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Lesson 1 (3 contact hours) Fundamentals
a. The student will describe the physical world in terms of atoms of various
chemical elements and commonly observed compounds.
b. The student will use the scientific method to pose a question, plan a path of
inquiry, collect pertinent data, analyze the data within a conceptual framework to
answer the question, and report the significance of their result.
c. The student will be able to identify the three states of matter- solids, liquids and
gases- from their macroscopic appearances or physical data describing them.
d. The student will distinguish pure substances from mixtures in theory and in
e. The student will construct and distinguish appropriate pictorial representations of
elements, molecules; solids, liquids and gases; pure substances and mixtures.
f. The student will correctly convert any measurement made using the SI system of
units using the common prefixes of the metric system and dimensional analysis.
g. The student will be able to experimentally determine the density of any sample,
and to use density to distinguish pure samples from mixtures.
h. The student will differentiate between accuracy and precision in measurements
and employ the correct number of significant figures to reflect experimental and
computational uncertainty.
Lesson 2 (3 contact hours) The Atomic World
a. The student will explain the differences between Dalton’s atomic theory and the
modern atomic theory.
b. The student will identify the location of protons, neutrons and electrons in an
c. The student will be able to define atomic number, mass number and isotope and
be able to use the definitions to identify the number of protons, neutrons and
electrons in any atomic species.
d. The student will distinguish between atomic mass and average atomic mass, and
be able to determine average atomic mass given a distribution of atomic isotopes.
e. Given a chemical symbol a student will write the name of the element; given the
name of an element the student will write the chemical symbol for the element for
an appropriate set of elements defined by the instructor.
f. The student will construct and distinguish appropriate pictorial representations of
molecules and ionic solids.
g. The student will use the periodic table to identify any binary compound as
covalent, polar covalent or ionic.
h. The student will accurately report the names or chemical symbols for standard
ionic and molecular inorganic compounds, including the acids and bases they will
encounter in lab
Lesson 3 (4 contact hours) Introduction to chemical reactions
a. Given a chemical equation, the student will identify the reagents and products and
categorize appropriate reactions as: combination, decomposition, acid/base, or
b. The student will balance simple chemical reactions by inspection.
c. The student will use a periodic table to determine the molar mass of a given
formula unit or molecule given its chemical formula.
d. The student will determine the mass %-composition of any chemical compound
given its formula and a periodic table.
e. The student will define a mole as 6.02 x 1023 particles.
f. The student will use the definition of a mole, and molar mass to interconvert
between numbers of atoms or molecules and masses of atoms or molecules.
g. Given a balanced chemical equation the student will determine the number of
molecules and the mass of those molecules consumed by or produced in the
h. Given appropriate experimental data, the student will calculate percent yield for
any reaction.
Lesson 4 (4 contact hours) Introduction to solution chemistry
a. Given a chemical compound’s formula, the student will identify whether it forms
an electrolytic aqueous solution or a non-electrolytic aqueous solution.
b. The student will distinguish strong from weak electrolytes both by identifying
conductivity behavior and by writing correct aqueous formulas.
c. The student will know the solubility rules for ionic compounds, and identify
soluble inorganic salts as strong electrolytes.
d. The student will identify single/double replacement reactions and will employ the
solubility rules to predict the products of precipitation reactions.
e. The student will write complete and net ionic equations and identify spectator
f. The student will use the Arrhenius definition of acids and bases to write selected
Arrhenius acids and bases correctly in chemical reactions.
g. The student will write a balanced chemical equation for any acid/base reaction
h. The student will use the definition of molarity to calculate the molarity, the mass
of solute or the volume of solution given the other two variables.
i. The student will calculate the mass or solute required to prepare any volume of
solution of known molarity, and correctly use volumetric glassware to prepare it
in lab.
Lesson 5 (4 contact hours) The electronic structure of atoms
a. The student will describe the dual nature of light
b. The student will identify the components of the electromagnetic spectrum and be
able to interconvert photon wavelength, frequency and energy; and correlate color
with these properties.
c. The student will be able to explain the line spectra of atoms using the Bohr model.
d. The student will use the nomenclature of the quantum model to describe electron
e. The student will write the complete electron configuration of any atom or ion.
f. The student will apply the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund’s Rule to explain
electron configurations.
g. The student will correlate electron configurations with periodic table location and
predict the common ions of any atom, identify excited electronic configurations
h. The student will use the model of electronic structure to explain the periodic
trends in size of atoms and ions, in electron affinities of atoms, and in metallic
and non-metallic behavior.
Lesson 6 (4 contact hours) Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structure
a. The student will draw a correct Lewis symbol for any atom or ion.
b. The student will draw correct Lewis structures for molecules that obey the octet
rule, for molecules which have multiple bonds, for molecules which are
exceptions to the octet rule and for selected molecular ions.
c. The student will know the definition of electronegativity correlate periodic table
locations with trends in electronegativity.
d. The student will distinguish polar from non-polar bonds.
e. The student will use the principles of the VESPR theory to determine the three
dimensional shape of any centro-symmetric molecule, and be able to identify the
shape and bond angles about any atom in larger molecules.
f. The student will be able to distinguish polar from non-polar molecules.
Lesson 7 (4 contact hours) Thermochemistry
a. The student will distinguish potential from kinetic energy.
b. The student will distinguish systems from surroundings in chemical processes.
c. The student will use definitions of work and heat, endothermic and exothermic,
internal energy and enthalpy, state functions and thermodynamics to describe the
energy changes in a chemical system undergoing a transformation.
d. The student will use the First Law of Thermodynamics to explain heat flow
between system and surroundings in chemical transformations.
e. The student will use standard thermodynamic tables to calculate the enthalpies of
f. The student will use the definitions of heat capacity and specific heat to calculate
heat, heat capacity, specific heat, temperature change, energy change or enthalpy
change from an appropriate set of information.
g. The student will use Hess’ Law to perform enthalpy calculations.
h. The student will describe how thermodynamics is important to food science and
to answer questions about fuels and energy sources.
Lesson 9 (4 contact hours) Gas Laws
a. The student will explain gas pressure by describing that molecules are in constant,
random motion.
b. The student will be able to interconvert between standard units for pressure and
c. The student will be able to describe the development of the gas laws within the
framework provided by the scientific method.
d. The student will identify the conditions which are presumed constant in Boyle’s
Law, Charles’ Law and Avogadro’s Law, and use each to predict the effect of a
change in one condition at which is a gas sample exists on other conditions.
e. The student will recognize graphs of inverse relationships and know how to
linearize them.
f. The student will use Charles’ Law to explain the existence of absolute zero.
g. The student will know that R is an experimentally derived quantity and be able to
calculate a value for R from experimental data.
h. The student will know the ideal gas equation and use it to perform appropriate
calculations employing proper units on R.
i. The student will include vapor pressure correctly in any calculations involving
collecting gases over water.
j. The student will use partial pressures to determine mole fractions.
k. The student will describe how the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory of
ideal gases break down when real gases are observed.
Lesson 10 (4 contact hours) Intermolecular forces
a. The student will understand distinguish intermolecular from intramolecular
b. Given its molecular formula, the student will identify which of the four
intermolecular forces is most important in determining the behavior of a pure
liquid or solid sample.
c. Given any pair of molecular liquids, the student will determine the most important
intermolecular forces acting
d. The student will predict the relative vapor pressures and boiling points of a given
set of molecular compounds based on their masses and most important
intermolecular force.