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10 Things Every American
Should Know
By: Michael French
What Does The Constitution Do?
• The Constitution lays the basic laws and
foundations of the country and what it is based
• It describes our Government, how it works, how
the people are chosen, and how their powers
are to be limited.
What Do We Call The First 10
Amendments To The Constitution?
• The first 10 Amendments are called The
Bill of Rights.
• They outline what each citizens rights are,
and how the Government cannot infringe
on those rights.
What Did The Declaration of
Independence Do?
• This document declared that the
Government can only rule by consent
of the governed.
• We the people have the power to
overthrow or overturn laws we believe
to be wrong, or infringing on our
natural rights.
One Branch of The Government
• One branch of the US Government is the
Legislative Branch. They make laws and
are considered the first branch.
• The Executive Branch is the second
branch and they execute laws, or carry
them out.
• Finally, the Judicial Branch; they judge
laws and make sure they don’t infringe on
the rights of the people.
Who is a Current US Senator?
• One of our current United States Senators
is Roy Blunt. He is a Senator from
• He used to be a History teacher as well as
a clerk and chief election officer.
How Long Does The President
Serve In Office?
• We elect our President to serve 4 years,
equal to one term. However, he may be reelected to serve another 4 years, or
second term.
• We hold another election at the end of 4
years anyway. If the current President
does not win, the winner will take over and
serve out his 4 year term.
What do we Show Loyalty to
When we Say the Pledge?
• When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, we
are pledging our loyalty to the flag, and the
United States of America.
• We say that out of respect of our country,
the people that help run our Government,
and the men and women that fight for our
What are 3 of the Original 13
• One colony from the original 13 is Rhode
Island. It was founded by Roger Williams
in 1636.
• Delaware is another colony, founded by
Peter Minuit of the New Sweden Company
in 1638
• Pennsylvania is one, founded by William
Penn in 1682.
Why Does The Flag Have 50
Stars and 13 Stripes?
• The United States flag has 50 stars. Each
of them stand for each one of the States in
• The 13 stripes stand for the original 13
colonies, which was the beginning of the
United States of America.