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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Answer Key
Section Quiz
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cell Growth and Division
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
The Cell Cycle
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. In which stage of the cell cycle do the nucleus and its contents divide?
a. synthesis
b. gap 1
c. mitosis
_____ 2. During the gap 1 stage of the cell cycle, a cell
a. splits into two new cells.
b. carries out its normal functions.
c. divides its cytoplasm
_____ 3. Which of the following phrases best describes cytokinesis?
a. division of the cytoplasm
b. division of the nucleus
c. division of surface area
_____ 4. Which statement is true about the rates of cell division in eukaryotes?
a. They remain the same for the life of the organism.
b. They increase with the age of the organism.
c. They vary greatly within an organism
_____ 5. Which of the following limits the maximum size of a cell?
a. the stage of the cell cycle
b. the ratio of cell surface area to volume
c. the size of the organism
_____ 6. The processes of mitosis and cytokinesis produce two identical
a. daughter cells.
b. strands.
c. chromosomes.
_____ 7. The process of organizing and condensing DNA into its compact form
takes place at the start of
a. interphase.
b. mitosis.
c. cytokinesis.
_____ 8. Which is the term for the group of proteins that organizes and
condenses long strands of DNA into tight coils?
a. telomeres
b. centromeres
c. histones
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cell Growth and Division
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
_____ 9. During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate from each
a. prophase
b. anaphase
c. telophase
_____ 10. Which of the following statements is true of cytokinesis?
a. takes place in plant cells only
b. completes the cell cycle
c. organizes DNA
_____ 11. Proteins that bind to cells and stimulate cell division are called
a. enzymes.
b. kinases.
c. growth factors.
_____ 12. What is the term for the programmed death of cells?
a. kinase
b. cyclin
c. apoptosis
_____ 13. Two internal factors that are important in advancing the cell cycle are
a. kinases and cyclins.
b. hormones and enzymes.
c. proteins and platelets.
_____ 14. Which phrase best describes cancer?
a. absence of cyclins
b. multiple gene mutations
c. uncontrolled cell growth
_____ 15. Substances known to produce or promote cancer are called
a. carcinogens.
b. cyclins.
c. malignancies.
_____ 16. The most common form of reproduction among prokaryotes is
a. sexual reproduction.
b. binary fission.
c. fragmentation.
_____ 17. What is the main difference between binary fission and mitosis?
a. There is no DNA replication in binary fission.
b. Binary fission occurs in single-celled organisms only.
c. Mitosis takes place only in sexual reproduction.
_____ 18. Which of the following statements is true of asexual reproduction?
a. It produces few offspring.
b. It produces genetically identical offspring.
c. It produces offspring that are resistant to antibiotics.
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cell Growth and Division
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
_____ 19. Starfish that reproduce by splitting into pieces are reproducing by
a. vegetative reproduction.
b. budding.
c. fragmentation.
_____ 20. Vegetative reproduction, budding, and fragmentation are examples of
a. asexual mitotic reproduction.
b. reproduction through binary fission.
c. increased genetic variation.
_____ 21. Which sequence shows the progression from least complex structure to
most complex structure?
a. cell organ tissue organ system
b. cell tissue organ organ system
c. organ system organ tissue cell
_____ 22. Which phrase best describes an organ system?
a. group of specialized cells that forms organs
b. group of cells that differentiates at the same rate
c. group of organs that work together
_____ 23. Which of the following is a direct result of a normal cell’s ability to
express only certain genes?
a. Cells can grow and reproduce.
b. Cells can mutate and adapt.
c. Cells can differentiate and specialize.
_____ 24. Stem cells are important to multicellular organisms because of their
a. capacity to differentiate.
b. potential to become totipotent.
c. ability to relocate.
_____ 25. Which type of stem cell can grow into any other cell type?
a. multipotent
b. totipotent
c\. pluripotent
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cell Growth and Division