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Science 7
Virus and Bacteria Review
1. __________________________Most common reproduction in bacteria.
2. __________________________Sexual reproduction in bacteria
3. __________________________Slimy covering on the outside of some bacteria
4. __________________________Tail-like structure that helps some bacteria move
5. __________________________Prokaryotic organisms that live in extreme
6. __________________________Blue green, photosynthetic bacteria
7. __________________________Any microorganism that can cause disease
8. __________________________Poison produced by some bacteria
9. __________________________The most common group of bacteria
10.__________________________A medicine that kills bacteria
11. __________________________Using bacteria to remove harmful substances
from the environment
12. __________________________A particle that is not alive, but reproduces in
a host cell
13. __________________________Chemicals made by white blood cells that
attach to and disable pathogens.
14. __________________________Bacteria that eat dead organisms
15. __________________________A disease caused by a latent virus that
destroys the T-cells of the immune system
16. __________________________The type of virus that attaches to the host cell DNA
and becomes inactive
17. __________________________The cell in which a virus reproduces
18. __________________________Bacterial cells covered with a hard covering
that helps them withstand bad conditions
19. __________________________An injection of a weakened or dead virus or
bacteria that stimulates antibody production
Short Answer
1. Name some foods made using bacteria.
2. What is the only life process that viruses do?
3. What are some ways in which bacteria are helpful?
4. How often can bacteria reproduce under ideal conditions?
5. Are viruses made of cells? Are they alive?
6. What gives viruses their shape?
7. Which type of bacteria are believed to be the first organisms on earth?
8. Draw and label the 3 shapes of bacteria.
9. Draw a bacterium and label the following: cell membrane, cell wall, capsule, flagellum,
cytoplasm, chromosome, ribosomes
10. List the steps in virus reproduction.