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13 Colonies Notes
First Permanent Colonies: ____________ Companies
A. ___________ Company- Divided into two joint stock companies.
1. __________ Company
a. Jamestown Settlement
- Area around _______________
- Landed in the spring of __________
- First permanent English colony in America.
- Captain _____________- leader of the colony. Instituted a
____ for ____ program. Was unpopular with the gentleman.
- The Virginia Company sent businessmen and merchants instead
of _______ and _______. Thus the building of houses and the
sowing of fields were done by a small amount of people. Also,
many settlers searched for _____.
b. Early Years
- “___________” The winter of 09-10- many died and the colony
was only saved when a relief ship arrived.
- Friendly Natives the _______ helped the settler’s farm, find
food and deal with other situations that arose.
- In 1612 a settler by the name of ____________, began
experimenting to find a new cash crop, he found ________.
This became very popular in England. John Rolfe married the
leader of the _______ Indians daughter, her name was
- The London Company had the right to name a governor and a
council to run the colony. The land in the colony belonged to
the ______ and the settlers worked for the company.
c. Later Years
- In 1619 the Company started granting land to the settlers and
allowed them to elect __________. This first legislature
became known as the _____________________.
- They had the right to pass local _____ and raise ______.
- Relations with the Natives became heated because more and
more settlers came to Jamestown and began taking over more
the land for ________ plantations.
- Because the company ran the colony so poorly the king took
over control of the colony and established it as a ______
Colony- one that is ruled by the King’s _____________. From
1623-1629 didn’t allow the House of Burgesses to meet.
2. _______ Company
a. Plymouth Colony
- Religious groups known as _________ were being persecuted
in England; they left to live in _______ for a number of years.
- The Separatists received a ____ to start a settlement in ______.
They didn’t have enough _______ and ______, so they opened
up their group to other non Separatists to join them on their trip.
- In _____ the _______ left on the _______, headed for Virginia,
but was blown off course and landed farther north in ________
________, in New England
- Wrote and signed the ________________, agreeing to set up a
civil ____________ and abide by its laws, because their Charter
was void since they didn’t land where they were supposed to.
- Two reasons this was important
1. Helped the _______ ________
2. Was a foundation for ___________, that given the
chance to choose, people want government for their
protection and rules.
b. Early Years
- Many colonists _____ of hunger the first winter. They planted
farms in the spring and were helped by friendly natives.
- One native named _______, who spoke _______, helped the
colonists learn native ways for surviving in the wilderness.
- They controlled themselves for over ____ years with no
influence from England.
c. _________________ Bay Colony
- Many educated __________ formed the Mass. Bay Company in
- They left to start a colony that ______ controlled by England as
the Jamestown settlement was; their Charter granted them the
right to ______________________.
- The founded the city of ___________ in 1630.
d. Early years
- Many Puritans continued to come to the new world over the
next _____ years because the King of England continued to
persecute them. The population grew to __________ after
those ten years.
- This movement of Puritans was known as the ______________
Several other settlements were begun during these 10 years,
such as ___________.
- ___________________ was the governor of the colony.
e. The religion
- Very _______ and the local _______ controlled the local
- Only members of the church could ____ and hold any office.
- Only a few men were allowed to become __________ of the
- If you didn’t follow the rules of the church you could be
__________, as was ___________ and ________________.
f. Later years
- As the population grew, many left Boston to start other
settlements, such as _____________ and New Hampshire.
g. Positives of the Mass. Bay Colony were their establishment of
Democratic Principles.
- Self-Governing through ________ __________
- Puritan men could elect ___________ and _____________
- _________ rights were expanded
Later Colonies
A. _____________________
1. Founded by Roger Williams
2. Founded in 1644
3. Founded because: Williams was a ________ minister living in
Salem. He had different beliefs than other Puritans so he was
_______ from Mass.
4. He started his own settlement of ____________. Williams paid
the __________ for the land.
B. _______________
1. Founded by Rev. Thomas Hooker
2. Founded in 1662.
3. Founded because: Rev. Hooker wanted more people to have
opportunities to become a part of the church and the ability to
4. They left to establish settlements on the __________________three establishments originally: Wethersfield, Windsor, and
5. Adopted the ______________________ of Connecticut
a. First written ____________ in America
b. Established _________ for the people to follow
6. Eventually the colony of New Haven will be incorporated by
the late 1600’s.
C. Maryland
1. Founded by _____________ (Lord Baltimore)
2. Founded in 1634
3. Founded because: Lord Calvert wanted land in America to ___
__________ for his family and for a refuge for _________ that
lived in England. ________________________: a colony
governed by a single person.
4. Early Years
- had a ______________ assembly
- Grew __________ and needed workers for the difficult work
- Had a large _________________ and ________ population
- In 1649 because of the increase in population of Protestants
the ____________________ was passed to allow freedom of
religion to all who believed in Jesus Christ.
- In 1654 ________ tried to take over, after some years, peace
came and the Acts of Toleration were restored.
D. New Hampshire
a. Founded by early Puritans, but was given control to ______
b. Founded in 1680
c. Founded because: The king wanted to _______ some of the
power away from the Mass. Colony so he gave the control of
the areas of Hew Hampshire and Maine to ________________.
The people of Mass. Bay began buying up land of both of these
areas. Eventually the king took control of New Hampshire and
made it a _______________. Maine was controlled by Mass.
E. ____________________
a. Settled after the 1660’s
b. Area was granted to ______________ who supported Charles II
c. Early Years
- English Aristocrats wanted to make ________ like the two
colonies of Virginia and Maryland and offered 3 things to
attract settlers:
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- Many came from _________ and began settling in northern
- They wanted to make a profit as landowners producing ___,
_________, and _______, a blue dye.
F. South Carolina
a. First settlers
- Originally ______ from ______ (Caribbean) settled and
started _________________ in 1670
- Eventually many Huguenots: _______________ settled here
b. Became its own colony in 1719 when they felt they weren’t
being protected from ______ and ___________
c. The growing of rice, indigo and tobacco had three substantial
social effects:
1. Increased the _______ of the large Plantation owners,
who would become the _______.
2. Increased the number of ________, blacks from
_______ and the ________ and Native Americans.
3. Fear of ______________ and fighting against Natives
was __________ in the area.
G. ____________
a. Founded by Peter Minuit
b. Founded in 1626
c. Founded because: The _______ wanted to establish a trading
colony in the area explored by the Dutch explorer Henry
- Minuit bought the island of ____________ from the Natives,
and established _________________.
- The colony grew very slowly
- Eventually took over the colony of _______________
- Established the Patroon system: a __________ who brought
____ ________ and usually received a large land grant as a
- Became one of the most religiously tolerant colonies
d. An English colony:
- The King of England wanted the entire _________ coast under
the rule of the English.
- Sent the Duke of _______ to drive out the Dutch.
- The Dutch didn’t resist and therefore they were able to keep
some of their ________. Renamed it New York
H. New Jersey
a. Established by John ________ and George ________
b. Established in 1664, but became a royal colony in 1702.
c. How: The area became part of New York when the English
came to over take New Netherlands.
- It was too large of an area for one person to control.
- Duke of York gave the area of __________ to two friends.
- They promised the same things the ______ Aristocrats offered.
I. Pennsylvania
a. Founded by _____________
b. Founded in 1681
c. Founded because: Land was ______ to Penn as a gift for his
families assistance to ____________.
- They were given permission to settle in an area west of the
- Penn was a _________, and brought many of them to ______
__________ where they could worship freely.
- Many other religious groups came to escape persecution as well
J. Delaware
a. Founded by ____________
b. Founded in 1638, became a colony in early 1700’s
c. Founded because: Sweden wanted a hand in the trading of
________ so they established a fort on the Delaware River.
The area became under the control of the British when they
overtook New Netherland. After the establishment of
Pennsylvania, William Penn received a grant for the area. It
was under its own ___________________ but they shared the
same governor.
K. Georgia
a. Founded by James ________________
b. Founded in 1732
c. Founded Because: Oglethorpe wanted to allow people that
were in prison for not _____________ a refuge.
d. Eventually a large _________ population lived here: English,
________, Swiss, _______, and Protestant and _________
religions. Catholics were _______ for security reasons.
e. Initially it was supposed to be _____ farms and _____ slave
labor, but became a royal colony and allowed ________ and
became a __________ society like South Carolina.