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Double-column Notes
Islam as a Way
of Life
What is the major
influence on Muslims
Student Name: ___________________________
Date: ___________ Period: _________________
•The main teaching of Islam is that ________________
•Muslims believe that God _______ his words through
the _____________ who passed them on to
•While Muhammad lived, Muslims ________,
_________, and _______ the revelations which formed
the scripture called __________
•After Muhammad’s death, his followers collected the
Qur’an into a written book in ________
•The Qur’an is the Muslim _________ and is the major
influence on Muslim’s lives
•Muslims believe that Muhammad’s mission as a
prophet was not only to receive the Qur’an, but to show
how to apply its teachings to __________________
What do Muslims use the •Muslims use the Sunnah (book of Muhammad's _____
Sunnah for?
and _____) as a guide for how to live their life through
Muhammad’s example
•Legal thinkers later organized the guidelines of the
Qur’an and Sunnah into a ______________ called the
What is the Shari’ah?
•This body of law is used by Muslim communities to
decide legal matters
What rules do Muslims
use to guide the daily
•Muslims try to connect their ________ and _________
•They live their lives and serve their community by
following the rules set down in the Qur’an and the
Sunnah, and perform the duties listed in the _________
•Other Islamic _________ and ________ also affect the
daily lives of Muslims
•Believers are forbidden to eat pork or drink alcohol
•Friday afternoons are set aside for community ______
Double-column Notes
•Muslims trace the beginnings of their religion to
•Muslims believe he was a __________ of God, as do
Jews and Christians
•To Muslims, __________ is the same _________
worshiped by Christians and Jews
•Muslims see __________ as a prophet, not as the son of
God as Christians do
Why do Muslims call
Christians and Jews
“people of the book?”
What do Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam
have in common?
•Muslims call Christians and Jews “people of the book”
because both religions have holy books with
____________ to the Qur’an
•Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the __________ and
Muhammad is the _______________ of God
•Followers of all three religions believe in __________,
_________, and a _________________________
•Muslim law requires that Muslim leaders offer religious
_____________ to non-Muslims
•Non-Muslims had restricted ________ and paid higher
•This policy played an important role in the
____________of the Muslim Empire following
Muhammad’s successors