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Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
Material for Exam 2:
 Christianity
 Islam
 Zoroastrianism
 Reading for Buddhism
Define Worldview.
Western dating systems, or calendars rotate around who and which event?
Which religion has more followers than any other in all of the world?
What does the term gospel refer to in the Christian bible?
What does the term synoptic refer to in the Christian bible?
Which of the following are major events of Jesus’ life?
a. Birth
b. Preparation
c. Ministry
d. Challenges to Authorities
e. Crucifixion
f. Resurrection
7. What does the Greek word Christ mean?
8. Define Holy Trinity.
9. How does the Jewish holiday of Pentecost relate to the Christian church?
10. What are creeds?
11. What happened in 1054 with Christianity?
12. Which of the following are elements of the division between the Orthodox and
Catholic church:
a. Holy Spirit’s coming
b. Pope’s authority
c. Marriage for priests
d. Bread for the Lord’s supper
e. How Christian Crusaders from the West treated Christians in the East.
13. Where is the official center of the Orthodox church?
14. What is the third Rome?
15. How did “Babushaks” effect the Orthodox church during Soviet and Stalinist times
in Eastern Europe?
16. How did perestroika effect the Religious life in the Soviet Union?
17. How are decisions made in the Orthodox church?
18. Can women come into official places of service in the Orthodox church?
19. What is The Philokalia?
20. What are the words of the Jesus Prayer (from The Way of The [Russian] Pilgrim)?
21. What phrase describes how Icons function?
a. Windows to the Divine
b. Nice pictures to decorate your bathroom
c. Idols to be worshipped and prayed to for their own power
d. An ancient type of photograph before cameras were made
22. What does the word catholic mean?
a. Universal, or general
Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
23. What are the two ways in which monks lived in and related to the world?
a. Ascetic and separate
b. In the center of society to bring reform
24. What does excommunication mean?
25. What are Beguines, and what are their main two characteristics?
a. nuns
b. vows of chastity
c. vows of simplicity
26. Describe one of the following:
a. Stigmata
b. Passion
c. The Cloud of Unknowing
i. Affirmative way
ii. Negative way
27. What does “Ex Cathedra” mean?
28. Define Ecumenism.
29. What branch of Christianity did the following men influence: Martin Luther,
Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin?
30. What are three signs of salvation according to John Calvin?
a. Profession of faith
b. An good and pure life
c. Participation in the sacraments
31. What does transubstantiation mean?
32. How did the Enlightenment affect Christianity?
a. Expression of faith in basic and rational terms
b. Increase in missionary activity
c. Social gospel taught to affect social and moral reform
d. Birth of biblical criticism using scientific methods of analysis
33. Which of the following are the six central beliefs in contemporary Christianity?
a. Jesus as the only incarnate son of God
b. Jesus as the way of redemption for the world
c. Humanity is flawed and not able to save itself
d. Christians are able to receive the blessings of salvation
e. Jesus’ Love is the greatest human virtue
f. Jesus provides the model of life without sin
g. All of the above
h. None of the above
34. What is the Great Vigil in Russian Orthodox Christianity?
35. How is Mary worshipped in Catholic Christianity?
a. As the mother of Christ, reflecting the glory of God.
36. Saints = spiritual heroes of the faith
37. Describe relics and tell why they are important.
38. Angels = spiritual beings who serve as messengers from and adoring servants of
39. What are the three trends of Contemporary Christianity?
a. Increased participation of women
b. Protestantism decreasing in population in Western countries
Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
c. Evangelical and Charismatic groups are increasing in population
40. Which branch of Christianity is known as the predominate group using the media
of books and television for their ministry?
a. Catholic
b. Orthodox
c. Protestants
d. Evangelicals
e. Charismatics
41. Match the following:
a. Evangelicals emphasize experiencing the grace of God
b. Charismatics emphasize experience of the power of the Holy Spirit of God
42. Christian missionaries have seen growth in which areas of the world? (Circle all
that apply)
a. Africa
b. Latin America
c. Asia
d. Europe
e. Antarctica
43. What does Liberation Theology stress?
a. The need for political action to help the poor now.
44. What is the Ecumenical Movement?
45. What are the three levels of meaning in the Qur’an?
a. A reference to a particular person or situation
b. Spiritual lesson
c. Deeper mystical significance
46. According to the guest lecturer on Islam, what will be done to a girl who is found
talking to a boy or smoking or drinking?
a. Nothing
b. She will have her throat cut
c. She will have either one of her arms or legs broken
d. She will become the leader of the family
47. What are two of the major sins of Islam?
a. Association of anything with the Divine
b. Ungratefulness to God
c. To be reincarnated
d. To practice circumcision
48. What is the major human problem according to Islam?
49. Who are the Jinn in the Islamic faith?
a. Immaterial beings of fire whose nature is between that of angels and
b. Alcoholics who drink only Jinn and violate the Islamic laws
c. The family of direct descendants from Muhammad
d. The spirits of holy Muslim saints who guide pilgrims
50. Describe the Last Judgment and the afterlife of the Islamic faith?
51. What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims?
a. Caliphs elected to lead the Ummah
Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
b. Needed a leader of worship and the administrator to the shari’ah
c. 80% of the world population of Muslims
d. 20% of the world population of Muslims
e. Umayyads and Abbasid dynasty
f. Devoted to the family of Muhammad
g. 7 or 12 Imams
h. Political leadership combined with the transmission of Divine guidance
i. Political leaders must carry out the leadership of the Imam
52. What is the goal of Sufism?
a. To become so purified of self that one is a perfect mirror for the divine
b. To become one of the Ummah who can interpret the Qur’an and guide the
community of Islam
c. To become free from the things of the world and one with nature and Allah
d. To mystically dissolve into the One by spinning around in circles
53. The Qur’an supports both a pacificist approach to fighting and an active warrior’s
approach to defend the faith.
a. True
b. False
c. Neither
54. Dhikr requires what of the faithful Muslim?
a. The repetition of the Shahadah 5 times per day
b. The constant repetition of the Shahadah while spinning around in circles
c. The endless repetition of the Shahadah while moving around the Ka’bah
seven times
d. The repetition of the Ka’bah while standing near the Shahadah with you
pants pulled over your head
55. What about Islamic law made conversion to Muslim faith attractive for Jews and
Byzantine Christians?
a. High taxation
b. No circumcision required
c. Charging interest is forbidden
d. Life is better than death
56. When did Muslims force the Christian Crusaders out of Palestine?
a. 732 ce
b. 1291 ce
c. 1500 ce
d. 1054 ce
57. What did the guest lecture on Charismatic Christianity say was the purpose of
“praise music”?
a. To come into the presence of God
b. To learn how to be a country and western singer in America
c. To lead worship for people who can not sing good
d. To meditate with the life forces of male and female gods
58. What was the Christian excuse for coming into the Muslim countries and fighting
over Jerusalem and Palestine?
a. They wanted to secure supply routes for the economy of Europe
Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
b. They wanted to explore for oil
c. They wanted to defend their family of faith of the house of God
d. They wanted to kill some people and the Muslims seemed like a good
59. What religion believes that their mission is to convert the world to God’s final
saving way of faith?
a. Muslims
b. Christianity
c. Neither
d. Both
60. Which word did the American President, George W. Bush, use showing the anger
between the Islamic world and the Christian world from history?
a. Infidel
b. Crusade
c. Batman
d. Peace
61. How is terrorism used by fundamentalist of the Islamic world?
a. To make cookies to give to friends
b. To kill all who do not believe in Muhammad
c. To defend the Islamic people against the threat of nonbelievers who try to
influence their thought and action
d. To kill yourself so that you go instantly to heaven and receive the rewards
of faith, virgins, food, and gold
62. What is Hijab for an Islamic woman?
a. Young virgin men to come and serve them when they die for Islam
b. Pilgrimage to the home of Muhammad’s daughter’s house
c. The honor of having more babies who are sons who can die in Jihad
d. Physical modesty shown by wearing full-length black dresses that cover the
whole body, except the eyes
63. To what were the six divine attributes of Ahura Mazda associated?
a. With the forces of nature
b. With the stars, moon, sun, and galaxy
c. With the parts of a beautiful virgin girl
d. With only fire and water
64. Who is Ahura Mazda?
a. Surpreme Lord, from whom all good things flow
b. CEO of a Japanese car company
c. The priest who taught Zarathushtra
d. The original people of Hawaii
65. Which religions are similar to Zoroastianism?
a. Judaism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. Hinduism
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
Fall 2001 Semester
Introduction to Religious Studies
66. What is the name of the holy texts of Zoroastrianism?
a. Parsis
b. Yazatas
c. Avestas
d. Avia Maria
67. Which spirit represents good and which represents evil of Zoroastrianism?
68. How do Avestas help the earth?
a. By bringing power to kill all evil
b. By helping a person mediate and disappear from the world
c. By making the earth safe for faithful followers
d. By bring power to heal and purify the earth
69. How is water used in Zoroastrianism?
a. To baptize or bath in holy water every day
b. Water makes a person unclean and open to evil
c. To purify evil children who fail to obey their parents
d. Applied to eyes, head, and hands as purification and prayer
70. How many gods are there in Hinduism?
a. 75000
b. 12
c. 33000000
d. only one
71. According to Hinduism, truth is one, but has many different names.
a. True
b. False
72. What are lingams in Hinduism?
a. Stones or sculptures
b. Worshipers
c. Female goddesses
d. Dragons
73. Vedas (the Hindu sacred body of knowledge) was believed to have originated
during what time?
a. 500-1000 ce
b. 1500-100 bce
c. 1000-500 ce
d. only a couple of years ago
74. Devas were what?
a. A form of Vedic worship
b. Female servants during rituals of worship
c. Controlling forces in the cosmos
d. Sacred clothing washed in the river during religious festivals
75. Mantras were a type of prayer that was supposed to evoke reality.
a. True
b. False