;
limitation of opening the mouth
shift the jaw when opening the mouth
all that above
Where localized Osteoblastom?
only in the thick of the jaw bone
only on the periphery of the jaw
* both in depth and in the periphery of the jaw
no right answer
all answer are right
what typical Clinical symptom of osteoblasts , do you know?
aching pain in the jaw, which is aggravated at night
* mobility of teeth and the presence of asymmetry in the face
presence of multiple fistulas at the alveolar appendix
no right answer
all answer are right
Find X-ray description of cystic forms osteoblastomy:
* limited dilution of the bone tissue, with clear boundaries
has the form of small cavities, separated by a membrane bone
is the center of intensive uneven eclipse blurred
a great destruction of bone tissue with a jagged plot
no right answer
Find a radiological description of a solid form osteoblastomy:
Find Xlimited dilution of the bone tissue, with clear boundaries
* has the form of small cavities, separated by a membrane bone
is the center of intensive uneven eclipse blurred
a great destruction of bone tissue with a jagged plot
no right answer
Treatment of osteoblasts is:
conservative treatment is the tumor
* performed resection of the jaw area
no right answer
all answer are right
Clinically ossificate fibroma of the jaws proceeds as:
* fibrous dysplasia
Inhibition of erythropoiesis occurs when:
* Abscess
Glandular abscess
Early secondary suture is:
Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
* Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
without the prior vysichennya granulation
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
Late secondary suture is:
Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
* Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
Impressions to the use of primary joints:
Failure removal of viable tissue.
Expressions of inflammatory skin changes
Advanced age
When osteogenic processes
* Limited inflammation of the lymph nodes
Ttrophic to the bone has:
* Lincomycin hilrohloryd
Errors in the treatment of abscess related:
* With the appointment of antibiotics without determining susceptibility to these
microorganisms, improper disclosure of abscess and its drainage
B. With the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotic
C. From the early disclosure of purulent foci
D. Since drainage of purulent foci silicone drainage pipe
E. For the detoxification and anti Inflammation therapy
626. For generalization of infection requires a critical level of bacterial cells :
A. 100 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
B. 1000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
C. 10000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
D. * 100000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
E. 1000000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
627. Outbreak characteristic:
A. Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. * Phlegmon
D. Lymphadenitis
E. No right answer
628. Overall condition was changed to:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess.
C. Phlegmon.
D. Glandular abscess
E. No right answer
629. Subfebril body temperature often occur when:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. Phlegmon
D. Glandular abscess
E. Mediastenit
630. What diseases have : Thick, gray secretory with an unpleasant smell and a little touch of
manure ?
A. Edema.
B. Infiltration
C. Abscess
D. * Phlegmon.
E. Lymphadenitis.
631. In what cases Endoflebit not developing ?
A. lower reactivity of the organism
B. deceleration of blood flow
C. venous wall damage
D. change of the blood
E. * transition of the inflammatory process of surrounding tissues
632. When suppuration of the soft tissues in the face of an inflammatory process goes on Sinus
brain often by:
A. veni angular face
B. facial artery
C. * anastomosis of facial veins
D. transverse artery of face
E. temporal veni
633. in what cases we can see infiltration of Ever ?
A. * thrombophlebitis facial veins
B. No right answer
C. boil
D. anthrax
E. Siberian ulcer
634. Painful infiltration occurs if:
A. Boil
B. Anthrax
C. * angular vein thrombophlebitis
D. No right answer
E. Nomi
635. When angular vein thrombophlebitis of face, body temperature in the pathological foci
increases to:
A. 0.5 degrees
B. 0,5-1,0 degrees
C. * 1,5-2,5 degrees
D. 3-4 degrees
E. No right answer
636. Expansion of pupil and oculi veins occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
637. Paresis of nerve “oculomotorius” may occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
638. Eritropoezu oppression occurs when:
A. sepsis;
B. abscess
C. abscess
D. anthrax
E. no right answer
639. what disease characterize by Symptoms Gerko, Ivanova, Rawicz-Shcherba ?
A. phlegmon bottom mouth
B. pneumonia
C. * mediastenit
D. sepsis
E. no right answer
640. When passive shift trachea amplified retrosternal pain, dyspnea and dysphagia. This
A. Popova;
B. Gerko;
C. Rawicz-Shcherba
D. * Rutenburha-Revuc'kogo
E. No right answer
641. Symptom Ridinhera - is:
A. retrosternal pain
B. pain intensifies stress neurovascular bundle up the neck
C. * pain intensifies when you try to swallow food or during deep inspiration
D. long stiff muscles
E. no right answer
642. The critical level of bacterial dissemination:
A. 10 squared microbes per 1 g tissue
B. 10 in cub. microbes per 1 g tissue
C. 10 in grade 4. microbes per 1 g tissue
D. * 10 in grade 5. microbes per 1 g tissue
E. 10 in grade 6. microbes per 1 g tissue
643. Synonym of septicemia:
A. permanent bakteriemiya with purulent metastases
B. bakteriemiya pus without metastases
C. * toxemia
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
644. Stages of DIC-syndrome:
A. hipokoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
B. hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
C. hipokoahulyatsiyi, hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
D. * hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
E. no right answer
645. To expedite the clearance of purulent wounds appoint:
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsion
646. Token favorable trends in the process of bullet wounds cytological study of patients with
odontogenic phlegmon SCHLD are:
A. * The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
647. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. . The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
648. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
649. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
650. Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
651. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
652. Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
A. Osteomieliotis
B. sharp Periodontitis
C. chronic Periodontitis
D. tuberculosis
E. * B and C are correct
653. How is looking clinic in periostitis?
A. pain in the tooth , ear
B. pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
C. * pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
654. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
655. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
* alveolar sprout
periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
only body of the jaw
inflammation of the bone
non of the above
Periostitis is classifeid into?
acute and sub acute
sub acute and chronic
sharp and sub acute
* acute and chronic
non of the above
Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
ifections odontogenical
infection stomatogenical and trauma
* C and D are correct
Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
fibrinotic and simple
simple and ossificial
* simple , ossificial and ravicular
non of the above
Osteomielitis is caused by which microbes?
* pus-forming bacteria
A and B are correct
pneumococcal bacteria
How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
and D are correct
Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
antibiotic therapy
extraction of the tooth
mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
* all of the above are correct
non of the above is correct
Remission of the lesion is expected within?
one year
up to 2 years
* 2-6months
Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
May occur in renal osteodystrophy
May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
* all of the above
673. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
674. Patients with suppurative osteomyelitis will present with some or all of the signs of
inflammation and a warmth over the underlying tissues. Which of the following signs are
most correct?
A. Swelling,limited motion,temperature,cough
B. Swelling,limited motion,erythema,temperature
C. * Swelling ,limited motion,erythema,pain
D. Redness, limited motion,erythema,Swelling
E. All of the answers are correct
675. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal
white blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
676. Which among the choices fall in the list of causes?
A. Extension of dentoalveolar infection
B. * Complication of a fracture and failed root canal treatment
C. Cysts and infections from extraction sockets
D. Both A and C and blood pathogens
E. All of the answers are correct
677. In most cases of suppurative osteomyelitis,the mandible is mostly affected with
occassionally oral-cutaneous,oral-antral or oraonasal fistulas resulting. In some cases bacteria
induced vessel thrombosis create an?
A. Blockage of the blood flow to the mandile area
B. * Ischemic neuropathy causing lip paresthesias
C. Ischemic damage of the small facial vessels
D. Ischemic thrombosis of the lip and jaws
E. Blockage and ischemia of facial vessels
678. In radiographic findings, ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
679. In differential diagnosis which of the following pathologies are differentiated from
osteomyelitis causing destruction of bone in a similar pattern and produce enough tumor
related necrosis mimicking osteomyelitis?
A. Erwing sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Non-Hodgkin lyphoma of bone
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. * All are correct
680. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
681. The use of internal fixation plates in such infected tissue beds unless a resection type of
debridement is undertaken.Therfore if osteomyelitis affects the mandible what is undertaken?
A. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
B. * Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
C. Mobilization with mandibulomaxilla fixation or internal skeletal pins
D. Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
E. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
682. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
683. Histopathological features seen for osteomyelitis involves all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Internal bone marrow with vascular thrombosis
C. * Edema of bone tissues
D. Necrotic bone
E. Only B and D
684. The following can be causes of periostitis EXCEPT?
A. Yaws
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. * Metastatic Carcinoma
E. Endodontic origin
685. Management of periostitis involves;
A. * Removal of source of infection and antibotic treatment
B. There is no cure for this disease due to antibiotic resistance
C. Only surgical intervention with no antibiotics
D. Root canal treatment
E. Answers A and D
686. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the infection in periostitis
takes place?
A. It spreads through bony structures of mandible with periosteal reaction or perforation of
cortical plate
B. It spread through cortical plate only with no perforation or periostel reaction of the
mandible bone
C. Its can either happen as described in answer A or B
D. * Only A correctly describes
E. None of the above correctly describes
687. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis is a clinical radiographic variant of chronic
osteomyelitis found in young individuals because of their;
A. Low resistance, increased blood suppy, and less bone regenrative capabilities
B. Low resistance, decreased blood supply and less bone regenerative capabilities
C. * High resistance,increased blood supply, and high bone regenerative capabilities
D. High resistance, increades blood suppy,and less bone regenerative capabilities
E. None of the above
688. During patient examination different methods are used so as to diagnose and come up
with the right patient treatment.Which of the following best describes periostitis?
A. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painful
on both inside and outside with swelling on the vestibular side
B. * During palpation of process alveolaris,pain is felt only outside,during percussion only
the sick tooth is painful and swelling is on the vestibular
C. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painless
on both inside and outside with swelling on oral surface only
D. All of the above are possible
E. Only A is the most correct describing periostitis
689. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis presents most often in child or teenager
associated with an apical infection in a mandibular posterior teeth.It does not seem occur in
maxilla.Which best describes the expansion?
A. * Expansion is soft and spongy,very painful or tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
no erythema
B. Expansion is hard and spongy, painless though thender to palpation,without pus,drainge
and no erythema
C. Expansion is hard and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainage or
D. Expansion is hard and usually painful and tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
E. Expansion is soft and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainge or
690. During radiographic findings in periostitis what should one look out for?
A. What clinically seems to be an expanded cortex and is not, its deposition of extracortical
new bone
B. * Extracortical bone with a trabecular bone pattern appearing as onion skin pattern
C. Extracortical new born forming outside an intact cortex
D. Extracortical new bone with a destroyed cortex and an intramedullary radiopacities
E. Answers A,B, and C are correct
691. The following describes various treatment of periostitis which of them is most
A. Surgical incision of the periostium, use of rubber drainage and 10day course of antibiotics
and antianalgesics
B. Surgical excision of the mucous membrane,using of rubber drainage,10 day course of
antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
C. * Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by either extraction or
root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
D. Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by not extracting or
doing root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
E. None of them is appropriate
692. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
693. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
694. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
695. Pneumatic type maxillary sinus - is:
A. * Profusely developed sinus when it can spread even sprouts Maxilla
B. Small size of maxillary sinus
C. No right answer
D. Large amounts of the lower jaw;
E. All answers are true
696. Can molars of the upper jaw to cause inflammation in the maxillary sinus?
A. No, I can not
B. They can, but very rarely;
C. * They can quite often;
D. Do not cause inflammation
E. All answers are correct
697. Surgical intervention in the alveolar can cause or exacerbate the flow genyantritis?
A. No, this does not happen
B. can, but very rarely
C. * may quite often
D. not cause
E. not allow deterioration
698. Odontogenic antritis in children with inflammation in the bicuspid and molars of the
upper jaw appears:
A. very often
B. often
C. * rarely
D. . not found
E. No right answer
699. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
700. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
701. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
E. all answers are correct
702. In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
703. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell
during puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
704. Feature lateral genyantritis:
A. often has a sharp flow
B. often have primary chronic flow
C. must have a sense of weight in the upper jaw
D. no right answer
E. often has a chronic flow
705. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
706. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
707. Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
708. What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
709. With uncharacteristic for lateral genyantritis?
A. Defeat from one side
B. * pour character
C. existence of a causal tooth
D. . presence of punched holes in the bottom of the maxillary sinus
E. . localization in the bottom, front and lateral walls
710. What is not typical for rinogenic genyantritis?
A. All answer are right
B. pour character
C. no causal tooth
D. No right answer
E. * localization in the bottom of the front and outer walls of maxillary sinus
711. What is X-ray contrast study of maxillary sinus?
A. Verohrafin
B. * Yodolipol
C. Kardiotrastom
D. Urotrastom
E. all correct answers
712. What is not typical for allergic genyantritis?
A. runs lasted
B. frequent exacerbation
C. seasonality of disease
D. rich selection of liquid fluid from the nose
E. * absence of edema and nasal mucosa
713. These cysts maxillary sinus:
A. Radykulyar
B. * Retention
C. No right answer
D. Rezydual
E. All answer are right
714. These cysts arise maxillary sinus:
A. * by obturation excretory duct tubular-alveolar gland mucosa
B. no right answer
C. As a result of edema
D. as a result of the roots of molars in maxillary sinus
E. all answer are right
715. in what proection we must made x-ray photo to made differential diagnostic between
retention of the tooth and radikulyar cysts of maxillary sinus?
A. side shot
B. aiming
C. overview of the upper jaw
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
716. What is not typical for malignant tumors of the upper jaw?
A. pains are persistent nature
B. terrible smell discharge from the nose
C. * presence of impurities in the selection of blood
D. existence of a causal tooth
E. epistaxis
717. Acute lateral serous antritis treated by :
A. removal of the causal tooth
B. * removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
C. haymorotomi
D. drug therapy
E. no right answer
718. How it is right to treat Acute lateral serous antritis ?
A. removal of the causal tooth
* removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
drug therapy
no right answer
What we must to do to right treating of Acute lateral serous antritis ?
removal of the causal tooth
* removal of the causal tooth appointment of drugs and physiotherapy facilities;
drug therapy
no right answer
Treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
What we must to do , if patient have acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis?
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
What treatment of acute purulent odontogenic genyantritis:
maxillary sinus puncture
* remove causal tooth, maxillary sinus puncture, symptomatic treatment
no right answer
all answer are right
Treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis:
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
all answers are correct
What treatment of chronic lateral genyantritis, do you know ?
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
all answers are correct
What you must to do , if your patient have chronic lateral genyantritis:
causal tooth removal, symptomatic treatment
all answer are right
* remove causal tooth and operation of haymorotomi
extraction of epithelium from maxillary sinus
all answers are correct
What can cause inflammation of maxillary sinus?
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
* All answers are true;
What reason of inflammation of maxillary sinus , do you know?
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection
* All answers are true
The most important reason of inflammation in maxillary sinus is -:
Infection by the nasal mucosa
Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection;
* All answers are true
What teeth may cause perforation of maxillary sinus?
Upper canine
* The first upper molar
Upper lateral incisor
The lower second bicuspid
Lower wisdom tooth
What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
Upper canine
* The first upper molar
Upper lateral incisor
The lower second bicuspid
Lower wisdom tooth
Odontogenic antritis mainly on developing:
* One side of the upper jaw
Two sides of the upper jaw
One side of the mandible
Two sides of the mandible
In both jaws
Where develop Odontogenic antritis mainly ?
* One side of the upper jaw
Two sides of the upper jaw
One side of the mandible
Two sides of the mandible
In both jaws
Why do not carry out differential diagnosis of odontogenic genyantritis?
From nahnoyenoyu Brush
With acute abscess
* There is no correct answer
In osteomyelitis of the maxilla
All answer are right
What kind of antritis do you know?
* Acute and chronic
Subacute, acute and chronic
Subacute, recurrent
How divided antritis by the clinical picture ?
* Acute and chronic
Subacute, acute and chronic
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
736. What types of antritis do you know ?
A. * Acute and chronic
B. Subacute, acute and chronic
C. Acute
D. Chronic
E. Subacute, recurrent
737. Characteristic feature of acute genyantritis are:
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
738. Acute genyantritis characterize by :
A. Presence of pus in the nasal upper course
B. Presence of pus in the nasal middle course
C. * Presence of pus in the lower course of the nose
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C;
739. When conservative treatment is used genyantritis drainage, put in his bosom a puncture
hole in:
A. Morgagni course
B. Middle nasal course
C. * Maxilloturbinal course
D. The correct answer A, B
E. Correct answer, C
740. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of which is not genyantritis?
A. Haematogenous;
B. Trauma;
C. Lateral;
D. * There is no correct answer
E. Rhinogenous
741. What distinguish forms of acute genyantritis ,do you know?
A. * Catarrhal, seropurulent, purulent
B. Polipoz, purulent
C. Fibrous, seropurulent, purulent
D. Catarrhal, purulent
E. Fibrous, purulent;
742. Outflow of fluid from maxillary sinus may prevent by:
A. Thickening of middle turbinate
B. Tampering of nasal septum
C. Spiked nasal septum
D. * All answers are true
E. Stenosed ostium maxillare
743. What form of chronic genyantritis, do you know?
A. Serous, fibrous, purulent
B. * Catarrhal, purulent, polipoz
C. Serous, polipoz
D. Catarrhal, fibrous, polipoz
E. Catarrhal, purulent
744. What could be more difficult like antritis?
A. Abscess or abscess tissue orbit
B. Meningitis
C. Sepsis
D. Abscess of the upper jaw
E. * All answers are true
745. What solution we use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. * All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
746. What solution we not use to washe cavity in the treatment of chronic genyantritis?
A. Boric acid
B. * No right answer
C. Streptotsid solution
D. All answers are true
E. Furatsylin solution
747. What research we not use for diagnosis ofgenyantritis ?
A. Transillumination
B. Rynoskopi
C. X-ray photo
D. * There is no correct answer
E. sinus puncture
748. Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon sub orbital’s region are
A. Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
B. Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
C. Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve ,branches II
D. No right answer
E. * Correct answer A and E
749. Odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region characterize by:
A. Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
B. Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of sub orbital area
C. Shortness of breath at the opening
D. No right answer
E. * True A, B, C
750. You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region. Tactics of treatment of this
A. Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
B. Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
C. Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
D. To send the patient on admission independently
E. * Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
751. The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
A. Acute purulent antritis
B. Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
C. Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
D. Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
E. * All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
752. In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
A. Edema age
B. Pain when you click the eyeball
C. Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
D. Presence of purulent nasal Office
E. * True C and D
753. When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
A. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
B. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
C. * First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
D. First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
754. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
755. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
B. Excudative disease.
C. Excudative-haemorrhagic
D. Excudative-putrid
E. * Excudative-Purulent
756. Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
A. Kanamitsyn
B. Ampicillin
C. Penicillin
D. * Erythromycin
E. Oksatsylin
757. Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. * The lower edge of ocular depression
C. Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
758. Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. The lower edge of ocular depression
C. * Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
759. Eye holes are outside:
A. Walls Eye fossa
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. * Lacrimal bone
E. Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
760. Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
A. Kserotomiya
B. Eversion of ever
C. * Loss of view
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Enoftalm
761. Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
A. Possible complications
B. The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
C. Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
D. Evidence of local clinical manifestations
E. * One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbone
762. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. * Angular vein phlebitis
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Hematoma of soft tissue
763. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. Facial nerve paresis
D. Hematoma of soft tissue
E. * Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
764. What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
765. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
766. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages.
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
767. What is Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
768. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
769. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
* Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
770. What dieases are complicate by of facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins ?
A. Purulent meningitis
B. * Thrombase cavernous sinus
C. No right answer
D. All answer are correct
E. Acute osteomyelitis
771. What we need to do ,to prevent possible thrombosis and venous sinus face ?
A. No right answer
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. * Anticoagulant therapy
D. Vitamin
E. All answers are correct
772. In patients aged 42 years diagnosed abscess of hard palate. Select the right method to
opening of the abscess:
A. Linear
B. * Triangular
C. Trapezoid
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
773. Men diagnosis abscess hard palate (the source of infection - 12 tooth). Which way should
apply to section abscess:
A. Puncture boil
B. Linear opening parallel to the seam hard palate
C. Line-section perpendicular to the seam hard palate
D. * Cut periosteum section of mucosa-piece
E. Removing 12 of the tooth
774. In patients diagnosed periostal abscess, solid taste. Select the method of cutting abscess:
A. Linear incision along the ridge of alveolar process
B. Linear cut perpendicular to the middle palate seam
C. Puncture boil and suction fluid
D. Cross section
E. * Extact small area of soft tissue on the triangular points
775. What drainage should be used after the autopsy abscess in the first 2-3 days:
A. Turunda roll, soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
B. Rubber band
C. * Smooth tubes made of synthetic materials
D. Rubber band Turunda with gauze soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
E. No right answer
776. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
777. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens often are:
* Anaerobes stafilokok
Septic process, which does not occur in the maxillofacial area:
* Wound
No right answer
When occurs Inhibition of erythropoiesis ?
* Abscess
Glandular abscess
Beta-lactamase - an enzyme is produced by some microorganisms. His(enzyme) action?
Synthesize new proteins
Crash membrane of microorganisms
* Crash penicillin
Crash erythrocytes
Crash leukocytes
What mean acute purulent periostitis?
Symptom of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
One of the stages of odontogenic osteomyelitis
* Self purulent-necrotic inflammation ham alveolar germ
Specific inflammatory process
No right answer
What disease is most often develops an acute abscess?
* Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
In periodontitis
With problematic eruption of the tooth
As complications of extraction
No right answer
What methodics shoud be use in the treatment of acute abscess?
Treat causes and tooth
Drug therapy
Make an incision in the mucous ham, in the area of the causal tooth
* incision mucous and ham during infiltration or abscess and remove the tooth
Do nothing
What happens in acute purulent periostitis?
In most cases the body temperature rises
* In most cases temperature is normal
No laws
Temperature near 41°C
No right answer
What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
No change
Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
Emerging young immature blood cells
* The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
E. No right answer
786. Where most often on the lower jaw is formed septic fire?
A. * In the area of the body jaw
B. In area of the jaw branches
C. In the appendix section of alveolar
D. No right answer
E. As part of clippings mandibular
787. What is the average period of temporary disability in acute purulent periostitis?
A. By 2-3 days
B. * From 3 to 5 days
C. More than 20 days
D. No precise boundaries
E. 30 days
788. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
789. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
790. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
791. What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess?
A. Covering angle of mandible
B. In submental area, region of the median line
C. In the upper cervical fold
D. * Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
E. Extra oral cut
792. What is the reason for the development of abscess?
A. * Alveolitis
B. Breast tissue of face
C. Fibroma of alveolar appendix
D. Appendix articular fracture of mandible
E. Dehydration
793. Where localized abscess in the process of abscess?
A. Under the Skin
B. Under muscles
C. * In ham
D. When the outer cortical plate jaw
E. In cancellous bone
794. If the cause of tooth abscess is a cognate, when it should be filled?
A. A week
B. Immediately after the removal of drainage
C. * After calming down inflammatory processes
D. On the third day after removal of drainage
E. One month
795. What is the typical clinical sign of abscess?
A. Difficulty swallowing
B. Difficulty opening mouth
C. No right answer
D. Vomiting
E. * Congestion and edema of the transitional fold
796. What disease is characterized by inflammation of ham spread jaws?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Alveolitis
C. * Periostitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Parotitis
797. What forms of acute abscess , do you know?
A. Limited and diffuse
B. * Serous and purulent
C. Lateral and medial
D. No right answer
E. General and local
798. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
799. Which symptom occurs when the localization of inflammatory process in the region of
the angle of mandible acute abscess?
A. Flyuktuatsiya
B. * Inflammatory contracture
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Resorption of bone tissue
E. Symptom Vincent
800. What is the reaction to thermal factors in patients with acute suppurative periostitis?
A. The pain subsides from the cold
B. Pain exacerbated by cold
C. * The pain subsides from the heat
D. The pain is aggravated by heat
E. Condition unchanged
801. At any time left in the wound drainage after disclosure after sub bone abscess?
A. * 1-2 days
B. 3-4 days
C. 5-6 days
D. 6-7 days
E. 7-8 days
802. What is the doctor's tactics in acute purulent odontogenic abscess?
A. Endodontic intervention
B. Therapeutic exercise
C. General therapy
D. * Disclosure sub bone abscess, followed by possible removal of tooth
E. Do nothing
803. At what location of sub bone abscess, Occurs symptom of Vincent?
A. As part of the lower incisors
B. * As part of mandibular molars
C. As part of bicuspid upper jaw
D. As part of the upper jaw molars
E. As part of the upper incisors
804. What percussion when patient have chronic abscess?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. * Slight or no
D. Slight
E. Sharp positive
805. The patient complains of swelling in the mouth, pain in the left upper jaw tooth. Swelling
observed with days ago. Diagnosed: Abstses palate. How do you spend disclosure abscess in
this case?
A. * Triangle cut
B. Linear cut in sahitali
C. Linear cut in transverzali
D. Puncture abscess
E. Puncture
806. Appointing acute purulent periostitis, immediately after disclosure abscess?
A. UVC at a dose of heat
B. * UHF in athermanous dose
C. Electrophoresis iodine Lidaza
D. Laser therapy
E. No right answer
807. What is the most common cause of parulis jaw?
A. * Bonfire situated in the molars
B. Bonfire is now in bicuspid
C. Bonfire situated in the central cutter
D. Bonfire is now in incisour
E. Bonfire which is the side cutter
808. What is the doctor's tactics in the treatment of acute serous lateral abscess?
A. Appointment of symptomatic treatment
B. Periostotomi
C. Required removal of a tooth
D. Perapical therapy
E. * Remove the causal tooth or tooth cavity opening fire with drainage channels of the
tooth, symptomatic treatment
809. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
810. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
Symptom "Butter" crackle
Inflammatory contracture
No right answer
When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
Directly at the beginning of the disease
* In 10-14 days after onset
After 5-7 days after onset
After 1-2 days after onset
3-4 days after onset
What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
acute parotitis
jaw fracture
acute lymphadenitis
worsening of chronic periodontitis in background reduction reactivity of the organism
* Epulis
What is the clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
In motion all the teeth in the jaw
In the headaches, the positive symptoms of stress
* The fever, raising the temperature to 40 C, positive symptoms Vincent, motion group of
In sharp pulsating pain in the tooth
No right answer
What drugs used in treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
* Lincomycin
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the causal tooth
In broad periostotomi jaw on both sides
In periostotomiyi of the causal tooth , after that drainage
* Removing the causal tooth broad periostotomi jaw on both sides, drainage
No right answer
What limits should have focal osteomyelitis?
Within the body of the jaw or arms
* Within 3 teeth
Within half jaw
The whole jaw
No right answer
What limits should have diffuse osteomyelitis?
Within 3 teeth
Within the body of mandible
Within the alveolar bone
* Half or whole jaw
Within one tooth
Who is the author of infectious theory of osteomyelitis?
* E. Lekser, AA Bazhanov
819. Who is the author of allergic theory of osteomyelitis?
A. Lekser, Bazhanov
B. * Deryzhanov
C. Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Seek the correct answer
820. Who is the author of neyrotrofic theory of osteomyelitis?
A. Lekser
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
821. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
822. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
823. What changes In acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
A. Reactive changes of the barking does not occur
B. Ham revealed changes only on one side jaw
C. * There were changes on both sides of ham jaw
D. Condition adjacent jaw tissue for diagnosis
E. No right answer
824. When the localization process where the most pronounced clinical signs of local progress
A. When the localization process in the area of the body of mandible
B. * The location of the upper jaw
C. When localization field angle of the jaw and arms
D. Differences in the clinical picture, depending on location
E. No right answer
825. What additional test method need to clarify the diagnosis for periodontitis?
A. Panoramic radiography
B. Elektroodontometri
C. Precision X-ray photo
D. Telerenthenohrafi
E. Computed tomography
826. What treatment is best one for treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Remove tooth
B. * Ensure the outflow of fluid by periostotomiyi
C. operation resection of apex of the tooth roots
D. Conduct nekrotomy of gangrenous tooth and after that doctor must made control X-ray
E. rinse oral cavity by solution by baking soda
827. What kind of periodontitis is the most aggressive place of odontogenic infection?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
* Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
Chronic periodontitis hranulematozis
Acute serous periodontitis
Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
What changes in the radiograph in acute periodontitis?
Availability of the causal tooth with sparse bone at the top of the root, which has a clear
outline of round shape
B. Availability of the causal tooth with sparse bone at the top of the root, with fuzzy edges
C. Availability of the causal tooth extended periodontal slit
D. * Availability of the causal tooth unchanged in periodont
E. Availability of sequestration
829. What the most characteristic symptom of acute periodontitis do you know?
A. Gnawing pain
B. * Symptom of the erupted tooth
C. Increasing of the body temperature 38-39 ? C
D. Availability badger on mucous
E. No right answer
830. What form of acute periodontitis do you know?
A. * Serous and purulent
B. Hranulyuyuchui and hranulematozis
C. Fibrous and gangrenous
D. Traumatic and drug
E. Hypertrophic and atrophic
831. How divided periodontitis by prevalence?
A. Apical and apikolateralnyy
B. Apical and marginal
C. * Diffuse and limited
D. Hranulyuyuchui and hnulematozis
E. No right answer
832. What is the maximum size of granuloma?
A. 0.2 cm
B. * 0.5 cm
C. 0.8 cm
D. 1.0 cm
E. 2.0 cm
833. What is the reaction for high temperature in patients who have acute suppurative
A. * The pain subsides from the cold, aggravated by heat
B. Pain exacerbated by cold
C. Augmentation of both stimuli
D. Weakens both stimuli
E. No response
834. What method of treatment for periodontitis is the best one?
A. Radiectomy
B. Replantatsion of the tooth
C. Tooth root amputation
D. * Extraction
E. Resection of the jaw
835. In which of these processes is shown operation of radix extractions ?
A. When pathological motion of the tooth
B. In acute or chronic form of periodontitis
C. * If granuloma located near apex of the tooth
When periodontal disease are present
acute abscess
What mean tooth root amputation?
Remove the apex together with the adjacent part of the coronal tooth
Autopsy of crown to the bifurcation of the root, after that revision of the pathological foci
* Autopsy on the edge of the top neck of the tooth and remove it
Autopsy top and remove part of his riding
Remove the top half of the rooth
What mean replantatsion of the tooth?
Remove the top and keeping it in the alveoli of artificial tooth
Autopsy coronal part of the tooth to its bifurcation
Extraction, abscission top of the tooth root and the introduction of intervention and
resection of bladder top top
No right answer
* Removing the tooth and putting in his bladder after endodontic intervention
In what tooth you can made operation of hemisektsion of the apex ?
At any tooth
* In the molars of maxilla and mandibular
In the tooth with the orthopedic device
Bicuspid on the upper and lower jaws
On the incisour
What mean periodontitis?
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth bone hole
* Inflammation which strikes periodont tissue and spread to adjacent bone structure
Inflammatory process that affects gum tissue in the area of a causal tooth
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth pulp
Inflammatory process that affects the bones of the jaws
What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
0,5-0,12 mm
0,8-0,16 mm
* 0,15-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
0.25-0.30 mm
What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
* 0,15-0,22 mm.
0,18-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
0,22-0,28 mm
0.28-0.34 mm
What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
Blood and lymph vessels
Collagenous fibers
* Vessels and nerves
Circular band
Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
Blood and lymph vessels
* Collagenous fibers
Vessels and nerves
Circular band
Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
Classification of periodontitis which the author is most popular ?
A. Hofunha
B. Vayndruha
C. Ovrutskogo
D. * Lukomskoho
E. Gorbachev
845. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
846. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
847. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
848. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
849. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
850. 567. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by
fibrous capsule?
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
851. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
852. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
853. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
854. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
855. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
856. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
857. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
858. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26
sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
859. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the
area of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in
the region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
860. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the
deep carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100
mkA. In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
861. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
862. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
863. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
864. What kind of microorganism Caused furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. * Streptococcus.
B. Golden streptococcus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Enteropol.
E. Yeast fungi
865. Treating carbuncles or furuncles type:
A. 0,2% lidocain
B. * 0,5% novocaine
C. 0,4% lidocain
D. 0,2% novocaine
E. 10% lidocain
866. Reduction of smooth muscle cells of lymph nodes leads to:
A. increase of lymph node lymph stasis
B. * Reduction of volume . lymph node push lymph
C. volume of lymph node and lymph movement is changing
D. increase of lymph node
E. lymph node volume reduction
867. Depending on the nature of the clinical course lymphadenitis is divided into:
A. lateral, rhinogenous, otogenic, stomatogenic
B. * . acute, chronic and chronic, which escalated
C. specific and nonspecific
D. primary and secondary
E. Purulent and serous
868. . At what age in children often occurs not odonthogenic abscess?
A. in newborns
B. Up to 2 Rocky
C. * 5 years
D. 10 years
E. 14 years
869. Which lymph nodes are often inflamate when patient have tuberculosis lymphadenitis:
A. * neck
B. Parotid
C. Bucal
D. Submental
E. All answer are right
870. Is it possible to overlay on the primary wound stitches after dissection complicated forms
A. Possible
B. That in some cases
C. * impossible
D. No correct answer
E. possible in 2 days later
871. What kind of forunculs is often complicated by angular vein thrombophlebitis face?
A. * Upper lip, angle of mouth, and peryorbital region
B. cheek-chewing and parotid region.
C. nose and the outer corner of eye
D. noseband
E. All answer are right
872. What is the structure of pyogenic membrane that surrounds the furuncles and carbuncles:
A. solid, but thin membranes
B. solid and thick membranes
C. * Reticulation
D. it does not exist at all
E. No correct answer
873. What period of anthrax:
A. 5-7 days
B. 8-10 days
C. 12-14 days
D. * 15-18 days
E. No correct answer
874. Carbuncules - is:
A. acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
B. * Acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and
sebaceous asces
C. glands, which extends to the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue
D. serous inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
E. serous inflammation of several located along, hair follicles and sebaceous glands
875. Men 48 years old , on the chin skin pustule appeared, which quickly developed into a
dense, sharply painful infiltration size 3 x 5 cm of skin on his blue and red. In the central
zone of necrosis three around hair follicles. Lymph nodes enlarged chin, painful. Diagnosis.
A. * Carbuncle chin.
B. Erysipelas of chin.
C. Actinomycosis leather chin
D. Atheroma, which inflamate
E. Boil the chin
876. Man 20 years old , in the area from the right upper lip is acute swelling and dense
infiltrate size 1.5 x 1.5 cm in the center of infiltration is Point necrotic finish. After removal
of visible necrotic barrel. . Diagnosis.
A. * furuncle
B. ulcerative anthrax.
C. Actinomycosis of the skin
D. Anthrax.
E. Nahnoyena atheroma
877. Female treated at the furuncle of the left cheek. Suddenly the patient's condition
worsened. Appeared with severe headache, high body temperature, increased swelling of the
cheeks with dense infiltration What complications developed in this patient?
A. * Facial vein thrombophlebitis
B. No right answer
C. acute purulent antritis
D. Limyfanhoit
E. wildfire
878. Hallmark inframaxillary lymphadenitis is:
A. Presence of painful infiltration in inframaxillary site
B. Dermahemia;
C. * Painful round tumor
D. Multitude round painless tumors in inframaxillary site
E. All answers are correct.
879. The primary method of diagnosis of chronic lymphadenitis is:
A. * Tapping suspected neoplasm
B. Limfohrafiya
C. Complete blood count
D. Workup
E. All answers are correct
880. The main method of treatment of purulent lymphadenitis is:
A. Lymph node puncture
B. Physiotherapeutic treatment
C. Drug therapy
D. * Removing lymph node
E. All answers are correct
881. Phlegmonous adenitis is-:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. No right answer
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
882. Furuncle is -:
A. Acute purulent inflammation of sweat glands
B. * Acute purulent inflammation of hair follicles
C. Chronic inflammation of the skin
D. No right answer
All answer are right
The most dangerous localization of foruncle is:
Hair of head
* Plot nasolabial triangle
Inframaxillary area
chewing area
All answers are correct
What complication can be if patient have facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins of face
Purulent meningitis
* Thrombase cavernous sinus
Acute osteomyelitis in jaw
All answers are correct
More often furuncles developing:
* The youthful age (14-18 years);
In old age (over 50 years);
At the age of 20-40 years;
At any age equally often;
All answers are correct
Promotes the emergence of furuncles:
Stomach ulcer
Chronic inflammation of the lungs
Concomitant disease do not matter
* Diabetes
All answers are correct
Complications of furuncle it is result of :
Virulence microorganisms
The peculiarity of the structure of the skin
* Feature venous outflow
The feature of arterial bleeding
All answers are correct
The main method of treatment of furuncle is -:
General therapy
* Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy
Surgical intervention
All answers are correct
How many lymph nodes located at submental region:
* From 1-3 to 8-10
No more than 2
More 10-12
No one
No correct answer
Supra mandible lymph nodes receive lymph from:
Molar upper jaw, nose, upper and lower lip
Bicuspid and molar of mandible, nose, upper and lower lip
* Molar and bicuspid both jaws, nose, upper and lower lip
Molar upper jaw, upper and lower lip
No right answer
At what age finish the final formation of lymph nodes:
2-3 years
4-6 years
C. 6-8 years
D. 8-10 years
E. * 10-12 years
892. Peryadenit is:
A. Serous inflammation of the lymph node
B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node
C. * Serosal infiltration of tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
D. Purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the inflammatory changed node
E. No correct answer
893. How to call lymphadenitis if he haven’t etiological reason ?
A. Not odontogenic
B. Specific
C. Nonspecific
D. * Primary
E. Secondar
894. What is the diagnostic method allows us , to made differential diagnostic chronic
lymphadenitis of dermoid and epidermoid cysts face?
A. * Puncture
B. Sialohrafiya
C. Biopsy
D. Blood testing
E. No right answer
895. What microorganism often causing furuncles and carbuncles ?
A. Monoculture streptococci
B. * Monoculture staphylococcus
C. Monoculture protein
D. Association and staphylococcus protein
E. Association of staphylococcus and streptococcus
896. At what age are often found furuncles and carbuncles?
A. Children
B. Youthful
C. * Young
D. Mature
E. Elderly
897. What complications of furuncles or carbuncles is contributing factor of phlebitis and
thrombophlebitis of facial veins?
A. Ostiofolikulit
B. Deep limfanhoyit
C. Suppurative lymphadenitis
D. Peryadenit
E. * Heylit
898. What are the typical signs of syphilitic lymphadenitis?
A. * Significant hardness lymph node positive Wassermann reaction in punctate pale
B. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-negative
C. Suppurating lymph nodes
D. In no pale punctate treponem, RW-negative
E. Lymph nodes knitted together with the surrounding tissue, RW-positive
899. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
900. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
A. Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. * Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
901. What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
A. * Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
902. What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
A. Therapeutic
B. Orthodontic
C. * Surgical
D. Orthopedic
E. Stationary
903. What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
A. Periostitis
B. * Perykoronaritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Pulpitis
904. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Vysichennya hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
905. When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. At 1-2-dong day
B. . At 3-4-th day
C. * The 15-day 20 th
D. At 30-40-day
E. On the 50 th day
906. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
A. Age of patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
E. No right answer
907. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. * Injection line break of fracture
D. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
E. No right answer
908. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
No right answer
What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation fragment
* Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
No right answer
What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
All answer are right
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
* X-ray
No right answer
Delay eruption of the tooth can be complicated by :
* Osteomyelitis
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated:
* Lymphadenitis
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated:
* Phlegmon
No right answer
Delayed tooth can be complicated by :
* Abscess
No right answer
What to must do with detained tooth in inflammatory processes?
Wait till time , when inflammation will stopped
Use conservative treatment
* Remove the problematic tooth with pathological place
Do nothing
No right answer
What better to do with detained tooth, when he haven’t inflammation complications?
Extract problematic tooth
Do nothing
* Remove only when the tooth will aggravate
Do nothing
No right answer
What principles should lead the surgeon, if he wiil extract the detained tooth?
The lower the duration of the operation
* What is less traumatic operation
No right answer
Optimal choice of instruments
The lower the duration of postoperative time
What is the best age for treatment of the children , who have cysts?
1 - 2 years
3 - 4 years
5 - 6 years
6 - 7 years
* 9 - 10 years
What is the most typical complication , surgical treatment of middle cyst ?
* laryngeal edema
angular vein thrombophlebitis face
cavernous sinus thrombosis
Synonymous with cervical cyst is not:
branhiohenna cyst;
* tireoglosal cyst;
branchial cyst
no right answer
all answer are right
What disease preceded the emergence of lateral neck cysts and fistulas?
Dental disease
periodontal disease
* flu, sore throat
Gastrointestinal tract
cardio - vascular system
Cervical cyst is located:
* under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Where located cervical cysts ?
* under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Medial cervical cyst is located:
under muscles sterno-clido-mastoideus
a rear edge of muscle digastricus
* near the internal jugular vein at the bifurcation of common carotid artery
no right answer
all answer are right
Treatment of cervical cyst:
* surgery only;
only conservative
both surgical and conservative
biological method
no right answer
To defects which include cysts branchial arch and carotid areas badger?
* 1 - g;
2 - g;
3 - th;
4 - th;
5 - th;
Where can penetrate parotid fistula site?
in the nasal cavity
* in the external auditory passage
in the middle cranial fossa
in the cavernous sinus
Treatment of cysts and fistulas parotid area:
* surgery only;
only conservative
both surgical and conservative
no right answer
all answer are right
where most ofen hapend a retention cyst:
Sweat gland;
salivary gland
* sebaceous gland
mucous gland
no right answer
What content in atheroma?
C. Sanguinolent
D. * No right answer
E. All answer are right
952. What kind of Cyst of maxillary sinus , do you know?
A. * true and false
B. serous and purulent
C. lateral and medial
D. penetrating and those that do not penetrate
E. all answer are right
953. Post-traumatic cysts of soft tissue:
A. This innate disease
B. a lateral disease
C. * occurs in the introduction of foreign body tissue
D. a disease that occurs on the background of allergic changes in the body
E. all answer are right
954. In patients diagnosed during the examination of foreign incomplete median badger's
neck. What treatment should apply to this patient?
A. * badger removal to sublingual bone resection of the sublingual bone of the body
B. badger removal to sublingual bone, resection of the body sublingual bone, removing up to
a blind badger hole tongue root
C. badger removal, beginning in the skin and extends to the level of thyroid cartilage
D. badger removal beginning at the thyroid cartilage and extends to the palate tonsils
E. no right answer
955. Osteoma divided into:
A. * peripheral and central
B. intraosteal and extra osteal
C. firm and soft
D. all answer are right
E. no right answer
956. To ekzostozis include:
A. Bone deformities of the jaws arising after the removal of teeth
B. peripheral osteoma
C. congenital deformities of the jaws
D. * all previously listed
E. no right answer
957. Find the right X-ray description of osteoma:
A. * round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
B. homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
C. center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide;
D. destruction of bone cells with indistinct borders, surrounded obodkom sklerozovanoyi
E. no right answer
958. Find X-ray description of ossificate abscess:
A. round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
B. * homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
C. center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
959. Find X-ray odontomy description:
A. round shape cell homogenous eclipse with clear boundaries
B. homogeneous cell darkening with indistinct borders and unequal
C. * center of intense darkening of the clear and straight boundaries, surrounded by a strip of
enlightenment about 1 mm wide
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
960. What mechanism of osteoma operation ?
A. * removed within the formation of healthy tissue
B. is smoothing (leveling) deformed jaw area
C. resection of the jaw area is within the pathological cells
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
961. What is the primary symptom of the presence of jaw osteoyid - Osteoma?
A. swelling in the area of localization of the pathological cells
B. * pain in the jaw aching character, which appears without any apparent reason, increasing
at night;
C. limitation of opening the mouth
D. shift the jaw when opening the mouth
E. all that above
962. Where localized Osteoblastom?
A. only in the thick of the jaw bone
B. only on the periphery of the jaw
C. * both in depth and in the periphery of the jaw
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
963. what typical Clinical symptom of osteoblasts , do you know?
A. aching pain in the jaw, which is aggravated at night
B. * mobility of teeth and the presence of asymmetry in the face
C. presence of multiple fistulas at the alveolar appendix
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
964. Find X-ray description of cystic forms osteoblastomy:
A. * limited dilution of the bone tissue, with clear boundaries
B. has the form of small cavities, separated by a membrane bone
C. is the center of intensive uneven eclipse blurred
D. a great destruction of bone tissue with a jagged plot
E. no right answer
965. Find a radiological description of a solid form osteoblastomy:
A. Find Xlimited dilution of the bone tissue, with clear boundaries
B. * has the form of small cavities, separated by a membrane bone
C. is the center of intensive uneven eclipse blurred
D. a great destruction of bone tissue with a jagged plot
E. no right answer
966. Treatment of osteoblasts is:
A. conservative treatment is the tumor
B. curettage
C. * performed resection of the jaw area
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
967. Clinically ossificate fibroma of the jaws proceeds as:
A. osteoma
B. fibroma
C. * fibrous dysplasia
Inhibition of erythropoiesis occurs when:
* Abscess
Glandular abscess
Early secondary suture is:
Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
* Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
without the prior vysichennya granulation
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
Late secondary suture is:
Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
* Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
Impressions to the use of primary joints:
Failure removal of viable tissue.
Expressions of inflammatory skin changes
Advanced age
When osteogenic processes
* Limited inflammation of the lymph nodes
Ttrophic to the bone has:
* Lincomycin hilrohloryd
Errors in the treatment of abscess related:
* With the appointment of antibiotics without determining susceptibility to these
microorganisms, improper disclosure of abscess and its drainage
With the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotic
From the early disclosure of purulent foci
Since drainage of purulent foci silicone drainage pipe
For the detoxification and anti Inflammation therapy
For generalization of infection requires a critical level of bacterial cells :
100 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
1000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
10000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
* 100000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
1000000 strains of microbes in 1g of tissue
Outbreak characteristic:
Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
* Phlegmon
No right answer
Overall condition was changed to:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess.
C. Phlegmon.
D. Glandular abscess
E. No right answer
977. Subfebril body temperature often occur when:
A. * Infiltration, which runs as an independent disease
B. Abscess
C. Phlegmon
D. Glandular abscess
E. Mediastenit
978. What diseases have : Thick, gray secretory with an unpleasant smell and a little touch of
manure ?
A. Edema.
B. Infiltration
C. Abscess
D. * Phlegmon.
E. Lymphadenitis.
979. In what cases Endoflebit not developing ?
A. lower reactivity of the organism
B. deceleration of blood flow
C. venous wall damage
D. change of the blood
E. * transition of the inflammatory process of surrounding tissues
980. When suppuration of the soft tissues in the face of an inflammatory process goes on Sinus
brain often by:
A. veni angular face
B. facial artery
C. * anastomosis of facial veins
D. transverse artery of face
E. temporal veni
981. in what cases we can see infiltration of Ever ?
A. * thrombophlebitis facial veins
B. No right answer
C. boil
D. anthrax
E. Siberian ulcer
982. Painful infiltration occurs if:
A. Boil
B. Anthrax
C. * angular vein thrombophlebitis
D. No right answer
E. Nomi
983. Expansion of pupil and oculi veins occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
984. When angular vein thrombophlebitis of face, body temperature in the pathological foci
increases to:
A. 0.5 degrees
B. 0,5-1,0 degrees
C. * 1,5-2,5 degrees
D. 3-4 degrees
E. No right answer
985. Paresis of nerve “oculomotorius” may occur if:
A. angular vein thrombosis
B. mediastenit
C. * cavernous sinus thrombosis
D. Siberian ulcer
E. furuncle and carbuncle
986. Eritropoezu oppression occurs when:
A. sepsis;
B. abscess
C. abscess
D. anthrax
E. no right answer
987. what disease characterize by Symptoms Gerko, Ivanova, Rawicz-Shcherba ?
A. phlegmon bottom mouth
B. pneumonia
C. * mediastenit
D. sepsis
E. no right answer
988. When passive shift trachea amplified retrosternal pain, dyspnea and dysphagia. This
A. Popova;
B. Gerko;
C. Rawicz-Shcherba
D. * Rutenburha-Revuc'kogo
E. No right answer
989. Symptom Ridinhera - is:
A. retrosternal pain
B. pain intensifies stress neurovascular bundle up the neck
C. * pain intensifies when you try to swallow food or during deep inspiration
D. long stiff muscles
E. no right answer
990. The critical level of bacterial dissemination:
A. 10 squared microbes per 1 g tissue
B. 10 in cub. microbes per 1 g tissue
C. 10 in grade 4. microbes per 1 g tissue
D. * 10 in grade 5. microbes per 1 g tissue
E. 10 in grade 6. microbes per 1 g tissue
991. Synonym of septicemia:
A. permanent bakteriemiya with purulent metastases
B. bakteriemiya pus without metastases
C. * toxemia
D. no right answer
E. all answer are right
992. Stages of DIC-syndrome:
A. hipokoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
B. hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
C. hipokoahulyatsiyi, hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, reinstatement
D. * hiperkoahulyatsiyi, consumption coagulopathy, fibrinolysis activation, reinstatement
E. no right answer
993. To expedite the clearance of purulent wounds appoint:
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsion
994. Token favorable trends in the process of bullet wounds cytological study of patients with
odontogenic phlegmon SCHLD are:
A. * The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
995. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. . The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
996. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
997. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
998. Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
999. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
1000. Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
A. Osteomieliotis
B. sharp Periodontitis
C. chronic Periodontitis
D. tuberculosis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1002. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1003. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
1004. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
B. periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
C. only body of the jaw
D. inflammation of the bone
E. non of the above
1005. Periostitis is classifeid into?
A. acute and sub acute
B. sub acute and chronic
C. sharp and sub acute
D. * acute and chronic
E. non of the above
1006. Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
A. osteomyelitis
B. tuberculosis
C. ifections odontogenical
D. infection stomatogenical and trauma
E. * C and D are correct
1007. Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
A. Simple
B. fibrinotic and simple
C. simple and ossificial
D. * simple , ossificial and ravicular
E. non of the above
1008. Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
A. Viruses
B. * pus-forming bacteria
C. A and B are correct
D. Fungi
E. pneumococcal bacteria
1009. How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
D. Staphylococc
E. and D are correct
1018. Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
A. antibiotic therapy
B. extraction of the tooth
C. mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
D. * all of the above are correct
E. non of the above is correct
1019. Remission of the lesion is expected within?
A. 3-4months
B. one year
C. 9months
D. up to 2 years
E. * 2-6months
1020. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
1021. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1022. Patients with suppurative osteomyelitis will present with some or all of the signs of
inflammation and a warmth over the underlying tissues. Which of the following signs are
most correct?
A. Swelling,limited motion,temperature,cough
B. Swelling,limited motion,erythema,temperature
C. * Swelling ,limited motion,erythema,pain
D. Redness, limited motion,erythema,Swelling
E. All of the answers are correct
1023. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal
white blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
1024. Which among the choices fall in the list of causes?
A. Extension of dentoalveolar infection
B. * Complication of a fracture and failed root canal treatment
C. Cysts and infections from extraction sockets
D. Both A and C and blood pathogens
E. All of the answers are correct
1025. In most cases of suppurative osteomyelitis,the mandible is mostly affected with
occassionally oral-cutaneous,oral-antral or oraonasal fistulas resulting. In some cases bacteria
induced vessel thrombosis create an?
A. Blockage of the blood flow to the mandile area
B. * Ischemic neuropathy causing lip paresthesias
C. Ischemic damage of the small facial vessels
D. Ischemic thrombosis of the lip and jaws
E. Blockage and ischemia of facial vessels
1026. In radiographic findings, ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
1027. In differential diagnosis which of the following pathologies are differentiated from
osteomyelitis causing destruction of bone in a similar pattern and produce enough tumor
related necrosis mimicking osteomyelitis?
A. Erwing sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Non-Hodgkin lyphoma of bone
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. * All are correct
1028. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
1029. The use of internal fixation plates in such infected tissue beds unless a resection type of
debridement is undertaken.Therfore if osteomyelitis affects the mandible what is undertaken?
A. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
B. * Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
C. Mobilization with mandibulomaxilla fixation or internal skeletal pins
D. Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
E. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
1030. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1031. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
1032. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
True pathogen did grow only in the culture
* A,C and D are correct
Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
Its is more common in children and teenagers
The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1034. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1035. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1036. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1037. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1038. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1039. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1040. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
A. Directly at the beginning of the disease
B. * In 10-14 days after onset
C. After 5-7 days after onset
D. After 1-2 days after onset
3-4 days after onset
What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
acute parotitis
jaw fracture
acute lymphadenitis
worsening of chronic periodontitis in background reduction reactivity of the organism
* Epulis
What is the clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
In motion all the teeth in the jaw
In the headaches, the positive symptoms of stress
* The fever, raising the temperature to 40 C, positive symptoms Vincent, motion group of
In sharp pulsating pain in the tooth
No right answer
What drugs used in treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
* Lincomycin
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the causal tooth
In broad periostotomi jaw on both sides
In periostotomiyi of the causal tooth , after that drainage
* Removing the causal tooth broad periostotomi jaw on both sides, drainage
No right answer
What limits should have focal osteomyelitis?
Within the body of the jaw or arms
* Within 3 teeth
Within half jaw
The whole jaw
No right answer
What limits should have diffuse osteomyelitis?
Within 3 teeth
Within the body of mandible
Within the alveolar bone
* Half or whole jaw
Within one tooth
Who is the author of infectious theory of osteomyelitis?
* E. Lekser, AA Bazhanov
Who is the author of allergic theory of osteomyelitis?
Lekser, Bazhanov
* Deryzhanov
Seek the correct answer
Who is the author of neyrotrofic theory of osteomyelitis?
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
1050. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1051. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1052. What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
A. 0,5-0,12 mm
B. 0,8-0,16 mm
C. * 0,15-0,20 mm
D. 0,20-0,25 mm
E. 0.25-0.30 mm
1053. What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
A. * 0,15-0,22 mm.
B. 0,18-0,20 mm
C. 0,20-0,25 mm
D. 0,22-0,28 mm
E. 0.28-0.34 mm
1054. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1055. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1056. Classification of periodontitis which the author is most poular ?
A. Hofunha
B. Vayndruha
C. Ovrutskogo
D. * Lukomskoho
E. Gorbachev
1057. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
1058. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
1059. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1060. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1061. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1062. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1063. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1064. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1065. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1066. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1067. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1068. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1069. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
1070. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
1071. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1072. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
A. Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. * Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1073. What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
A. * Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1074. What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
A. Periostitis
B. * Perykoronaritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Pulpitis
1075. What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
A. Therapeutic
B. Orthodontic
C. * Surgical
D. Orthopedic
E. Stationary
1076. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incision hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
1077. When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. At 1-2-dong day
B. . At 3-4-th day
C. * The 15-day 20 th
D. At 30-40-day
E. On the 50 th day
1078. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
A. Age of patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
E. No right answer
1079. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. * Injection line break of fracture
D. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
E. No right answer
1080. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
E. No right answer
1081. What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation fragment
D. * Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
E. No right answer
1082. What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
* X-ray
No right answer
Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
sharp Periodontitis
chronic Periodontitis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1106. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1107. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
1108. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
only body of the jaw
inflammation of the bone
non of the above
Periostitis is classifeid into?
acute and sub acute
sub acute and chronic
sharp and sub acute
* acute and chronic
non of the above
Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
ifections odontogenical
infection stomatogenical and trauma
* C and D are correct
Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
fibrinotic and simple
simple and ossificial
* simple , ossificial and ravicular
non of the above
Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
* pus-forming bacteria
A and B are correct
pneumococcal bacteria
How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
and D are correct
Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
antibiotic therapy
extraction of the tooth
mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
* all of the above are correct
non of the above is correct
Remission of the lesion is expected within?
one year
up to 2 years
* 2-6months
Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
May occur in renal osteodystrophy
May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
* all of the above
Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1126. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1127. Histopathological features seen for osteomyelitis involves all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Internal bone marrow with vascular thrombosis
C. * Edema of bone tissues
D. Necrotic bone
E. Only B and D
1128. The following can be causes of periostitis EXCEPT?
A. Yaws
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. * Metastatic Carcinoma
E. Endodontic origin
1129. Management of periostitis involves;
A. * Removal of source of infection and antibotic treatment
B. There is no cure for this disease due to antibiotic resistance
C. Only surgical intervention with no antibiotics
D. Root canal treatment
E. Answers A and D
1130. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the infection in periostitis
takes place?
A. It spreads through bony structures of mandible with periosteal reaction or perforation of
cortical plate
B. It spread through cortical plate only with no perforation or periostel reaction of the
mandible bone
C. Its can either happen as described in answer A or B
D. * Only A correctly describes
E. None of the above correctly describes
1131. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis is a clinical radiographic variant of chronic
osteomyelitis found in young individuals because of their;
A. Low resistance, increased blood suppy, and less bone regenrative capabilities
B. Low resistance, decreased blood supply and less bone regenerative capabilities
C. * High resistance,increased blood supply, and high bone regenerative capabilities
D. High resistance, increades blood suppy,and less bone regenerative capabilities
E. None of the above
1132. During patient examination different methods are used so as to diagnose and come up
with the right patient treatment.Which of the following best describes periostitis?
A. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painful
on both inside and outside with swelling on the vestibular side
B. * During palpation of process alveolaris,pain is felt only outside,during percussion only
the sick tooth is painful and swelling is on the vestibular
C. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painless
on both inside and outside with swelling on oral surface only
D. All of the above are possible
E. Only A is the most correct describing periostitis
1133. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis presents most often in child or teenager
associated with an apical infection in a mandibular posterior teeth.It does not seem occur in
maxilla.Which best describes the expansion?
A. * Expansion is soft and spongy,very painful or tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
no erythema
B. Expansion is hard and spongy, painless though thender to palpation,without pus,drainge
and no erythema
C. Expansion is hard and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainage or
D. Expansion is hard and usually painful and tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
E. Expansion is soft and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainge or
1134. During radiographic findings in periostitis what should one look out for?
A. What clinically seems to be an expanded cortex and is not, its deposition of extracortical
new bone
B. * Extracortical bone with a trabecular bone pattern appearing as onion skin pattern
C. Extracortical new born forming outside an intact cortex
D. Extracortical new bone with a destroyed cortex and an intramedullary radiopacities
E. Answers A,B, and C are correct
1135. The following describes various treatment of periostitis which of them is most
A. Surgical incision of the periostium, use of rubber drainage and 10day course of antibiotics
and antianalgesics
B. Surgical excision of the mucous membrane,using of rubber drainage,10 day course of
antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
C. * Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by either extraction or
root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
D. Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by not extracting or
doing root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
E. None of them is appropriate
1136. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
1137. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
1138. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1139. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1140. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1141. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1142. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1143. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1144. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1145. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
A. Directly at the beginning of the disease
B. * In 10-14 days after onset
C. After 5-7 days after onset
D. After 1-2 days after onset
E. 3-4 days after onset
1146. What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
1147. Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
A. Osteomieliotis
B. sharp Periodontitis
C. chronic Periodontitis
D. tuberculosis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1149. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1150. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
1151. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
B. periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
C. only body of the jaw
D. inflammation of the bone
E. non of the above
1152. Periostitis is classifeid into?
A. acute and sub acute
B. sub acute and chronic
C. sharp and sub acute
D. * acute and chronic
E. non of the above
1153. Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
A. osteomyelitis
B. tuberculosis
C. ifections odontogenical
D. infection stomatogenical and trauma
E. * C and D are correct
1154. Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
A. Simple
B. fibrinotic and simple
C. simple and ossificial
D. * simple , ossificial and ravicular
E. non of the above
1155. Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
A. Viruses
B. * pus-forming bacteria
C. A and B are correct
D. Fungi
E. pneumococcal bacteria
1156. How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
D. Staphylococc
E. and D are correct
1165. Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
A. antibiotic therapy
B. extraction of the tooth
C. mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
D. * all of the above are correct
E. non of the above is correct
1166. Remission of the lesion is expected within?
A. 3-4months
B. one year
C. 9months
D. up to 2 years
E. * 2-6months
1167. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
1168. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1169. Patients with suppurative osteomyelitis will present with some or all of the signs of
inflammation and a warmth over the underlying tissues. Which of the following signs are
most correct?
A. Swelling,limited motion,temperature,cough
B. Swelling,limited motion,erythema,temperature
C. * Swelling ,limited motion,erythema,pain
D. Redness, limited motion,erythema,Swelling
E. All of the answers are correct
1170. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal
white blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
1171. Which among the choices fall in the list of causes?
A. Extension of dentoalveolar infection
B. * Complication of a fracture and failed root canal treatment
C. Cysts and infections from extraction sockets
D. Both A and C and blood pathogens
E. All of the answers are correct
1172. In most cases of suppurative osteomyelitis,the mandible is mostly affected with
occassionally oral-cutaneous,oral-antral or oraonasal fistulas resulting. In some cases bacteria
induced vessel thrombosis create an?
A. Blockage of the blood flow to the mandile area
B. * Ischemic neuropathy causing lip paresthesias
C. Ischemic damage of the small facial vessels
D. Ischemic thrombosis of the lip and jaws
E. Blockage and ischemia of facial vessels
1173. In radiographic findings, ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
1174. In differential diagnosis which of the following pathologies are differentiated from
osteomyelitis causing destruction of bone in a similar pattern and produce enough tumor
related necrosis mimicking osteomyelitis?
A. Erwing sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Non-Hodgkin lyphoma of bone
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. * All are correct
1175. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
1176. The use of internal fixation plates in such infected tissue beds unless a resection type of
debridement is undertaken.Therfore if osteomyelitis affects the mandible what is undertaken?
A. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
B. * Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
C. Mobilization with mandibulomaxilla fixation or internal skeletal pins
D. Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
E. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
1177. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1178. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
1179. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1180. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1181. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1182. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1183. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1184. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1185. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1186. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
A. Directly at the beginning of the disease
B. * In 10-14 days after onset
C. After 5-7 days after onset
D. After 1-2 days after onset
E. 3-4 days after onset
1187. What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. acute parotitis
B. jaw fracture
C. acute lymphadenitis
D. worsening of chronic periodontitis in background reduction reactivity of the organism
E. * Epulis
What is the clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
In motion all the teeth in the jaw
In the headaches, the positive symptoms of stress
* The fever, raising the temperature to 40 C, positive symptoms Vincent, motion group of
In sharp pulsating pain in the tooth
No right answer
What drugs used in treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
* Lincomycin
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the causal tooth
In broad periostotomi jaw on both sides
In periostotomiyi of the causal tooth , after that drainage
* Removing the causal tooth broad periostotomi jaw on both sides, drainage
No right answer
What limits should have focal osteomyelitis?
Within the body of the jaw or arms
* Within 3 teeth
Within half jaw
The whole jaw
No right answer
What limits should have diffuse osteomyelitis?
Within 3 teeth
Within the body of mandible
Within the alveolar bone
* Half or whole jaw
Within one tooth
Who is the author of infectious theory of osteomyelitis?
* E. Lekser, AA Bazhanov
Who is the author of allergic theory of osteomyelitis?
Lekser, Bazhanov
* Deryzhanov
Seek the correct answer
Who is the author of neyrotrofic theory of osteomyelitis?
* Smenchenko
Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
* 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1197. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1198. What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
A. 0,5-0,12 mm
B. 0,8-0,16 mm
C. * 0,15-0,20 mm
D. 0,20-0,25 mm
E. 0.25-0.30 mm
1199. What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
A. * 0,15-0,22 mm.
B. 0,18-0,20 mm
C. 0,20-0,25 mm
D. 0,22-0,28 mm
E. 0.28-0.34 mm
1200. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1201. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1202. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1203. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1204. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1205. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1206. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1207. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1208. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1209. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1210. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1211. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1212. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
1213. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26
sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
1214. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the
area of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in
the region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
1215. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the
deep carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100
mkA. In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
1216. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
1217. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
1218. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
1219. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1220. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
A. Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. * Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1221. What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
A. * Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1222. What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
A. Periostitis
B. * Perykoronaritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Pulpitis
1223. What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
A. Therapeutic
B. Orthodontic
C. * Surgical
D. Orthopedic
E. Stationary
1224. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incision hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
1225. When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. At 1-2-dong day
B. . At 3-4-th day
C. * The 15-day 20 th
D. At 30-40-day
E. On the 50 th day
1226. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
A. Age of patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
E. No right answer
1227. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. * Injection line break of fracture
D. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
No right answer
What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation fragment
* Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
No right answer
What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
* X-ray
No right answer
Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
sharp Periodontitis
chronic Periodontitis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1254. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1255. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
1256. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
B. periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
C. only body of the jaw
D. inflammation of the bone
E. non of the above
1257. Periostitis is classifeid into?
A. acute and sub acute
B. sub acute and chronic
C. sharp and sub acute
D. * acute and chronic
E. non of the above
1258. Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
A. osteomyelitis
B. tuberculosis
C. ifections odontogenical
D. infection stomatogenical and trauma
E. * C and D are correct
1259. Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
A. Simple
B. fibrinotic and simple
C. simple and ossificial
D. * simple , ossificial and ravicular
E. non of the above
1260. Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
A. Viruses
B. * pus-forming bacteria
C. A and B are correct
D. Fungi
E. pneumococcal bacteria
1261. How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
A. blood steam
B. injures of the bone
C. * blood steam and injures of the bone
D. cortex of the bone
E. Haversian system
1262. Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
and D are correct
Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
antibiotic therapy
extraction of the tooth
mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
D. * all of the above are correct
E. non of the above is correct
1271. Remission of the lesion is expected within?
A. 3-4months
B. one year
C. 9months
D. up to 2 years
E. * 2-6months
1272. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
1273. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1274. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1275. Histopathological features seen for osteomyelitis involves all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Internal bone marrow with vascular thrombosis
C. * Edema of bone tissues
D. Necrotic bone
E. Only B and D
1276. The following can be causes of periostitis EXCEPT?
A. Yaws
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. * Metastatic Carcinoma
E. Endodontic origin
1277. Management of periostitis involves;
A. * Removal of source of infection and antibotic treatment
B. There is no cure for this disease due to antibiotic resistance
C. Only surgical intervention with no antibiotics
D. Root canal treatment
E. Answers A and D
1278. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the infection in periostitis
takes place?
A. It spreads through bony structures of mandible with periosteal reaction or perforation of
cortical plate
B. It spread through cortical plate only with no perforation or periostel reaction of the
mandible bone
C. Its can either happen as described in answer A or B
D. * Only A correctly describes
E. None of the above correctly describes
1279. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis is a clinical radiographic variant of chronic
osteomyelitis found in young individuals because of their;
A. Low resistance, increased blood suppy, and less bone regenrative capabilities
B. Low resistance, decreased blood supply and less bone regenerative capabilities
C. * High resistance,increased blood supply, and high bone regenerative capabilities
D. High resistance, increades blood suppy,and less bone regenerative capabilities
E. None of the above
1280. During patient examination different methods are used so as to diagnose and come up
with the right patient treatment.Which of the following best describes periostitis?
A. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painful
on both inside and outside with swelling on the vestibular side
B. * During palpation of process alveolaris,pain is felt only outside,during percussion only
the sick tooth is painful and swelling is on the vestibular
C. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painless
on both inside and outside with swelling on oral surface only
D. All of the above are possible
E. Only A is the most correct describing periostitis
1281. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis presents most often in child or teenager
associated with an apical infection in a mandibular posterior teeth.It does not seem occur in
maxilla.Which best describes the expansion?
A. * Expansion is soft and spongy,very painful or tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
no erythema
B. Expansion is hard and spongy, painless though thender to palpation,without pus,drainge
and no erythema
C. Expansion is hard and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainage or
D. Expansion is hard and usually painful and tender to palpation with pus,drainage and
E. Expansion is soft and not usually painful or tender to palpation with no pus,drainge or
1282. During radiographic findings in periostitis what should one look out for?
A. What clinically seems to be an expanded cortex and is not, its deposition of extracortical
new bone
B. * Extracortical bone with a trabecular bone pattern appearing as onion skin pattern
C. Extracortical new born forming outside an intact cortex
D. Extracortical new bone with a destroyed cortex and an intramedullary radiopacities
E. Answers A,B, and C are correct
1283. The following describes various treatment of periostitis which of them is most
A. Surgical incision of the periostium, use of rubber drainage and 10day course of antibiotics
and antianalgesics
B. Surgical excision of the mucous membrane,using of rubber drainage,10 day course of
antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
C. * Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by either extraction or
root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
D. Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by not extracting or
doing root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
E. None of them is appropriate
1284. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
1285. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
1286. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1287. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1288. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1289. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1290. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1291. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1292. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1293. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
A. Directly at the beginning of the disease
B. * In 10-14 days after onset
C. After 5-7 days after onset
D. After 1-2 days after onset
E. 3-4 days after onset
1294. What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Lekser
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
1295. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1296. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1297. What changes In acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
A. Reactive changes of the barking does not occur
B. Ham revealed changes only on one side jaw
C. * There were changes on both sides of ham jaw
D. Condition adjacent jaw tissue for diagnosis
E. No right answer
1298. When the localization process where the most pronounced clinical signs of local progress
A. When the localization process in the area of the body of mandible
B. * The location of the upper jaw
C. When localization field angle of the jaw and arms
D. Differences in the clinical picture, depending on location
E. No right answer
1299. What additional test method need to clarify the diagnosis for periodontitis?
A. Panoramic radiography
B. Elektroodontometri
C. Precision X-ray photo
D. Telerenthenohrafi
E. Computed tomography
1300. What treatment is best one for treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Remove tooth
B. * Ensure the outflow of fluid by periostotomiyi
C. operation resection of apex of the tooth roots
D. Conduct nekrotomy of gangrenous tooth and after that doctor must made control X-ray
E. rinse oral cavity by solution by baking soda
1301. What mean tooth root amputation?
A. Remove the apex together with the adjacent part of the coronal tooth
B. Autopsy of crown to the bifurcation of the root, after that revision of the pathological foci
C. * Autopsy on the edge of the top neck of the tooth and remove it
D. Autopsy top and remove part of his riding
E. Remove the top half of the rooth
1302. What mean replantatsion of the tooth?
A. Remove the top and keeping it in the alveoli of artificial tooth
B. Autopsy coronal part of the tooth to its bifurcation
C. Extraction, abscission top of the tooth root and the introduction of intervention and
resection of bladder top top
D. No right answer
E. * Removing the tooth and putting in his bladder after endodontic intervention
1303. In what tooth you can made operation of hemisektsion of the apex ?
A. At any tooth
B. * In the molars of maxilla and mandibular
C. In the tooth with the orthopedic device
D. Bicuspid on the upper and lower jaws
E. On the incisour
1304. What mean periodontitis?
A. Inflammatory process that affects the tooth bone hole
B. * Inflammation which strikes periodont tissue and spread to adjacent bone structure
C. Inflammatory process that affects gum tissue in the area of a causal tooth
D. Inflammatory process that affects the tooth pulp
E. Inflammatory process that affects the bones of the jaws
1305. What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
A. 0,5-0,12 mm
B. 0,8-0,16 mm
C. * 0,15-0,20 mm
D. 0,20-0,25 mm
E. 0.25-0.30 mm
1306. What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
A. * 0,15-0,22 mm.
B. 0,18-0,20 mm
C. 0,20-0,25 mm
D. 0,22-0,28 mm
E. 0.28-0.34 mm
1307. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1308. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1309. Classification of periodontitis which the author is most poular ?
A. Hofunha
B. Vayndruha
C. Ovrutskogo
D. * Lukomskoho
E. Gorbachev
1310. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
1311. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
1312. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1313. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1314. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1315. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1316. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1317. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1318. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1319. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1320. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1321. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1322. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
1323. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
1324. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1325. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
* Dystopi
What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
* Adentia
What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
* Perykoronaritis
What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
* Surgical
When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
At 1-2-dong day
. At 3-4-th day
* The 15-day 20 th
At 30-40-day
On the 50 th day
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
Age of patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
* Injection line break of fracture
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
No right answer
What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation fragment
* Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
No right answer
What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
A. Complete absence of teeth
B. * Partial absence of teeth
C. Lack of crown of tooth
D. Lack formed roots of teeth
E. No right answer
1352. Which teeth are often completely arrested?
A. Lower cutting
B. * Upper teeth
C. Lower teeth
D. Lower canines
E. Lower molars
1353. Which teeth most often have half retention ?
A. Upper Cutters
B. Lower cutting
C. Upper canines
D. Upper molars
E. * The lower wisdom teeth
1354. What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
A. * Follicular
B. Fisural
C. Radykulyar
D. No right answer
E. Parodental
1355. What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
A. Palpation
B. Probing
C. Percussion
D. * X-ray
E. No right answer
1356. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol "novoseptu"
B. 0.5% sol "novoseptu"
C. * 1.0% sol "novoseptu"
D. 1.5% sol "novoseptu"
E. 3% sol hydrogen peroxide
1357. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol chloramines
B. * 0.5% sol chloramines
C. 1.0% sol chloramines
D. 1.5% sol chloramines
E. 2.0% sol chloramine
1358. How many people should dentist serve in public institutions?
A. 2-2.5 thousand
B. * 4-4.5 thousand
C. 6-6.5 thousand
D. 7.8 thousand
E. 8.9 thousand
1359. How many dental surgeons should be assigned to one nurse position?
A. What belongs to specific methods of examination in dental surgery?
B. Questionary
C. Overview
D. Palpation
E. * Radiography
1360. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess chewing function?
A. Radiography
B. Thermometry
C. Tomography
D. * Masticatiography
E. Thermography
1361. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess round apex tissues of the tooth?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Questionary
E. * X-ray
1362. Which study should be carried out to assess the contractile function of masticatory
A. X-ray
B. * Gnatodynamometry
C. Tomography
D. Thermometry
E. Thermography
1363. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. * 30.0% sol. Iodoli poli
1364. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. * 10.0% sol. Etiotrasti
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
1365. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of
A. 20-30 Ma
B. 40-50 Ma
C. 60-70 Ma
D. 80-90 Ma
E. * 100-150 Ma
1366. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of facial
nerve neuritis?
A. * 1.3 Ma
B. 5.10 Ma
C. 15-20 Ma
D. 25-30 Ma
E. E.
1367. How many distinguishable categories of dental clinics do you know?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. * 6
1368. Which below mentioned operations relate to unplanned manipulations?
A. Replantation
B. Apex resection
C. * Extraction operation
D. Sekvestrektomy
E. Surgical treatment of periodontal diseases
1369. What part of dental patients requires outpatient treatment?
A. 75-88%
B. 84-90%
C. 91-95%
D. 93-97%
E. * 98-99%
1370. How is the way of infection transfer called, where infection transmitted through the
suture material or other materials that remain in the wound?
A. Direct contact
B. Indirect contact
C. * Implantation
D. Breezing
E. Dust
1371. What is the most accessible form of dental care for the population?
A. * State budget
B. Private
C. Cooperative
D. Self-financing
E. All of the above
1372. When performing a femoral nerve block, the needle entry point which is most likely to
result in contact with the femoral nerve is one performed at the level of:
A. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
B. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery
C. * The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
D. The inguinal crease 2 cm lateral to the femoral artery.
E. The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery.
1373. A tourniquet applied to the limb of a conscious, unsedated patient will typically become
intolerable after:
A. 10 minutes
B. * 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
E. 90 minutes
1374. In the case of a brachial plexus block using Bupivacaine:
A. * Paraesthesia extending beyond 24 hours is most likely to represent neuropraxia
B. The addition of adrenaline does not increase the duration of the block
C. Accidental IV injection is safe as long as the plasma concentration does not exceed 10
D. There is significant separation of sensory and motor blockade
E. All of the above
1375. Which of the following is true of post-dural puncture headache?
A. 90% commence within 18 hours of dural puncture
B. The mechanism is due to traction on nerves supplying the meninges
C. The majority cause severe pain that is referred to the frontal and occipital areas
The technique of blood patch is 90% successful
* All of the above.
Which of the following is true of tourniquet pain experienced during spinal anaesthesia?
It is often associated with a " patchy " block
It is less likely to occur with blockade at a high level.
It occurs more frequently with bupivacaine
* . Intravenous opioids have been shown to be of little effect
All of the above.
Auscultation is a reliable sign of correct positioning of the tube.
The incidence of mal-positioning is far higher with right sided tubes
* At least 60% of either right or left sided tubes can be shown to be mal-positioned by
C. Insertion too far is the commonest category of mal-position
D. The left upper lobe bronchus is unlikely to be obstructed by a left sided tube
E. Oxygenation during one lung ventilation (OLV) may be improved by
1378. Cerebral perfusion during cardiopulmonary massage is best preserved with:
A. * Open cardiac massage
B. Simultaneous compression and ventilation
C. Increased compression rate from 60-80
D. Trendelenberg posturing
E. Compression ratio < 0.4.
1379. The most appropriate level for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under
spinal anaesthesia is:
A. T8.
B. * T10.
C. L4.
D. S1.
E. None of the above
1380. Which period related to elective abdominal aortic resection is associated with the greatest
A. Induction
B. Aortic cross-clamping
C. Emergence
D. * Postoperative
E. None of the above
1381. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the MAC of isoflurane:
A. Is increased by about 50%.
B. Is increased by about 30%.
C. Is unchanged from the non-pregnant state.
D. * Is reduced by about 30%.
E. Is reduced by about 50%.
1382. The principal site of action of an epidurally-administered local anaesthetic injected in the
mid-thoracic region is:
A. The dorsal root ganglia
B. The substantia gelatinosa
C. The spinal nerves
D. * The spinal roots
E. The spinal cord
1383. Systemic absorption of local anaesthetic occurs most rapidly following which of the
following techniques?
A. Femoral block
B. Caudal block
C. Lumbar epidural block
D. Axillary block
E. * Intercostal block
1384. The intravenous injection of 15 micrograms of adrenalin (the amount contained in a
typical 'test dose' for an epidural) to an awake patient will result in an increase in pulse rate
A. 0 beats per minute
B. 5 beats per minute
C. 10 beats per minute
D. * 30 beats per minute
E. 50 beats per minute
1385. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1386. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1387. What changes In acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
A. Reactive changes of the barking does not occur
B. Ham revealed changes only on one side jaw
C. * There were changes on both sides of ham jaw
D. Condition adjacent jaw tissue for diagnosis
E. No right answer
1388. When the localization process where the most pronounced clinical signs of local progress
A. When the localization process in the area of the body of mandible
B. * The location of the upper jaw
C. When localization field angle of the jaw and arms
D. Differences in the clinical picture, depending on location
E. No right answer
1389. What additional test method need to clarify the diagnosis for periodontitis?
A. Panoramic radiography
B. Elektroodontometri
C. Precision X-ray photo
D. Telerenthenohrafi
E. Computed tomography
1390. What treatment is best one for treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Remove tooth
B. * Ensure the outflow of fluid by periostotomiyi
C. operation resection of apex of the tooth roots
D. Conduct nekrotomy of gangrenous tooth and after that doctor must made control X-ray
E. rinse oral cavity by solution by baking soda
1391. What mean tooth root amputation?
A. Remove the apex together with the adjacent part of the coronal tooth
B. Autopsy of crown to the bifurcation of the root, after that revision of the pathological foci
* Autopsy on the edge of the top neck of the tooth and remove it
Autopsy top and remove part of his riding
Remove the top half of the rooth
What mean replantatsion of the tooth?
Remove the top and keeping it in the alveoli of artificial tooth
Autopsy coronal part of the tooth to its bifurcation
Extraction, abscission top of the tooth root and the introduction of intervention and
resection of bladder top top
No right answer
* Removing the tooth and putting in his bladder after endodontic intervention
In what tooth you can made operation of hemisektsion of the apex ?
At any tooth
* In the molars of maxilla and mandibular
In the tooth with the orthopedic device
Bicuspid on the upper and lower jaws
On the incisour
What mean periodontitis?
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth bone hole
* Inflammation which strikes periodont tissue and spread to adjacent bone structure
Inflammatory process that affects gum tissue in the area of a causal tooth
Inflammatory process that affects the tooth pulp
Inflammatory process that affects the bones of the jaws
What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
0,5-0,12 mm
0,8-0,16 mm
* 0,15-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
0.25-0.30 mm
What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
* 0,15-0,22 mm.
0,18-0,20 mm
0,20-0,25 mm
0,22-0,28 mm
0.28-0.34 mm
What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
Blood and lymph vessels
Collagenous fibers
* Vessels and nerves
Circular band
Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
Blood and lymph vessels
* Collagenous fibers
Vessels and nerves
Circular band
Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
Classification of periodontitis which the author is most poular ?
* Lukomskoho
1400. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
1401. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
1402. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1403. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1404. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1405. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1406. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1407. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1408. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1409. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1410. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1411. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1412. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
1413. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
1414. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1415. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
A. Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. * Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1416. What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
A. * Adentia
B. Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1417. What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
A. Periostitis
B. * Perykoronaritis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Pulpitis
1418. What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
A. Therapeutic
B. Orthodontic
C. * Surgical
D. Orthopedic
E. Stationary
1419. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incision hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
1420. When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. At 1-2-dong day
B. At 3-4-th day
C. * The 15-day 20 th
D. At 30-40-day
E. On the 50 th day
1421. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
A. Age of patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
E. No right answer
1422. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. * Injection line break of fracture
D. Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
E. No right answer
1423. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Age patient
B. Acute lymphadenitis
C. Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
D. * Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
E. No right answer
1424. What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation fragment
D. * Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
E. No right answer
1425. What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
A. Physiotherapy
B. Temporary immobilisation of fragment
C. Later immobilisation of fragment
D. * Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
E. No right answer
1426. What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Removing the sequestration
B. revision of the bone wound
C. In repositor and fixing fragments
D. * The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
E. No right answer
1427. In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
A. After fizical treatment
B. After maturation of bone wounds
C. * After the formation of sequestration
D. After antibacterial therapy
E. No right answer
1428. What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
A. wrong formation of tooth rudiments
B. Late eryption of the tooth
C. * Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
D. Rickets
E. No right answer
1429. Perikonaritis - is:
A. Limited jaw osteomyelitis
B. Suppurative process in the cheek area
C. Inflammation of the tooth pulp
D. * Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
E. No right answer
1430. Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
A. * As soon as in a shorter time
B. Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
C. Terms removal are not important
D. On removal of the tooth can stay
E. No right answer
1431. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
A. * Developing more often in maxilla
B. Developed more often in mandibula
C. Equally frequent in both jaws
D. No patterns in the incidence of damage
E. Not occur in the jawbone
1432. Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
A. Data biochemical test
B. Data immunological test
C. * Data X-ray examination
D. Of clinical examination
E. Data analysis of stool
1433. Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of: Periostitis is complication after
which disease ?
sharp Periodontitis
chronic Periodontitis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1435. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1436. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
C. in maxilla sinuses
D. A and B are correct
E. soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
1437. Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
A. * alveolar sprout
B. periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
C. only body of the jaw
D. inflammation of the bone
E. non of the above
1438. Periostitis is classifeid into?
A. acute and sub acute
B. sub acute and chronic
C. sharp and sub acute
D. * acute and chronic
E. non of the above
1439. Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
A. osteomyelitis
B. tuberculosis
C. ifections odontogenical
D. infection stomatogenical and trauma
E. * C and D are correct
1440. Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
A. Simple
B. fibrinotic and simple
C. simple and ossificial
D. * simple , ossificial and ravicular
E. non of the above
1441. Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
A. Viruses
B. * pus-forming bacteria
A and B are correct
pneumococcal bacteria
How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
1450. Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
A. * inflammatory area of spongiosa
B. streptococci.
C. ECHO viruses
D. Staphylococc
E. and D are correct
1451. Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
A. antibiotic therapy
B. extraction of the tooth
C. mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
D. * all of the above are correct
E. non of the above is correct
1452. Remission of the lesion is expected within?
A. 3-4months
B. one year
C. 9months
D. up to 2 years
E. * 2-6months
1453. Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
A. May occur in renal osteodystrophy
B. May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
C. Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
1454. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1455. Patients with suppurative osteomyelitis will present with some or all of the signs of
inflammation and a warmth over the underlying tissues. Which of the following signs are
most correct?
A. Swelling,limited motion,temperature,cough
B. Swelling,limited motion,erythema,temperature
C. * Swelling ,limited motion,erythema,pain
D. Redness, limited motion,erythema,Swelling
E. All of the answers are correct
1456. In most cases the patient will experience pain,most will be afebrile and have a normal
white blood cell count unless the infection is severe and leucocytosisi is seen with?
A. A slight shift to the right towards immature neutrophil
B. * A slight shift to the left towards immature neutrophil
C. A slight shift to the right towards immature leucocytes
D. Answer A and C are correct
E. A slight shift to both sides with immature leucocytes
1457. Which among the choices fall in the list of causes?
A. Extension of dentoalveolar infection
B. * Complication of a fracture and failed root canal treatment
C. Cysts and infections from extraction sockets
D. Both A and C and blood pathogens
E. All of the answers are correct
1458. In most cases of suppurative osteomyelitis,the mandible is mostly affected with
occassionally oral-cutaneous,oral-antral or oraonasal fistulas resulting. In some cases bacteria
induced vessel thrombosis create an?
A. Blockage of the blood flow to the mandile area
B. * Ischemic neuropathy causing lip paresthesias
C. Ischemic damage of the small facial vessels
D. Ischemic thrombosis of the lip and jaws
E. Blockage and ischemia of facial vessels
1459. In radiographic findings, ostemyelitis when diagnosed early show a normal radiographic
appearance.If the infection progresses what is normally seen radiographically?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
1460. In differential diagnosis which of the following pathologies are differentiated from
osteomyelitis causing destruction of bone in a similar pattern and produce enough tumor
related necrosis mimicking osteomyelitis?
A. Erwing sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Non-Hodgkin lyphoma of bone
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. * All are correct
1461. Failure to remove etiological cause of disease will result in continued infection or initial
recovery followed by reinfection. Therefore the approach for all suppurative infections
should begin with?
A. Treat with antibiotics after prescription
B. Operation of infected area to clear the infection
C. * Search for focuss of infection and plan removing it
D. Surgical intervention by a specialised surgeon
E. Surgical intervention and antibiotic treatment.
1462. The use of internal fixation plates in such infected tissue beds unless a resection type of
debridement is undertaken.Therfore if osteomyelitis affects the mandible what is undertaken?
A. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
B. * Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
C. Mobilization with mandibulomaxilla fixation or internal skeletal pins
D. Immobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or external skeletal pins
E. Mobilization with maxillomandibular fixation or internal skeletal pins
1463. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1464. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
1465. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
1466. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1467. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1468. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1469. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1470. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1471. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1472. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1473. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
Directly at the beginning of the disease
* In 10-14 days after onset
After 5-7 days after onset
After 1-2 days after onset
3-4 days after onset
What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
acute parotitis
jaw fracture
acute lymphadenitis
worsening of chronic periodontitis in background reduction reactivity of the organism
* Epulis
What is the clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
In motion all the teeth in the jaw
In the headaches, the positive symptoms of stress
* The fever, raising the temperature to 40 C, positive symptoms Vincent, motion group of
In sharp pulsating pain in the tooth
No right answer
What drugs used in treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
* Lincomycin
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the causal tooth
In broad periostotomi jaw on both sides
In periostotomiyi of the causal tooth , after that drainage
* Removing the causal tooth broad periostotomi jaw on both sides, drainage
No right answer
What limits should have focal osteomyelitis?
Within the body of the jaw or arms
* Within 3 teeth
Within half jaw
The whole jaw
No right answer
What limits should have diffuse osteomyelitis?
Within 3 teeth
Within the body of mandible
Within the alveolar bone
* Half or whole jaw
Within one tooth
Who is the author of infectious theory of osteomyelitis?
* E. Lekser, AA Bazhanov
Who is the author of allergic theory of osteomyelitis?
Lekser, Bazhanov
* Deryzhanov
D. Solov'yov
E. Seek the correct answer
1482. Who is the author of neyrotrofic theory of osteomyelitis?
A. Lekser
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
1483. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1484. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1485. What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
A. 0,5-0,12 mm
B. 0,8-0,16 mm
C. * 0,15-0,20 mm
D. 0,20-0,25 mm
E. 0.25-0.30 mm
1486. What periodontal gap are normal on the lower jaw ?
A. * 0,15-0,22 mm.
B. 0,18-0,20 mm
C. 0,20-0,25 mm
D. 0,22-0,28 mm
E. 0.28-0.34 mm
1487. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1488. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1489. Classification of periodontitis which the author is most poular ?
A. Hofunha
B. Vayndruha
C. Ovrutskogo
D. * Lukomskoho
E. Gorbachev
1490. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
1491. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
1492. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1493. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1494. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1495. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1496. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1497. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1498. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1499. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1500. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1501. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1502. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck.
1503. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26
sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
1504. Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
A. * enlarged lymph nodes and sore
B. not palpating lymph nodes
C. lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
D. Slightly larger and slightly painful.
E. There is no correct answer
1505. How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
A. Adentiya
B. * Retentsion
C. Dystopi
D. Inclusion
E. Occlusion
1506. What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
* Dystopi
What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
* Adentia
What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
* Perykoronaritis
What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
* Surgical
When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
At 1-2-dong day
. At 3-4-th day
* The 15-day 20 th
At 30-40-day
On the 50 th day
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
Age of patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
* Injection line break of fracture
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
No right answer
What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation fragment
* Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
No right answer
What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
At the age of 50-70 years
At the age of 17-40 years
Frequency of damage does not depend on age
The average age
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
* X-ray
No right answer
Periostitis is complication after which disease ?
sharp Periodontitis
chronic Periodontitis
* B and C are correct
How is looking clinic in periostitis?
pain in the tooth , ear
pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye
* pain in gangrenous tooth and in the temple of eye also ear is painful after that edema is
sharply increased
D. pain is absent only edema is present and sometimes pain in the ear
E. non of the above
1539. If the inflammation process is present on the vestibular surface of supramaxilla edema is
present on which part of face?
A. lower eyelid and cheek
B. * lower eyelid , cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
C. partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
D. upper eyelid and cheek
E. upper eyelid, cheek and partoid masticatory surface overhead the lip
1540. Affter spreading the disease through central chisel of supramaxilla where will it appear?
A. * between the bottom of nasal cavity
B. mucous shell of nouse
in maxilla sinuses
A and B are correct
soft palatine and bottom of nasal cavity
Periostitis is the acute obsessive inflammation of…?
* alveolar sprout
periosteum of alveolar sprout or body of jaw
only body of the jaw
inflammation of the bone
non of the above
Periostitis is classifeid into?
acute and sub acute
sub acute and chronic
sharp and sub acute
* acute and chronic
non of the above
Chronic periostitis is the reason of ..?
ifections odontogenical
infection stomatogenical and trauma
* C and D are correct
Chronic periostitis is divided into…?
fibrinotic and simple
simple and ossificial
* simple , ossificial and ravicular
non of the above
Oseomielitis is caused by which microbes?
* pus-forming bacteria
A and B are correct
pneumococcal bacteria
How bacterias are entering the bone in the osteomielitis?
blood steam
injures of the bone
* blood steam and injures of the bone
cortex of the bone
Haversian system
Which bacteria usually cause osteomielitis in older infants and children?
* staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus mutans
pneumococcus bacteria
Which structure of bone is affecting osteomielitis?
medullary cavity
Haversian system
cortex of the bone
* all of the above are correct
A and B are correct
What is the patient clinic for the osteomielitis ?
localized pain and fever
* draning sinus tract and presents of necrotic bone fragment
facial swelling and localized pain
draning sinus tract and fever
B and C are correct
A dense bone island (DBI; idiopathic osteosclerosis):
Is a mixed radiolucent/radio-opaque lesion
Causes external bony swelling
Is found only in relation to non-vital teeth
Requires no treatment
* Is also known as an 'enostosis'
Periosteal new bone formation is seen in:
* Chronic osteomyelitis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
Paget's disease of bone
Orofacial infections are:
Common following contaminated facial laceration
A common source of lost working days
Usually of fungal or viral aetiology when affecting the oral mucosa
Best managed by prescribing an antibioticempirically rather than waiting for the results of
aculture and sensitivity investigation
* B and C are correct
Garre’s osteomyelitis is result o wich diseases?
acute osteomilelitis
* Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis
non of the above
Common pathogens in Garre’s osteomyelitis include ?
* inflammatory area of spongiosa
ECHO viruses
and D are correct
Treatment for Garre’s osteomyelitis, consists of ?
antibiotic therapy
extraction of the tooth
mouth gargling by antiseptic solutions
* all of the above are correct
non of the above is correct
Remission of the lesion is expected within?
one year
up to 2 years
* 2-6months
Giant cell lesions in the jawbones:
May occur in renal osteodystrophy
May be treated by direct calcitonin injection
Can be a feature of primary hyperparathyroidism
D. Contain cells with histological and functional features of osteoclasts
E. * all of the above
1558. Which of the following best describes the defination of suppurative ostemyelitis?
A. It involves the loss of gingival papilla with swelling and pus
B. Impression of alveloar bone loss is seen
C. * Infection of medullary part of bone that includes production of pus
D. Pus and thickened trabecular bone network from endosteum
E. Only A and D are correct
1559. Incase of abundant necrotic bone and soft tissue,an irrigation drain with the use of
physiological solutions such as normal saline solution and antibiotic irrigation can be helpful
A. 1 – 2 days
B. 2 – 3 weeks
C. * 2 – 5 days
D. 2 – 3 days
E. 1 -2 days
1560. Histopathological features seen for osteomyelitis involves all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Internal bone marrow with vascular thrombosis
C. * Edema of bone tissues
D. Necrotic bone
E. Only B and D
1561. The following can be causes of periostitis EXCEPT?
A. Yaws
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. * Metastatic Carcinoma
E. Endodontic origin
1562. Management of periostitis involves;
A. * Removal of source of infection and antibotic treatment
B. There is no cure for this disease due to antibiotic resistance
C. Only surgical intervention with no antibiotics
D. Root canal treatment
E. Answers A and D
1563. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the infection in periostitis
takes place?
A. It spreads through bony structures of mandible with periosteal reaction or perforation of
cortical plate
B. It spread through cortical plate only with no perforation or periostel reaction of the
mandible bone
C. Its can either happen as described in answer A or B
D. * Only A correctly describes
E. None of the above correctly describes
1564. Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis is a clinical radiographic variant of chronic
osteomyelitis found in young individuals because of their;
A. Low resistance, increased blood suppy, and less bone regenrative capabilities
B. Low resistance, decreased blood supply and less bone regenerative capabilities
C. * High resistance,increased blood supply, and high bone regenerative capabilities
D. High resistance, increades blood suppy,and less bone regenerative capabilities
E. None of the above
1565. During patient examination different methods are used so as to diagnose and come up
with the right patient treatment.Which of the following best describes periostitis?
A. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painful
on both inside and outside with swelling on the vestibular side
B. * During palpation of process alveolaris,pain is felt only outside,during percussion only
the sick tooth is painful and swelling is on the vestibular
C. During percussion several teeth are painful and palpation of process alveolaris is painless
on both inside and outside with swelling on oral surface only
D. All of the above are possible
E. Only A is the most correct describing periostitis
1566. During radiographic findings in periostitis what should one look out for?
A. What clinically seems to be an expanded cortex and is not, its deposition of extracortical
new bone
B. * Extracortical bone with a trabecular bone pattern appearing as onion skin pattern
C. Extracortical new born forming outside an intact cortex
D. Extracortical new bone with a destroyed cortex and an intramedullary radiopacities
E. Answers A,B, and C are correct
1567. The following describes various treatment of periostitis which of them is most
A. Surgical incision of the periostium, use of rubber drainage and 10day course of antibiotics
and antianalgesics
B. Surgical excision of the mucous membrane,using of rubber drainage,10 day course of
antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
C. * Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by either extraction or
root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
D. Removal of source of infection,usually pulpal periapical infection,by not extracting or
doing root canal therapy and a 10 day course of empiric antibiotics
E. None of them is appropriate
1568. Radiographically, Osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis present with the following
A. Smooth regular extracortical bone formation
B. Intact cortex except around the involved tooth
C. Layered “onion skin” effect within extracortical bone
D. * Rough regular extarcortical bone formation
E. Answers A,B,C are correct
1569. The prognosis of suppurative ostelmyelitis is that it resolves with treatment. If signs of
osteomyelitis persist which three distinct possibilities must be considered?
A. A subtle malignancy mimicking osteomyelitis
B. Organisms resistance to the antibiotic used
C. Foreign body existing within the wound,or within remaining host bone
D. True pathogen did grow only in the culture
E. * A,C and D are correct
1570. Which of the following statements is true about acute osteomyeleitis infections?
A. Its occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the blood stream
B. Its is more common in children and teenagers
C. The clinical picture includes pain,tenderness and redness over involved bone
D. There is general illness and high fever of the patient,can cause bone fracture and
E. * All of the answers are correct
1571. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1572. What tooth we must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (in some cases)?
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
1573. Which what disease doctor should made diferential diagnosis , if periostitis have of the
A. Lockjaw
B. With fractures of tooth
C. No right answer
D. * acute osteomyelitis
E. From parotitis
1574. What doctor must to do with periostitis of the jaws ?
A. * Expand septic fire
B. Start refleks treatment
C. novokayinovu blockade
D. no right answer
E. Do nothing
1575. Which symptom is characteristic of acute osteomyelitis?
A. Symptom vazoparezi
B. * Fever
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Inflammatory contracture
E. No right answer
1576. What complications often occur in acute osteomyelitis?
A. Mediasteniti
B. Periostitis
C. * Mandible abscesses and phlegmons
D. Genyantritis
E. Periodontitis
1577. When detected bone changes on X-ray , if patient have acute osteomyelitis?
A. Directly at the beginning of the disease
B. * In 10-14 days after onset
C. After 5-7 days after onset
D. After 1-2 days after onset
E. 3-4 days after onset
1578. What is the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
A. Lekser
B. Deryzhanov
C. * Smenchenko
D. Solov'yov
E. Yeltsin
1579. Which teeth are most often the cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. Bicuspid
B. * 6.7 teeth
C. Wisdom Teeth
D. Central Cutters
E. Equally often develops from any tooth
1580. The most recognized theory of osteomyelitis now is:
A. Infectious-embolic
B. Infectious-allergic
C. Neyrotrofic
D. All answer are right
E. * No right answer
1581. What changes In acute odontogenic osteomyelitis ?
A. Reactive changes of the barking does not occur
B. Ham revealed changes only on one side jaw
C. * There were changes on both sides of ham jaw
D. Condition adjacent jaw tissue for diagnosis
E. No right answer
1582. When the localization process where the most pronounced clinical signs of local progress
A. When the localization process in the area of the body of mandible
B. * The location of the upper jaw
C. When localization field angle of the jaw and arms
D. Differences in the clinical picture, depending on location
E. No right answer
1583. What additional test method need to clarify the diagnosis for periodontitis?
A. Panoramic radiography
B. Elektroodontometri
C. Precision X-ray photo
D. Telerenthenohrafi
E. Computed tomography
1584. What treatment is best one for treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Remove tooth
B. * Ensure the outflow of fluid by periostotomiyi
C. operation resection of apex of the tooth roots
D. Conduct nekrotomy of gangrenous tooth and after that doctor must made control X-ray
E. rinse oral cavity by solution by baking soda
1585. What mean tooth root amputation?
A. Remove the apex together with the adjacent part of the coronal tooth
B. Autopsy of crown to the bifurcation of the root, after that revision of the pathological foci
C. * Autopsy on the edge of the top neck of the tooth and remove it
D. Autopsy top and remove part of his riding
E. Remove the top half of the rooth
1586. What mean replantatsion of the tooth?
A. Remove the top and keeping it in the alveoli of artificial tooth
B. Autopsy coronal part of the tooth to its bifurcation
C. Extraction, abscission top of the tooth root and the introduction of intervention and
resection of bladder top top
D. No right answer
E. * Removing the tooth and putting in his bladder after endodontic intervention
1587. In what tooth you can made operation of hemisektsion of the apex ?
A. At any tooth
B. * In the molars of maxilla and mandibular
C. In the tooth with the orthopedic device
D. Bicuspid on the upper and lower jaws
E. On the incisour
1588. What mean periodontitis?
A. Inflammatory process that affects the tooth bone hole
B. * Inflammation which strikes periodont tissue and spread to adjacent bone structure
C. Inflammatory process that affects gum tissue in the area of a causal tooth
D. Inflammatory process that affects the tooth pulp
E. Inflammatory process that affects the bones of the jaws
1589. What periodontal gap are normal on the upper jaw?
A. 0,5-0,12 mm
B. 0,8-0,16 mm
C. * 0,15-0,20 mm
D. 0,20-0,25 mm
E. 0.25-0.30 mm
1590. What fabric structures provide trophic function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. Collagenous fibers
C. * Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1591. What fabric structures provide the fixing function of periodontium?
A. Blood and lymph vessels
B. * Collagenous fibers
C. Vessels and nerves
D. Circular band
E. Cementoblasty and Osteoblast
1592. How is called Periodontitis, where inflammation begins from the marginal part of the
A. Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. * Marginal
E. Mesial
1593. How is called periodontitis where inflammation starts from the apex of the tooth?
A. * Apical
B. Lateral
C. Apikolateral
D. Marginal
E. Mesial
1594. What changes in the X-ray of upper root in acute serous periodontitis?
A. * No changes
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the apex of the tooth
D. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of tooth rooth
E. Excessive bone mineralization
1595. What changes in the X-ray photo of upper root in acute purulent periodontitis, you can
A. Destruction of bone tissue round shape at the top of the tooth root
B. Expanded periodontal crack
C. Destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" at the top of the tooth root
D. * No changes
E. No right answer
1596. What are the first doctor in the treatment of acute purulent periodontitis?
A. Assign antibiotics
B. Assign physiotherapy
C. * outflow of fluid
D. No right answer
E. Do nothing
1597. What kind of granuloma composed from granulation tissue who are limited by fibrous
A. Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. * Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1598. What kind of granuloma composed from tissue proliferating epithelial ?
A. * Difficult granuloma
B. Cust granuloma
C. Simple granuloma
D. Granuloma between root
E. No right answer
1599. What kind of periodontitis havn`t clinical manifestations ?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
C. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. No right answer
1600. What we must to use if we want chek the state of perapical tissues of the tooth root?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Polls
E. * Radiography
1601. The doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent periodontitis. Which symptom is most
characteristic of this disease?
A. Presence of deep carious cavities
B. Intensification of pain in the tooth under the influence of chemical and thermal stmuls
C. Pathologic tooth mobility
D. * Sharp painful percussion affected tooth
E. Painful percussion of teeth located along
1602. The doctor put the diagnosis: lateral migrating granuloma of the skin. As a result of
which the pathological process occurs this disease?
A. * Chronic apical periodontitis hranulyuyuchui
B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous
1603. In the time of treatment was made perforation of bifurcation. On X-ray photo we can see
between root granuloma. What method of surgical treatment should be used?
A. Hemisektsion
B. Root amputation
C. * Koronaroradykulyar separation
D. Resection of the apex
E. Removing tooth
1604. Patient have periodontitis of lower molar tooth. Which lymph nodes were first involved
in inflammation?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
Side neck.
Status of regional lymph nodes in acute purulent periodontitis ?
* enlarged lymph nodes and sore
not palpating lymph nodes
lymph nodes enlarged but not painful.
Slightly larger and slightly painful.
There is no correct answer
How call phenomenon of delay timely eruption of the tooth ?
* Retentsion
What is the anomaly of tooth position, what is coll of incorrect tooth grounds?
* Dystopi
What is the absence of tooth loss associated with tooth rudiments?
* Adentia
What complication often occurs in difficult eruptions of lower wisdom?
* Perykoronaritis
What treatment is applied to use if patient have perykoronarytis?
* Surgical
When the first X-ray shows signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis?
At 1-2-dong day
. At 3-4-th day
* The 15-day 20 th
At 30-40-day
On the 50 th day
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis?
Age of patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Tooth or tooth root in the line of fracture
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws ?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
* Injection line break of fracture
Trauma by poorly manufactured prosthesis
No right answer
What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Age patient
Acute lymphadenitis
Trauma poorly manufactured prosthesis
* Poor repositor and immobilisation fragment
No right answer
What method of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws, do you know?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation fragment
* Removal of tooth or tooth root from the line of fracture
No right answer
What method of prevention traumatic osteomyelitis do you know ?
Temporary immobilisation of fragment
Later immobilisation of fragment
* Early and reliable immobilization of fragment
No right answer
What is the surgical treatment of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws?
Removing the sequestration
revision of the bone wound
In repositor and fixing fragments
* The revision of bone wounds, extraction of custody, cutting badger
No right answer
In which period of traumatic osteomyelitis is shown sekvestrektomy?
After fizical treatment
After maturation of bone wounds
* After the formation of sequestration
After antibacterial therapy
No right answer
What is the main reason of retentsion of lower eight teeth?
wrong formation of tooth rudiments
Late eryption of the tooth
* Phylogenetic factor in the formation of the jaw
No right answer
Perikonaritis - is:
Limited jaw osteomyelitis
Suppurative process in the cheek area
Inflammation of the tooth pulp
* Inflammatory complications of wisdom an erupted tooth
No right answer
Remove the causal tooth in chronic osteomyelitis should be done:
* As soon as in a shorter time
Remove postpone the appearance of acute manifestations
Terms removal are not important
On removal of the tooth can stay
No right answer
Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis:
* Developing more often in maxilla
Developed more often in mandibula
Equally frequent in both jaws
No patterns in the incidence of damage
Not occur in the jawbone
Diagnosis: Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis refers to the basis:
Data biochemical test
Data immunological test
* Data X-ray examination
Of clinical examination
Data analysis of stool
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy conducted in the presence of:
* X-ray revealed sequestration
All of them
X-ray revealed bone destruction without a clear boundary sekvestratsion
Roentgeno picture does not matter
No right answer
Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
Dissected badger
Remove Sequestration
* Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
Washing sekvester capsules
What mean “inclusion of a tooth” ?
Failure of full eruption tooth
* The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
Tilt the tooth axis
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
What mean retentsion of the tooth?
Gnarly tooth root
No right answer
* Delayed tooth eruption
Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
D. * Complete and incomplete
E. Partia
1631. What mean “ full adentiya”?
A. * Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
B. Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
C. Lack of crowns of teeth
D. Lack formed roots of teeth
E. No right answer
1632. What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
A. Complete absence of teeth
B. * Partial absence of teeth
C. Lack of crown of tooth
D. Lack formed roots of teeth
E. No right answer
1633. Which teeth are often completely arrested?
A. Lower cutting
B. * Upper teeth
C. Lower teeth
D. Lower canines
E. Lower molars
1634. Which teeth most often have half retention ?
A. Upper Cutters
B. Lower cutting
C. Upper canines
D. Upper molars
E. * The lower wisdom teeth
1635. What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
A. * Follicular
B. Fisural
C. Radykulyar
D. No right answer
E. Parodental
1636. What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
A. Palpation
B. Probing
C. Percussion
D. * X-ray
E. No right answer
1637. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol "novoseptu"
B. 0.5% sol "novoseptu"
C. * 1.0% sol "novoseptu"
D. 1.5% sol "novoseptu"
E. 3% sol hydrogen peroxide
1638. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol chloramines
B. * 0.5% sol chloramines
C. 1.0% sol chloramines
D. 1.5% sol chloramines
E. 2.0% sol chloramine
1639. How many people should dentist serve in public institutions?
A. 2-2.5 thousand
B. * 4-4.5 thousand
C. 6-6.5 thousand
D. 7.8 thousand
E. 8.9 thousand
1640. How many dental surgeons should be assigned to one nurse position?
A. What belongs to specific methods of examination in dental surgery?
B. Questionary
C. Overview
D. Palpation
E. * Radiography
1641. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess chewing function?
A. Radiography
B. Thermometry
C. Tomography
D. * Masticatiography
E. Thermography
1642. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess round apex tissues of the tooth?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Questionary
E. * X-ray
1643. Which study should be carried out to assess the contractile function of masticatory
A. X-ray
B. * Gnatodynamometry
C. Tomography
D. Thermometry
E. Thermography
1644. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. * 30.0% sol. Iodoli poli
1645. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. * 10.0% sol. Etiotrasti
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
1646. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of
A. 20-30 Ma
B. 40-50 Ma
C. 60-70 Ma
D. 80-90 Ma
E. * 100-150 Ma
1647. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of facial
nerve neuritis?
A. * 1.3 Ma
B. 5.10 Ma
C. 15-20 Ma
D. 25-30 Ma
E. E.
1648. How many distinguishable categories of dental clinics do you know?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. * 6
1649. Which below mentioned operations relate to unplanned manipulations?
A. Replantation
B. Apex resection
C. * Extraction operation
D. Sekvestrektomy
E. Surgical treatment of periodontal diseases
1650. What part of dental patients requires outpatient treatment?
A. 75-88%
B. 84-90%
C. 91-95%
D. 93-97%
E. * 98-99%
1651. How is the way of infection transfer called, where infection transmitted through the
suture material or other materials that remain in the wound?
A. Direct contact
B. Indirect contact
C. * Implantation
D. Breezing
E. Dust
1652. What is the most accessible form of dental care for the population?
A. * State budget
B. Private
C. Cooperative
D. Self-financing
E. All of the above
1653. When performing a femoral nerve block, the needle entry point which is most likely to
result in contact with the femoral nerve is one performed at the level of:
A. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
B. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery
C. * The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
D. The inguinal crease 2 cm lateral to the femoral artery.
E. The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery.
1654. A tourniquet applied to the limb of a conscious, unsedated patient will typically become
intolerable after:
A. 10 minutes
B. * 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
E. 90 minutes
1655. In the case of a brachial plexus block using Bupivacaine:
A. * Paraesthesia extending beyond 24 hours is most likely to represent neuropraxia
B. The addition of adrenaline does not increase the duration of the block
C. Accidental IV injection is safe as long as the plasma concentration does not exceed 10
D. There is significant separation of sensory and motor blockade
E. All of the above
1656. Which of the following is true of post-dural puncture headache?
A. 90% commence within 18 hours of dural puncture
B. The mechanism is due to traction on nerves supplying the meninges
C. The majority cause severe pain that is referred to the frontal and occipital areas
D. The technique of blood patch is 90% successful
E. * All of the above.
1657. Which of the following is true of tourniquet pain experienced during spinal anaesthesia?
A. It is often associated with a " patchy " block
B. It is less likely to occur with blockade at a high level.
C. It occurs more frequently with bupivacaine
D. * . Intravenous opioids have been shown to be of little effect
E. All of the above.
1658. Auscultation is a reliable sign of correct positioning of the tube.
A. The incidence of mal-positioning is far higher with right sided tubes
B. * At least 60% of either right or left sided tubes can be shown to be mal-positioned by
C. Insertion too far is the commonest category of mal-position
D. The left upper lobe bronchus is unlikely to be obstructed by a left sided tube
E. Oxygenation during one lung ventilation (OLV) may be improved by
1659. Cerebral perfusion during cardiopulmonary massage is best preserved with:
A. * Open cardiac massage
B. Simultaneous compression and ventilation
C. Increased compression rate from 60-80
D. Trendelenberg posturing
E. Compression ratio < 0.4.
1660. The most appropriate level for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under
spinal anaesthesia is:
A. T8.
B. * T10.
C. L4.
D. S1.
E. None of the above
1661. Which period related to elective abdominal aortic resection is associated with the greatest
A. Induction
B. Aortic cross-clamping
C. Emergence
D. * Postoperative
E. None of the above
1662. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the MAC of isoflurane:
A. Is increased by about 50%.
B. Is increased by about 30%.
C. Is unchanged from the non-pregnant state.
D. * Is reduced by about 30%.
E. Is reduced by about 50%.
1663. The principal site of action of an epidurally-administered local anaesthetic injected in the
mid-thoracic region is:
A. The dorsal root ganglia
B. The substantia gelatinosa
C. The spinal nerves
D. * The spinal roots
E. The spinal cord
1664. During left-sided, one lung ventilation with isoflurane in 100% oxygen, a 60 year old
patient develops a nodal rhythm with no change in pulse rate, but a 20% fall in mean blood
pressure. The arterial saturation which had been steady at 91% falls to 85%.Given the
scenario above, the likeliest cause of desaturation is:
A. Malposition of the endobronchial tube
B. Absorption atelectasis due to ventilation with 100% oxygen
C. Inappropriate release of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction due to ventilation with
D. * A reduction in cardiac output
E. None of the above
1665. Systemic absorption of local anaesthetic occurs most rapidly following which of the
following techniques?
A. Femoral block
B. Caudal block
C. Lumbar epidural block
D. Axillary block
E. * Intercostal block
1666. The intravenous injection of 15 micrograms of adrenalin (the amount contained in a
typical 'test dose' for an epidural) to an awake patient will result in an increase in pulse rate
A. 0 beats per minute
B. 5 beats per minute
C. 10 beats per minute
D. * 30 beats per minute
E. 50 beats per minute
1667. Nekrotic sekvestrektomy consists of:
A. Broad soft tissue dissection and exposure site
B. Dissected badger
C. Remove Sequestration
D. * Remove sequestration and curettage sekvestrate cavity
E. Washing sekvester capsules
1668. Hiperostozis form of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is more common:
B. At the age of 50-70 years
C. At the age of 17-40 years
D. Frequency of damage does not depend on age
E. The average age
F. Failure of full eruption tooth
G. * The inability even partial eruption of the tooth
H. Tilt the tooth axis
I. Gnarly tooth root
J. No right answer
1669. What mean retentsion of the tooth?
A. Gnarly tooth root
B. No right answer
C. * Delayed tooth eruption
D. Root caries
Bifurcated tooth root
What mean half retension of the tooth ?
Tooth with a forked root
Tooth root of distorted
Carious tooth with a root
No right answer
* Not fully eruption of the tooth
What mean dystopi of the tooth?
* The degree of abnormal position of the tooth
Degree of occurrence of tooth in bone
Degree flawed tooth caries
The development of the tooth
No right answer
What kind of adentiya, do you know ?
Diffuse and focal
* Complete and incomplete
What mean “ full adentiya”?
* Lack of all teeth in oral cavity
Partial absence of teeth in oral cavity
Lack of crowns of teeth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
What mean “ incomplete adentiya”?
Complete absence of teeth
* Partial absence of teeth
Lack of crown of tooth
Lack formed roots of teeth
No right answer
Which teeth are often completely arrested?
Lower cutting
* Upper teeth
Lower teeth
Lower canines
Lower molars
Which teeth most often have half retention ?
Upper Cutters
Lower cutting
Upper canines
Upper molars
* The lower wisdom teeth
What kind of cysts are often arise near tooth with destopy?
* Follicular
No right answer
What methods’ of reasech are the best to use , if doctor wonna find an erupted tooth?
C. Percussion
D. * X-ray
E. No right answer
1679. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol "novoseptu"
B. 0.5% sol "novoseptu"
C. * 1.0% sol "novoseptu"
D. 1.5% sol "novoseptu"
E. 3% sol hydrogen peroxide
1680. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent transfer of infection
when dental surgeon is using rubber gloves?
A. 0.1% sol chloramines
B. * 0.5% sol chloramines
C. 1.0% sol chloramines
D. 1.5% sol chloramines
E. 2.0% sol chloramine
1681. How many people should dentist serve in public institutions?
A. 2-2.5 thousand
B. * 4-4.5 thousand
C. 6-6.5 thousand
D. 7.8 thousand
E. 8.9 thousand
1682. How many dental surgeons should be assigned to one nurse position?
A. What belongs to specific methods of examination in dental surgery?
B. Questionary
C. Overview
D. Palpation
E. * Radiography
1683. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess chewing function?
A. Radiography
B. Thermometry
C. Tomography
D. * Masticatiography
E. Thermography
1684. Which diagnostic method should be used to assess round apex tissues of the tooth?
A. Overview
B. Palpation
C. Test Kulazhenko
D. Questionary
E. * X-ray
1685. Which study should be carried out to assess the contractile function of masticatory
A. X-ray
B. * Gnatodynamometry
C. Tomography
D. Thermometry
E. Thermography
1686. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. * 30.0% sol. Iodoli poli
1687. What contrasting agent is used in sialography?
A. * 10.0% sol. Etiotrasti
B. Barium Sulfate
C. Xeroform
D. Iodoform
E. 10.0% sol. Calcium Chloride
1688. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of
A. 20-30 Ma
B. 40-50 Ma
C. 60-70 Ma
D. 80-90 Ma
E. * 100-150 Ma
1689. What is the average threshold of excitability of pulp elektroodontometry in case of facial
nerve neuritis?
A. * 1.3 Ma
B. 5.10 Ma
C. 15-20 Ma
D. 25-30 Ma
E. E.
1690. How many distinguishable categories of dental clinics do you know?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. * 6
1691. Which below mentioned operations relate to unplanned manipulations?
A. Replantation
B. Apex resection
C. * Extraction operation
D. Sekvestrektomy
E. Surgical treatment of periodontal diseases
1692. What part of dental patients requires outpatient treatment?
A. 75-88%
B. 84-90%
C. 91-95%
D. 93-97%
E. * 98-99%
1693. How is the way of infection transfer called, where infection transmitted through the
suture material or other materials that remain in the wound?
A. Direct contact
B. Indirect contact
C. * Implantation
D. Breezing
E. Dust
1694. What is the most accessible form of dental care for the population?
A. * State budget
B. Private
C. Cooperative
D. Self-financing
E. All of the above
1695. When performing a femoral nerve block, the needle entry point which is most likely to
result in contact with the femoral nerve is one performed at the level of:
A. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
B. The inguinal ligament immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery
C. * The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the lateral border of the femoral artery
D. The inguinal crease 2 cm lateral to the femoral artery.
E. The inguinal crease immediately adjacent to the medial border of the femoral artery.
1696. A tourniquet applied to the limb of a conscious, unsedated patient will typically become
intolerable after:
A. 10 minutes
B. * 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
E. 90 minutes
1697. In the case of a brachial plexus block using Bupivacaine:
A. * Paraesthesia extending beyond 24 hours is most likely to represent neuropraxia
B. The addition of adrenaline does not increase the duration of the block
C. Accidental IV injection is safe as long as the plasma concentration does not exceed 10
D. There is significant separation of sensory and motor blockade
E. All of the above
1698. Which of the following is true of post-dural puncture headache?
A. 90% commence within 18 hours of dural puncture
B. The mechanism is due to traction on nerves supplying the meninges
C. The majority cause severe pain that is referred to the frontal and occipital areas
D. The technique of blood patch is 90% successful
E. * All of the above.
1699. Which of the following is true of tourniquet pain experienced during spinal anaesthesia?
A. It is often associated with a " patchy " block
B. It is less likely to occur with blockade at a high level.
C. It occurs more frequently with bupivacaine
D. * . Intravenous opioids have been shown to be of little effect
E. All of the above.
1700. Auscultation is a reliable sign of correct positioning of the tube.
A. The incidence of mal-positioning is far higher with right sided tubes
B. * At least 60% of either right or left sided tubes can be shown to be mal-positioned by
C. Insertion too far is the commonest category of mal-position
D. The left upper lobe bronchus is unlikely to be obstructed by a left sided tube
E. Oxygenation during one lung ventilation (OLV) may be improved by
1701. Cerebral perfusion during cardiopulmonary massage is best preserved with:
A. * Open cardiac massage
B. Simultaneous compression and ventilation
C. Increased compression rate from 60-80
D. Trendelenberg posturing
E. Compression ratio < 0.4.
1702. The most appropriate level for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under
spinal anaesthesia is:
A. T8.
B. * T10.
C. L4.
D. S1.
E. None of the above
1703. Which period related to elective abdominal aortic resection is associated with the greatest
A. Induction
B. Aortic cross-clamping
C. Emergence
D. * Postoperative
E. None of the above
1704. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the MAC of isoflurane:
A. Is increased by about 50%.
B. Is increased by about 30%.
C. Is unchanged from the non-pregnant state.
D. * Is reduced by about 30%.
E. Is reduced by about 50%.
1705. The principal site of action of an epidurally-administered local anaesthetic injected in the
mid-thoracic region is:
A. The dorsal root ganglia
B. The substantia gelatinosa
C. The spinal nerves
D. * The spinal roots
E. The spinal cord
1706. During left-sided, one lung ventilation with isoflurane in 100% oxygen, a 60 year old
patient develops a nodal rhythm with no change in pulse rate, but a 20% fall in mean blood
pressure. The arterial saturation which had been steady at 91% falls to 85%.Given the
scenario above, the likeliest cause of desaturation is:
A. Malposition of the endobronchial tube
B. Absorption atelectasis due to ventilation with 100% oxygen
C. Inappropriate release of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction due to ventilation with
D. * A reduction in cardiac output
E. None of the above
1707. Systemic absorption of local anaesthetic occurs most rapidly following which of the
following techniques?
A. Femoral block
B. Caudal block
C. Lumbar epidural block
D. Axillary block
E. * Intercostal block
1708. The intravenous injection of 15 micrograms of adrenalin (the amount contained in a
typical 'test dose' for an epidural) to an awake patient will result in an increase in pulse rate
A. 0 beats per minute
B. 5 beats per minute
C. 10 beats per minute
D. * 30 beats per minute
E. 50 beats per minute
1709. Shortly after decannulation following cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and coronary artery
grafting, a 65 year old man develops a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) at 180 bpm. His
blood pressure falls from 120/70 mm Hg to 65/40 mm Hg and his arterial saturation (on
100% oxygen) falls from 98% to 93%.
The most appropriate immediate response is:
A. Re-cannulation and return to CPB.
B. Esmolol 20 mg IV
C. Verapamil 5 mg IV
D. Adenosine 6 mg IV
E. * Cardioversion.
1710. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
1711. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
1712. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
1713. all answers are correct
In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
1714. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell
during puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
1715. Feature lateral genyantritis:
A. often has a sharp flow
B. often have primary chronic flow
C. must have a sense of weight in the upper jaw
D. no right answer
E. often has a chronic flow
1716. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
1717. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
external and medial
lower and upper
Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
* limited
No right answer
What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
* limited
No right answer
Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon sub orbital’s region are
Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve ,branches II
No right answer
* Correct answer A and E
Odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region characterize by:
Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of sub orbital area
Shortness of breath at the opening
No right answer
* True A, B, C
You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region. Tactics of treatment
this patient
Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
To send the patient on admission independently
* Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
Acute purulent antritis
Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
* All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
Edema age
Pain when you click the eyeball
Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
Presence of purulent nasal Office
* True C and D
When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
* First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
1726. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
1727. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
B. Excudative disease.
C. Excudative-haemorrhagic
D. Excudative-putrid
E. * Excudative-Purulent
1728. Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
A. Kanamitsyn
B. Ampicillin
C. Penicillin
D. * Erythromycin
E. Oksatsylin
1729. Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. * The lower edge of ocular depression
C. Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
1730. Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
A. No right answer
B. The lower edge of ocular depression
C. * Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
D. Zygomatic bone
E. All answer are right
1731. Eye holes are outside:
A. Walls Eye fossa
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. * Lacrimal bone
E. Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
1732. Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
A. Kserotomiya
B. Eversion of ever
C. * Loss of view
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Enoftalm
1733. Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
A. Possible complications
B. The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
C. Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
D. Evidence of local clinical manifestations
E. * One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbon
1734. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. * Angular vein phlebitis
D. Facial nerve paresis
E. Hematoma of soft tissue
1735. Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
A. Parotitis
B. Mediastenit
C. Facial nerve paresis
D. Hematoma of soft tissue
E. * Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
1736. What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
1737. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
1738. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages.
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
1739. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
1740. What is Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
1741. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
1742. What dieases are complicate by of facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins ?
A. Purulent meningitis
B. * Thrombase cavernous sinus
C. No right answer
D. All answer are correct
E. Acute osteomyelitis
1743. What we need to do ,to prevent possible thrombosis and venous sinus face ?
A. No right answer
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. * Anticoagulant therapy
D. Vitamin
E. All answers are correct
1744. In patients aged 42 years diagnosed abscess of hard palate. Select the right method to
opening of the abscess:
A. Linear
B. * Triangular
C. Trapezoid
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
1745. Men diagnosis abscess hard palate (the source of infection - 12 tooth). Which way should
apply to section abscess:
A. Puncture boil
B. Linear opening parallel to the seam hard palate
C. Line-section perpendicular to the seam hard palate
D. * Cut periosteum section of mucosa-piece
E. Removing 12 of the tooth
1746. In patients diagnosed periostal abscess, solid taste. Select the method of cutting abscess:
A. Linear incision along the ridge of alveolar process
B. Linear cut perpendicular to the middle palate seam
C. Puncture boil and suction fluid
D. Cross section
E. * Extact small area of soft tissue on the triangular points
1747. What drainage should be used after the autopsy abscess in the first 2-3 days:
A. Turunda roll, soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
B. Rubber band
C. * Smooth tubes made of synthetic materials
D. Rubber band Turunda with gauze soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
E. No right answer
1748. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
1749. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens often are:
A. Stafilokokk
B. Streptokokk
C. Meninhokokk
D. Pnevmokokk
E. * Anaerobes stafilokokk
1750. Septic process, which does not occur in the maxillofacial area:
A. Odontogenic
B. Stomatogenic
C. * Wound
No right answer
Beta-lactamase - an enzyme is produced by some microorganisms. His(enzyme) action?
Synthesize new proteins
Crash membrane of microorganisms
* Crash penicillin
Crash erythrocytes
Crash leukocytes
When occurs Inhibition of erythropoiesis ?
* Abscess
Glandular abscess
What methodics shoud be use in the treatment of acute abscess?
Treat causes and tooth
Drug therapy
Make an incision in the mucous ham, in the area of the causal tooth
* incision mucous and ham during infiltration or abscess and remove the tooth
Do nothing
What happens in acute purulent periostitis?
In most cases the body temperature rises
* In most cases temperature is normal
No laws
Temperature near 41 0C
No right answer
What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
No change
Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
Emerging young immature blood cells
* The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
No right answer
Where most often on the lower jaw is formed septic fire?
* In the area of the body jaw
In area of the jaw branches
In the appendix section of alveolar
No Laws
As part of clippings mandibular
What is the average period of temporary disability in acute purulent periostitis?
By 2-3 days
* From 3 to 5 days
More than 20 days
No precise boundaries
30 days
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess?
Covering angle of mandible
In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
* Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
Extra oral cut
What is the reason for the development of abscess?
* Alveolitis
B. Breast tissue of face
C. Fibroma of alveolar appendix
D. Appendix articular fracture of mandible
E. Dehydration
1760. Where localized abscess in the process of abscess?
A. Under the Skin
B. Under muscles
C. * In ham
D. When the outer cortical plate jaw
E. In cancellous bone
1761. If the cause of tooth abscess is a cognate, when it should be filled?
A. A week
B. Immediately after the removal of drainage
C. * After calming down inflammatory processes
D. On the third day after removal of drainage
E. One month
1762. What is the typical clinical sign of abscess?
A. Difficulty swallowing
B. Difficulty opening mouth
C. No right answer
D. Vomiting
E. * Congestion and edema of the transitional fold
1763. What disease is characterized by inflammation of ham spread jaws?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Alveolitis
C. * Periostitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Parotitis
1764. What forms of acute abscess , do you know?
A. Limited and diffuse
B. * Serous and purulent
C. Lateral and medial
D. No right answer
E. General and local
1765. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
1766. Which symptom occurs when the localization of inflammatory process in the region of
the angle of mandible acute abscess?
A. Flyuktuatsiya
B. * Inflammatory contracture
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Resorption of bone tissue
E. Symptom Vincent
1767. Who proposed the split lateral antritis of toxic and infectious? :
A. Marchenko
B. Azim
C. * Lukomsky
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
1768. Who proposed to classify antritis based pathoanatomical change?
A. Lukomskui
B. * Azim and Schehelskui
C. Marchenko
D. No right answer
E. Timofyeyev
1769. Which one of the most frequent symptoms of acute genyantritis? :
A. irradiation pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve
B. pain, feelings of heaviness, pressure and tension in the corresponding half of the face;
C. * pyorrhea or mucus from its nose half
D. sharp throbbing pain
1770. Аll answers are correct In acute genyantritis is to increase the infrared radiation of the
pathological focus on:
A. 0.5
B. 0,5-1,0
C. * 1,5-2,5
D. 3,0-4,0
E. not marked increase
1771. How many centimeters behind to retreat from the front edge of the lower nasal shell
during puncture of maxillary sinus?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1,0-1,5 cm
C. * 2,0-2,5 cm
D. 3,0-3,5 cm
E. 4,0-4,5 cm
1772. Feature lateral genyantritis:
A. often has a sharp flow
B. often have primary chronic flow
C. must have a sense of weight in the upper jaw
D. no right answer
E. often has a chronic flow
1773. What wall mainly affects the maxillary sinus in odontogenic chronic genyantritis?
A. medial, front and top
B. rear, lower and upper
C. * bottom, front and exterior
D. bottom, front and medial
E. rear, front and bottom
1774. What wall in maxillary sinus mainly affects if patient have odontogenic osteomyelitis?
A. lower and medial
B. * the lower and outer
C. outer and upper
D. external and medial
E. lower and upper
1775. Odontogenic chronic antritis ,often has the character:
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
1776. What character most often have Odontogenic chronic antritis ?
A. pour;
B. * limited
C. Diffuse
D. No right answer
E. chronic
1777. Signs characteristic anamnesis odontogenic phlegmon sub orbital’s region are
A. Increasing pain and swelling within 4 days of first upper bicuspid
B. Night pain in the upper first bicuspid
C. Neuralgic pains in the trigeminal nerve ,branches II
D. No right answer
E. * Correct answer A and E
1778. Odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region characterize by:
A. Presence of pus in the lower course of the nasal
B. Evidence of vascular pattern on the skin of sub orbital area
C. Shortness of breath at the opening
D. No right answer
E. * True A, B, C
1779. You diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon of sub orbital region. Tactics of treatment of this
A. Remove the causal tooth and sent to hospitalization
B. Remove the causal tooth and make an incision on the transition, and then send it to the
C. Perform x-ray inspection, remove the causative tooth, appoint antibiotics and observe the
D. To send the patient on admission independently
E. * Take attire for hospitalization and send to the hospital accompanied by medical staff
1780. The most common causes of an abscess within the orbit of the process include
A. Acute purulent antritis
B. Phlegmon wing-mouth holes
C. Acute osteomyelitis of upper jaw
D. Phlegmon sub zygomaticus fossa
E. * All of the aforementioned inflammatory processes
1781. In the following signs of the least typical of orbital abscess is
A. Edema age
B. Pain when you click the eyeball
C. Irradiation of pain along the I branch of the trigeminal nerve
D. Presence of purulent nasal Office
E. * True C and D
1782. When detoxification therapy of purulent inflammatory diseases impose:
A. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and glucose
B. First solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, and solution containing dextran
C. * First solution containing dextran, and solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone
D. First solution containing dextran, and glucose.
E. No difference in the sequence of input solutions
1783. Retinal veins bottom of the eyeball due to :
A. * Due to the stagnant phenomena
B. High content of prothrombini
C. Due to the increasing intensification
D. Restriction of mobility of the eyeball
E. Distribution of inflammation in the eyeball
1784. What is the predominant form of inflammation in the process of abscess in the soft
A. Excudative-serous.
Excudative disease.
* Excudative-Purulent
Lincomycin is an antagonist of:
* Erythromycin
Upper limit of suborbital areas are:
No right answer
* The lower edge of ocular depression
Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
Zygomatic bone
All answer are right
Lower limit of suborbital areas are:
No right answer
The lower edge of ocular depression
* Alveolar outgrowth of the upper jaw
Zygomatic bone
All answer are right
Eye holes are outside:
Walls Eye fossa
No right answer
All answer are right
* Lacrimal bone
Frontal appendage of the Zygomatic bone
Early complications of abscess Eye holes may be:
Eversion of ever
* Loss of view
Facial nerve paresis
Odontogenic abscess differs from phlegmonous adenitis by:
Possible complications
The existence of inflammatory reactions of lymph nodes
Rate of rise of the symptoms of intoxication
Evidence of local clinical manifestations
* One of the walls of purulent foci is jawbon
Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
* Angular vein phlebitis
Facial nerve paresis
Hematoma of soft tissue
Serious complication of phlegmon of upper face are:
Facial nerve paresis
Hematoma of soft tissue
* Cerebral sinuses thrombosis
1793. What appoint to expedite the clearance of purulent wounds ?
B. Massage
C. Electrophoresis
D. Galvanization
E. * Flyuktuaryzatsyyu
1794. Token slow healing of wounds in cytological study of patients with odontogenic
phlegmon jaw facial area are:
A. The appearance of eosinophil
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. * The appearance of plasma cells
1795. The appearance of cells in the wound which at cytological study is favorable sign,
indicating high efficacy of applied treatment for odontogenic phlegmon ?
A. * The appearance of macrophages.
B. The appearance of neutrophils
C. The appearance of leukocytes
D. The appearance of monocytes
E. The appearance of plasma cells
1796. Select from the following drug with high activity against bakteroyidiv.
A. Penicillin
B. Kanamitsyn
C. * Metronidozol
D. Oletetrin
E. Nystatin
1797. What is Phlegmonous adenitis:
A. Preceding the development of abscess
B. Is the particular disease
C. Accompanies lymphadenitis
D. * Is the further progression lymphadenitis
E. All answers are correct
1798. The role of lymphatic system in purulent lesions of the body is:
A. * Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and transport them to lymph nodes.
B. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissue and their accumulation
C. Transport of bacteria in the arterial bed
D. Transport of bacteria in the venous channel
E. Resorption of bacteria from the surrounding tissues and their transportation in the
1799. What dieases are complicate by of facial thrombophlebitis or angular veins ?
A. Purulent meningitis
B. * Thrombase cavernous sinus
C. No right answer
D. All answer are correct
E. Acute osteomyelitis
1800. What we need to do ,to prevent possible thrombosis and venous sinus face ?
A. No right answer
B. Antibiotic therapy
C. * Anticoagulant therapy
D. Vitamin
E. All answers are correct
1801. In patients aged 42 years diagnosed abscess of hard palate. Select the right method to
opening of the abscess:
A. Linear
B. * Triangular
C. Trapezoid
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
1802. Men diagnosis abscess hard palate (the source of infection - 12 tooth). Which way should
apply to section abscess:
A. Puncture boil
B. Linear opening parallel to the seam hard palate
C. Line-section perpendicular to the seam hard palate
D. * Cut periosteum section of mucosa-piece
E. Removing 12 of the tooth
1803. In patients diagnosed periostal abscess, solid taste. Select the method of cutting abscess:
A. Linear incision along the ridge of alveolar process
B. Linear cut perpendicular to the middle palate seam
C. Puncture boil and suction fluid
D. Cross section
E. * Extact small area of soft tissue on the triangular points
1804. What drainage should be used after the autopsy abscess in the first 2-3 days:
A. Turunda roll, soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
B. Rubber band
C. * Smooth tubes made of synthetic materials
D. Rubber band Turunda with gauze soaked in a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
E. No right answer
1805. Select location and direction of the operation mechanics in abscess and phlegmon
depends on:
A. From the general condition of the patient
B. From the age of the patient
C. * Localization
D. The state of immunity
E. From the data of biochemical studies of blood
1806. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens often are:
A. Stafilokokk
B. Streptokokk
C. Meninhokokk
D. Pnevmokokk
E. * Anaerobes stafilokokk
1807. Septic process, which does not occur in the maxillofacial area:
A. Odontogenic
B. Stomatogenic
C. * Wound
D. Urogenic
E. No right answer
1808. Beta-lactamase - an enzyme is produced by some microorganisms. His(enzyme) action?
A. Synthesize new proteins
B. Crash membrane of microorganisms
C. * Crash penicillin
D. Crash erythrocytes
E. Crash leukocytes
1809. When occurs Inhibition of erythropoiesis ?
A. Sepsis
* Abscess
Glandular abscess
Early secondary suture is:
Stitch that is imposed on the 2 - 7 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
* Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 14 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 15 - 30 day after surgery
Stitch that is imposed on 8 - 10 day after surgery
What methodics shoud be use in the treatment of acute abscess?
Treat causes and tooth
Drug therapy
Make an incision in the mucous ham, in the area of the causal tooth
* incision mucous and ham during infiltration or abscess and remove the tooth
Do nothing
What happens in acute purulent periostitis?
In most cases the body temperature rises
* In most cases temperature is normal
No laws
Temperature near 41 0C
No right answer
What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
No change
Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
Emerging young immature blood cells
* The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
No right answer
Where most often on the lower jaw is formed septic fire?
* In the area of the body jaw
In area of the jaw branches
In the appendix section of alveolar
No Laws
As part of clippings mandibular
What is the average period of temporary disability in acute purulent periostitis?
By 2-3 days
* From 3 to 5 days
More than 20 days
No precise boundaries
30 days
What is the typical incision in the treatment of abscess?
Covering angle of mandible
In submental area, region of the median line
In the upper cervical fold
* Cut ham and mucous in transition fold
Extra oral cut
What is the reason for the development of abscess?
* Alveolitis
Breast tissue of face
Fibroma of alveolar appendix
Appendix articular fracture of mandible
1818. Where localized abscess in the process of abscess?
A. Under the Skin
B. Under muscles
C. * In ham
D. When the outer cortical plate jaw
E. In cancellous bone
1819. If the cause of tooth abscess is a cognate, when it should be filled?
A. A week
B. Immediately after the removal of drainage
C. * After calming down inflammatory processes
D. On the third day after removal of drainage
E. One month
1820. What is the typical clinical sign of abscess?
A. Difficulty swallowing
B. Difficulty opening mouth
C. No right answer
D. Vomiting
E. * Congestion and edema of the transitional fold
1821. What disease is characterized by inflammation of ham spread jaws?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Alveolitis
C. * Periostitis
D. Periodontitis
E. Parotitis
1822. What forms of acute abscess , do you know?
A. Limited and diffuse
B. * Serous and purulent
C. Lateral and medial
D. No right answer
E. General and local
1823. How often caused by exposure abscess?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus
C. * Staphylococcus
D. Proteus
E. No right answer
1824. Which symptom occurs when the localization of inflammatory process in the region of
the angle of mandible acute abscess?
A. Flyuktuatsiya
B. * Inflammatory contracture
C. Symptom "Butter" crackle
D. Resorption of bone tissue
E. Symptom Vincent
Situational tasks
1. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
2. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26 sharply
painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
3. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the area
of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in the
region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
4. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the deep
carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion not painful . EOD 100 mkA.
In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute serous periodontitis
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
5. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
6. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
7. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered hood
distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incise hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
8. The patient complains of swelling in the left lower jaw, contaminated open mouth, painful
swallowing, body temperature is 37,5 ° C. At 'objectively: skin in a jaw area left in color not
changed in the area of mandibular angle marked swelling, painful at palpation, contracture
grade II, increased salivation from the mouth, painful tooth 38 with palpation. What disease
is detected in the patient?
A. * Perykoronaritis 38 tooth
B. Tongue abscess
C. Hyoid suture abscess
D. Bucal space abscess
E. Acute purulent inflammation of submental region
9. Patients 24 years appealed to the dentist. He complaining of pain in section 38 of the tooth,
difficult opening mouth, pain when swallowing. After examination diagnosis: acute catarrhal
perykoronaritis , difficult eruption of 38 tooth , inflammatory contracture III degree. What
type of anesthesia of advisable to apply for removal of 38 teeth?
A. Anesthesia for Bershe-DYBOVUM
B. * SYBMANDIBULAR way of mandybular anesthesia
C. Central anesthesia pidvylytsevym way to the Oval hole
D. Anesthesia for Vaysblat
E. Anesthesia for Verlotskomu
10. The patient asked to the doctor complaining of 35,36,37 tooth mobility, pain in this area to
periodic increase in temperature to 37,5 ° C, malaise, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility 35,
36, 37 teeth II level in the area submental fistula from the left purulent discharge. What is the
disease in this patient?
A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. Migrating granuloma
C. Cancer mandibular
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
11. Patient Complaints byt pain in erupted wisdom tooth. Pain with swallowing, difficulty
opening the mouth, malaise, fever up to 37.5 - 38 ° C. Crown covered with mucous
membrane (hood), which is congested, swollen. With a hood allocated manure. Diagnosis?
A. Osteolielit
B. Alveolitis
C. Gingivitis
D. Periostitis
E. * Perikoronitis
12. Patient 28 years old, have diagnosis: cyst of mandible, tooth retentsion 38. Specify type of
cysts, associated with this pathology?
A. Fisural
B. Radykulyar
C. Rezydual
D. * Parodental
E. Follicular
13. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
14. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26 sharply
painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
15. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the area
of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in the
region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
16. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the deep
carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100 mkA.
In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
17. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
18. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
19. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered hood
distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incise hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
20. The patient complains of swelling in the left lower jaw, contaminated open mouth, painful
swallowing, body temperature is 37,5 ° C. At 'objectively: skin in a jaw area left in color not
changed in the area of mandibular angle marked swelling, painful at palpation, contracture
grade II, increased salivation from the mouth, painful tooth 38 with palpation. What disease
is detected in the patient?
A. * Perykoronaritis 38 tooth
B. Tongue abscess
C. Hyoid suture abscess
D. Bucal space abscess
E. Acute purulent inflammation of submental region
21. Patients 24 years appealed to the dentist. He complaining of pain in section 38 of the tooth,
difficult opening mouth, pain when swallowing. After examination diagnosis: acute catarrhal
perykoronaritis , difficult eruption of 38 tooth , inflammatory contracture III degree. What
type of anesthesia of advisable to apply for removal of 38 teeth?
A. Anesthesia for Bershe-DYBOVUM
B. * SYBMANDIBULAR way of mandybular anesthesia
C. Central anesthesia pidvylytsevym way to the Oval hole
D. Anesthesia for Vaysblat
E. Anesthesia for Verlotskomu
22. The patient asked to the doctor complaining of 35,36,37 tooth mobility, pain in this area to
periodic increase in temperature to 37,5 ° C, malaise, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility 35,
36, 37 teeth II level in the area submental fistula from the left purulent discharge. What is the
disease in this patient?
A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. Migrating granuloma
C. Cancer mandibular
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
23. Patient Complaints byt pain in erupted wisdom tooth. Pain with swallowing, difficulty
opening the mouth, malaise, fever up to 37.5 - 38 ° C. Crown covered with mucous
membrane (hood), which is congested, swollen. With a hood allocated manure. Diagnosis?
A. Osteolielit
B. Alveolitis
C. Gingivitis
D. Periostitis
E. * Perikoronitis
24. Patient 28 years old, have diagnosis: cyst of mandible, tooth retentsion 38. Specify type of
cysts, associated with this pathology?
A. Fisural
B. Radykulyar
C. Rezydual
D. * Parodental
E. Follicular
25. To doctor come patient 23 years old . Diagnosis of this patient is osteomyelitis , acute stage .
But inflammation is progressed . What is normally we will seen on X-ray photo ?
A. * Portion of bone separated from parent bone
B. Radiopaque area surrounding the affected jaw bone
C. Radiolucent pattern with rugged borders develop
D. Sequestrum and radiolucent band separating from parent bone
E. No radiolucency or radiopacity develop
26. To doctor come patien 27 years old . last month he fill pain in area of maxilla , he fill
offensive smell from nasal cavity . Diagnosis : acute inflammation of maxillary sinus What
reason of inflammation of maxillary sinus , do you know?
A. Infection by the nasal mucosa
B. Infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles)
C. Odontogenic inflammatory processes;
D. Surgery on the teeth, accompanied by perforation and sinus infection
E. * All answers are true
27. To doctor come patient with acute periodontits of toot. Surgen made extraction of this tooth .
After extraction , doctor realize that he made perforation of maxillary sinus . How you think
,what tooth doctor must extract to made perforation of maxillary sinus (only in some
A. Upper canine
B. * The first upper molar
C. Upper lateral incisor
D. The lower second bicuspid
E. Lower wisdom tooth
28. Patients aged 42 years come to doctor . Last two days he fill pain in area of hard palatine ,
when he open oral cavity , doctor sow inflammation of soft tissue .Surgeon diagnosed
abscess of hard palate. What doctor must to do ?
A. * Open abscess
B. Do nothing
C. Conservative therapy
D. Physical therapy
E. All answer are right
29. Patient age 20 . have problems of itching, burning sensation in the lips and face skin, which
appeared a week ago. The emergence of these symptoms he fill after eating of chocolate .
Objective : At a Red part of lips dusk skin is grouped small vesicles filled with serous fluid
with yellow color. In a significant of blood is eosinophilia. What diagnosis ?
A. Atopic heylit
B. Actinic heylit
C. Contact allergic heylit
D. * Eczematous heylit
E. Meteorological heylit
30. To doctor come patient near 24 years old . His status is very hard , high temperature of the
body . Diagnosis is Odontogenic sepsis. How you think , what pathogens often cause
sepsis ?
A. Staphylococcus
B. Streptococcus
C. Menincoccus
D. Pnevmococcus
E. * Anaerobes staphyloccus
31. To surgeon come patient near 24 years old . He fill acute pain in area of maxilla. Diagnosis ;
acute abscess of hard pallatina . What is the picture of blood in acute abscess?
A. No change
B. Reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin
C. Emerging young immature blood cells
D. * The number of WBC, ESR acceleration
E. No right answer
32. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
33. To doctor come patient near 34 years old . he fill pain in area of angle of mandible. One week
ago he have pulpitis , he don’t treat it . Doctor made diagnosis periodontitis of lower molar
tooth. How do you think, which lymph nodes were first involved in inflammation process ?
A. Face
B. Front neck
C. * Submandibular
D. Submental
E. Side neck
34. The patient near 45 years old , complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26.
Percussion 26 sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful
palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
35. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the area
of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in the
region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. No right answer
B. * Chronic periodontitis of 36 tooth, cysts stage
C. All answer are rigth
D. acute pulpitis
E. Acute caries
36. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. All answer are right
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. No right answer
37. To doctor come patient near 23 years old . He have inflammation of the skin , this
inflammation is in red color, in this inflammation you can see 3 black point of necrosis.
Diagnosis: carbuncle of face. What kind of microorganism Caused furuncles and carbuncles
A. Staphylococcus
B. * Streptococcus
C. Menincoccus
D. Pnevmococcus
E. Anaerobes staphyloccus
38. Men 48 years old , on the chin skin pustule appeared, which quickly developed into a dense,
sharply painful infiltration size 3 x 5 cm of skin on his blue and red. In the central zone of
necrosis three around hair follicles. Lymph nodes enlarged chin, painful. Diagnosis.
A. * Carbuncle chin.
B. Erysipelas of chin.
C. Actinomycosis leather chin
D. Atheroma, which inflamate
E. No right answer
39. To dentist come patient near 34 years old . On the chin skin pustule appeared, which quickly
developed into a dense, sharply painful infiltration size 3 x 5 cm of skin on his blue and red.
In the central zone of necrosis three around hair follicles. Lymph nodes enlarged chin,
painful. Diagnosis.
A. * Carbuncle of the skin
B. Erysipelas of chin.
C. All answer are right
D. Actinomycosis leather chin
E. Atheroma, which inflamate
40. Patient near 20 years old , in the area from the right upper lip is acute swelling and dense
infiltrate size 1.5 x 1.5 cm in the center of infiltration is Point necrotic finish. After removal
of visible necrotic barrel. . Diagnosis.
A. * furuncle
B. ulcerative anthrax.
C. Actinomycosis of the skin
D. Anthrax.
E. No right answer
41. To doctor come patient . he must have extraction of the tooth 24 . doctor use heksenal for
anesthesia . What is the maximum single dose of heksenal?
A. 3 grams
B. 2 grams
C. 1 gram
D. 0.5 grams
E. 1.5 grams
42. Female treated at the furuncle of the left cheek. Suddenly the patient's condition worsened.
Appeared with severe headache, high body temperature, increased swelling of the cheeks
with dense infiltration What complications developed in this patient?
A. * Facial vein thrombophlebitis
B. No right answer
C. acute purulent antritis
D. Limyfanhoit
E. No right answer
43. The patient asked to the doctor complaining of 35,36,37 tooth mobility, pain in this area to
periodic increase in temperature to 37,5 ° C, malaise, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility 35,
36, 37 teeth II level in the area submental fistula from the left purulent discharge. What is
the disease in this patient?
A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. Migrating granuloma
C. Cancer mandibular
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
44. Patient Complaints byt pain in erupted wisdom tooth. Pain with swallowing,difficulty
opening the mouth, malaise, fever up to 37.5 - 38 ° C. Crown covered with mucous
membrane (hood), which is congested, swollen. With a hood allocated manure. Diagnosis?
A. Osteolielit
B. Alveolitis
C. Gingivitis
D. Periostitis
E. * Perikoronitis
45. To dentist come patient near 24 years old . He want extract tooth . The patient suffers from
epilepsy. What kind of anesthesia is necessary to conduct in the time of operation?
A. * Under endotracheal anesthesia
B. Under mask anesthesia
C. Under anesthesia nazofarynhialnui way
D. Under infiltration anesthesia
E. When conduction block
46. The patient asked the dentist to remove the 36 tooth . one year ago he have pulpitis , he don’t
treat this pulpitis , now he have chronic Periodontitis . The patient suffered a year ago,
myocardial infarction, angina suffering. Which method of anesthesia is the most rational?
A. Anesthesia
B. Infiltration anesthesia
C. Conduction anesthesia
D. Application of anesthesia
E. * Conduction potenshional anesthesia
47. To doctor come patient near 34 years old . Last feew week he fill pain when he eat
something . Objective on tooth 24 , you can see black point . When doctor made probing
patient , fill nothing . diagnosis ?
A. * Caries
B. Pulpitis
C. Periodontitis
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
48. To doctor come patient near 45 years old . Last two days he fill pain when he eat something,
and spontaneous sharp pain when he slip . Objective on tooth 24 , you can see black point .
When doctor made probing patient , fill strong acute pain near 2 minutes . diagnosis ?
A. Caries
B. * Pulpitis
C. Periodontitis
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
49. To doctor come patient near 56 years old . Last year he fill pain when he eat something, .
Objective on tooth 24 , you can see black point , deep caries cavity . This cavity has
connection with pulp camera . When doctor made probing patient , fill nothing , but when he
made vertical percussion , patient fill pain . Diagnosis?
A. Caries
B. Pulpitis
C. Periodontitis
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
50. To doctor come patient near 45 years old . Objective on tooth 27 , you can see black point
, deep caries cavity . This cavity has connection with pulp camera . near this cavity , you can
see some inflammation , but only from chick side . befor this patient have Periodontitis , and
don’t treat them . Diagnosis?
A. Caries
B. Pulpitis
C. * Periostitis
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
51. Patient near 25 years old , come to doctor . He cannot talk, and open oral cavity.Objective ;
you can see deformation of face , from left side . two hour ago he fell down . Diagnosis?
A. Pulpitis
B. Periodontitis
C. Caries
D. No right answer
E. * Fracture of mandible
52. Patient near 34 years old , come to doctor . He cannot talk, and fill strong pain in area of
maxilla .Objective ; you can see deformation of face , from left side . two hour ago he fell
down . Diagnosis?
A. Pulpitis
B. Periodontitis
C. Caries
D. No right answer
E. * Fracture of mandible
53. Patient K., appealed to the dental clinic at the removal of 36. From anamnesis revealed that
the patient suffers from hemophilia. Advance Removal accompanied by long-term bleeding.
What tactics doctor?
A. Perform removal under the supervision of hematologist in clinic
B. Required preoperational training in clinics
C. Postoperative treatment is not necessary
D. Perform extraction of the tooth with further recommendations
E. * Carry out intervention in the hospital with pre-and post-operative preparation
54. Patient , appealed to the surgeon-dentist with complaints of fever up to 37,6 ° C, swelling of
soft tissues, pain in 47 tooth on the lower left jaw, which increases with the touch. When the
review occurs and hyperemia transitional fold alveolar appendix of vestibular side of the
damaged section 47 of the tooth. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute Periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent odontogenic periostitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
D. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
E. Periodontal abscess
55. Patient 28 years old , conducted 26 tooth removal. After tuberal anesthesia patient felt
general weakness, nausea, and later - a sharp itching and rashes on the skin. Which type of
complication data include symptoms?
A. Collapse.
B. Anaphylactic shock
C. * Hives
D. Edema Quincke
E. Fainting
56. The doctor asked the patient 35 years with complaints of pain in tooth 47. During the X-ray
study of channels in medial and distal roots are broken endodontic instruments. In the top
section of the root cells of bone destruction with clear contours. Which of you would opt to
treat this patient?
A. * Extraction
B. Operation resection top top
C. Operation replantathion of tooth
D. Hemisektsion of tooth
E. Conservative treatment
57. In patients 50 years, for 4 days appeared painful swelling in the area of the upper lip and left
wings of the nose, t - 37,2. objectively: Asymmetric face due to swelling under the left wing
of the nose. Edema of the skin slightly congested. 21 tooth rolling, percussion painful with
palpation is not painful . After a painful transition applicants elastic infiltrate.
A. * Acute purulent abscess of the upper jaw of 21 teeth
B. Acute periodontitis 21 tooth
C. Acute pulpitis 21 tooth
D. Periodontal abscess
E. Exacerbation of chronic peridontitis of 21 tooth
58. Patient K., 27 years appealed to the surgeon-dentist about the exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis 17. During the removal operation palatal tooth root was in maxillary sinus .
What tactics doctor in this situation?
A. * Perform x-ray examinations and send patients to hospital
B. No right answer
C. Remove root through the punched hole formed
D. An operation haymorotomiyi
E. All answer are right
59. The patient was hospitalized in the department of Maxilla - facial surgery after 30 hours of
injury during seizures. At the time of clinical examination was diagnosed lethal - laceration
of the chin. What debridement we must to do?
A. * Primary deferred debridement
B. Primary debridement
C. Secondary debridement
D. Early debridement
E. Late debridement
60. Patients 28 years have penetrating knife wounds of cheek plot. 10 days after the surgical
operation, there have been wounds fester. On next week he has bleeding from the facial
artery. What type of bleeding may occur in patients?
A. * Late secondary
B. Early secondary
C. Primary
D. Secondary recurrent
E. No right answer
61. Boy 14 years in the disclosure complained of mouth pain in the left temporomandibular joint
that emerged over 2.5 weeks after the carry influenza. OBJECTIVE: hyperemia and swelling
of tissues in the area of the left joint, t 37.2 0C body, teeth intact, normal bite. In joint bone
structure is not altered, enlarged joints crack. What might explain the increasing gap in the
joint radiograph?
A. * The accumulation of serous fluid
B. Tumor growth
C. Growth of fibrous tissue
D. Lime wax
E. No correct answer
62. To the dentist surgeon turned patient, complaining of pain, heartburn tongue. Considers
himself ill within 2 months. Has treatment in hospital (where treat tuberculosis), but did not
complete treatment, abused alcohol. When reviewing the crack-like ulcer on the median line
of the cheesy tongue root decay in contact blood. What treatment is shown in the first
A. * General treatment and symptomatic local treatment
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. Electro coagulation, symptomatic treatment
E. Sweetening ulcer edges, imposing nodal joints
63. The patient occasionally complained of pain that is worse when he open a mouth and chew.
A history of trauma (received 2 months ago). When the re view is significant swelling front
ear and pain during deep palpation in this area. Opening the mouth is limited to 2.0 cm ,
crunch with palpation the auditory passage. In X-ray - articular narrowing gap. What
preliminary diagnosis in this case.
A. * Chronic arthritis posttraumatic
B. Exacerbation of chronic nonspecific arthritis
C. Chronic Arthritis-Osteoarthritis
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
64. From the chemical laboratory to the department of maxillofacial surgery hospital, was
delivered patients 43 years. He has skin care by sulfuric acid. Which of the following
medications need to be use, for neutralization of sulfuric acid in the soft tissue?
A. * 2.5 \%, Mr. Sodium bicarbonate
B. 1-2 \% Mr. acetic acid
C. 0.1 \%, Mr. potassium permanganate
D. 3 \% Mr. hydrogen peroxide
E. 1-2 \% Mr. citric acid
65. In patients during surgery extraction of 18 teeth suddenly appeared cold sweat on the face
and skin. He felt tinnitus and blur in the eyes, and then lost consciousness. SC 95/70. What
factors may contribute to the emergence of this complication during surgery?
A. * Psycho emotional tension, fear of surgical manipulation.
B. Rheumatic heart disease.
C. Chronic kidney disease.
D. Chronic bronchitis.
E. No right answer
66. Patient 56 years old. Diagnosis: exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis. Associated
disease of this patient is severe diabetes. Conservative treatment proved unsuccessful. What
further tactics of dentist?
A. * Extraction
B. Resection of upper roots
C. No right answer
D. All answer are right
E. Tooth root amputation
67. Patient 43 asked to the dentist. He complaining of sharp pain near tooth 45 in the time of
eating. After oral examination, the doctor made the diagnosis: acute purulent Periodontitis.
Which symptom is most characteristic of this disease?
A. * Sharp painful percussion of the affected tooth.
B. Presence of deep carious cavity.
C. Pathologic tooth mobility.
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
68. Dentist was summoned for consultations in the maternity ward. Pregnant R., 20, complained
of the presence of painless tumors germ alveolar mucosa of the upper jaw, the appearance of
which no more than links. After the dental examination was made the diagnosis: epulis of
pregnant. What should be the therapeutic tactics?
A. * Generally, she don’t need special treatment
B. Surgical technique.
C. Drug therapy.
D. Physiotherapy.
E. No right answer
69. Patient D., 25, received poli trauma a result of an accident. During examination diagnosed
dislocation asphyxia. First aid in asphyxia dislocation:
A. * The withdrawal of the tongue forward and fixing it.
B. Tracheotomy.
C. Carrying out artificial ventilation.
D. Drug elimination stenos of the larynx.
E. No right answer
70. Child 2 years old fell at the floor and banging her front upper teeth. 61 tooth became mobile.
Cloth around the tooth is damaged. On radiograph alveolar germ significantly expand
periodontal gap 61 of the tooth root is not damaged. Put a diagnosis.
A. * Partial dislocation of a tooth
B. Full dislocation of the tooth
C. Convoluted dislocation of the tooth
D. Alveolar fracture germ
E. No right answer
71. Patient S., 45, asked the surgeon dentist complaining of obstructed mouth opening that day is
gone. In history - ten days ago was contaminated open wound of the lower jaw.
OBJECTIVE: lockjaw masseter second degree, "sardonically" smile. All teeth intact. What
diseases may suspect the patient?
A. * Tetanus
B. No right answer
C. All answer are right
D. Charley central genesis
E. Acute arthritis
72. Patient seat near dentist office waiting for their turn. Suddenly he fell, appeared hoarsely
breathing, convulsive twitch arms and legs, face and body became pale in color expanded
optical reaction missing, blood pressure and pulse on peripheral arteries are not detected.
What is the extreme condition characterized by symptoms of this?
A. * Clinical death
B. Collapse
C. Anaphylactic shock
D. No right answer
E. All answer are rigth
73. Patient complains of the presence on mucous membrane tumors of the left cheek.
OBJECTIVE: in the oral cavity is localized in the left cheek, clear-cut, tight, with a smooth
surface not painful tumor, size 0.7 x 1.2 cm, covered with the same mucous membrane. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Fibroma of left cheek.
B. Small retention cyst of salivary gland
C. Small adenoma of salivary glands
D. No right answer
E. All answer are right
74. When you remove the tooth 46 in patient R., 34 years old, appeared a brief clouding of
consciousness, Pulse weak and frequent, SC 90/60 mm Hg What complications during the
surgery takes place?
A. * Fainting.
B. Vascular collapse.
C. Hypertensive crisis.
D. Myocardial infarction
E. Anaphylactic shock.
75. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
76. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26 sharply
painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
77. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the area
of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in the
region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
78. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the deep
carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100 mkA.
In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
79. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
80. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
81. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered hood
distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incise hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
82. The patient complains of swelling in the left lower jaw, contaminated open mouth, painful
swallowing, body temperature is 37,5 ° C. At 'objectively: skin in a jaw area left in color not
changed in the area of mandibular angle marked swelling, painful at palpation, contracture
grade II, increased salivation from the mouth, painful tooth 38 with palpation. What disease
is detected in the patient?
A. * Perykoronaritis 38 tooth
B. Tongue abscess
C. Hyoid suture abscess
D. Bucal space abscess
E. Acute purulent inflammation of submental region
83. Patients 24 years appealed to the dentist. He complaining of pain in section 38 of the tooth,
difficult opening mouth, pain when swallowing. After examination diagnosis: acute catarrhal
perykoronaritis , difficult eruption of 38 tooth , inflammatory contracture III degree. What
type of anesthesia of advisable to apply for removal of 38 teeth?
A. Anesthesia for Bershe-DYBOVUM
B. * SYBMANDIBULAR way of mandybular anesthesia
C. Central anesthesia pidvylytsevym way to the Oval hole
D. Anesthesia for Vaysblat
E. Anesthesia for Verlotskomu
84. The patient asked to the doctor complaining of 35,36,37 tooth mobility, pain in this area to
periodic increase in temperature to 37,5 ° C, malaise, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility 35,
36, 37 teeth II level in the area submental fistula from the left purulent discharge. What is the
disease in this patient?
A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. Migrating granuloma
C. Cancer mandibular
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
85. Patient Complaints byt pain in erupted wisdom tooth. Pain with swallowing, difficulty
opening the mouth, malaise, fever up to 37.5 - 38 ° C. Crown covered with mucous
membrane (hood), which is congested, swollen. With a hood allocated manure. Diagnosis?
A. Osteolielit
B. Alveolitis
C. Gingivitis
D. Periostitis
E. * Perikoronitis
86. Patient 28 years old, have diagnosis: cyst of mandible, tooth retentsion 38. Specify type of
cysts, associated with this pathology?
A. Fisural
B. Radykulyar
C. Rezydual
D. * Parodental
E. Follicular
87. A 42-year-old patient complains about general weakness. Body temperature is 41oC, he
presents with sickness, emesis, dyspnea. There is evident well-defined skin redness in form
of flame tips on her face. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. What is the most likely
A. * Erysipelas
B. Streptococcal impetigo
C. Phlebitis of facial vein
D. Lupus
E. Anthrax
88. A 43-year-old man complains about painful swallowing, limited mouth opening. Destroyed
37 tooth caused pain 3 days ago. Painful swallowing appeared the next day. Limited mouth
opening was present a day later. Objectively: there is a small soft swelling in the left
submaxillary area. An enlarged lymph node is palpated. The mouth can be opened by 1,5 cm.
Edema of left palatine arch and pharynx lateral wall is present. The 37 tooth is destroyed.
ucous membrane around the tooth is edematic. Percussion is slightly painful. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. * Odontogenic peripharyngeal phlegmon
B. Odontogenic pterygomandibular phlegmon
C. Odontogenic submaxillary phlegmon
D. Peritonsillar abscess
E. Acute submaxillary lymphadenitis
89. A 27-year-old male patient underwent extraction of the medial root of the 36 tooth, but the
distal tooth root was broken in its middle third. What tools should be applied for root
A. * Left angled elevator
B. Right angled elevator
C. Straight elevator
D. Broad-beaked forceps
E. Close-beaked forceps
90. A 42-year-old patient complains about acute pain in the region of the left temporomandibular
joint (TMJ) that irradiates to the ear; headache, general indisposition, impossible mastication
and limited mouth opening. Objectively: the patient’s face is asymmetric due to the edema in
the region of the left temporomandibular joint. The skin in this region is hyperemic. The pain
is made worse by the smallest movements of mandible. Palpation of the joint causes acute
pain. Mouth opening is limited down to 15-20 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute arthritis of the left TMJ
B. Acute purulent parotitis
C. Mandible subluxation
D. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ
E. Myogenous osteoarthrosis
91. A 42 year old patient complains of pain in the submaxillary and sublingual areas that is
getting worse during eating, body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. He has been suffering from
this for 2 months. Objectively: infiltration along the right sublingual torus, hyperemia, soft
tissue edema, acute pain during palpation. The duct of the right submandubular salivary
gland excretes turbid saliva mixed with pus. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of salivolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submaxillary area
C. Adenophlegmon of submaxillary area
D. Abscess of maxillolingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
92. A 42-year-old patient complains about pain in the submandibular and sublingual region that
is getting worse during eating; body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. The patient has been
suffering from this for 2 months. Objectively: along the right sublingual plica there is
infiltration, yperaemia, edema of soft tisues, acute pain on palpation. The duct of the right
submandibular salivary gland discharges turbid saliva with pus admixtures. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of urolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submandibular region
C. Adenophlegmon of submandibular region
D. Abscess of alveololingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
93. A patient consulted a dentist about constant dull pain in the 38 tooth. Mouth opening is
limited down to 1 cm. It is necessary to extract the 38 tooth. What kind of anesthesia should
be applied for operation?
A. * Bercher-Dubov
B. Mandibular
C. Torus
D. Extraoral mandibular technique
E. Tuberal
94. During extraction of the 47 tooth its distal root was broken halfway along its length. What
tool should be chosen for extraction of the residual root fragments?
A. * Left angled elevator
B. Broad-beaked forceps
C. Close-beaked forceps
D. Right angled elevator
E. Straight elevator
95. A 67 year old patient complains about frequently recurring erosion in the area of vermilion
border of his lower lip. The erosion is oval, 0,8х1,3 cm large, covered with thin crusts. After
their removal some petechial haemorrhages on glossy surface can be seen. There are also
some atrophied areas of the vermilion border. Infiltration is absent. Submandibular lymph
nodes are not enlarged. What is your presumptive diagnosis?
A. * Abrasive precancerous Manganotti's cheilitis
B. Erosive-ulcerous form of leukoplakia
C. Keratoacanthosis
D. Bowen's disease
E. Glandular cheilitis
96. A 49-year-old male patient consulted a dental surgeon about an enlarging "mother's mark",
itch and desquamation. According to patient, changed in color and size skin area appeared a
year ago after a shaving trauma. Objectively: there is an intensely pigmented brown spot up
to 2 cm large with small oval protruding nodules on its surface in the infraorbital region on
the left. Desquamation factors are present. Palpation is painless. Regional lymph nodes are
matted together with skin and painless. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Melanoma
B. Pigmented nevus
C. Verrucous nevus
D. Epidermoid cancer
E. Papillomatosis
97. A 36 year old man complains about acute headache, body temperature rise up to 39,1oC,
indisposition. Objectively: a slight face asymmetry because of soft tissue edema of the left
infraorbital area. Crown of the 26 tooth is partly decayed. Percussion is acutely painful.
ucous membrane on the vestibular side in the area of the 25, 26 teeth is edematic, hyperemic.
reathing through the left part of nose is laboured, there are purulent discharges. X-ray picture
showed a homogeneous shadow of the left part of maxillary sinus. What is the most probable
A. * Acute purulent odontogenous maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute periostitis of upper jaw
D. Suppuration of maxillary cyst
E. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
98. A 32-year-old patient complains of a fistula in the submandibular region. Objectively: cheek
is swollen in the region of mandible on the left, palpation revealed induration of soft tissues.
In projection of the 35, 36 teeth there is a fistula containing pus and granulations. X-ray
picture shows destruction of bone, sequestrum. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chronic osteomyelitis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Syphilis
D. Sarcoma
E. Osteoma
99. X-ray picture depicts a circular well-defined area of bone tissue destruction 0,7х 0,7 cm large
in the projection of root apex. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Cystogranuloma
B. Cyst
C. Granuloma
D. Odontoma
E. Osteoma
100. A 24 year old patient applied to a dental clinic for root removal of her upper wisdom
tooth. Tuberal anesthesia caused a postinjection haematoma. What was injured during
A. * Pterygoid venous plexus
B. Maxillary artery
C. Infraorbital artery
D. Zygomatic artery
E. Palatine artery
101. A 45-year-old patient complains about pain in his mandible that arose after extraction of
the 36 tooth. Objectively: alveolar socket is covered with bloody clot. X-ray picture shows
unextracted root of the 36 tooth. What tools are necessary for extraction of this root?
A. * Angled elevator curved right
B. Angled elevator curved left
C. Straight elevator
D. S-shaped forceps
E. Bayonet-shaped forceps
102. A 70-year-old patient consulted a dental surgeon about extraction of the central upper jaw
incisors with ІІІ degree mobility. What tools should be applied?
A. * Straight forceps
B. Straight elevator
C. Beak-shaped forceps
D. Bayonet-shaped forceps
E. S-shaped forceps
103. A patient complains of pain and swelling in the right submandibular area. She has been
treating the 45 tooth for a week. Objectively: body temperature is 38oC. There is a painful
tense infiltration in the right submandibular region. The skin doesn’t make a fold, its
hyperemic and glossy. The mouth can be opened by 3 cm. Deglutition is painless. These
clinical findings correspond with the following disease:
A. * Odontogenous phlegmon of the right submandibular region
B. Abscess of the right alveololingual groove
C. Adenophlegmon of the right submandibular region
D. Acute odontogenous sialoadenitis
E. Phlegmon of pterygomandibular space
104. During endodontic treatment of periodontitis a tool was broken in the middle third of the
medial root. Choose the treatment method:
A. * Medial root hemisection
B. Medial root amputation
C. Crown radicular separation
D. Resection of medial root apex
E. Tooth extraction
105. A 65 year old patient complains about pain during eating, reduced tongue mobility, an
ulcer in the posterior part of mouth floor on the left, weight loss. Objectively: the patient uses
a partial removable denture for the lower jaw. In the area of the left mylohyoid duct there is
an ulcer in form of a cleft up to 1,6 cm long with everted edges, covered with grey-yellowish
deposit, losely adhering to an infiltrate that can be detected during bimanual palpation. In the
left submandibular and superolateral areas of neck several enlarged nonmobile lymph nodes
can be palpated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Cancer of mucous membrane of mouth floor
B. Tuberculous ulcer of mouth floor
C. Decubital ulcer of mouth floor
D. Tertiary syphilis (gummatous ulcer)
E. Actinomycosis of mouth floor
106. A patient consulted an oral surgeon about pain in the region of his left upper jaw that
appeared 3 days ago. After examination the patient was diagnosed with exacerbation of
chronic eriodontitis of the 17 tooth. It is indicated to extract the 17 tooth. What nerves should
be blocked for painless extraction of the 17 tooth?
A. * Posterior alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
B. Greater palatine nerve
C. Anterior alveolar nerves and incisor nerve
D. Median alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
E. Nasopalatine nerve
107. A 32 year old patient applied to a dental surgeon for oral cavity sanitation before
prosthetics. During examination of oral cavity the dentist revealed that crown of the 35 tooth
was decayed. The root is stable, its percussion is painless. Mucous membrane of alveolar
process was nchanged. X-ray picture showed a slight broadening of periodontal fissure. What
is your presumptive diagnosis?
A. * Chronic fibrous periodontitis of the 25 tooth
B. Chronic periodontitis of the 25 tooth
C. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis of the 25 tooth
D. Chronic granulating periodontitis of the 25 tooth
E. Cystogranuloma
108. A patient has indication for removal of his medial incisor of the right upper jaw on
account of chronic periodontitis. What types of anaesthesia should be applied for tooth
A. * Infraborbital and incisive
B. Infraorbital and palatine
C. Terminal and incisive
D. Infraorbital, palatine and incisive
E. Plexual and incisive
109. A 56 year old man complains of pain in the left parotidomasticatory area, progressing
face asymmetry that was noticed a month ago. Objectively: left-sided paresis of mimic
muscles. To the fore of earflap there is an ill-defined infiltration, the skin above it is tense
and cyanotic; left lymph nodes are enlarged. Opening of mouth is limited down to 2,5 cm.
The left parotid duct doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Adenocarcinoma
Mixed tumour
Cyst of the gland
Glandular tuberculosis
Chronic lymphadenitis
110. A 43-year-old patient complains about constant pain in the upper jaw region on the right,
that irradiate to the temple. The pain was noted one month ago. Objectively: the face is
asymmetric because of the swollen right cheek. Mucous membrane has no changes. The
breathing through the right nasal meatus is obstructed, there are foul-smelling saniopurulent
discharges. Plan X-ray film of facial skeleton in the semi-axial projection shows intensive
opacity of the right maxillary sinus and violated intactness of its interior and superior walls.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper jaw cancer
B. Chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Neuritis of the II branch of trigeminus
E. Upper jaw osteoma
111. A 47-year-old patient complains about permanent pain in the 27 tooth that is getting
worse when biting down on food. Objectively: the patient's face is symmetric, skin is of
normal colouring, the mouth can be fully opened, mucous membrane of the alveolar process
is edematic and hyperemic at a level of the 27 tooth. The 27 tooth has a deep carious cavity
interconnecting with pulp chamber. Percussion of the 27 tooth causes acute pain. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbated chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth
B. Chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth
C. Acute generalized purulent pulpitis of the 27 tooth
D. Acute purulent periostitis of the upper jaw beginning from the 27 tooth
E. Chronic left-sided odontogenous highmoritis
112. A 44-year-old patient consulted a surgeon about constant acute pain in the upper jaw
region on the left that is getting worse during teeth joining. The pain was noted 3 days ago.
Objectively: the face is symmetrical, mouth opening is unlimited. The crown fof the 26 tooth
is half-destroyed. Probing of the carious cavity is painless. Percussion of the 26 tooth
provokes acute pain. Mucous membrane of the alveolar process is edematic, hyperemic on
the level of the 26 tooth. The 26 tooth was treated before. What is your provisional
A. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
B. Acute purulent periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute pulpitis of the 26 tooth
D. Acute purulent periostitis of upper jaw of the 26 tooth on the left
E. Periodontitis of the 26, 27, 28 teeth
113. A patient complains about acute constant pain that is getting worse when biting down on
food, sensation of a recently erupted tooth on the right upper jaw. Examination of the 15
tooth revealed a deep carious cavity communicating with the dental cavity. Tooth percussion
causes acute pain. Probing is painless. Mucous membrane in projection of the root apex is
hyperemic, painful on palpation. X-ray picture shows no changes. What is the most likely
A. * Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Acute diffuse pulpitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
D. Acute albuminous periostitis
E. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
114. A patient complains about acute intense pain and a slight swelling in the area of a
decayed tooth of the lower jaw on the right, ill health, body temperature rise up to 38,3oC,
lack of appetite, insomnia. Objectively: there is collateral edema of soft tissues of
submandibular area and lower part of right cheek. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged on the
right, palpatory ainful. Crown of the 46 tooth is half decayed, the 45, 46, 47 teeth are mobile,
there is also a cuff infiltrate in the area of these teeth. Vincent's symptom is positive on the
right. Make a diagnosis:
A. * Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
B. Acute purulent odontogenuos periostitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Acute condition of chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis
E. Chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis
115. A 43-year-old patient complains about a neoplasm in the right submandibular region that
appeared a month ago after angina. The patient underwent anti-inflammatory therapy but it
led to no reduction of the neoplasm. Objectively: body temperature is up to 37,2oC. Palpation
reveals a slightly painful, spherical, freely movable, well-defined neoplasm of dense and
elastic consistency in the right submandibular region. The duct of submandibular salivary
gland discharges transparent saliva. The sublingual plica is unchanged. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Chronic lymphadenitis
B. Chronic sialoadenitis
C. Sialolithiasis
D. Adenoma of salivary gland
E. Atheroma
116. A 37 year old man complained about pain and a slight swelling emerging during eating in
the left submaxillary area. Objectively: a painful elastic infiltration in the left submaxillary
area. Mouth opening is not limited. Bimanual palpation in the area of mylohyoid groove
revealed a compact movable oblong induration. Mucous membrane is unchanged. Duct of the
left submandibular gland doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Salivolithiasis
B. Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Pleomorphic adenoma
D. Retention cyst
E. Submaxillary lipoma
117. A 45-year-old patient consulted a dentist about extraction of the 13 tooth. What tools
should be applied for extraction?
A. * Straight forceps
B. S-shaped forceps curved right
C. Bayonet-shaped forceps
D. Straight elevator
E. S-shaped forceps
118. A patient is 48 year old, according to the results of clinicoroentgenological examination it
is indicated to remove the 26 tooth because of acute condition of chronic granulomatous
periodontitis. What conduction anesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
B. Torus
C. Infraorbital and incisive
D. Plexus
E. Infraorbital and palatinal
119. A 64-year-old patient complains about a slightly painful ulcer on the lateral surface of his
tongue that appeared over 2 months ago. Objectively: lateral surface of tongue has an ulcer
with raised edges, tissues around it are infiltrated. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged,
adhering to each other and surrounding tissues. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Lingual cancer
Syphilis (hard chancre)
Tuberculous ulcer
Decubital ulcer
Ulcero-necrotic lesion associated with blood disorders
120. A patient complained about painful deglutition, difficult mouth opening. Several days ago
the 47 tooth was removed because of acute condition of chronic periodontitis. The patient's
condition kept worsening. Body temperature is 37,9oC. Results of external examination: the
face is symmetric, face skin is slightly pale. Right submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged,
palpatory painful. Examination of oral cavity is impossible because of evident contracture of
lower jaw (the mouth opens up to 0,5 cm between central incisors). What anesthesia will
provide mouth opening?
A. * Bersche-Dubov's anesthesia
B. Plexus
C. Torus
D. Block of upper cervical plexus
E. Mandibular anesthesia
121. A 55 year old patient has a painless, tuberous, cyanotic pedunculated formation 2х1х1,5
cm large that appeared on the spot of the removed 46th tooth. Opening of mouth is not
limited. Intra-oral X-ray picture of alveolar process in the area of the removed 46th tooth
shows a focus of bone tissue destruction. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Giant-cell epulis
B. Hard odontoma of lower jaw
C. Hypertrophic gingivitis
D. Papilloma of mucous membrane in the area of the removed 46th tooth
E. Ameloblastoma of the lower jaw
122. A patient complains about destroyed crown of the 27 tooth. The patient was diagnosed
with chronic periodontitis of the indicated tooth. Objectively: the crown of the 27 tooth is
destroyed completely. It is necessary to extract this tooth. What field block anesthesia should
be applied for operation?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
B. Infraorbital
C. Tuberal
D. Infraorbital and tuberal
E. Tuberal and incisor
123. A 40-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 38oC, and of a
roundish infiltration on his upper lip. Objectively: there is a roundish infiltration on the upper
lip on the left, the skin above it is wine red, the infiltration adheres to the surrounding tissues
and has a seapus necroticus in the middle. The upper lip is hyperaemic and edematic. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper lip furuncle
B. Acute periostitis of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst
D. Acute lymphadenitis
E. Upper lip carbuncle
124. A 43 year old patient complained about mobility of his 24, 26, 27 teeth, pus excretion
from alveolus of the the extracted 25 tooth. 1,5 month ago dissection along the mucogingival
fold was performed and the 25 tooth was extracted. Objectively: there is a slight swelling of
soft tissues in the right infraorbital area, lymph nodes of the right submaxillary area are
enlarged, slightly painful, nasal breathing is normal. Mucous membrane of alveolar processin
the area of the 24, 26, 27 teeth is edematic and cyanotic. There is also a fistula with bulging
granulations along the mucogingival fold. Alveolus of the extracted 25 tooth excretes
purulent granulations. What disease does this clinical presentation correspond with?
* Chronic localized osteomyelitis
Acute osteomyelitis
Acute condition of localized periodontitis
Acute condition of chronic maxillary sinusitis
Chronic alveolitis
125. A 69-year-old patient needs extraction of the 12, 11 teeth. He is diagnosed with
generalized periodontitis, the 12 and 11 teeth exhibit II degree mobility. Choose a proper
instrument for extraction:
A. * Straight forceps
B. S-shaped forceps
C. S-shaped forceps curved right
D. Root bayonet-shaped forceps
E. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
126. During opening a phlegmon of mouth floor a doctor revealed greyish necrotic masses in
purulent foci, gas vesicles and fat droplets, sharp unpleasant smell of exudate. The tissues are
of dark-brown colour, muscles resemble of boiled meat. What medications should be
administered in order to prevent further spreading of this process?
A. * Polyvalent antigangrenous serum
B. Challenging dose of broad spectrum antibiotics
C. Glucocorticoid medications
D. Hyposensitizing medications
E. Immunomodulators
127. A 25-year-old man complains of itching and reddening of skin in the buccal area, general
weakness, inertness. He associates origin of the disease with a skin injury he got during
shaving. Objectively: body temperature is 39,0oC. A well-defined section of skin in the
buccal area is hyperemic, it slightly protrudes above the surface. Hyperemic surface has some
vesicles containing serous fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Erysipelatous inflammation of skin
B. Phlegmon of buccal area
C. Furuncle
D. Anthrax
E. Streptococcal impetigo
128. A 28 year old man applied to a dental surgeon for removal of the 38 tooth. What forceps
should be chosen for this tooth?
A. * Beak-shaped curved forceps
B. Broad-beaked forceps (with non-converging beaks)
C. Beak-shaped forceps with converging beaks
D. Beak-shaped forceps with thorns
E. Root bayonets
129. A 35-year-old patient consulted a dentist about extraction of the 14 tooth because of
exacerbation of chronic periodontitis following ineffective therapeutic treatment. What tools
should be applied for extraction?
A. * S-shaped forceps
B. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
C. S-shaped forceps curved right
D. Straight forceps
E. Root bayonet-shaped forceps
130. After complex extraction of the 37 tooth a patient experienced anaesthesia of the left half
of his lower lip and chin. Electroodontodiagnos showed reduction of lower jaw teeth
electroexcitability on the left. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Neuritis of the left inferior alveolar nerve
B. Neuralgia of the left inferior alveolar nerve
C. Alveolitis in the region of socket of the 37 tooth
D. Herpes Zoster n.Trigemini
E. Acute osteomyelitis of mandible body
131. Examination of a patient revealed a roundish neoplasm in the submental area. Skin above
it is unchanged, makes a fold easily. Puncture sample contains strow-yellow liquid with
cholesterol admixture. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Inborn median cyst
B. Lipoma
C. Lymphadenitis
D. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
E. Dermoid cyst
132. A 25-year-old man consulted a dentist about extraction of the 18 tooth, it's crown is
destroyed by 1/2. The tooth was treated more than once. During tooth extraction the
maxillary tuber was accidentally torn off. What actions should be taken?
A. * To remove the fragment and stitch up the wound
B. To try to restore the fragment to its place
C. To restore the fragment to its place and fix it there
D. To remove the fragment
E. To remove the fragment and tampon the wound
133. A 20 year old patient complains of a tumour-like formation on the lateral surface of his
neckon the right. He revealed this tumour a year ago. Objectively: there is a semi-oval welldefined tumour 3х2 cm large on the lateral neck surface. The tumour doesn't hold together
with skin, it is painless, dense and elastic, upwardly and sidewardly movable. Regional
lymph nodes are not enlarged. After the tumour puncture some light yellow liquid was
obtained that consisted of cast-off epithelium, cholesterol crystals, lymphocytes,
erythrocytes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Lateral neck cyst
B. Median neck cyst
C. Dermoid neck cyst
D. Neck chemodectoma
E. Chronic neck lymphadenitis
134. A 48-year-old patient got a pustule on his chin that quickly developed into a dense and
acutely painful infiltration 3x5 cm large. The skin above it is of blue-red colour. In the centre
one can see three zones of necrosis around the hair follicles. Lymph nodes of chin are
enlarged and painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Dermal actinomycosis of chin
D. Suppurated atheroma
E. Chin furuncle
135. A 20 year old patient got a trauma in the area of his upper jaw. He applied to a dentist and
complained about mobility of his frontal upper teeth, pain during cutting and joining of teeth.
Objectively: the 11 and 21 teeth have II-III degree mobility. Tooth crowns are intact but have
oral position. Complete joining of teeth is impossible because the teeth are situated beyond
the dental arch. X-ray picture shows a slight broadening of periodontal fissure of the 11 tooth
up to 0,5-2 mm. The roots are intact. Make a correct diagnosis:
A. * Traumatic subluxation of the 11, 21 teeth
B. Traumatic periodontitis of the 11, 21 teeth
C. Traumatic complete dislocation of the 11, 21 teeth
D. Fracture of alveolar process in the area of the 11, 21 teeth
E. Traumatic extraction of the 11, 21 teeth
136. A 56-year-old patient has an oval, smooth, bright-red erosion on the red border of her
lower lip. Erosion is covered with haemorrhagic crusts that can be hardly removed. Crust
removal induces slight haemorrhage. Light traumatization of crust-free surface of erosion
induces no haemorrhage. Specify the type of lower lip precancer:
A. * Abrasive precancerous Manganotti's cheilitis
B. Verrucous precancer of red border
C. Localized precancerous hyperkeratosis of red border
D. Bowen's disease
E. Erythroplasia
137. Examination of a male patient revealed that a tumour occupied the major part of his
tongue; tongue mobility was limited, there were solitary regional nodes in the region of
affection. After the cytological analysis the patient was diagnosed with cancer of tongue
T2N1M0. What treatment should be chosen for this patient?
A. * Combined method
B. Radiation therapy
C. Surgical removal of tumor
D. Chemotherapy
E. Removal of lymph nodes
138. A 30-year-old patient has got an edema and hyperemia of nose wing skin spreading to the
skin of his upper lip and cheek. Examination revealed a fissure along the infra-external edge
of the left nostril. The skin is tense, dense, red-and-cyanotic, skin line pattern is smoothed;
rise of local temperature is present. The zone of affection is well-defined and irregularly
shaped. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Erysipelatous inflammation
B. Dermal actinomycosis
C. Dermal tuberculosis
D. Dermal cancer
E. Thrombophlebitis of the facial vein
139. On the second day after tooth extraction a 35-year-old woman applied to a facial surgeon
and complained about pain in the parotid-masticatory region and sensation of lacking contact
between the upper and lower jaw teeth on the right. Examination revealed chin deviation to
the left, half-open mouth, closed lips, disturbed occlusion. There is also limitation of lateral
andible movements. In front of the right ear tragus soft tissues sink down. What examination
is expected to be the most informative in this case?
A. * TMJ roentgenography
B. TMJ ultrasound
C. Mandible roentgenography
D. Bimanual TMJ investigation
140. A 50 year old woman complains about a neoplasm on her lower lip on the side of oral
cavity that appeared a month ago and has been slowly growing since that. Objectively: there
is a roundish, elastic, painless neoplasm inside the lower lip. Mucous membrane hasn't
changed its colour. Make a diagnosis:
A. * Retention cyst of lower lip
B. Lip abscess
C. Lip papilloma
D. Lip fibroma
E. Lip lipoma
141. A 35-year-old female patient consulted a dentist about a painless, slowly growing
neoplasmin the area of the 11 and 12 teeth. Examination revealed that the tumour was lightpink, flattened, adjacent to the teeth, had a pedicle. The tumour was up to 1,5 cm large, with
smooth surface and dense consistency. It was diagnosed as an epulis in the regiob of the 11
and 12 teeth. What form of epulis are these clinical findings typical for?
A. * Fibrous
Pregnancy epulis
142. A 57-year-old patient complains about a slowly growing swelling in the sublingual
region. She noted it 3 months ago. Objectively: there is an elastic swelling in the sublingual
region. The swelling is painless, mucous membrane over it is with tints of blue. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. * Ranula
B. Salivolithiasis
C. Dermoid cyst of oral cavity floor
D. Lipoma of sublingual area
E. Hemangioma of sublingual area
143. A 38-year-old patient consulted dental surgery about extraction of the 36 tooth. What
kind of anesthesia should be applied for extraction?
A. * Torus
B. Mandibular
C. Tuberal
D. Infiltration
E. Voino-Yasenetsky truncal
144. A 49-year-old patient applied to the oral surgery department and complained about
permanent intense dull pain in the region of the right upper jaw. It is known from the
anamnesis that the 17 tooth has been repeatedly treated for exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis but the treatment appeared to be ineffective. What kind of anesthesia should be
applied for extraction of the 17 tooth?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
B. Tuberal and incisor
C. Tuberal, incisor and palatinal
D. Incisor and paltinal
E. Torus
145. A 47-year-old patient complains about limited mobility of her lower jaw in the morning;
periodical dull pain in the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and general joint stiffness.
According to the patient, the stiffness disappears throughout the day after joint "exercising".
Objectively: the patient's face is symmetric, mouth opening is limited down to 2,5 cm, there
is also joint clicking. Median line deviates to the right by 3-4 mm, palpation of the right
articular head is painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Arthrosis of the right TMJ
B. Acute serous arthritis of the right TMJ
C. Chronic arthritis of the right TMJ
D. Fracture of the right condyle of mandible
E. Right-sided anterior dislocation of mandible
146. A 60 year old man has got a pustule on his chin skin that quickly developed into a hard,
strongly painful infiltrate 3х3 cm large. In the epicentre three necrosis zones around hair
follicles are present. Lymph nodes of chin are enlarged, painful. Body temperature is 38,5oC.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Suppurated atheroma
D. Chin furuncle
E. Allergic chin dermatitis
147. A 35 year old man complains about pain in the area of the 38 tooth, painful deglutition,
difficult mouth opening. What anesthesia method will be optimal during operation on
account of pericoronaritis?
A. * Conduction Bersche-Dubov's anesthesia
B. Infiltration anesthesia
C. General anesthesia
D. Stem anesthesia
E. Application anesthesia
148. A 23-year-old patient complains about periodical pain in the region of the 11 tooth,
protrusion of the alveolar process. The patient got a trauma 4 years ago. Objectively: crown
of the 11 ooth is dark, percussion is painless. X-ray picture shows roundish well-defined area
of bone tissue rarefication by the root apex of the 11 tooth. The area is 2,0 cm in diameter.
Puncture results: yellow fluid with cholesterol crystals. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Maxillary radicular cyst
B. Chronic maxillary osteomyelitis
C. Maxillary ameloblastoma
D. Soft maxillary odontoma
E. Maxillary osteoclastoma
149. A 33-year-old patient complains about an ulcer of oral cavity floor, that is located under
his tongue on a level between the 43 to the 33 tooth. Examination reveales that ulcer edges
are undermined and scalloped. Its grey-yellow floor is shallow and it is covered with small,
easily bleeding granulations. There is no ulcer infiltration. Make a clinical diagnosis:
A. * Tubercular ulcer of oral cavity floor
B. Decubital ulcer of oral cavity floor
C. Cancerous ulcer of oral cavity floor
D. Gummatous ulcer of oral cavity floor
E. Migratory granuloma of oral cavity floor
150. A female patient applied to the oral surgery department and underwent radical maxillary
sinusotomy with plastic repair of fistula through the alveolar socket of the extrated 27 tooth.
Infiltration and all the peripheral block anaesthesias of the left upper jaw were performed
with 6,0 ml of 2% lidocaine solution. 3 minutes later the patient registered double vision in
her left eye, inability to close it. Which of the performed anaesthesias is the reason for the
above-mentioned presentations?
A. * Infraorbital
B. Tuberal
C. Palatinal
D. Incisor
E. Infiltration
151. On the 7th day after the operation on the abdominal cavity a 30-year-old patient
presented with pain and sweling in the region of parotid gland; body temperature rise up to
39oC; limited outh opening, dryness. Gland massaging results in discharge of purulent
exudate from its duct. The patient can be diagnosed with:
A. * Acute non-epidemic parotiditis
B. Acute epidemic parotiditis
C. Phlegmon of submasseteric space
D. Parenchymatous parotiditis
E. Phlegmon of parotidomasseteric region
152. A 56-year-old patient complains about a painless neoplasm on the alveolar crest of the
right upper jaw. Objectively: there is a bright-red wide-based tumour in the region of
premolars. It is localized on both sides from the alveolar crest. The tumour is dense and
elastic, painless. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Peripheral osteoclastoma
B. Central osteoclastoma
C. Gingival fibromatosis
D. Fibrous epulis
E. Papilloma
153. A 30-year-old male patient consulted a dentist about a swelling in the region of his upper
lip. Objectively: the face is asymmetric because of upper lip edema, nasolabial fold is
smoothed. Mucogingival fold of the upper jaw vestibular surface in the region of the 11,
12,21 teeth is smoothed, hyperemic. Palpation is painful. Fluctuation is present. The patient
was diagnosed with acute purulent periostitis of the upper jaw satrting from the 21 tooth.
Choose the treatment tactics:
A. * Preservation of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy, anti-inflammatory therapy
B. Preservation of the 21 tooth, anti-inflammatory therapy
C. Extraction of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy, ant-inflammatory therapy
D. Extraction of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy
E. Extraction of the 12, 21, 22 teeth, periosteotomy, anti-inflammatory therapy
154. A 47-year-old patient consulted a doctor about an itching tumour in the right buccal area
that has significantly enlarged lately. Examination revealed an irregularly shaped tumour up
to 1,5 cm large, the tumour is black and glossy. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Dermal melanoma
B. Pigmented nevus
C. Dermal basalioma
D. Dermal cancer
E. Cutaneous horn
155. A 30-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 39,0oC, a roundish
infiltrate on his upper lip, general weakness. He has been presenting with these symptoms for
3 days. Objectively: a roundish infiltrate in the region of the upper lip 2,5 cm in diameter, the
skin over the infiltrate is red with a necrotic core in the centre. The upper lip is hyperemic
and edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Furuncle of the upper lip
B. Carbuncle of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst of the upper lip
D. Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
E. Acute glandular abscess
156. A 48-year-old woman complains about aching dull pain in the region of the left TJM, that
is getting worse during eating solid food. The pain appeared about 2,5 years ago. Objectively:
mouth opening is limited, there is sideward deviation of jaw during mouth opening, TMJ is
clicking. Examination of the oral cavity revealed secondary partial adentia. X-ray picture
shows sclerosis of the cortical plate of articulat head and narrowing of cartilage space. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Arthrosis of the TMJ
B. Chronic arthritis of the TMJ
C. Acute arthritis of the TMJ
D. Painful dysfunction of the TMJ
E. Exacerbation of chronic arthritis of the TMJ
157. After anesthetization a 55 year old patient felt sudden attack of weakness, pain behind his
breastbone irradiating to his left arm and scapular area, palpitation. Objectively: the patient is
conscious, inert, his forehead is covered with cold sweat, the skin is pale, AP is 90/60 mm
Hg, heart tones are dull, pulse is thready and arrhythmic. What state is developing?
A. * Myocardium infarction
B. Cardiogenic form of anaphylactic shock
C. Stenocardia attack
D. Collapse
E. 158. During tooth extraction a 55 year old patient felt dull pain behind her breastbone, got a
sense of compression. A dental surgeon diagnosed her with a stenocardia attack. What
medication should be given this patient in order to arrest this state?
A. * Nitroglycerine, validol
B. Analgin
C. Baralgin
D. Dimedrol
E. Ketanov
159. A 58 year old patient applied to an oral surgeon and complained about painful ulcer on
the lateral surface of his tongue. Objectively: left lateral surface of tongue has a roundish
ulcer with undermined soft overhanging edges, palpatory painful, ulcer floor is slightly
bleeding and covered with yellowish nodules. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Traumatic ulcer
D. Actinomycosis
E. Trophic ulcer
160. A 30-year-old patient was diagnosed with posttraumatic osteomyelitis of mandible in the
region of mandible body on the right. The patient got the trauma 1,5 month ago. X-ray
picture shows the fracture line and the shadow of osseous sequestre along the fracture line.
There is a fistula with purulent discharge on skin. Choose the treatment tactics:
A. * Fistulectomy, sequestrectomy
B. Physiotherapy
C. Sequestrectomy
D. Fistulectomy
E. Fistulectomy, antibacterial therapy
161. After the unproblematic extraction of the 37 tooth a 60-year-old patient presents with
profuse haemorrhage from the tooth socket. The patient has a 6-year history of essential
hypertension. Now his AP is 180/110 mm Hg. What emergency aid should be rendered?
A. * Injection of hypotensive drugs and tight pack of the tooth socket
B. Pack of the tooth socket with haemostatic sponge
C. Pack of the tooth socket with iodoform tampon
D. Suture ligature of the tooth socket
E. Injection of haemostatic drugs
162. A 48-year-old patient complains about permanent pain in the region of the 38 tooth. She
has been suffering from this for 3 days. Crown of the 28 tooth is completely decayed. What
forceps should be applied for extraction of roots of the 28 tooth?
A. * Bayonet-shaped forceps
B. S-shaped forceps curved left
C. Straight root forceps
D. S-shaped close-beak forceps
E. S-shaped broad-beak forceps
163. After supercooling a 42-year-old patient presented with headache in the left frontal region
and left upper jaw. Objectively: the face is symmetric, breathing through the left nasal meatus
is obstructed, seropurulent discharges are present. Palpation is slightly painful in the
infraorbital region as well as along the mucogingival fold in projection of the 24, 25 teeth.
Percussion of these teeth is painless. The 24 tooth is filled. Mucuous membrane of alveolar
process has no visible changes. X-ray picture shows reduced pneumatization of the left upper
jaw sinus. What is the provisional diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute periodontitis of the 24 tooth
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 24 tooth
D. Acute rhinogenous maxillitis
E. Acute albuminous periostitis of the left upper jaw
164. A 27-year-old patient complains of a swelling in the region of her lower jaw on the right.
Objectively: the patient's face is slightly asymmetric due to thickening of mandibular body on
the right. Adjacent soft tissues are of unchanged colour and normal consistency. Mouth
opening is not limited. Mucous membrane of oral cavity presents no changes. In the right
lower dentition the 45 tooth is missing. X-ray picture of the right half of the mandible in its
lateral view shows an oval well-defined 2x3 cm large radiolucency in the bone tissue. The
coronal portion of the retinated horizontally positioned 45 tooth is turned inward the
radiolucent area. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Follicular cyst of mandible
B. Adamantinoma of mandible
C. Sarcoma of mandible
D. Odontoma of mandible
E. Osteoclastoma of mandible
165. A 52-year-old patient complains about a nonhealing ulcer on his lower lip. The patient is
smoker. He hasn’t ever consulted a doctor about it. In the region of red border of the lower
lip a roundish ulcer is present. It is up to 2,0 cm in diameter. The ulcer edges are thickened
and a little bit raised in form of a whitish swelling. In the left submandibular region palpation
revealed enlarged, painless, dense lymph nodes with limited mobility. What is the most likely
A. * Cancer of the lower lip
B. Erosive verrucous leukoplakia
C. Keratoacanthoma
D. Fibroma of the lower lip
E. Syphilitic ulcer
166. A 62 year patient was at a dentist's and suddenly there appeared dyspnea and hacking
cough, sense of progressing asphyxia. The patient's condition is getting progressively worse;
number of respiratory movements reached 30/min, acrocyanosis became more evident, there
appeared gargling breathing, oral cavity excretes a lot of albuminoid sputum. Psychomotor
agitation and arterial hypertension are present. What pathological state is it?
A. * Pulmonary edema
B. An attack of bronchial asthma
C. Epileptic attack
D. Anaphylactic shock
E. Spontaneous pneumothorax
167. A patient was delivered to an admission room after a road accident. Examination of the
patient revealed in the area of oral floor a large haematoma spreading to the neck area as well
as a significant edema of soft tissues of oral floor and neck. There are signs of asphyxia.
What type of emergency care is indicated?
A. * Tracheotomy performing
B. Lobeline introduction
C. Tongue fixation
D. Opening and draining of haematoma
E. Symptomatic medicamental treatment
168. A 42 year old patient applied to an oral surgeon for the purpose of oral cavity sanitation.
After anesthetization the patient felt sudden attack of nausea, weakness, he got the sense of
compression behind his breastbone, heart pain; he began vomiting. The patient lost
consciousness, there appeared convulsions. Objectively: the patient's skin is pale, covered
with cold clammy sweat, pupils don't react to the light. The pulse is thready, arterial pressure
cannot be detected. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Anaphylactic shock
B. Collapse
C. Syncope
D. Traumatic shock
E. Epileptic attack
169. A 42 year old patient complains about a neoplasm in the anterior palatal part that has
been forming for 10 years. The 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth are intact. Intraoral X-ray picture
of the upper jaw shows a single focus of bony tissue destruction, well-defined, 2,5 by 1,5 cm
large. Periodontal fissure in the area of the 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth can be well seen. What
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nasopalatine canal cyst
B. Radicular cyst
C. Globulomaxillary cyst
D. Residual cyst
E. Follicular cyst
170. A 76-year-old patient has a roundish ulcer in the area of the right nasolabial sulcus. The
ulcer has dense, rough floor covered with yellowish-grey crusts, and resembles of a cone.
The ulcer edges are dense, crater-like; the ulcer grows both sidewards and deepwards. What
is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Basalioma
B. Tuberculous ulcer
C. Actinomycotic ulcer
D. Syphilitic ulcer
E. Squamous cell carcinoma of skin
171. A 40-year-old patient complains about a long-existing fissure in the central part of red
border of his lower lip. He has been smoking since he was 16. Objectively: there is a deep 1,0
cm long fissure along the median line of red border of the lower lip, the fissure edges are
bulging. haracteristic quality of the fissure is its spontaneous healing, but after epithelization
the fissure recurs. The patient was diagnosed with chronic fissure of the lower lip.
Conservative treatment proved to be ineffective. Choose the most appropriate treatment
method in this situation:
A. * Excision within evidently healthy tissues
B. Cryodestruction
C. Diathermo-coagulation
D. Excision 0,5 cm off the neoplasm limits
E. Close-focus roentgenotherapy
172. It is planned to lance an abscess of hard palate (it is localized close to the 23, 24, 25 teeth)
and to extract the causative 24 tooth that had caused abscess development. What type of
anaesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. * Infraorbital, palatinal and incisor
B. Tuberal, infraorbital and incisor
C. Tuberal, infraorbital and palatinal
D. Tuberal and incisor
E. Tuberal and palatinal
173. A 28-year-old patient had to undergo extraction of the 46 tooth under Weisbrem's
apodactylic mandibular anaesthesia. What is the target site of the anaesthetic solution
A. A segment of maxillary tuber
B. * A segment of mandibular torus
C. Retromolar fossa
D. A segment of temporal crest of mandible
E. Retromandibular fossa
174. A 36-year-old patient consulted a dentist about permanent acute pain in the upper jaw
teeth, body temperature rise. The dentist found out that the 26 tooth had been repeatedly
treated, the rest of teeth were intact. After roentgenological examination the patient was
diagnosed with acute highmoritis. What is the most effective way of treatment?
A. * Extraction of the causative tooth and medicamentous therapy
B. Caldwell-Luc maxillary sinusotomy
C. Puncture of the maxillary sinus and medicamentous therapy
D. Medicamentous therapy
E. Medicamentous and physiotherapeutic treatment
175. A 23 year old patient complained about unpleasant sensations in the area of the 12 tooth,
X-ray picture shows a well-defined low-density area up to 8-10 mm in diameter around the
root apex of the 12 tooth. What method of surgery will be the most reasonable?
A. * Root apex resection
B. Root amputation
C. Hemisection
D. Tooth removal
E. Cystotomy
176. A 32-year-old patient complains about pain and swelling in the region of his mandible
and left cheek. He has been suffering from this for 2 days. Objectively: his general condition
is satisfactory. Body temperature is 37,5oC. There is an edema of soft tissues in the left
buccal region. Submandibular lymph nodes are bilaterally enlarged, painful on palpation.
Crown of the 37 tooth is partially decayed, the tooth is immobile, percussion is slightly
painful. ucogingival fold in the region of the 37 tooth is edematic, hyperaemic, flattened, its
palpation causes acute pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute purulent periostitis of mandible beginning from the 37 tooth
B. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Chronic productive periostitis of mandible beginning from the 37 tooth
D. Chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis of mandible
E. Abscess of alveololingual groove on the left
177. A 38-year-old patient consulted a dentist about aching pain in the region of the 48 tooth
that is getting worse when biting down on food. Body temperature rise up to 37,6oC and
aggravation of general condition is present. Objectively: insignificant swelling of retromolar
region as well as hyperaemia of mucous membrane. The 48 tooth is covered with occlusal
pad. It is painful on palpation. Purulent discharges are present. What is the most likely
A. * Acute purulent pericoronitis
B. Acute pulpitis
C. Acute periodontitis of the 48 tooth
D. Aphthous stomatitis
E. Acute purulent periostitis
178. A patient was admitted to the oral surgery department with a diagnosis "odontogenous
phlegmon of mouth floor". Objectively: general condition of the patient is grave, abed
position is forced, the patient is sitting with lowered head. He complains about pain behind
his breastbone that is getting worse during backward flexion of head; cough, dyspnea. What
complication has developed?
A. * Mediastinitis
B. Phlegmon of retropharyngeal space
C. Cervical phlegmon
D. Phlegmon of tongue root
E. Phlegmon of peripharyngeal space
179. A 34-year-old patient has indication for extraction of the 38 tooth because of chronic
fibrous periodontitis. Oral surgeon performed torus anaesthesia. This anaesthesia blocked
transmission of pain information from the following nerves:
A. * Infraalveolar, lingual, buccal
Lingual, buccal
Infraalveolar, buccal
Infraalveolar, lingual
Lingual, buccal, mental
180. A patient with unilateral dislocation of mandibulotemporal joint was delivered to the
maxillofacial department. What type of local anesthesia is indicated for relaxation of
masticatory muscles during diaplasis?
A. * Subzygomatic Bersche-Dubov-Uvarov's anesthesia
B. Intraoral mandibular anesthesia
C. Extraoral mandibular anesthesia, submandibular way
D. Extraoral mandibular anesthesia, retromandibular way
E. Torus anesthesia
181. A 64 year old patient was waiting to see an oral surgeon. Suddenly she fell, there
appeared coarse breathing, spasmatic twitching of upper and lower extremities. Face and
neck became cyanotic, pupils became mydriatic, reaction to the light was absent, arterial
pressure and pulse could not be detected, heart tones could not be heard, involuntary
urination was observed. What state are these symptoms typical for?
A. * Clinical death
B. Loss of consciousness
C. Stroke
D. Myocardium infarction
E. Collapse
182. A 42-year-old patient complains about general weakness. Body temperature is 41oC, he
presents with sickness, emesis, dyspnea. There is evident well-defined skin redness in form
of flame tips on her face. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. What is the most likely
A. * Erysipelas
B. Streptococcal impetigo
C. Phlebitis of facial vein
D. Lupus
E. Anthrax
183. A 43-year-old man complains about painful swallowing, limited mouth opening.
Destroyed 37 tooth caused pain 3 days ago. Painful swallowing appeared the next day.
Limited mouth opening was present a day later. Objectively: there is a small soft swelling in
the left submaxillary area. An enlarged lymph node is palpated. The mouth can be opened by
1,5 cm. Edema of left palatine arch and pharynx lateral wall is present. The 37 tooth is
destroyed. ucous membrane around the tooth is edematic. Percussion is slightly painful. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Odontogenic peripharyngeal phlegmon
B. Odontogenic pterygomandibular phlegmon
C. Odontogenic submaxillary phlegmon
D. Peritonsillar abscess
E. Acute submaxillary lymphadenitis
184. A 27-year-old male patient underwent extraction of the medial root of the 36 tooth, but
the distal tooth root was broken in its middle third. What tools should be applied for root
A. * Left angled elevator
B. Right angled elevator
C. Straight elevator
D. Broad-beaked forceps
E. Close-beaked forceps
185. A 42-year-old patient complains about acute pain in the region of the left
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that irradiates to the ear; headache, general indisposition,
impossible mastication and limited mouth opening. Objectively: the patient’s face is
asymmetric due to the edema in the region of the left temporomandibular joint. The skin in
this region is hyperemic. The pain is made worse by the smallest movements of mandible.
Palpation of the joint causes acute pain. Mouth opening is limited down to 15-20 mm. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute arthritis of the left TMJ
B. Acute purulent parotitis
C. Mandible subluxation
D. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ
E. Myogenous osteoarthrosis
186. A 42 year old patient complains of pain in the submaxillary and sublingual areas that is
getting worse during eating, body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. He has been suffering from
this for 2 months. Objectively: infiltration along the right sublingual torus, hyperemia, soft
tissue edema, acute pain during palpation. The duct of the right submandubular salivary
gland excretes turbid saliva mixed with pus. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of salivolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submaxillary area
C. Adenophlegmon of submaxillary area
D. Abscess of maxillolingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
187. A 42-year-old patient complains about pain in the submandibular and sublingual region
that is getting worse during eating; body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. The patient has been
suffering from this for 2 months. Objectively: along the right sublingual plica there is
infiltration, yperaemia, edema of soft tisues, acute pain on palpation. The duct of the right
submandibular salivary gland discharges turbid saliva with pus admixtures. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of urolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submandibular region
C. Adenophlegmon of submandibular region
D. Abscess of alveololingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
188. A patient consulted a dentist about constant dull pain in the 38 tooth. Mouth opening is
limited down to 1 cm. It is necessary to extract the 38 tooth. What kind of anesthesia should
be applied for operation?
A. * Bercher-Dubov
B. Mandibular
C. Torus
D. Extraoral mandibular technique
E. Tuberal
189. During extraction of the 47 tooth its distal root was broken halfway along its length.
What tool should be chosen for extraction of the residual root fragments?
A. * Left angled elevator
B. Broad-beaked forceps
C. Close-beaked forceps
D. Right angled elevator
E. Straight elevator
190. A 67 year old patient complains about frequently recurring erosion in the area of
vermilion border of his lower lip. The erosion is oval, 0,8х1,3 cm large, covered with thin
crusts. After their removal some petechial haemorrhages on glossy surface can be seen. There
are also some atrophied areas of the vermilion border. Infiltration is absent. Submandibular
lymph nodes are not enlarged. What is your presumptive diagnosis?
* Abrasive precancerous Manganotti's cheilitis
Erosive-ulcerous form of leukoplakia
Bowen's disease
Glandular cheilitis
191. A 49-year-old male patient consulted a dental surgeon about an enlarging "mother's
mark", itch and desquamation. According to patient, changed in color and size skin area
appeared a year ago after a shaving trauma. Objectively: there is an intensely pigmented
brown spot up to 2 cm large with small oval protruding nodules on its surface in the
infraorbital region on the left. Desquamation factors are present. Palpation is painless.
Regional lymph nodes are matted together with skin and painless. What is the most likely
A. * Melanoma
B. Pigmented nevus
C. Verrucous nevus
D. Epidermoid cancer
E. Papillomatosis
192. A 36 year old man complains about acute headache, body temperature rise up to 39,1oC,
indisposition. Objectively: a slight face asymmetry because of soft tissue edema of the left
infraorbital area. Crown of the 26 tooth is partly decayed. Percussion is acutely painful.
ucous membrane on the vestibular side in the area of the 25, 26 teeth is edematic, hyperemic.
reathing through the left part of nose is laboured, there are purulent discharges. X-ray picture
showed a homogeneous shadow of the left part of maxillary sinus. What is the most probable
A. * Acute purulent odontogenous maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute periostitis of upper jaw
D. Suppuration of maxillary cyst
E. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
193. A 32-year-old patient complains of a fistula in the submandibular region. Objectively:
cheek is swollen in the region of mandible on the left, palpation revealed induration of soft
tissues. In projection of the 35, 36 teeth there is a fistula containing pus and granulations. Xray picture shows destruction of bone, sequestrum. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chronic osteomyelitis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Syphilis
D. Sarcoma
E. Osteoma
194. X-ray picture depicts a circular well-defined area of bone tissue destruction 0,7х 0,7 cm
large in the projection of root apex. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Cystogranuloma
B. Cyst
C. Granuloma
D. Odontoma
E. Osteoma
195. A 24 year old patient applied to a dental clinic for root removal of her upper wisdom
tooth. Tuberal anesthesia caused a postinjection haematoma. What was injured during
A. * Pterygoid venous plexus
B. Maxillary artery
C. Infraorbital artery
D. Zygomatic artery
E. Palatine artery
196. A 45-year-old patient complains about pain in his mandible that arose after extraction of
the 36 tooth. Objectively: alveolar socket is covered with bloody clot. X-ray picture shows
unextracted root of the 36 tooth. What tools are necessary for extraction of this root?
A. * Angled elevator curved right
B. Angled elevator curved left
C. Straight elevator
D. S-shaped forceps
E. Bayonet-shaped forceps
197. A 70-year-old patient consulted a dental surgeon about extraction of the central upper jaw
incisors with ІІІ degree mobility. What tools should be applied?
A. * Straight forceps
B. Straight elevator
C. Beak-shaped forceps
D. Bayonet-shaped forceps
E. S-shaped forceps
198. A patient complains of pain and swelling in the right submandibular area. She has been
treating the 45 tooth for a week. Objectively: body temperature is 38oC. There is a painful
tense infiltration in the right submandibular region. The skin doesn’t make a fold, its
hyperemic and glossy. The mouth can be opened by 3 cm. Deglutition is painless. These
clinical findings correspond with the following disease:
A. * Odontogenous phlegmon of the right submandibular region
B. Abscess of the right alveololingual groove
C. Adenophlegmon of the right submandibular region
D. Acute odontogenous sialoadenitis
E. Phlegmon of pterygomandibular space
199. During endodontic treatment of periodontitis a tool was broken in the middle third of the
medial root. Choose the treatment method:
A. * Medial root hemisection
B. Medial root amputation
C. Crown radicular separation
D. Resection of medial root apex
E. Tooth extraction
200. A 65 year old patient complains about pain during eating, reduced tongue mobility, an
ulcer in the posterior part of mouth floor on the left, weight loss. Objectively: the patient uses
a partial removable denture for the lower jaw. In the area of the left mylohyoid duct there is
an ulcer in form of a cleft up to 1,6 cm long with everted edges, covered with grey-yellowish
deposit, losely adhering to an infiltrate that can be detected during bimanual palpation. In the
left submandibular and superolateral areas of neck several enlarged nonmobile lymph nodes
can be palpated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Cancer of mucous membrane of mouth floor
B. Tuberculous ulcer of mouth floor
C. Decubital ulcer of mouth floor
D. Tertiary syphilis (gummatous ulcer)
E. Actinomycosis of mouth floor
201. A patient consulted an oral surgeon about pain in the region of his left upper jaw that
appeared 3 days ago. After examination the patient was diagnosed with exacerbation of
chronic eriodontitis of the 17 tooth. It is indicated to extract the 17 tooth. What nerves should
be blocked for painless extraction of the 17 tooth?
A. * Posterior alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
B. Greater palatine nerve
C. Anterior alveolar nerves and incisor nerve
D. Median alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
E. Nasopalatine nerve
202. A 32 year old patient applied to a dental surgeon for oral cavity sanitation before
prosthetics. During examination of oral cavity the dentist revealed that crown of the 35 tooth
was decayed. The root is stable, its percussion is painless. Mucous membrane of alveolar
process was nchanged. X-ray picture showed a slight broadening of periodontal fissure. What
is your presumptive diagnosis?
A. * Chronic fibrous periodontitis of the 25 tooth
B. Chronic periodontitis of the 25 tooth
C. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis of the 25 tooth
D. Chronic granulating periodontitis of the 25 tooth
E. Cystogranuloma
203. A patient has indication for removal of his medial incisor of the right upper jaw on
account of chronic periodontitis. What types of anaesthesia should be applied for tooth
A. * Infraborbital and incisive
B. Infraorbital and palatine
C. Terminal and incisive
D. Infraorbital, palatine and incisive
E. Plexual and incisive
204. A 56 year old man complains of pain in the left parotidomasticatory area, progressing
face asymmetry that was noticed a month ago. Objectively: left-sided paresis of mimic
muscles. To the fore of earflap there is an ill-defined infiltration, the skin above it is tense
and cyanotic; left lymph nodes are enlarged. Opening of mouth is limited down to 2,5 cm.
The left parotid duct doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Adenocarcinoma
B. Mixed tumour
C. Cyst of the gland
D. Glandular tuberculosis
E. Chronic lymphadenitis
205. A 43-year-old patient complains about constant pain in the upper jaw region on the right,
that irradiate to the temple. The pain was noted one month ago. Objectively: the face is
asymmetric because of the swollen right cheek. Mucous membrane has no changes. The
breathing through the right nasal meatus is obstructed, there are foul-smelling saniopurulent
discharges. Plan X-ray film of facial skeleton in the semi-axial projection shows intensive
opacity of the right maxillary sinus and violated intactness of its interior and superior walls.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper jaw cancer
B. Chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Neuritis of the II branch of trigeminus
E. Upper jaw osteoma
206. A 47-year-old patient complains about permanent pain in the 27 tooth that is getting
worse when biting down on food. Objectively: the patient's face is symmetric, skin is of
normal colouring, the mouth can be fully opened, mucous membrane of the alveolar process
is edematic and hyperemic at a level of the 27 tooth. The 27 tooth has a deep carious cavity
interconnecting with pulp chamber. Percussion of the 27 tooth causes acute pain. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbated chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth
B. Chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth
C. Acute generalized purulent pulpitis of the 27 tooth
D. Acute purulent periostitis of the upper jaw beginning from the 27 tooth
E. Chronic left-sided odontogenous highmoritis
207. A 44-year-old patient consulted a surgeon about constant acute pain in the upper jaw
region on the left that is getting worse during teeth joining. The pain was noted 3 days ago.
Objectively: the face is symmetrical, mouth opening is unlimited. The crown fof the 26 tooth
is half-destroyed. Probing of the carious cavity is painless. Percussion of the 26 tooth
provokes acute pain. Mucous membrane of the alveolar process is edematic, hyperemic on
the level of the 26 tooth. The 26 tooth was treated before. What is your provisional
A. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
B. Acute purulent periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute pulpitis of the 26 tooth
D. Acute purulent periostitis of upper jaw of the 26 tooth on the left
E. Periodontitis of the 26, 27, 28 teeth
208. A patient complains about acute constant pain that is getting worse when biting down on
food, sensation of a recently erupted tooth on the right upper jaw. Examination of the 15
tooth revealed a deep carious cavity communicating with the dental cavity. Tooth percussion
causes acute pain. Probing is painless. Mucous membrane in projection of the root apex is
hyperemic, painful on palpation. X-ray picture shows no changes. What is the most likely
A. * Acute purulent periodontitis
B. Acute diffuse pulpitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
D. Acute albuminous periostitis
E. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
209. A patient complains about acute intense pain and a slight swelling in the area of a
decayed tooth of the lower jaw on the right, ill health, body temperature rise up to 38,3oC,
lack of appetite, insomnia. Objectively: there is collateral edema of soft tissues of
submandibular area and lower part of right cheek. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged on the
right, palpatory ainful. Crown of the 46 tooth is half decayed, the 45, 46, 47 teeth are mobile,
there is also a cuff infiltrate in the area of these teeth. Vincent's symptom is positive on the
right. Make a diagnosis:
A. * Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
B. Acute purulent odontogenuos periostitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Acute condition of chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis
E. Chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis
210. A 43-year-old patient complains about a neoplasm in the right submandibular region that
appeared a month ago after angina. The patient underwent anti-inflammatory therapy but it
led to no reduction of the neoplasm. Objectively: body temperature is up to 37,2oC. Palpation
reveals a slightly painful, spherical, freely movable, well-defined neoplasm of dense and
elastic consistency in the right submandibular region. The duct of submandibular salivary
gland discharges transparent saliva. The sublingual plica is unchanged. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Chronic lymphadenitis
B. Chronic sialoadenitis
C. Sialolithiasis
D. Adenoma of salivary gland
E. Atheroma
211. A 37 year old man complained about pain and a slight swelling emerging during eating in
the left submaxillary area. Objectively: a painful elastic infiltration in the left submaxillary
area. Mouth opening is not limited. Bimanual palpation in the area of mylohyoid groove
revealed a compact movable oblong induration. Mucous membrane is unchanged. Duct of the
left submandibular gland doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Salivolithiasis
B. Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Pleomorphic adenoma
D. Retention cyst
E. Submaxillary lipoma
212. A 45-year-old patient consulted a dentist about extraction of the 13 tooth. What tools
should be applied for extraction?
A. * Straight forceps
B. S-shaped forceps curved right
C. Bayonet-shaped forceps
D. Straight elevator
E. S-shaped forceps
213. A patient is 48 year old, according to the results of clinicoroentgenological examination it
is indicated to remove the 26 tooth because of acute condition of chronic granulomatous
periodontitis. What conduction anesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
B. Torus
C. Infraorbital and incisive
D. Plexus
E. Infraorbital and palatinal
214. A 64-year-old patient complains about a slightly painful ulcer on the lateral surface of his
tongue that appeared over 2 months ago. Objectively: lateral surface of tongue has an ulcer
with raised edges, tissues around it are infiltrated. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged,
adhering to each other and surrounding tissues. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Lingual cancer
B. Syphilis (hard chancre)
C. Tuberculous ulcer
D. Decubital ulcer
E. Ulcero-necrotic lesion associated with blood disorders
215. A patient complained about painful deglutition, difficult mouth opening. Several days ago
the 47 tooth was removed because of acute condition of chronic periodontitis. The patient's
condition kept worsening. Body temperature is 37,9oC. Results of external examination: the
face is symmetric, face skin is slightly pale. Right submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged,
palpatory painful. Examination of oral cavity is impossible because of evident contracture of
lower jaw (the mouth opens up to 0,5 cm between central incisors). What anesthesia will
provide mouth opening?
A. * Bersche-Dubov's anesthesia
B. Plexus
C. Torus
D. Block of upper cervical plexus
E. Mandibular anesthesia
216. A 55 year old patient has a painless, tuberous, cyanotic pedunculated formation 2х1х1,5
cm large that appeared on the spot of the removed 46th tooth. Opening of mouth is not
limited. Intra-oral X-ray picture of alveolar process in the area of the removed 46th tooth
shows a focus of bone tissue destruction. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Giant-cell epulis
B. Hard odontoma of lower jaw
C. Hypertrophic gingivitis
D. Papilloma of mucous membrane in the area of the removed 46th tooth
E. Ameloblastoma of the lower jaw
217. A patient complains about destroyed crown of the 27 tooth. The patient was diagnosed
with chronic periodontitis of the indicated tooth. Objectively: the crown of the 27 tooth is
destroyed completely. It is necessary to extract this tooth. What field block anesthesia should
be applied for operation?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
B. Infraorbital
C. Tuberal
D. Infraorbital and tuberal
E. Tuberal and incisor
218. A 40-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 38oC, and of a
roundish infiltration on his upper lip. Objectively: there is a roundish infiltration on the upper
lip on the left, the skin above it is wine red, the infiltration adheres to the surrounding tissues
and has a seapus necroticus in the middle. The upper lip is hyperaemic and edematic. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper lip furuncle
B. Acute periostitis of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst
D. Acute lymphadenitis
E. Upper lip carbuncle
219. A 43 year old patient complained about mobility of his 24, 26, 27 teeth, pus excretion
from alveolus of the the extracted 25 tooth. 1,5 month ago dissection along the mucogingival
fold was performed and the 25 tooth was extracted. Objectively: there is a slight swelling of
soft tissues in the right infraorbital area, lymph nodes of the right submaxillary area are
enlarged, slightly painful, nasal breathing is normal. Mucous membrane of alveolar processin
the area of the 24, 26, 27 teeth is edematic and cyanotic. There is also a fistula with bulging
granulations along the mucogingival fold. Alveolus of the extracted 25 tooth excretes
purulent granulations. What disease does this clinical presentation correspond with?
A. * Chronic localized osteomyelitis
B. Acute osteomyelitis
C. Acute condition of localized periodontitis
D. Acute condition of chronic maxillary sinusitis
E. Chronic alveolitis
220. A 69-year-old patient needs extraction of the 12, 11 teeth. He is diagnosed with
generalized periodontitis, the 12 and 11 teeth exhibit II degree mobility. Choose a proper
instrument for extraction:
A. * Straight forceps
B. S-shaped forceps
C. S-shaped forceps curved right
D. Root bayonet-shaped forceps
E. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
221. During opening a phlegmon of mouth floor a doctor revealed greyish necrotic masses in
purulent foci, gas vesicles and fat droplets, sharp unpleasant smell of exudate. The tissues are
of dark-brown colour, muscles resemble of boiled meat. What medications should be
administered in order to prevent further spreading of this process?
A. * Polyvalent antigangrenous serum
B. Challenging dose of broad spectrum antibiotics
C. Glucocorticoid medications
D. Hyposensitizing medications
E. Immunomodulators
222. A 25-year-old man complains of itching and reddening of skin in the buccal area, general
weakness, inertness. He associates origin of the disease with a skin injury he got during
shaving. Objectively: body temperature is 39,0oC. A well-defined section of skin in the
buccal area is hyperemic, it slightly protrudes above the surface. Hyperemic surface has some
vesicles containing serous fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Erysipelatous inflammation of skin
B. Phlegmon of buccal area
C. Furuncle
D. Anthrax
E. Streptococcal impetigo
223. A 28 year old man applied to a dental surgeon for removal of the 38 tooth. What forceps
should be chosen for this tooth?
A. Beak-shaped curved forceps
B. Broad-beaked forceps (with non-converging beaks)
C. Beak-shaped forceps with converging beaks
D. Beak-shaped forceps with thorns
E. Root bayonets
224. A 35-year-old patient consulted a dentist about extraction of the 14 tooth because of
exacerbation of chronic periodontitis following ineffective therapeutic treatment. What tools
should be applied for extraction?
A. * S-shaped forceps
B. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
C. S-shaped forceps curved right
D. Straight forceps
E. Root bayonet-shaped forceps
225. After complex extraction of the 37 tooth a patient experienced anaesthesia of the left half
of his lower lip and chin. Electroodontodiagnos showed reduction of lower jaw teeth
electroexcitability on the left. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Neuritis of the left inferior alveolar nerve
B. Neuralgia of the left inferior alveolar nerve
C. Alveolitis in the region of socket of the 37 tooth
D. Herpes Zoster n.Trigemini
E. Acute osteomyelitis of mandible body
226. Examination of a patient revealed a roundish neoplasm in the submental area. Skin above
it is unchanged, makes a fold easily. Puncture sample contains strow-yellow liquid with
cholesterol admixture. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Inborn median cyst
B. Lipoma
C. Lymphadenitis
D. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
E. Dermoid cyst
227. A 25-year-old man consulted a dentist about extraction of the 18 tooth, it's crown is
destroyed by 1/2. The tooth was treated more than once. During tooth extraction the
maxillary tuber was accidentally torn off. What actions should be taken?
A. * To remove the fragment and stitch up the wound
B. To try to restore the fragment to its place
C. To restore the fragment to its place and fix it there
D. To remove the fragment
E. To remove the fragment and tampon the wound
228. A 20 year old patient complains of a tumour-like formation on the lateral surface of his
neckon the right. He revealed this tumour a year ago. Objectively: there is a semi-oval welldefined tumour 3х2 cm large on the lateral neck surface. The tumour doesn't hold together
with skin, it is painless, dense and elastic, upwardly and sidewardly movable. Regional
lymph nodes are not enlarged. After the tumour puncture some light yellow liquid was
obtained that consisted of cast-off epithelium, cholesterol crystals, lymphocytes,
erythrocytes. What is the most probable diagnosis?
* Lateral neck cyst
Median neck cyst
Dermoid neck cyst
Neck chemodectoma
Chronic neck lymphadenitis
229. A 48-year-old patient got a pustule on his chin that quickly developed into a dense and
acutely painful infiltration 3x5 cm large. The skin above it is of blue-red colour. In the centre
one can see three zones of necrosis around the hair follicles. Lymph nodes of chin are
enlarged and painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Dermal actinomycosis of chin
D. Suppurated atheroma
E. Chin furuncle
230. A 20 year old patient got a trauma in the area of his upper jaw. He applied to a dentist and
complained about mobility of his frontal upper teeth, pain during cutting and joining of teeth.
Objectively: the 11 and 21 teeth have II-III degree mobility. Tooth crowns are intact but have
oral position. Complete joining of teeth is impossible because the teeth are situated beyond
the dental arch. X-ray picture shows a slight broadening of periodontal fissure of the 11 tooth
up to 0,5-2 mm. The roots are intact. Make a correct diagnosis:
A. * Traumatic subluxation of the 11, 21 teeth
B. Traumatic periodontitis of the 11, 21 teeth
C. Traumatic complete dislocation of the 11, 21 teeth
D. Fracture of alveolar process in the area of the 11, 21 teeth
E. Traumatic extraction of the 11, 21 teeth
231. A 56-year-old patient has an oval, smooth, bright-red erosion on the red border of her
lower lip. Erosion is covered with haemorrhagic crusts that can be hardly removed. Crust
removal induces slight haemorrhage. Light traumatization of crust-free surface of erosion
induces no haemorrhage. Specify the type of lower lip precancer:
A. * Abrasive precancerous Manganotti's cheilitis
B. Verrucous precancer of red border
C. Localized precancerous hyperkeratosis of red border
D. Bowen's disease
E. Erythroplasia
232. Examination of a male patient revealed that a tumour occupied the major part of his
tongue; tongue mobility was limited, there were solitary regional nodes in the region of
affection. After the cytological analysis the patient was diagnosed with cancer of tongue
T2N1M0. What treatment should be chosen for this patient?
A. * Combined method
B. Radiation therapy
C. Surgical removal of tumor
D. Chemotherapy
E. Removal of lymph nodes
233. A 30-year-old patient has got an edema and hyperemia of nose wing skin spreading to the
skin of his upper lip and cheek. Examination revealed a fissure along the infra-external edge
of the left nostril. The skin is tense, dense, red-and-cyanotic, skin line pattern is smoothed;
rise of local temperature is present. The zone of affection is well-defined and irregularly
shaped. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Erysipelatous inflammation
B. Dermal actinomycosis
C. Dermal tuberculosis
D. Dermal cancer
E. Thrombophlebitis of the facial vein
234. On the second day after tooth extraction a 35-year-old woman applied to a facial surgeon
and complained about pain in the parotid-masticatory region and sensation of lacking contact
between the upper and lower jaw teeth on the right. Examination revealed chin deviation to
the left, half-open mouth, closed lips, disturbed occlusion. There is also limitation of lateral
andible movements. In front of the right ear tragus soft tissues sink down. What examination
is expected to be the most informative in this case?
A. * TMJ roentgenography
B. TMJ ultrasound
C. Mandible roentgenography
D. Bimanual TMJ investigation
235. A 50 year old woman complains about a neoplasm on her lower lip on the side of oral
cavity that appeared a month ago and has been slowly growing since that. Objectively: there
is a roundish, elastic, painless neoplasm inside the lower lip. Mucous membrane hasn't
changed its colour. Make a diagnosis:
A. * Retention cyst of lower lip
B. Lip abscess
C. Lip papilloma
D. Lip fibroma
E. Lip lipoma
236. A 35-year-old female patient consulted a dentist about a painless, slowly growing
neoplasmin the area of the 11 and 12 teeth. Examination revealed that the tumour was lightpink, flattened, adjacent to the teeth, had a pedicle. The tumour was up to 1,5 cm large, with
smooth surface and dense consistency. It was diagnosed as an epulis in the regiob of the 11
and 12 teeth. What form of epulis are these clinical findings typical for?
A. * Fibrous
B. Angiomatous
C. Giant-cell
D. Pregnancy epulis
E. 237. A 57-year-old patient complains about a slowly growing swelling in the sublingual
region. She noted it 3 months ago. Objectively: there is an elastic swelling in the sublingual
region. The swelling is painless, mucous membrane over it is with tints of blue. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. * Ranula
B. Salivolithiasis
C. Dermoid cyst of oral cavity floor
D. Lipoma of sublingual area
E. Hemangioma of sublingual area
238. A 38-year-old patient consulted dental surgery about extraction of the 36 tooth. What
kind of anesthesia should be applied for extraction?
A. * Torus
B. Mandibular
C. Tuberal
D. Infiltration
E. Voino-Yasenetsky truncal
239. A 49-year-old patient applied to the oral surgery department and complained about
permanent intense dull pain in the region of the right upper jaw. It is known from the
anamnesis that the 17 tooth has been repeatedly treated for exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis but the treatment appeared to be ineffective. What kind of anesthesia should be
applied for extraction of the 17 tooth?
A. * Tuberal and palatinal
Tuberal and incisor
Tuberal, incisor and palatinal
Incisor and paltinal
240. A 47-year-old patient complains about limited mobility of her lower jaw in the morning;
periodical dull pain in the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and general joint stiffness.
According to the patient, the stiffness disappears throughout the day after joint "exercising".
Objectively: the patient's face is symmetric, mouth opening is limited down to 2,5 cm, there
is also joint clicking. Median line deviates to the right by 3-4 mm, palpation of the right
articular head is painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Arthrosis of the right TMJ
B. Acute serous arthritis of the right TMJ
C. Chronic arthritis of the right TMJ
D. Fracture of the right condyle of mandible
E. Right-sided anterior dislocation of mandible
241. A 60 year old man has got a pustule on his chin skin that quickly developed into a hard,
strongly painful infiltrate 3х3 cm large. In the epicentre three necrosis zones around hair
follicles are present. Lymph nodes of chin are enlarged, painful. Body temperature is 38,5oC.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Suppurated atheroma
D. Chin furuncle
E. Allergic chin dermatitis
242. A 35 year old man complains about pain in the area of the 38 tooth, painful deglutition,
difficult mouth opening. What anesthesia method will be optimal during operation on
account of pericoronaritis?
A. * Conduction Bersche-Dubov's anesthesia
B. Infiltration anesthesia
C. General anesthesia
D. Stem anesthesia
E. Application anesthesia
243. A 23-year-old patient complains about periodical pain in the region of the 11 tooth,
protrusion of the alveolar process. The patient got a trauma 4 years ago. Objectively: crown
of the 11 ooth is dark, percussion is painless. X-ray picture shows roundish well-defined area
of bone tissue rarefication by the root apex of the 11 tooth. The area is 2,0 cm in diameter.
Puncture results: yellow fluid with cholesterol crystals. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Maxillary radicular cyst
B. Chronic maxillary osteomyelitis
C. Maxillary ameloblastoma
D. Soft maxillary odontoma
E. Maxillary osteoclastoma
244. A 33-year-old patient complains about an ulcer of oral cavity floor, that is located under
his tongue on a level between the 43 to the 33 tooth. Examination reveales that ulcer edges
are undermined and scalloped. Its grey-yellow floor is shallow and it is covered with small,
easily bleeding granulations. There is no ulcer infiltration. Make a clinical diagnosis:
A. * Tubercular ulcer of oral cavity floor
B. Decubital ulcer of oral cavity floor
C. Cancerous ulcer of oral cavity floor
D. Gummatous ulcer of oral cavity floor
E. Migratory granuloma of oral cavity floor
245. A female patient applied to the oral surgery department and underwent radical maxillary
sinusotomy with plastic repair of fistula through the alveolar socket of the extrated 27 tooth.
Infiltration and all the peripheral block anaesthesias of the left upper jaw were performed
with 6,0 ml of 2% lidocaine solution. 3 minutes later the patient registered double vision in
her left eye, inability to close it. Which of the performed anaesthesias is the reason for the
above-mentioned presentations?
A. * Infraorbital
B. Tuberal
C. Palatinal
D. Incisor
E. Infiltration
246. On the 7th day after the operation on the abdominal cavity a 30-year-old patient
presented with pain and sweling in the region of parotid gland; body temperature rise up to
39oC; limited outh opening, dryness. Gland massaging results in discharge of purulent
exudate from its duct. The patient can be diagnosed with:
A. * Acute non-epidemic parotiditis
B. Acute epidemic parotiditis
C. Phlegmon of submasseteric space
D. Parenchymatous parotiditis
E. Phlegmon of parotidomasseteric region
247. A 56-year-old patient complains about a painless neoplasm on the alveolar crest of the
right upper jaw. Objectively: there is a bright-red wide-based tumour in the region of
premolars. It is localized on both sides from the alveolar crest. The tumour is dense and
elastic, painless. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Peripheral osteoclastoma
B. Central osteoclastoma
C. Gingival fibromatosis
D. Fibrous epulis
E. Papilloma
248. A 30-year-old male patient consulted a dentist about a swelling in the region of his upper
lip. Objectively: the face is asymmetric because of upper lip edema, nasolabial fold is
smoothed. Mucogingival fold of the upper jaw vestibular surface in the region of the 11,
12,21 teeth is smoothed, hyperemic. Palpation is painful. Fluctuation is present. The patient
was diagnosed with acute purulent periostitis of the upper jaw satrting from the 21 tooth.
Choose the treatment tactics:
A. * Preservation of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy, anti-inflammatory therapy
B. Preservation of the 21 tooth, anti-inflammatory therapy
C. Extraction of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy, ant-inflammatory therapy
D. Extraction of the 21 tooth, periosteotomy
E. Extraction of the 12, 21, 22 teeth, periosteotomy, anti-inflammatory therapy
249. A 47-year-old patient consulted a doctor about an itching tumour in the right buccal area
that has significantly enlarged lately. Examination revealed an irregularly shaped tumour up
to 1,5 cm large, the tumour is black and glossy. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Dermal melanoma
B. Pigmented nevus
C. Dermal basalioma
D. Dermal cancer
E. Cutaneous horn
250. A 30-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 39,0oC, a roundish
infiltrate on his upper lip, general weakness. He has been presenting with these symptoms for
3 days. Objectively: a roundish infiltrate in the region of the upper lip 2,5 cm in diameter, the
skin over the infiltrate is red with a necrotic core in the centre. The upper lip is hyperemic
and edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
* Furuncle of the upper lip
Carbuncle of the upper lip
Retention cyst of the upper lip
Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
Acute glandular abscess
251. A 48-year-old woman complains about aching dull pain in the region of the left TJM, that
is getting worse during eating solid food. The pain appeared about 2,5 years ago. Objectively:
mouth opening is limited, there is sideward deviation of jaw during mouth opening, TMJ is
clicking. Examination of the oral cavity revealed secondary partial adentia. X-ray picture
shows sclerosis of the cortical plate of articulat head and narrowing of cartilage space. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Arthrosis of the TMJ
B. Chronic arthritis of the TMJ
C. Acute arthritis of the TMJ
D. Painful dysfunction of the TMJ
E. Exacerbation of chronic arthritis of the TMJ
252. After anesthetization a 55 year old patient felt sudden attack of weakness, pain behind his
breastbone irradiating to his left arm and scapular area, palpitation. Objectively: the patient is
conscious, inert, his forehead is covered with cold sweat, the skin is pale, AP is 90/60 mm
Hg, heart tones are dull, pulse is thready and arrhythmic. What state is developing?
A. * Myocardium infarction
B. Cardiogenic form of anaphylactic shock
C. Stenocardia attack
D. Collapse
E. 253. During tooth extraction a 55 year old patient felt dull pain behind her breastbone, got a
sense of compression. A dental surgeon diagnosed her with a stenocardia attack. What
medication should be given this patient in order to arrest this state?
A. * Nitroglycerine, validol
B. Analgin
C. Baralgin
D. Dimedrol
E. Ketanov
254. A 58 year old patient applied to an oral surgeon and complained about painful ulcer on
the lateral surface of his tongue. Objectively: left lateral surface of tongue has a roundish
ulcer with undermined soft overhanging edges, palpatory painful, ulcer floor is slightly
bleeding and covered with yellowish nodules. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Traumatic ulcer
D. Actinomycosis
E. Trophic ulcer
255. A 30-year-old patient was diagnosed with posttraumatic osteomyelitis of mandible in the
region of mandible body on the right. The patient got the trauma 1,5 month ago. X-ray
picture shows the fracture line and the shadow of osseous sequestre along the fracture line.
There is a fistula with purulent discharge on skin. Choose the treatment tactics:
A. * Fistulectomy, sequestrectomy
B. Physiotherapy
C. Sequestrectomy
D. Fistulectomy
E. Fistulectomy, antibacterial therapy
256. After the unproblematic extraction of the 37 tooth a 60-year-old patient presents with
profuse haemorrhage from the tooth socket. The patient has a 6-year history of essential
hypertension. Now his AP is 180/110 mm Hg. What emergency aid should be rendered?
A. * Injection of hypotensive drugs and tight pack of the tooth socket
B. Pack of the tooth socket with haemostatic sponge
C. Pack of the tooth socket with iodoform tampon
D. Suture ligature of the tooth socket
E. Injection of haemostatic drugs
257. A 48-year-old patient complains about permanent pain in the region of the 38 tooth. She
has been suffering from this for 3 days. Crown of the 28 tooth is completely decayed. What
forceps should be applied for extraction of roots of the 28 tooth?
A. * Bayonet-shaped forceps
B. S-shaped forceps curved left
C. Straight root forceps
D. S-shaped close-beak forceps
E. S-shaped broad-beak forceps
258. After supercooling a 42-year-old patient presented with headache in the left frontal region
and left upper jaw. Objectively: the face is symmetric, breathing through the left nasal meatus
is obstructed, seropurulent discharges are present. Palpation is slightly painful in the
infraorbital region as well as along the mucogingival fold in projection of the 24, 25 teeth.
Percussion of these teeth is painless. The 24 tooth is filled. Mucuous membrane of alveolar
process has no visible changes. X-ray picture shows reduced pneumatization of the left upper
jaw sinus. What is the provisional diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute periodontitis of the 24 tooth
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 24 tooth
D. Acute rhinogenous maxillitis
E. Acute albuminous periostitis of the left upper jaw
259. A 27-year-old patient complains of a swelling in the region of her lower jaw on the right.
Objectively: the patient's face is slightly asymmetric due to thickening of mandibular body on
the right. Adjacent soft tissues are of unchanged colour and normal consistency. Mouth
opening is not limited. Mucous membrane of oral cavity presents no changes. In the right
lower dentition the 45 tooth is missing. X-ray picture of the right half of the mandible in its
lateral view shows an oval well-defined 2x3 cm large radiolucency in the bone tissue. The
coronal portion of the retinated horizontally positioned 45 tooth is turned inward the
radiolucent area. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Follicular cyst of mandible
B. Adamantinoma of mandible
C. Sarcoma of mandible
D. Odontoma of mandible
E. Osteoclastoma of mandible
260. A 52-year-old patient complains about a nonhealing ulcer on his lower lip. The patient is
smoker. He hasn’t ever consulted a doctor about it. In the region of red border of the lower
lip a roundish ulcer is present. It is up to 2,0 cm in diameter. The ulcer edges are thickened
and a little bit raised in form of a whitish swelling. In the left submandibular region palpation
revealed enlarged, painless, dense lymph nodes with limited mobility. What is the most likely
A. * Cancer of the lower lip
B. Erosive verrucous leukoplakia
C. Keratoacanthoma
D. Fibroma of the lower lip
E. Syphilitic ulcer
261. A 62 year patient was at a dentist's and suddenly there appeared dyspnea and hacking
cough, sense of progressing asphyxia. The patient's condition is getting progressively worse;
number of respiratory movements reached 30/min, acrocyanosis became more evident, there
appeared gargling breathing, oral cavity excretes a lot of albuminoid sputum. Psychomotor
agitation and arterial hypertension are present. What pathological state is it?
A. * Pulmonary edema
B. An attack of bronchial asthma
C. Epileptic attack
D. Anaphylactic shock
E. Spontaneous pneumothorax
262. A patient was delivered to an admission room after a road accident. Examination of the
patient revealed in the area of oral floor a large haematoma spreading to the neck area as well
as a significant edema of soft tissues of oral floor and neck. There are signs of asphyxia.
What type of emergency care is indicated?
A. * Tracheotomy performing
B. Lobeline introduction
C. Tongue fixation
D. Opening and draining of haematoma
E. Symptomatic medicamental treatment
263. A 42 year old patient applied to an oral surgeon for the purpose of oral cavity sanitation.
After anesthetization the patient felt sudden attack of nausea, weakness, he got the sense of
compression behind his breastbone, heart pain; he began vomiting. The patient lost
consciousness, there appeared convulsions. Objectively: the patient's skin is pale, covered
with cold clammy sweat, pupils don't react to the light. The pulse is thready, arterial pressure
cannot be detected. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Anaphylactic shock
B. Collapse
C. Syncope
D. Traumatic shock
E. Epileptic attack
264. A 42 year old patient complains about a neoplasm in the anterior palatal part that has
been forming for 10 years. The 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth are intact. Intraoral X-ray picture
of the upper jaw shows a single focus of bony tissue destruction, well-defined, 2,5 by 1,5 cm
large. Periodontal fissure in the area of the 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth can be well seen. What
is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Nasopalatine canal cyst
B. Radicular cyst
C. Globulomaxillary cyst
D. Residual cyst
E. Follicular cyst
265. A 76-year-old patient has a roundish ulcer in the area of the right nasolabial sulcus. The
ulcer has dense, rough floor covered with yellowish-grey crusts, and resembles of a cone.
The ulcer edges are dense, crater-like; the ulcer grows both sidewards and deepwards. What
is your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Basalioma
B. Tuberculous ulcer
C. Actinomycotic ulcer
D. Syphilitic ulcer
E. Squamous cell carcinoma of skin
266. A 40-year-old patient complains about a long-existing fissure in the central part of red
border of his lower lip. He has been smoking since he was 16. Objectively: there is a deep 1,0
cm long fissure along the median line of red border of the lower lip, the fissure edges are
bulging. haracteristic quality of the fissure is its spontaneous healing, but after epithelization
the fissure recurs. The patient was diagnosed with chronic fissure of the lower lip.
Conservative treatment proved to be ineffective. Choose the most appropriate treatment
method in this situation:
A. * Excision within evidently healthy tissues
B. Cryodestruction
C. Diathermo-coagulation
D. Excision 0,5 cm off the neoplasm limits
E. Close-focus roentgenotherapy
267. It is planned to lance an abscess of hard palate (it is localized close to the 23, 24, 25 teeth)
and to extract the causative 24 tooth that had caused abscess development. What type of
anaesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. * Infraorbital, palatinal and incisor
B. Tuberal, infraorbital and incisor
C. Tuberal, infraorbital and palatinal
D. Tuberal and incisor
E. Tuberal and palatinal
268. A 28-year-old patient had to undergo extraction of the 46 tooth under Weisbrem's
apodactylic mandibular anaesthesia. What is the target site of the anaesthetic solution
A. A segment of maxillary tuber
B. * A segment of mandibular torus
C. Retromolar fossa
D. A segment of temporal crest of mandible
E. Retromandibular fossa
269. A 36-year-old patient consulted a dentist about permanent acute pain in the upper jaw
teeth, body temperature rise. The dentist found out that the 26 tooth had been repeatedly
treated, the rest of teeth were intact. After roentgenological examination the patient was
diagnosed with acute highmoritis. What is the most effective way of treatment?
A. * Extraction of the causative tooth and medicamentous therapy
B. Caldwell-Luc maxillary sinusotomy
C. Puncture of the maxillary sinus and medicamentous therapy
D. Medicamentous therapy
E. Medicamentous and physiotherapeutic treatment
270. A 23 year old patient complained about unpleasant sensations in the area of the 12 tooth,
X-ray picture shows a well-defined low-density area up to 8-10 mm in diameter around the
root apex of the 12 tooth. What method of surgery will be the most reasonable?
A. * Root apex resection
B. Root amputation
C. Hemisection
D. Tooth removal
E. Cystotomy
271. A 32-year-old patient complains about pain and swelling in the region of his mandible
and left cheek. He has been suffering from this for 2 days. Objectively: his general condition
is satisfactory. Body temperature is 37,5oC. There is an edema of soft tissues in the left
buccal region. Submandibular lymph nodes are bilaterally enlarged, painful on palpation.
Crown of the 37 tooth is partially decayed, the tooth is immobile, percussion is slightly
painful. ucogingival fold in the region of the 37 tooth is edematic, hyperaemic, flattened, its
palpation causes acute pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute purulent periostitis of mandible beginning from the 37 tooth
B. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Chronic productive periostitis of mandible beginning from the 37 tooth
D. Chronic odontogenous osteomyelitis of mandible
E. Abscess of alveololingual groove on the left
272. A 38-year-old patient consulted a dentist about aching pain in the region of the 48 tooth
that is getting worse when biting down on food. Body temperature rise up to 37,6oC and
aggravation of general condition is present. Objectively: insignificant swelling of retromolar
region as well as hyperaemia of mucous membrane. The 48 tooth is covered with occlusal
pad. It is painful on palpation. Purulent discharges are present. What is the most likely
A. * Acute purulent pericoronitis
B. Acute pulpitis
C. Acute periodontitis of the 48 tooth
D. Aphthous stomatitis
E. Acute purulent periostitis
273. A patient was admitted to the oral surgery department with a diagnosis "odontogenous
phlegmon of mouth floor". Objectively: general condition of the patient is grave, abed
position is forced, the patient is sitting with lowered head. He complains about pain behind
his breastbone that is getting worse during backward flexion of head; cough, dyspnea. What
complication has developed?
A. * Mediastinitis
B. Phlegmon of retropharyngeal space
C. Cervical phlegmon
D. Phlegmon of tongue root
E. Phlegmon of peripharyngeal space
274. A 34-year-old patient has indication for extraction of the 38 tooth because of chronic
fibrous periodontitis. Oral surgeon performed torus anaesthesia. This anaesthesia blocked
transmission of pain information from the following nerves:
A. * Infraalveolar, lingual, buccal
B. Lingual, buccal
C. Infraalveolar, buccal
D. Infraalveolar, lingual
E. Lingual, buccal, mental
275. A patient with unilateral dislocation of mandibulotemporal joint was delivered to the
maxillofacial department. What type of local anesthesia is indicated for relaxation of
masticatory muscles during diaplasis?
A. * Subzygomatic Bersche-Dubov-Uvarov's anesthesia
B. Intraoral mandibular anesthesia
C. Extraoral mandibular anesthesia, submandibular way
D. Extraoral mandibular anesthesia, retromandibular way
E. Torus anesthesia
276. A 64 year old patient was waiting to see an oral surgeon. Suddenly she fell, there
appeared coarse breathing, spasmatic twitching of upper and lower extremities. Face and
neck became cyanotic, pupils became mydriatic, reaction to the light was absent, arterial
pressure and pulse could not be detected, heart tones could not be heard, involuntary
urination was observed. What state are these symptoms typical for?
A. * Clinical death
B. Loss of consciousness
C. Stroke
D. Myocardium infarction
E. Collapse
277. A 4-year-old girl presents with body temperature rise, aggravation of general condition.
The symptoms has been observed for 3 days. Objectively: general condition is grave, body
temperature is 38,6oC, the girl is anxious and pale. She presents also with halitosis,
hyperaemia and edema of gingival mucous membrane in the region of the 83, 84, 85 teeth on
both sides from the alveolar process. The mentioned teeth are mobile, their percussion
causes acute pain; the 84 tooth is filled. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute odontogenous mandibular osteomyelitis beginning from the 84 tooth
B. Acute sialoadenitis of submandibular salivary gland
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 84 tooth
D. Suppuration of the radiculodental mandibular cyst beginning from the 84 tooth
E. Acute odontogenous mandibular periostitis beginning from the 84 tooth
278. An 8-year-old child was diagnosed with granulating periodontitis of the 55 tooth. The
crown is completely destroyed. X-ray picture shows separated tooth roots. Choose an optimal
tool for operative intervention:
A. * Root bayonet-shaped forceps
B. Root straight forceps
C. Root beak-shaped forceps
D. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
E. Crown S-shaped forceps
279. A 3-year-old girl complains about pain and tumescence in the region of the decayed 51,
52teeth, body temperature rise up to 37,5-37,9oC. Objectively: the face is asymmetric
because of a tumescence in the upper lip region and right infraorbital region. The crown of
the 51 tooth is completely decayed. Mucous membrane in the region of the 52, 51, 1 teeth is
edematic, ucogingival fold is smoothed, palpation provokes pain, mobility of I-II degree of
the 51, 52 teeth is also present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute purulent odontogenic maxillary periostitis
B. Acute albuminous odontogenic maxillary periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic maxillary osteomyelitis
D. Odontogenic abscess of infraorbital region
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 51 tooth
280. A 6-year-old boy hit his forehead one day ago. A few hours later a swelling appeared in
the right superciliary region. Objectively: there is a considerable edema of forehead tissues
spreading to eyelids of the right eye, the skin over the swelling is cyanotic, the swelling is of
soft consistency. Fluctuation is also present. General condition of the boy is normal. Make a
provisional diagnosis:
A. * Hematoma of the right superciliary region
B. Postraumatic edema of tissues of the right superciliary region
C. Fracture of frontal bone
D. Hematic abscess of the right superciliary region
E. Inflammatory infiltration of tissues of the right superciliary region
281. An 8 year old boy was referred to the oral surgery for extraction of his 64 tooth because
of acute condition of chronic periodontitis. Tooth crown is intact. What instrument should be
A. * S-shaped forceps without thorns
B. Beak-shaped forceps with non-converging beaks
C. Straight forceps
D. Broad-beaked forceps
E. S-shaped forceps with thorns
282. A 5 year old child was diagnosed with congenital complete nonclosure of soft and hard
palate. What type of anaesthesia is indicated for uranostaphyloplasty?
A. * Nasotracheal narcosis
B. Mask narcosis
C. Intravenous narcosis
D. Orotracheal narcosis
E. Endotracheal narcosis through tracheostome
283. A 4-year-old child got a face trauma 2 hours ago. A stomatologist on duty made a
diagnosis: intrusive luxation of the 61 tooth. What is the tactics of choice?
A. * Extraction of the 61 tooth
B. Observation
C. Reposition of the 61 tooth
D. Splinting of the 61 tooth
E. Removal of pulp of the 61 tooth
284. A 2 year old girl has body temperature 38,5oC, a swelling below her jaw on the right. On
the 5th day of illness there apeared rhinitis, cough, a small movable globule under her lower
jaw on the right. Objectively: general condition of the child is moderately severe. The face is
symmetric due to the swelling in the right submaxillary area. The skin is hyperemic, glossy,
there is a diffuse infiltrate in the right submaxillary area spreading to the upper neck parts on
the right, it is dense and painful; the skin doesn't make folds. Teeth are healthy. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
A. * Adenophlegmon of the right submaxillary area
B. Acute nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis on the right
C. Acute purulent periostitis of mandible on the right
D. Acute sialoadenitis of the right submandibular salivary gland
E. Chronic osteomyelitis of mandible on the right
285. A 12 year old boy complains about pain and swelling in the parotidomasticatory area on
the left, body temperature rise up to 37,5oC. He has been suffering from this for 5 years.
Objectively: palpation reveals a dense painful nonmobile formation 3,5х5 large in the
parotidomasticatory area on the left. Skin colour is unchanged. Orifice of the left salivary
gland duct excretes transparent secretion. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Herzenberg's pseudoparotitis
B. Mixed tumour of parotid gland
C. Epidemic parotitis
D. Acute condition of chronic parenchymatous parotitis
E. Buccal abscess
286. A 5-year-old child sustained a dental injury. Objectively: the crowns of the 51, 61 teeth
are shorter than neighbouring teeth by 1/2. Mucous membrane is edematic and hyperemic in
theregion of the 51, 61 teeth. X-ray picture shows that there is no periodontal fissure in the
apical parts of roots of the 51, 61 teeth, apexes of the 51, 61 teeth are imbedded into the
spongy substance of body of maxilla. What treatment tactics would be the most efficient?
A. * Extraction of the 51, 61 teeth
B. Regular medical check-up
C. Reposition of the 51, 61 teeth
D. Ligature splinting of the 51, 61 teeth
E. Reimplantation
287. An 8-year-old child presents with an edema of the submandibular region, the mouth can
be opened by 1,5 cm, further opening is difficult, body temperature is 37,6oC, mucogingival
fold is vestibularly flattened, hyperaemic and swollen. The 84 and 85 teeth have fillings, their
percussion is painless. The 84 tooth exhibits I degree mobility. What is the most likely
A. * Acute odontogenic periostitis
B. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
C. Chronic odontogenic periostitis
D. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
288. Parents of a 7-year-old boy complain about missing of the 11 tooth. Objectively: there is
enlargement of alveolar process in projection of the 11, 12 teeth. X-ray picture shows
multiple shades of different size. They have dentate shape and look like hard tooth
tissues.What is the most likely diagnosis?
* Odontoma of maxilla
Follicular cyst of maxilla starting from the 11 tooth
Cementoma of maxilla
Adamantinoma of maxilla
Odontogenic fibroma of maxilla
289. Parents of a 1,5-year-old child complain about the child's tongue enlargement and
ingestion disorder. The child has been suffering from this since birthday. Objectively: general
condition has no peculiarities. The tongue is enlarged (macroglossia). Its mucous membrane
exhibits granular vesicular outgrowths. The tongue is dense, painless on palpation. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Lymphangioma of tongue
B. Hemangioma of tongue
C. Fibroma of tongue
D. Cyst of tongue
E. Cancer of tongue
290. A 14-year-old child has orthodontic indication for extraction of the 14 tooth. What
forceps should be applied for extraction of the 14 tooth?
A. * S-shaped forceps
B. Straight forceps
C. Bayonet-shaped forceps
D. Beak-shaped forceps
E. Curved on flat forceps
291. A 14-year-old child was undergoing extraction of the 16 tooth on account of chronic
periodontitis. During the tooth extraction it came to perforation of maxillary sinus along with
penetration of the distal buccal root into the maxillary sinus. What is the further dentist's
A. * The patient should be directed to the hospital for a surgical procedure
B. The dentist himself should try to extract the root
C. The dentist should form a clottage without informing the patient
D. The dentist should close the perforation with mucoperiosteal graft
E. The dentist should perform maxillary sinusotomy in the outpatient setting
292. A boy is 1 month old. At the medial edge of the inferior eyelid on the right there is a
wound with purulent discharge. The boy fell ill suddenly, body temperature rose up to 40oC.
The general condition is grave. On the second day of disease there appeared an infiltration at
the internal edge of eye socket and right cheek. The skin above it is hyperemic, fluctuation
cannot be determined. Palpebral fissure is narrowed. The right nasal meatus discharges pus.
There is an infiltration on the vestibular surface of alveolar process and on the right palate.
Mucous membrane above it is hyperemic along the mucogingival fold, fluctuation can be
determined. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
B. Acute dacryocystitis
C. Phlegmon of the right eye socket
D. Acute right-sided highmoritis
E. Acute serous periostitis
293. During the removal of dermoid cyst of the nose bridge a 14-year-old boy complained
about giddiness, sickness, weakness. Objectively: the skin is pale, covered with cold sweat.
Tachypnoe is present. The pulse is weak, the arterial pressure is low (80/60 mm Hg), hands
feel cold. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Syncope
B. Traumatic shock
C. Anaphylactic shock
D. Collapse
E. Toxic shock
294. A 9 year old child complains about pain and swelling of soft tissues beneath his mandible
on the right. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory; there is face asymmetry due to the
inflammatory infiltration and collateral tissue edema in the right submandibular area. Crown
of the 85 tooth is decayed, mucous membrane of gums in the area of the 84, 85, 46 teeth is
hyperemic, edematic; mucogingival fold is flattened. What treatment should be administered?
A. * Extraction of the 85 tooth
B. Endodontic treatment of the 85 tooth
C. Extraction of the 85 tooth and incision along the mucogingival fold
D. Periosteotomy
E. Endodontic treatment of the 85 tooth and periosteotomy
295. Parents of a 6-year-old child complain about pain in the child's submandibular region on
the left, body temperature rise up to 37,5oC. Objectively: the child's face is asymmetric due
to the infiltration of the submandibular region on the left. The infiltration is soft and elastic,
mobile, 2х2,5 cm large; its palpation is slightly painful, the skin is unchanged. The teeth are
intact. Pharynx is hyperaemic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute serous nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis
B. Acute serous odontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis
C. Acute purulent nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis
D. Acute purulent odontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis
E. Submandibular adenophlegmon
296. During local anesthetization (with 2 ml of 10% solution of lidocaine) a 9 year old girl
cried out, lost consciousness, there appeared generalized convulsions. Objectively: the child's
skin is pale and cyanotic. It is impossible to feel the pulse because of convulsions. What is
your provisional diagnosis?
A. * Lidocaine intoxication
B. Quincke's edema
C. Anaphylactic shock
D. Bronchial obstruction
E. Febrile convulsions
297. A child's mother had acute purulent mastitis. Now the 2-month-old child experiences an
edema of his left infraorbital and malar regions, dermahemia of the left face side, temperature
rise up to 39-40oC, purulent discharges from the nose. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
B. Phlegmon of infraorbital region
C. Acute maxillary sinusitis
D. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
E. Acute purulent periostitis
298. According to the parents of a 7-year-old child, the child complains about weakness, body
temperature rise up to 39oC, toothache in the upper jaw on the left. Objectively: condition is
grave, the child is pale and adynamic, the face is asymmetric because of infiltration of the
upper jaw on the left. The 64 tooth has a carious cavity. Percussion is painful, I degree of
teeth mobility is also present. There are purulent discharges from the subgingival edge of the
64 tooth. Mucogingival fold of the 63, 64, 65 teeth is smoothed. Vestibular and palatine
mucous membrane is edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Acute odontogenic maxillary osteomyelitis starting from the 64 tooth
B. Acute albuminous maxillary periostitis
C. Acute purulent odontogenic maxillary periostitis starting from the 64 tooth
D. Suppurative radicular cyst of maxilla
E. Acute odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
299. Examination of a 6-year-old boy revealed enlarged lymph nodes in both submandibular
and cervical regions. Objectively: the 75, 84 and 85 teeth are decayed, there are presentations
of commissural cheilitis. According to the boy’s mother, he has been quickly getting tired,
sweating from the least physical exercise, complaining about weakness throughout the last 23 months. He also gave up training in a sports class. What plan of additional examination
should be adopted?
A. * Complete blood count, haematologist consultation
B. Biochemical blood test, endocrinologist consultation
C. Puncture biopsy, oncologist consultation
D. Magnetic resonance tomography, immunologist consultation
E. Pulmonary roentgenography, pulmonologist consultation
300. A 15-year-old child presents with puffiness in the region of the mandible branch;
enlarged, dense and painless lymph nodes adhering to the surrounding tissues. X-ray picture
of mandible branch shows a well-defined bone resorption area containing small sequestra.
After Mantoux test a 12 mm papule was noted. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Tuberculosis of mandible branch
B. Mandibular actinomycosis
C. Chronic osteomyelitis of mandible branch
D. Acute mandibular osteomyelitis
E. Ewing's sarcoma
301. A 12-year-old girl complains about intense pain in the region of the 46 tooth socket that
was extracted 3 days ago. The pain is irradiating along the branches of trigeminus.
Objectively: lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation, tissues around the tooth
socket are dematic and hyperaemic. The socket walls are covered with grey-and-green
deposition with putrid smell. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Alveolitis
B. Pericoronaritis
C. Ostitis
D. Periostitis
E. Osteomyelitis
302. The patient asked the doctor complaining of swelling in the left cheek area, the body
temperature of 38.5 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion of the tooth 26, transitional
convolution her flat. When pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in
this patient?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis
B. * Acute purulent periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Phlegmon of bucal abscess
E. No right answer
303. The patient complains of intense sharp throbbing pain in section 26. Percussion 26
sharply painful, movable tooth, mucosa around 26 congested, swollen, painful palpation.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. * Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Acute serous pulpitis
304. The patient complains for unpleasant sensations, gravity, sometimes stupid pain in the
area of tooth 36. Tooth with fillings, changed in color, percussion sensitive. In the mucosa in
the region. projection of the root is fistula. What is the diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatozis periodontitis
B. * Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui of 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
305. Patient complains of the presence of 26 carious tooth cavities, tooth color change, the
deep carious cavity connected to the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion anesthesia. EOD 100
mkA. In X-ray – periodontal expansion slot. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic periodontitis hranulyuyuchui 36 tooth
B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
C. Acute purulent periodontitis
D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
E. * Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
306. Patient complains of painful swelling in the mouth, which appeared 3 days ago after
repeatedly treating 17 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Solid taste in the projection 17 of the tooth ,
painful, mucous membrane over it strongly congested, elegant. 17 crown collapsed, the Xray: symptom hranulematoznoho periodontitis of tooth 17. What is your tactic?
A. Remove 17 tooth hole sutured
B. Root amputation
C. Section of mucous in the skies
D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal
E. Puncture infiltration, removal of 17 teeth
307. The patient was diagnosed with acute purulent perykoronaritis 38. 38 tooth covered
hood distal mucosa. Tooth paste in arc. How much surgery is advisable in this case?
A. Autopsy hood lit mucosa and removing 38
B. Incise hood lit mucosal
C. * Post-lighted hood mucosal
D. No right answer
E. Surgical intervention is not needed
308. The patient asked the dentist about the long-badger in the lower left cheek. norytsevui
progress on the skin to 0.3 cm in diameter with granulation and small flaccid saniopurulent
fluid. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissues of the body toward the lower jaw. When
palpation in the thick of the left cheek tissue is determined. In X-ray - 35 tooth has signs of
chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient?
A. * Odontogenic granuloma of face
B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible
C. Tuberculosis of mandible
D. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
E. Wen left cheek
309. The patient complains of swelling in the left lower jaw, contaminated open mouth,
painful swallowing, body temperature is 37,5 ° C. At 'objectively: skin in a jaw area left in
color not changed in the area of mandibular angle marked swelling, painful at palpation,
contracture grade II, increased salivation from the mouth, painful tooth 38 with palpation.
What disease is detected in the patient?
A. * Perykoronaritis 38 tooth
B. Tongue abscess
C. Hyoid suture abscess
D. Bucal space abscess
E. Acute purulent inflammation of submental region
310. Patients 24 years appealed to the dentist. He complaining of pain in section 38 of the
tooth, difficult opening mouth, pain when swallowing. After examination diagnosis: acute
catarrhal perykoronaritis , difficult eruption of 38 tooth , inflammatory contracture III
degree. What type of anesthesia of advisable to apply for removal of 38 teeth?
A. Anesthesia for Bershe-DYBOVUM
B. * SYBMANDIBULAR way of mandybular anesthesia
C. Central anesthesia pidvylytsevym way to the Oval hole
D. Anesthesia for Vaysblat
E. Anesthesia for Verlotskomu
311. The patient asked to the doctor complaining of 35,36,37 tooth mobility, pain in this area
to periodic increase in temperature to 37,5 ° C, malaise, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility
35, 36, 37 teeth II level in the area submental fistula from the left purulent discharge. What is
the disease in this patient?
A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
B. Migrating granuloma
C. Cancer mandibular
D. Chronic periodontitis
E. Actinomycosis of the lower jaw
312. Patient Complaints byt pain in erupted wisdom tooth. Pain with swallowing, difficulty
opening the mouth, malaise, fever up to 37.5 - 38 ° C. Crown covered with mucous
membrane (hood), which is congested, swollen. With a hood allocated manure. Diagnosis?
A. Osteolielit
B. Alveolitis
C. Gingivitis
D. Periostitis
E. * Perikoronitis
313. Patient 28 years old, have diagnosis: cyst of mandible, tooth retentsion 38. Specify type
of cysts, associated with this pathology?
A. Fisural
B. Radykulyar
C. Rezydual
D. * Parodental
E. Follicular
314. A 43-year-old man complains about painful swallowing, limited mouth opening.
Destroyed 37 tooth caused pain 3 days ago. Painful swallowing appeared the next day.
Limited mouth opening was present a day later. Objectively: there is a small soft swelling in
the left submaxillary area. An enlarged lymph node is palpated. The mouth can be opened by
1,5 cm. Edema of left palatine arch and pharynx lateral wall is present. The 37 tooth is
destroyed. Mucous membrane around the tooth is edematic. Percussion is slightly painful.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Odontogenic peripharyngeal phlegmon
B. Odontogenic pterygomandibular phlegmon
C. Odontogenic submaxillary phlegmon
D. Peritonsillar abscess
E. Acute submaxillary lymphadenitis
315. A 42-year-old patient complains about acute pain in the region of the left
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that irradiates to the ear; headache, general indisposition,
impossible mastication and limited mouth opening. Objectively: the patient’s face is
asymmetric due to the edema in the region of the left temporomandibular joint. The skin in
this region is hyperemic. The pain is made worse by the smallest movements of mandible.
Palpation of the joint causes acute pain. Mouth opening is limited down to 15-20 mm. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent parotitis
B. Mandible subluxation
C. * Acute arthritis of the left TMJ
D. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ
E. Myogenous osteoarthrosis
316. A 42 year old patient complains of pain in the submaxillary and sublingual areas that is
getting worse during eating, body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. He has been sufferingfrom
this for 2 months. Objectively: infiltration along the right sublingual torus, hyperemia, soft
tissue edema, acute pain during palpation. The duct of the right submandubular salivary
gland excretes turbid saliva mixed with pus. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submaxillary area
B. Adenophlegmon of submaxillary area
C. Abscess of maxillolingual groove
D. * Exacerbation of salivolithiasis
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
317. A 42-year-old patient complains about pain in the submandibular and sublingual region
that is getting worse during eating; body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. The patient hasbeen
suffering from this for 2 months. Objectively: along the right sublingual plica there is
infiltration, hyperaemia, edema of soft tisues, acute pain on palpation. The duct of the right
submandibular salivary gland discharges turbid saliva with pus admixtures. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of urolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submandibular region
C. Adenophlegmon of submandibular region
D. Abscess of alveololingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
318. A 36 year old man complains about acute headache, body temperature rise up to 39,1oC,
indisposition. Objectively: a slight face asymmetry because of soft tissue edema of the left
infraorbital area. Crown of the 26 tooth is partly decayed. Percussion is acutely painful.
Mucous membrane on the vestibular side in the area of the 25, 26 teeth is edematic,
hyperemic. Breathing through the left part of nose is laboured, there are purulent discharges.
X-ray picture showed a homogeneous shadow of the left part of maxillary sinus. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
A. * Acute purulent odontogenous maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute periostitis of upper jaw
D. Suppuration of maxillary cyst
E. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
319. A patient complains of pain and swelling in the right submandibular area. She has been
treating the 45 tooth for a week. Objectively: body temperature is 38oC. There is a painful
tense infiltration in the right submandibular region. The skin doesn’t make a fold, its
hyperemic and glossy. The mouth can be opened by 3 cm. Deglutition is painless. These
clinical findings correspond with the following disease:
A. * Odontogenous phlegmon of the right submandibular region
B. Abscess of the right alveololingual groove
C. Adenophlegmon of the right submandibular region
D. Acute odontogenous sialoadenitis
E. Phlegmon of pterygomandibular space
320. A 43-year-old patient complains about a neoplasm in the right submandibular region that
appeared a month ago after angina. The patient underwent anti-inflammatory therapy but
itled to no reduction of the neoplasm. Objectively: body temperature is up to 37,2oC.
Palpation reveals a slightly painful, spherical, freely movable, well-defined neoplasm of
dense and elastic consistency in the right submandibular region. The duct of submandibular
salivary gland discharges transparent saliva. The sublingual plica is unchanged. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic sialoadenitis
B. * Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Sialolithiasis
D. Adenoma of salivary gland
E. Atheroma
321. A 37 year old man complained about pain and a slight swelling emerging during eating in
the left submaxillary area. Objectively: a painful elastic infiltration in the left submaxillary
area. Mouth opening is not limited. Bimanual palpation in the area of mylohyoid groove
revealed a compact movable oblong induration. Mucous membrane is unchanged. Duct of the
left submandibular gland doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Salivolithiasis
B. Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Pleomorphic adenoma
D. Retention cyst
E. Submaxillary lipoma
322. A 40-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 38oC, and of a
roundish infiltration on his upper lip. Objectively: there is a roundish infiltration on the
upperlip on the left, the skin above it is wine red, the infiltration adheres to the surrounding
tissues and has a seapus necroticus in the middle. The upper lip is hyperaemic and edematic.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper lip furuncle
B. Acute periostitis of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst
D. Acute lymphadenitis
E. Upper lip carbuncle
323. A 25-year-old man complains of itching and reddening of skin in the buccal area, general
weakness, inertness. He associates origin of the disease with a skin injury he got during
shaving. Objectively: body temperature is 39,0oC. A well-defined section of skin in the
buccal area is hyperemic, it slightly protrudes above the surface. Hyperemic surface has some
vesicles containing serous fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Phlegmon of buccal area
B. Furuncle
C. Anthrax
D. * Erysipelatous inflammation of skin
E. Streptococcal impetigo
324. A 48-year-old patient got a pustule on his chin that quickly developed into a dense and
acutely painful infiltration 3x5 cm large. The skin above it is of blue-red colour. In the
centreone can see three zones of necrosis around the hair follicles. Lymph nodes of chin are
enlarged and painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Dermal actinomycosis of chin
D. Suppurated atheroma
E. Chin furuncle
325. A 60 year old man has got a pustule on his chin skin that quickly developed into a hard,
strongly painful infiltrate 3х3 cm large. In the epicentre three necrosis zones around hair
follicles are present. Lymph nodes of chin are enlarged, painful. Body temperature is 38,5oC.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Suppurated atheroma
D. Chin furuncle
E. Allergic chin dermatitis
326. On the 7th day after the operation on the abdominal cavity a 30-year-old patient
presentedwith pain and sweling in the region of parotid gland; body temperature rise up to
39oC; limited mouth opening, dryness. Gland massaging results in discharge of purulent
exudate from its duct. The patient can be diagnosed with:
A. Acute epidemic parotiditis
B. Phlegmon of submasseteric space
C. Parenchymatous parotiditis
D. * Acute non-epidemic parotiditis
E. Phlegmon of parotidomasseteric region
327. A 30-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 39,0oC, a roundish
infiltrate on his upper lip, general weakness. He has been presenting with these symptoms for
3 days. Objectively: a roundish infiltrate in the region of the upper lip 2,5 cm in diameter, the
skin over the infiltrate is red with a necrotic core in the centre. The upper lip is hyperemic
and edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Furuncle of the upper lip
B. Carbuncle of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst of the upper lip
D. Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
E. Acute glandular abscess
328. A 43-year-old man complains about painful swallowing, limited mouth opening.
Destroyed 37 tooth caused pain 3 days ago. Painful swallowing appeared the next day.
Limited mouth opening was present a day later. Objectively: there is a small soft swelling in
the left submaxillary area. An enlarged lymph node is palpated. The mouth can be opened by
1,5 cm. Edema of left palatine arch and pharynx lateral wall is present. The 37 tooth is
destroyed. Mucous membrane around the tooth is edematic. Percussion is slightly painful.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Odontogenic peripharyngeal phlegmon
B. Odontogenic pterygomandibular phlegmon
C. Odontogenic submaxillary phlegmon
D. Peritonsillar abscess
E. Acute submaxillary lymphadenitis
329. A 42-year-old patient complains about acute pain in the region of the left
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that irradiates to the ear; headache, general indisposition,
impossible mastication and limited mouth opening. Objectively: the patient’s face is
asymmetric due to the edema in the region of the left temporomandibular joint. The skin in
this region is hyperemic. The pain is made worse by the smallest movements of mandible.
Palpation of the joint causes acute pain. Mouth opening is limited down to 15-20 mm. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent parotitis
B. Mandible subluxation
C. * Acute arthritis of the left TMJ
D. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ
E. Myogenous osteoarthrosis
330. A 42 year old patient complains of pain in the submaxillary and sublingual areas that is
getting worse during eating, body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. He has been sufferingfrom
this for 2 months. Objectively: infiltration along the right sublingual torus, hyperemia, soft
tissue edema, acute pain during palpation. The duct of the right submandubular salivary
gland excretes turbid saliva mixed with pus. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submaxillary area
B. Adenophlegmon of submaxillary area
C. Abscess of maxillolingual groove
D. * Exacerbation of salivolithiasis
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
331. A 42-year-old patient complains about pain in the submandibular and sublingual region
that is getting worse during eating; body temperature rise up to 37,6oC. The patient hasbeen
suffering from this for 2 months. Objectively: along the right sublingual plica there is
infiltration, hyperaemia, edema of soft tisues, acute pain on palpation. The duct of the right
submandibular salivary gland discharges turbid saliva with pus admixtures. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. * Exacerbation of urolithiasis
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submandibular region
C. Adenophlegmon of submandibular region
D. Abscess of alveololingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland
332. A 36 year old man complains about acute headache, body temperature rise up to 39,1oC,
indisposition. Objectively: a slight face asymmetry because of soft tissue edema of the left
infraorbital area. Crown of the 26 tooth is partly decayed. Percussion is acutely painful.
Mucous membrane on the vestibular side in the area of the 25, 26 teeth is edematic,
hyperemic. Breathing through the left part of nose is laboured, there are purulent discharges.
X-ray picture showed a homogeneous shadow of the left part of maxillary sinus. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
A. * Acute purulent odontogenous maxillary sinusitis
B. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute periostitis of upper jaw
D. Suppuration of maxillary cyst
E. Acute odontogenous osteomyelitis
333. A patient complains of pain and swelling in the right submandibular area. She has been
treating the 45 tooth for a week. Objectively: body temperature is 38oC. There is a painful
tense infiltration in the right submandibular region. The skin doesn’t make a fold, its
hyperemic and glossy. The mouth can be opened by 3 cm. Deglutition is painless. These
clinical findings correspond with the following disease:
A. * Odontogenous phlegmon of the right submandibular region
B. Abscess of the right alveololingual groove
C. Adenophlegmon of the right submandibular region
D. Acute odontogenous sialoadenitis
E. Phlegmon of pterygomandibular space
334. A 43-year-old patient complains about a neoplasm in the right submandibular region that
appeared a month ago after angina. The patient underwent anti-inflammatory therapy but
itled to no reduction of the neoplasm. Objectively: body temperature is up to 37,2oC.
Palpation reveals a slightly painful, spherical, freely movable, well-defined neoplasm of
dense and elastic consistency in the right submandibular region. The duct of submandibular
salivary gland discharges transparent saliva. The sublingual plica is unchanged. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic sialoadenitis
B. * Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Sialolithiasis
D. Adenoma of salivary gland
E. Atheroma
335. A 37 year old man complained about pain and a slight swelling emerging during eating in
the left submaxillary area. Objectively: a painful elastic infiltration in the left submaxillary
area. Mouth opening is not limited. Bimanual palpation in the area of mylohyoid groove
revealed a compact movable oblong induration. Mucous membrane is unchanged. Duct of the
left submandibular gland doesn't excrete saliva. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Salivolithiasis
B. Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Pleomorphic adenoma
D. Retention cyst
E. Submaxillary lipoma
336. A 40-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 38oC, and of a
roundish infiltration on his upper lip. Objectively: there is a roundish infiltration on the
upperlip on the left, the skin above it is wine red, the infiltration adheres to the surrounding
tissues and has a seapus necroticus in the middle. The upper lip is hyperaemic and edematic.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Upper lip furuncle
B. Acute periostitis of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst
D. Acute lymphadenitis
E. Upper lip carbuncle
337. A 25-year-old man complains of itching and reddening of skin in the buccal area, general
weakness, inertness. He associates origin of the disease with a skin injury he got during
shaving. Objectively: body temperature is 39,0oC. A well-defined section of skin in the
buccal area is hyperemic, it slightly protrudes above the surface. Hyperemic surface has some
vesicles containing serous fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Phlegmon of buccal area
B. Furuncle
C. Anthrax
D. * Erysipelatous inflammation of skin
E. Streptococcal impetigo
338. A 48-year-old patient got a pustule on his chin that quickly developed into a dense and
acutely painful infiltration 3x5 cm large. The skin above it is of blue-red colour. In the
centreone can see three zones of necrosis around the hair follicles. Lymph nodes of chin are
enlarged and painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Dermal actinomycosis of chin
D. Suppurated atheroma
E. Chin furuncle
339. A 60 year old man has got a pustule on his chin skin that quickly developed into a hard,
strongly painful infiltrate 3х3 cm large. In the epicentre three necrosis zones around hair
follicles are present. Lymph nodes of chin are enlarged, painful. Body temperature is 38,5oC.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. * Chin carbuncle
B. Erysipelatous inflammation of chin
C. Suppurated atheroma
D. Chin furuncle
E. Allergic chin dermatitis
340. On the 7th day after the operation on the abdominal cavity a 30-year-old patient
presentedwith pain and sweling in the region of parotid gland; body temperature rise up to
39oC; limited mouth opening, dryness. Gland massaging results in discharge of purulent
exudate from its duct. The patient can be diagnosed with:
A. Acute epidemic parotiditis
B. Phlegmon of submasseteric space
C. Parenchymatous parotiditis
D. * Acute non-epidemic parotiditis
E. Phlegmon of parotidomasseteric region
341. A 30-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 39,0oC, a roundish
infiltrate on his upper lip, general weakness. He has been presenting with these symptoms for
3 days. Objectively: a roundish infiltrate in the region of the upper lip 2,5 cm in diameter, the
skin over the infiltrate is red with a necrotic core in the centre. The upper lip is hyperemic
and edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. * Furuncle of the upper lip
B. Carbuncle of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst of the upper lip
D. Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
E. Acute glandular abscess
Test tasks to figures
1. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic 48 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *physiotherapy
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
2. What is shown in Pic 49?
A. *phlegmon chin
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
3. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Pic 49 is often
A. micoplasm
B. *staphylococus
C. candida
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
4. What is shown in Pic. 50?
A. *phlegmon mental region
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
5. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Pic 50 is often
A. candida
B. staphylococus
C. *streptococus and staphylococus
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
6. Typical clinical signs of phlegmon (cellulitis) shown in Pic. 50 are:
A. trismus
B. swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the mental area
7. The primary localization of the suppurative focus with phlegmon shown in Pic. 50 is:
A. in the buccal region
B. in the infratemporal fossa
C. in the masticatory muscle
D. *in the area of submandibular
E. in the infratemporal area
8. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Pic. 50 to
A. *open the purulent center
B. post acupuncture
C. make procaine blockade
D. assign physiotherapy
E. intramuscularly analeptics
9. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic. 50 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *surgiral treatment
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
10. What is shown in Pic. 51?
A. *phlegmon mental region
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular region
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
11. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Pic. 51 is often
A. anaerobes
B. *streptococus
C. candida
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
12. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 51 are:
A. trismus
B. swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *infiltration of the tissues in the chin
13. The primary localization of the suppurative focus with phlegmon shown in Pic. 51 is :
A. in the buccal region
B. in the infratemporal fossa
C. in the masticatory muscle
D. *in the submandibular area
E. in-jaw space winglike
14. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Pic. 51 to
A. *cut of soft tissue
B. post acupuncture
C. make novocaine blockade
D. assign physiotherapy
E. intramuscularly antibiotics
15. Online access for the treatment of cellulitis shown in Pic. 54 is cut
A. tthe envelope of the angle of the mandible
B. the mucous membrane of the transitive fold
C. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched
D. *in the submandibular region along the edge of the mandible
E. in the area of the chin parallel to the front edge of the mandible
16. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic. 54 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. physiotherapy
C. *antibiotics
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
17. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Pic. 52 is sufficient if it is made
A. *in the center of fluctuations
B. in the projection of the tongue
C. flushing of the skin along the border
D. in the edge of the infiltration
E. in place of the swelling
18. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic. 52 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *physiotherapy
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
19. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Pic. 52 is sufficient if it is made
A. in the field fluctuations
B. in the projection of the tongue
C. flushing of the skin along the border
D. *the entire width of the infiltration
E. in place of the greatest pain
20. Late local complication of phlegmon shown at Pic. 52 is.
A. *scar contracture
B. cephalopyosis
C. cicatricial ectropion of the lower lip
D. stenosis of the upper respiratory tract
E. thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain
21. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 56 is
A. trismus
B. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
C. swelling of the transitive folds
D. *nfiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the submandibular region
E. edema and hyperemia of the buccal sites
22. The reason for the development of cellulitis shown in Pic. 56 is an inflammatory process in
A. the upper lip
B. *8765445678
C. the upper jaw
D. glands of the buccal region
E. parotid glands
23. Online access for the treatment of cellulitis shown in Pic.56 is cut
A. in the area of the chin
B. the envelope of the angle of the mandible
C. the mucous membrane of the wing-fold scheleptny
D. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched from corner to corner
E. *in the submandibular region along the edge of the lower jaw down to 1.5 cm
24. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 56 is
A. Trismus
B. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
C. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
D. *Infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the submandibular region
E. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal sites
25. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 53 is
A. Swelling of the upper eyelid
B. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal region
D. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *Infiltrate and hyperemia of the parotid-masticatory area
26. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 53 is
A. Swelling of the upper eyelid
B. *Restricted mouth opening
C. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
D. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal region
E. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
27. The major functional impairment in phlegmon shown in Pic. 53 is
A. Ptosis
B. Hyperptyalism
C. Difficulty swallowing
D. Language nerve paresis
E. *Difficulty opening mouth
28. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic. 58 includes
A. Cryotherapy
B. *Physiotherapy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiotherapy
E. Electrocoagulation
29. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Pic. 57 is sufficient if it is made
A. In the field fluctuations
B. In the projection of the tongue
C. Flushing of the skin along the border
D. *On the whole width of the infiltrate
E. n place of the greatest pain
30. Late local complication of phlegmon shown at pic. 58
A. *Scar contracture
B. Cephalopyosis
C. Cicatricial ectropion of the lower lip
D. Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract
E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain
31. With what conduct differential diagnosis of the disease as shown in Pic. 59?
A. Since cyst suppurations;
B. With an acute periostitis;
C. In osteomyelitis of the maxilla;
D. In the process of tumor;
E. *All answers are correct;
32. Clinical symptoms of the disease as shown in Pic. 59:
A. sense of gravity, the corresponding half of the nasal congestion;
B. purulent discharge from the corresponding half of the nose, often bad;
C. pain in the region corresponding to the maxillary sinus, irradiation along the branches of
the trigeminal nerve, a feeling of heaviness in the upper jaw;
D. *purulent discharge from the corresponding half of the nose, a feeling of heaviness in the
middle of the head, fever, insomnia, decreased performance
E. constant pain in the upper jaw.
33. Wich most likely diagnosis is shown in Pic.42?
A. Submaseterialna abscess
B. *odontogenic phlegmon of the right parotid-masticatory area
C. odontogenic phlegmon of the right buccal area
D. odontogenic abscess buccal area
E. odontogenic abscess infratemporal fossa
34. hat is shown in the Pic. 43?
A. *boil chin left and right lower lip
B. herpetic lesions on the left chin and lower lip on the right
C. emerald chin left and right lower lip
D. chancre left chin and lower lip on the right
E. atheroma left chin and lower lip on the right
35. On Pic.45 shown:
A. *scheme development and clinical phlegmon wing-jaw space
B. scheme of development and clinical abscess behind-jaw area
C. scheme of development and clinical phlegmon behind-jaw area
D. scheme of development and clinical abscess in jaw area
E. scheme of development and clinical phlegmon wing-palatal fossa
36. What is shown in Pic. 46?
A. *carbuncle
B. boil
C. syphilitic ulcer
D. mug
E. noma
37. The causative diseases of the Pic. 46 are:
A. *streptococcus
B. staphylococcus
C. escherichia coli
D. enteropol
E. yeasts
38. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Pic. 49 is:
A. Trismus
B. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. Swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *Infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the chin
39. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Pic.49 to
A. *Expand the purulent center
B. Post acupuncture
C. Make procaine blockade
D. Assign physiotherapy
E. Intramuscularly respiratory analeptics
40. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Pic 49 includes
A. Cryotherapy
B. *Physiotherapy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiotherapy
E. Electrocoagulation
41. When the disease is shown in Fig. 46 patient complains of:
A. prolonged pain
B. *gradually increasing pain
C. aching
D. acute pain
E. all are right answer
42. The disease is shown in Fig. 46 - are:
A. acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
B. *acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of several adjacent, hair follicules and sebaceous
glands, extending to the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue
C. serous inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissue
D. serous inflammation of several adjacent, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, extending to
the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue
E. there is no right answer
43. What is shown in Fig. 47?
A. mug
B. *carbuncle of the lower lip what is complicated by glandular cheilitis
C. abscess cheek
D. acute purulent sinusitis
E. atheroma, which fester
44. What is shown in Fig. 48?
A. *phlegmon chin
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
45. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Fig. 48 is often
A. anaerobes
B. *staphylococus
C. radiant mushrooms
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
46. Typical clinical signs of phlegmon (cellulitis) shown in Fig. 48 is:
A. trismus
B. swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the chin
47. The primary localization of the suppurative focus with phlegmon shown in Fig. 48 is:
A. in the buccal region
B. in the infratemporal fossa
C. in the masticatory muscle
D. *in the area of submandibular
E. in-jaw space winglike
48. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Fig. 48 to
A. *expand the purulent center
B. post acupuncture
C. make procaine blockade
D. assign physiotherapy
E. intramuscularly respiratory analeptics
49. Online access for the treatment of phlegmon (cellulitis) shown in Fig. 48 is cut
A. the envelope of the angle of the mandible
B. the mucous membrane of the wing-mandibular fold
C. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched
D. in the submandibular region along the edge of the mandible
E. *in the area of the chin parallel to the front edge of the mandible
50. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig 48 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *physiotherapy
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
51. What is shown in Fig 49?
A. *phlegmon chin
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
52. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Fig 49 is often
A. micoplasm
B. *staphylococus
C. candida
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
53. What is shown in Fig. 50?
A. *phlegmon mental region
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
54. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Fig 50 is often
A. candida
B. staphylococus
C. *streptococus and staphylococus
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
55. Typical clinical signs of phlegmon (cellulitis) shown in Fig. 50 are:
A. trismus
B. swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the mental area
56. The primary localization of the suppurative focus with phlegmon shown in Fig. 50 is:
A. in the buccal region
B. in the infratemporal fossa
C. in the masticatory muscle
D. *in the area of submandibular
E. in the infratemporal area
57. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Fig. 50 to
A. *open the purulent center
B. post acupuncture
C. make procaine blockade
D. assign physiotherapy
E. intramuscularly analeptics
58. Online access for the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig. 50 is cut
A. the envelope of the angle of the mandible
B. the mucous membrane of the wing-mandibular fold
C. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched
D. in the submandibular region along the edge of the mandible
E. *in the area of the chin parallel to the front edge of the mandible
59. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig. 50 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *surgiral treatment
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
60. What is shown in Fig. 51?
A. *phlegmon mental region
B. phlegmon of the buccal region
C. abscess of the temporal region
D. abscess of submandibular region
E. abscess of the parotid-masticatory area
61. Pathogens with phlegmon shown in Fig. 51 is often
A. anaerobes
B. *streptococus
C. candida
D. treponema pallidum
E. tuberculous mycobacteria
62. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Fig. 51 are:
A. trismus
B. swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. swelling and redness of the cheek area
D. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *infiltration of the tissues in the chin
63. The primary localization of the suppurative focus with phlegmon shown in Fig. 51 is :
A. in the buccal region
B. in the infratemporal fossa
C. in the masticatory muscle
D. *in the submandibular area
E. in-jaw space winglike
64. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Fig. 51 to
A. *cut of soft tissue
B. post acupuncture
C. make novocaine blockade
D. assign physiotherapy
E. intramuscularly antibiotics
65. Online access for the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig. 54 is cut
A. tthe envelope of the angle of the mandible
B. the mucous membrane of the transitive fold
C. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched
D. *in the submandibular region along the edge of the mandible
E. in the area of the chin parallel to the front edge of the mandible
66. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig. 54 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. physiotherapy
C. *antibiotics
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
67. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig. 52 is sufficient if it is made
A. *in the center of fluctuations
B. in the projection of the tongue
C. flushing of the skin along the border
D. in the edge of the infiltration
E. in place of the swelling
68. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig. 52 includes
A. cryotherapy
B. *physiotherapy
C. chemotherapy
D. radiotherapy
E. electrocoagulation
69. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig. 52 is sufficient if it is made
A. in the field fluctuations
B. in the projection of the tongue
C. flushing of the skin along the border
D. *the entire width of the infiltration
E. in place of the greatest pain
70. Late local complication of phlegmon shown at Fig. 52 is.
A. *scar contracture
B. cephalopyosis
C. cicatricial ectropion of the lower lip
D. stenosis of the upper respiratory tract
E. thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain
71. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Fig. 56 is
A. trismus
B. flushing of the skin of the lower lip
C. swelling of the transitive folds
D. *nfiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the submandibular region
E. edema and hyperemia of the buccal sites
72. The reason for the development of cellulitis shown in Fig. 56 is an inflammatory process in
A. the upper lip
B. *8765445678
C. the upper jaw
D. glands of the buccal region
E. parotid glands
73. Online access for the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig.56 is cut
A. in the area of the chin
B. the envelope of the angle of the mandible
C. the mucous membrane of the wing-fold scheleptny
D. parallel to the edge of the mandible arched from corner to corner
E. *in the submandibular region along the edge of the lower jaw down to 1.5 cm
74. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Fig. 56 is
A. Trismus
B. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
C. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
D. *Infiltrate and hyperemia of the tissues in the submandibular region
E. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal sites
75. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Fig. 53 is
A. Swelling of the upper eyelid
B. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
C. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal region
D. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
E. *Infiltrate and hyperemia of the parotid-masticatory area
76. Typical clinical signs of cellulitis shown in Fig. 53 is
A. Swelling of the upper eyelid
B. *Restricted mouth opening
C. Swelling of the jaw-wing-folds
D. Edema and hyperemia of the buccal region
E. Flushing of the skin of the lower lip
77. The major functional impairment in phlegmon shown in Fig. 53 is
A. Ptosis
B. Hyperptyalism
C. Difficulty swallowing
D. Language nerve paresis
E. *Difficulty opening mouth
78. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig. 58 includes
A. Cryotherapy
B. *Physiotherapy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiotherapy
E. Electrocoagulation
79. The incision in the treatment of cellulitis shown in Fig. 57 is sufficient if it is made
A. In the field fluctuations
B. In the projection of the tongue
C. Flushing of the skin along the border
D. *On the whole width of the infiltrate
E. n place of the greatest pain
80. Late local complication of phlegmon shown at Fig. 58
A. *Scar contracture
B. Cephalopyosis
C. Cicatricial ectropion of the lower lip
D. Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract
E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain
81. With what conduct differential diagnosis of the disease as shown in Fig. 59?
A. Since cyst suppurations;
B. With an acute periostitis;
C. In osteomyelitis of the maxilla;
D. In the process of tumor;
E. *All answers are correct;
82. Clinical symptoms of the disease as shown in Fig. 59:
A. sense of gravity, the corresponding half of the nasal congestion;
B. purulent discharge from the corresponding half of the nose, often bad;
C. pain in the region corresponding to the maxillary sinus, irradiation along the branches of
the trigeminal nerve, a feeling of heaviness in the upper jaw;
D. *purulent discharge from the corresponding half of the nose, a feeling of heaviness in the
middle of the head, fever, insomnia, decreased performance
E. constant pain in the upper jaw.
83. Wich most likely diagnosis is shown in Fig.42?
A. Submaseterialna abscess
B. *odontogenic phlegmon of the right parotid-masticatory area
C. odontogenic phlegmon of the right buccal area
D. odontogenic abscess buccal area
E. odontogenic abscess infratemporal fossa
84. hat is shown in the Fig. 43?
A. *boil chin left and right lower lip
B. herpetic lesions on the left chin and lower lip on the right
C. emerald chin left and right lower lip
D. chancre left chin and lower lip on the right
E. atheroma left chin and lower lip on the right
85. On Fig.45 shown:
A. *scheme development and clinical phlegmon wing-jaw space
B. scheme of development and clinical abscess behind-jaw area
C. scheme of development and clinical phlegmon behind-jaw area
D. scheme of development and clinical abscess in jaw area
E. scheme of development and clinical phlegmon wing-palatal fossa
86. What is shown in Fig. 46?
A. *carbuncle
B. boil
C. syphilitic ulcer
D. mug
E. noma
87. The causative diseases of the Fig. 46 are:
A. *streptococcus
B. staphylococcus
C. escherichia coli
D. enteropol
E. yeasts
88. On the day of treatment with phlegmon shown in Fig.49 to
A. *Expand the purulent center
B. Post acupuncture
C. Make procaine blockade
D. Assign physiotherapy
E. Intramuscularly respiratory analeptics
89. In the complex treatment of phlegmon shown in Fig 49 includes
A. Cryotherapy
B. *Physiotherapy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiotherapy
E. Electrocoagulation
90. What phlegmon is represented on a picture. 1 Fig.1 “a”
A. *under chin area
B. under lower jaw area
C. winglike-lower jaw area
D. under tongue area
E. near gullet space
91. What manipulation is done on a picture 1 Fig.1“b”
A. *infiltration anaesthesia
B. general anaesthesia
C. local-infiltration anaesthesia
D. anaesthesia by Bershe
E. hillock anaesthesia
92. What section conduct opening of phlegmon winglike-lower jaw space on picture .2 Fig.2
A. *by dissection circumflex corner of lower jaw
B. by dissection in the area of corner of lower jaw
C. by dissection in the area of branch of lower jaw
D. by dissection in the area of body of lower jaw
E. by slating dissection in the area of lower jaw
93. On how many centimetres retreat to the edge of bone during realization of dissection of
phlegmon winglike-lower jaw space on picture 2 Fig.2
A. *on 2
B. on 1
C. on 1.5
D. on 3
E. on 2.5
94. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on picture 15-№ 1 Fig.15
A. a bottle with antiseptic
B. a bottle with antibiotic
C. *a bottle with distilled water
D. a bottle with anaesthetic
E. a bottle with physiological solution
95. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on picture 15-№ 2 Fig.15
A. system for non-permanent induction of solution
B. incoming tube of drainage
C. discharge tube of drainage
D. *a vacuum sucking
E. double tube drainage
96. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on picture 15-№ 3 Fig.15
A. incoming tube of drainage
B. *system for non-permanent induction of solution
C. discharge tube of drainage
D. a vacuum sucking
E. double tube drainage
97. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on a picture 15-№ 4 Fig.15
A. *discharge tube of drainage
B. system for non-permanent induction of solution
C. incoming tube of drainage
D. a vacuum sucking
E. double tube drainage
98. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on picture 15-№ 5 Fig.15
A. a working part of drainage
B. incoming tube of drainage
C. discharge tube of drainage
D. *a vacuum sucking
E. double tube drainage
99. What is used for realization of active drainage of festering hearths jaw facial area and neck
on picture 15-№ 6 ,7 Fig.15
A. a vacuum sucking
B. incoming tube of drainage
C. discharge tube of drainage
D. *double tube drainage
E. a working part of drainage
100. On a picture 12 under the number of “1” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. *forged
B. under eye
C. cheek
D. maxillary -facial
E. sublingual
101. On a picture 12 under the number of “2” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. cheek
B. under eye
C. *forged
D. jaw-facial
E. sublingual
102. On a picture 12 under the number of “3” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. forged
B. under eye
C. *under temple
D. jaw-facial
E. sublingual
103. On a picture 12 under the number of “4” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. forged
B. *under eye
C. cheek
D. jaw-facial
E. sublingual
104. On a picture 12 under the number of “5” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. forged
B. under eye
C. *cheek
D. maxillary-facial
E. sublingual
105. On a picture 12 under the number of “6” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. forged
B. under eye
C. cheek
D. *jaw-facial
E. sublingual
106. On a picture 12 under the number of “7” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) picture.12 Fig.12
A. forged
B. under eye
C. cheek
D. jaw-facial
E. *sublingual
107. On a picture 13 under the number of “1” opening of phlegmon of characteristic area is
schematically represented (continue a sentence) Fig.13
A. under jaw
B. *under chin
C. cheek
D. sublingual
E. behind jaw
108. Draining of what abscess is represented on a picture 3 Fig.3
A. *odontic abscess of a under chin area
B. non-odontic abscess of a under chin area
C. abscess of submaxillary area
D. abscess of sublingual area
E. phlegmone of near gullet space
109. What is represented on a picture 5 Fig.5
A. *odontic abscess of a sublingual area
B. odontic phlegmon of a sublingual area
C. cyst
D. odontic phlegmon bottom of cavity of mouth
E. abscess of a maxillary-tongue gutter
110. What length of cut must be at opening of a odontic phlegmon of a sublingual area picture
7 Fig.7
A. *3 centimeters
B. 1.5 centimeters
C. 2 centimeters
D. 4 centimeters
E. 3.5 centimeters
111. Draining of what abscess is represented on a picture 9 Fig.9
A. *odontic abscess of a sublingual area
B. abscess of under lower jaw area
C. abscess of a winglike-lower jaw area
D. odontic phlegmon bottom of cavity of mouth
E. abscess of a maxillary-tongue gutter
112. What is represented on a picture 11 №1 Fig.11
A. *M. Buccinator
B. M. mylohyoid
C. M. geniohyoideus
D. M. pterigoideus externus
E. M. pterigoideus internus
113. What is represented on a picture 11 № 2 Fig.11
A. *M. mylohyoid
B. M. Buccinator
C. M. geniohyoideus
D. M. pterigoideus externus
E. M. pterigoideus internus
114. What is represented on a picture 11 № 3 Fig.11
A. *odontic abscess of under lower jaw area
B. abscess of a cheek area
C. abscess of a behind jaw area
D. phlegmon bottom of cavity of mouth
E. abscess of a under chin area
115. Opening of what phlegmon is represented on Fig 14
A. *phlegmon bottom of cavity of mouth
B. phlegmon of under chin area
C. phlegmon of under lower jaw area
D. phlegmon of winglike-lower jaw space
E. phlegmon of a maxillary-tongue gutter