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Digestive System Review
Describe the location, function, and any unique characteristics of each of the following alimentary canal (GI) organs/
accessory organs:
1) Mouth:
2) Tongue
3) Salivary Glands : (3 pair)
4) Uvula
5) Teeth
6) Esophagus
7) Pharynx
8) Stomach & Rungae
9) Small Intestine (3 parts in order) & Villi
10) Liver
11) Pancreas
12) Gallbladder
13) Large Intestine (know the divisions!)
14) Anus
15) Rectum
16) Appendix
17) What is the process of mastication? How is the tongue held to the floor of the mouth?
18) Food formed into a round ball ready for swallowing is called a ____________________.
19) Processed or partly digested food in the stomach is referred to as __________________.
20) What is the largest digestive organ?
21) List the order of the 3 parts of the small intestine. What is the primary function of the small intestine?
22) What is the difference between rugae and villi?
23) What are the two sphincters in the stomach that control the entrance and exit of food?
24) List the pathway of the alimentary canal in order. How long is the GI tract?
25) What are the divisions of the large intestine? Put them in order?
26) What is another name for the large intestine?
27) List some other names for the digestive tract:
28) What is the purpose of bile? Where is it produced? Where is it stored? What foods does it break down? What part
of the small intestines is bile and pancreatic enzymes secreted in?
29) Describe peristalsis, ingestion, propulsion, mastication, defecation & absorption and how they apply to the digestive
30) How many teeth do adults typically have? How many sets of teeth do we have? What is the function of the
31) Explain both the chemical and physical processes of digestion that occur in the mouth and stomach.
Use the following words in your comparison: Salivary amylase, teeth, masticates, churning gastric juices, chief
cells, pepsinogens, parietal cells and hydrochloric acid.
32) Explain where (which organs of digestion) break down the following:
Digestive System Review
Describe the location, function, and any unique characteristics of each of the following alimentary canal (GI) organs/
accessory organs:
1) Mouth: Where chemical & mechanical digestion begins
2) Tongue: moves food around in the mouth
3) Salivary Glands : (3 pair): produces salivary amylase to digest starch
4) Uvula: small fleshy finger-like flap that hangs in the throat
5) Teeth: used for mastication
6) Esophagus: connects pharynx to stomach-10” long
7) Pharynx: common opening for air and food- back of throat
8) Stomach: J shaped organ, churns, digests & stores food
9) Small Intestine Villi: finger-like projections of the small intestine used for absorption
10) Liver: makes bile to digest fat
11) Pancreas: accessory organ that secretes digestive enzymes to break down lipids, proteins & carbohydrates
12) Gallbladder: stores bile; an accessory organ
13) Large Intestine: primary function is for water absorption
14) Anus: where feces exits
15) Rectum: last part of the colon
16) Appendices: dead end at the beginning of the large intestine; looks like a finger
17) What is the process of mastication? Chewing of food
18) Food formed into a round ball ready for swallowing is called a ______Bolus______________.
19) Processed or partly digested food in the stomach is referred to as ___Chyme-liquid like_______________.
20) What is the largest digestive organ? Liver
21) List the order of the 3 parts of the small intestine. Duodenum- Jejunum-Ileum What is the primary function of the
small intestine? Nutrient Absorption
22) What is the difference between rugae and villi? Rungae are folds in the stomach while Villi are projections in the
small intestine.
23) What are the two sphincters in the stomach that control the entrance and exit of food?
Food enters the stomach through the cardioesophageal sphincter and exits through the Pyloric Sphinter
24) List the pathway of the alimentary canal in order. mouth-pharynx-esophagus-stomach-small Intestine-large
intestine - anus
How long is the GI tract? 13 feet
25) What are the divisions of the large intestine? Put them in order? Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending
colon, sigmoid colon
26) What is another name for the large intestine? colon
27) List some other names for the digestive tract: GI tract or Alimentary Canal
28) What is the purpose of bile? To break down fat Where is it produced? Liver Where is it stored? Gall Bladder
What foods does it break down? Lipids What part of the small intestines is bile and pancreatic enzymes secreted
in? the duodenum
29) Describe peristalsis, ingestion, propulsion, mastication, defecation & absorption and how they apply to the digestive
Peristalsis: wave-like contractions that allow propulsion of food through the GI tract.
Mastication is the chewing of food that is ingested by the mouth.
Absorption allows for nutrients to enter the blood stream and the left over material is removed through the
process of defecation.
30) How many teeth do adults typically have? 32 How many sets of teeth do we have? 2-baby & permanent. What
is the function of the molars? Grinding of food.
31) Explain both the chemical and physical processes of digestion that occur in the mouth and stomach.
Use the following words in your comparison: Salivary amylase, teeth, masticates, churning gastric juices, chief
cells, pepsinogens, parietal cells and hydrochloric acid.
Chemical: salivary amylase breaks down start
Physical: teeth masticate food
Chemical: chief cells produce pepsinogen to break down protein in the presence of hydrochloric acid made
by parietal cells
Physical: churning of muscular stomach
32) Explain where (which organs of digestion) break down the following:
Carbohydrate- mouth through salivary glands producing salivary amylase
Protein- stomach through the production of pepsinogen by chief cells
Fat- Liver producing bile that is released into the duodenum of the small intestine