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School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
PhD Final Oral Defense
Nano-Bilayer Lipid Membranes hosted on Biogenic Nanoporous Substrates
Shankar Ramakrishnan
3:00 p.m.
GWC 409
Dr. Michael Goryll (chair)
Dr. Jennifer Blain Christen
Dr. Sandwip Dey
Dr. Trevor Thornton
Engineered nanoporous substrates made using materials such as silicon nitride or
silica have been demonstrated to work as particle counters or as hosts for nano-lipid
bilayer membrane formation. These mechanically fabricated porous structures have
thicknesses of several hundred nanometers up to several micrometers to ensure
mechanical stability of the membrane. However, it is desirable to have a threedimensional structure to ensure increased mechanical stability. In our study, circular
silica shells used from Coscinodiscus wailesii, a species of diatoms (unicellular marine
algae) were immobilized on a silicon chip with a micrometer-sized aperture using a UV
curable polyurethane adhesive. The current conducted by a single nanopore of 40 nm
diameter and 50 nm length, during the translocation of a 27 nm polystyrene sphere was
simulated using COMSOL multiphysics and tested experimentally. The current
conducted by a single 40 nm diameter nanopore of the diatom shell during the
translocation of a 27 nm polystyrene sphere was simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics
(28.36 pA) and was compared to the experimental measurement (28.69 pA) and Coulter
Counting theory (29.95 pA).In addition, a mobility of 1.11 x 10-8 m2s-1V-1 for the 27 nm
polystyrene spheres was used to convert the simulated current from spatial dependence to
time dependence.
To achieve a sensing diameter of 1-2 nanometers, the diatom shells were used as
substrates to perform ion-channel reconstitution experiments. The immobilized diatom
shell was functionalized using silane chemistry and lipid bilayer membranes were
formed. Functionalization of the diatom shell surface improves bilayer formation
probability from 1 out of 10 to 10 out of 10 as monitored by impedance spectroscopy.
Self-insertion of outer membrane protein OmpF of E.Coli into the lipid membranes could
be confirmed using single channel recordings, indicating that nano-BLMs had formed
which allow for fully functional porin activity. The results indicate that biogenic silica
nanoporous substrates can be simulated using a simplified two dimensional geometry to
predict the current when a nanoparticle translocates through a single aperture. With their
tiered three-dimensional structure, diatom shells can be used in to form nano-lipid bilayer
membranes and can be used in ion-channel reconstitution experiments similar to
synthetic nanoporous membranes.