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What three things contributed to
1. Weak economy
the division of the Roman Empire?
2. Poor leadership
3.the breakdown of law and order
Which of the following shows the influence
All plant and animal species have Latin
of the Latin language on English today?
At its height, the Roman Empire was made up
North Africa, much of Europe, and
of what three regions?
What was one major difference between the
Eastern Orthodox believed that the
Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman
patriarch and the pope were equal.
Catholic Church?
The Arab Empire, Mogul Empire, and the ___
Ottoman Empire
all were Islamic empires.
Under the rule of the four caliphs, Arab armies
had captured all of Arabia, southwest Asia,
Northern African, and _______.
What did Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus all
Muslim cities located on trade routes.
have in common?
Muslim scientists are considered the ____
inventors of Arabic numerals
What did Tang, Song, and Ming rulers
the belief in Confucianism and
have in common?
How did the Tang help the early spread of
by supporting the building of
Buddhism in China?
Buddhist temples
What did Tang rulers build to increase travel
roads and waterways
Within and outside China?
How did neo-Confucianism change China during
It became the official philosophy.
the Song dynasty?
Why was Zheng He important?
He led China’s overseas fleet.
Oases were important to the early Arabs
Provided water in the desert
because they _____
What do Muslims, Christians, and Jews all believe?
There is only one God.
According to Muslims, the Quran is _____
the written word of God.
Which 3 Chinese inventions eventually had a
strong impact on Europe?
compass, gunpowder, block printing
What led to the rise of the scholar-official class?
Use of civil service exams
The kings of Ghana and Mali both divided their land
into _______.
The Berbers had to learn how to cross ____ before
the Sahara
they could trade with West Africa.
Many people in medieval Africa often lived in ___
Extended families
Some West African rulers became Muslims because
it helped their _________ with Muslim merchants.
Who or what introduced the Arabic language to
Muslim schools
many Africans?
Griots were _____
West African storytellers
Which geographic feature isolated Japan
the ocean
from other cultures in Asia?
What did Japan learn about from China?
A system of writing
Under Prince Shotoku’s new constitution,
the emperor
______ held all the power.
In feudal Japan, who did the samurai serve?
The daimyo
Why was Pure Land Buddhism popular
It shared a message of a
with many Japanese people?
happy life after death.
Many people consider The Tale of Genji
to be the world’s first ______.
Why did the nobles create armies of samurai?
To protect their land and
Enforce the law.
_________ had the strongest influence on
daily life in medieval Western Europe.
Which three geographic features in Europe encouraged
mountains, seas, and rivers
the development of independent kingdoms?
________ asked monks to become missionaries
Pope Gregory I
and spread Christianity.
When did power in Europe begin to shift from
kings to nobles in the system known as feudalism?
A.D. 800s
What agreement was made by the
The Pope chose the bishops and the
Concordat of Worms?
emperor gave them government jobs.
How did habeas corpus protect the
rights of English people?
During which crusade did Christians drive
It protected them from being
imprisoned indefinitely without a trial.
the First Crusade
the Muslims from the Holy Land and create
four states?
Which was the first European city to be
struck by the Black Death?
What was the name of the friar who combined
Thomas Aquinas
Church teachings with the ideas of Aristotle?
Christians in ____and _____launched the
Spain and Portugal
Reconquista on the Iberian Peninsula.
What did the Maya, Inca, and Aztec all
They were ruled by strong leaders.
have in common?
Which group developed the agricultural
Technique known as terraced farming?
The Maya mainly went to war in order to ___
get captives for sacrifice
What 3 things helped the Spanish conquistadors
guns, horses, European diseases
defeat the Aztec Empire?
The Aztec used codices to ______
record their religion and history
The Maya used their 365-day calendar to ____
predict eclipses
When did the Renaissance reach northern Europe?
The late 1400s
What was one belief held by the humanists?
There should be a balance
between faith and reason.
What new method did Florence find to
increase its wealth?
Where did Marco Polo begin his journey to China?
How were The Divine Comedy and The Canterbury
Both written in the vernacular.
Tales alike?
Leonardo da Vinci was an artists, inventor,
engineer, and _______.
What event marked the start of the Reformation?
Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses
In the 1500s, the Catholic Church needed money
by selling indulgences
to repair St. Peter’s in Rome. How did the
Church get the money?
John Calvin believed ______
God has decided ahead of time who
will go to heaven.
Which religious denomination did the most
to build support for democratic principles
in the American colonies?
Which land broke free from the Catholic
Church and became Protestant?
What changes were made at the Council of Trent?
Rules were set up for bishops and
priests to follow.
Jesuit missionaries went to many lands to convert
the Philippine Islands
people to Catholicism. Where did the most
people become Catholic?
When did the golden age of Spain come to an end?
Scientists made the first discoveries of the
Scientific Revolution in ____.
Scientists of the Islamic Empire contributed to
preserving much of the scientific
the Scientific Revolution by______.
writing of the Greeks and Romans.
Which scientist developed the heliocentric
theory of the universe?
What is the first step of the scientific method?
Which explorer’s discovery encouraged more
Christopher Columbus
voyages to sail to the Americas?
What good was introduced
to Europe from the Americas?
What was a new business practice
That arose during the commercial revolution?
The cottage industry
The use of ______ during the Scientific
Revolution helped contribute to the
age of Enlightenment.
_____ influenced the writing of the Declaration
of Independence.
John Locke
What principle from the Magna Carta is also
Rulers must treat citizens fairly.
in the Declaration of Independence?
Roman engineers were known for building____.
This became an important city in the Roman
Empire because it sat on the crossroads of trade.
This Roman idea is an example of a lasting
Roman contribution.
Everyone is equal under the law.
Why did Constantine move the Roman capital
It was at the crossroads of trading
to the Constantinople?
What was one weakness of the Roman Empire?
Growth of corruption
The earliest followers of Islam came from ____.
Makkah’s poor people.
The Quran was important because it laid out all
the teachings of __________.
The Muslim rulers provided what to merchants,
which contributed to the growth of trade.
The moguls were ________.
Muslim warriors
What covers most of the Arabian Peninsula?
As the Arab Empire spread, many conquered
people converted to _________.
A scientific Muslim contribution to the world
blood moves to and from the heart <3
was the discovery that _________.
Who was a famous Mongul leader?
Genghis Khan
What effect did the civil service exams have
They created a wealthy class of
on China?
To make steel, the Chinese used _____.
Buddhism became an important religion
peace and comfort
in China because it brought what two things?
Farming improved during the Tang dynasty because
different kinds of rice
it developed __________.
Woodblock printing led to _________.
Printable paper money
The civil service exams created the
scholar-official class because only men
who passed it could become government
officials, not just ________ people.
The rulers of Ghana became rich by ___.
Taxing traders
The two items that increased trade in
West Africa were _____________.
Salt and gold
What was used to teach West Africans in
Muslim schools?
Arabic language
Why did some West Africans change from a
It helped them trade with
traditional religion to Islam?
Muslim Arabs
What was the name of the code of the samurai?
The Bushido demanded that a warrior must ___.
Die in battle rather than betray
his lord.
Samurai could be recognized by their ____.
Every well-educated Japanese was expected to
practice the art form of ____________.
Japanese artisans and merchants formed ___.
What came to Japan from China?
a writing system (woodblock printing)
What was the great goal of Prince
To create a strong central
Shotoku’s reforms?
What two qualities did a master most look
respect and admiration
for in a samurai?
How did monks affect European society during
They helped preserve knowledge
The Middle Ages?
in books.
Under Feudalism, it was whose responsibility
the nobles
to keep roads repaired and to enforce the laws?
Who defeated the Aztecs by relying on the
Hernando Cortes
North American allies?
What was established to unite the Inca Empire?
A network of roads
What did both the Spartans and the Aztecs
Their life and death
celebrate of a soldier?
What became the first major center of the
Renaissance balanced what two thing?
Faith and reason
Renaissance art was different from the art
Renaissance art is realistic
of medieval Europe by what distinct factor?
Gutenberg’s printing press was important
more books became available
because ________.
What was the first wealthy Italian city?
What was the wealthiest Italian city?
What did humanism stress?
How did Calvinism contribute to the
The idea that individuals were important.
They chose their own leaders.
later growth of democracy?
What was a result of the Council of Trent?
Priest seminaries were created.
The Calvinist practice of congregations
People should elect their own
choosing their own leaders supported the
political leaders.
democratic idea that __________.
Strict rules for the behavior of priests
and bishops are a result of what movement?
The Counter-Reformation
In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Muslims and Jews
ordered what two groups of people to become
Catholic or leave Spain?
What does Martin Luther think of indulgences?
They will not help a person avoid
What is used as an orderly way of collecting
the scientific method
Unlike Ptolemy, Copernicus believed that planets ___
circled the sun
What led to more knowledge about the human body
during the Scientific Revolution?
The microscope
What was the idea from the Scientific Revolution that
natural law
developed into a basis for government?
What did John Locke use to make government
accountable to its citizens?
Natural law
The English, the French, and the Dutch sent
Explorers to found colonies in _________.
North America
What was the Asian crop that resulted in the
enslavement of millions of Africans in the
In the American Declaration of Independence,
Magna Carta
King George III is accused of taking away the right
to a fair trial which is guaranteed in the ________.
By following the Eightfold Path, Buddhists believe that
spiritual enlightenment
they gain ________.
One way ancient Rome expanded its empire
was through control of the ______ Sea.
Roman aqueducts were designed as
Channels for the transport of
fresh water.
The Southern and Western European languages
Latin of ancient Rome
(French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian) were
based on _________.
Which text consists primarily of the teachings
New Testament
of Jesus of Nazareth?
The developments of domesticated animals,
creating a food surplus
irrigation, and tools and plows encouraged the growth
of ancient cities most by ____________.
What aspect of Medieval Islam does the
pilgrimage to a holy city
quotation below describe?
“…travel to Mecca,” stated Mansa Musa.
Which device invented by the medieval
Chinese allowed ships to navigate at night
or in cloudy weather?
During the Ming Dynasty, trade between
China and the rest of the world grew
because of the demand for Chinese ____.
The Medieval Japanese social belief system known
warrior codes
as Bushido is most associated with _______.
Early West Africa historical and cultural
information was passed from generation to
generation through __________.
oral and folk traditions
Due to the influence of Muslim traders, the common
Arabic ?
language of Mediterranean West Africa was ____.
What characteristic is not associated with the samurai?
Loyal to a lord
-Muslims take control of the Holy Land
-Byzantine emperor calls for help
-Pope appeals to Christian knights to reclaim Holy Land
*The events above were causes of the _______
After Charlemagne’s death, most of Europe fell into
disorder. Minor noblemen often sought protection from
stronger lords who in turn provided them financial security.
The system quickly spread and became known as _____.
During the 1300s, an estimated one-third of Europe’s
bubonic plague
population died as a result of the _____.
-preserved culture of Rome
-served as a center of Orthodox Church
-sent missionaries to Russia
*What civilization is described by this list?
Byzantine Empire
-reintroduction of classical texts
-growth of Italian city-states
-development of wealthy merchant class
-reawakening of interest in education and arts
*The changes above contributed directly to the
start of the ____________.
Which invention had the greatest impact on the
printing press
spread of information during the Renaissance?
What innovation enabled Galileo to prove
that the sun was the center of the solar system?
The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant
Refocusing on traditional
Reformation by ___________.
church teachings
-sale of indulgences
-widespread use of printing press
beginning of Protestant
-Martin Luther’s posting of Ninety-Five Theses
Reformation in Europe
*The events listed in the box above greatly
contributed to the ____________.
The invention of the microscope by Anthony Van
observation and
Leeuwenhoek in the 1600s shows the importance of ____.