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FR 201 : Fiche d’étude: Dossiers #3/4 (Episodes #3/4)
You can use this study sheet as a guide to help you assess your mastery of the material we have covered these
lessons, and to help you study for your contrôle, an in-class assignment with a written and oral component, worth
15-20 points. Make sure to review the storyline, class handouts (for vocabulary and grammar), and previous
Écrit/Oral assignments.
Material :
Examples :
Hints :
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Material :
Examples :
Hints :
Using the present conditionnel to make a polite request or suggestion
Pourriez-vous m’indiquer où se trouve la Tour Eiffel, s’il vous plaît?
Je prendrais la soupe à l’oignon, s’il vous plaît.
Auriez-vous l’heure, s’il vous plaît?
The conditional is formed like the future tense (futur simple). Just like the future, you start with the
infinitive as the stem (or the irregular future stem), then add the imperfect endings (+ais, +ais, +ait, +ions,
+iez, +aient). The most common irregular verb stems are : être = ser, aller = ir, faire = fer, savoir = saur,
venir = viendr, avoir = aur, pouvoir = pourr, vouloir = voudr, devoir = devr. Refer to your irregular verb
sheet for others.
You will always get a better response from Francophone speakers if you use the conditional to make
requests. It also serves as an indicator of your level of proficiency in the language.
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The use of the imparfait and present conditionnel when discussing hypothetical situations.
Si j’étais riche, j’achèterais une grande maison. = If I were rich, I would buy...
You can change the order of the sentence, but « si » must be followed by the imperfect (ie : J’achèterais
une grande maison si j’étais riche).
See above for the formation of the conditional. Refer to your regular and irregular verb sheets for
conjugations of the imparfait. You can also refer to the following study sheets from first year: Episodes
#17 and #18 available via the website:
Material :
Examples :
Recounting a dialogue using the imparfait and conditionnel in indirect discourse.
Ma mère ma dit qu’elle était malade mais elle m’a assuré qu’elle viendrait pour noël.
Hints :
If you use the present tense in direct discourse, it switches to the imparfait in indirect discourse :
(Mère) : « Je suis malade ! » (direct)
→ Ma mère m’a dit qu’elle était malade. (indirect) (My mother told me she was sick.)
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If you use the future tense in direct discourse, it switches to the conditionnel in indirect discourse :
(Mère ) : « Mais je viendrai pour noël, je t’assure ! » (direct)
→ Elle m’a assuré qu’elle viendrait pour noël. (indirect) (She assured me she would come for Xmas.)
Expressing multiple negatives with “ne…ni…ni…”
Je ne mange ni poisson ni viande. Je n’aime ni le poisson, ni la viande.
Only keep definite articles with this negation, ie : Je n’aime ni les pieds de porc ni la tête de veau.
As with regular negation, the « » surrounds the verb and you can repeat the « ni » before
each complement (ni poulet, ni bœuf, ni porc, etc) as many times as you wish.
Material :
Examples :
Hints :
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Talking about a present or simultaneous action using present participles (le participe présent)
N’ayant pas beaucoup de clients, Les Lemoine ont decidé d’installer un ordinateur dans leur café.
(Not having a lot of clients, the Lemoine’s decided to install a computer in their cafe).
Je vais aller lui dire un petit bonjour, en passant.
(I’m going to tell him « hi » in passing.)
The present participle is formed using the imperfect verb stem + ant: parlant, faisant, étant, etc.
(The imperfect verb stem is formed from the « nous » form of the present tense, take off « ons »)
There are some irregular verbs: ayant (avoir), sachant (savoir).
When you add « en » to a present participle (en passant) it is called le gérondif.