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8th Grade Homework
The questions that follow are all the homework assignments for the year. There will
be two sets of questions that are options for completing homework. The first will be
a list of questions to answer and the second will be open-ended questions. Each one
is acceptable for completion and credit. Pages are provided for each assignment.
Pages 568-575 (A)
How did the amount of farmland change between 1860-1870?
What is Reconstruction?
How did the Federal government assist Freedmen?
What laws were passed by Congress to provide new rights to Freedmen?
How did Southern states react to the 14th Amendment?
Who were the Radical Republicans and what did they want?
Why was the South divided into 5 districts?
Pages 568-575 (B)
1. Explain how the treatment of African Americans and Native Americans were
similar and/or different.
2. Two Presidents have been impeached in American history. Explain who they
were and why they were impeached.
3. Why did the Freedmen’s Bureau have good intentions, but eventually fail?
4. How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments provide hope for Freedmen?
Pages 576-581 (A)
What could Freedmen legally do after leaving the plantations?
What were the Freedmen schools?
Explain “40 acres and a mule”
Draw a line graph for Corn and Cotton from the chart on page 579
What was sharecropping?
How was the purpose of the KKK?
Pages 576-581 (B)
1. How was sharecropping similar to if not the same as slavery?
2. How did sharecropping affect Freedmen’s efforts to achieve economic
3. What are three challenges Freedmen encounter after they were granted
Pages 583-588 (A)
1. How did the 15th Amendment impact the lives of African Americans?
2. What happened to African American representation in Congress after
Reconstruction ended?
3. How did Pres. Grant take on the KKK?
4. What happened in 1873?
5. What was the event(s) that marked the end of Reconstruction?
6. What was the purpose of the Compromise of 1877?
Pages 583-588 (B)
1. Who did a better job of helping Freedmen during Reconstruction; the
Presidents or Congress?
2. Describe three ways Southern states countered the actions of Congress to
help African Americans.
3. Was Reconstruction a success, a failure, or a little of both?
Pages 594-599 (A)
1. What does the map on 595 indicate about the population of America around
2. What was the transcontinental railroad?
3. Who was the labor that built the transcontinental?
4. Name two geographic landforms the railroad crossed in its construction.
5. What two companies built the transcontinental?
6. How did the transcontinental impact change the frontier?
7. Name two causes and two effects of the railroad.
8. How did the railroads impact time?
Pages 594-599 (B)
1. Why did the federal government want the transcontinental built?
2. How did the federal government promote its construction?
3. How did railroads benefit the economy?
4. Explain how the railroad provided a new sense of hope accomplishment for
Pages 601-607 (A)
What attracted many miners to the West?
Why did mining end by 1890?
How did cattle provide opportunity for many settlers in the West?
What invention led to the end of cattle drives?
Who enforced the laws in the Western territories?
How did the railroads impact the movement of people?
What did Mexicans do in the West?
Pages 601-607 (B)
1. Explain the life of Miners and Ranchers in the West.
2. Describe the life of these two groups and explain the benefits and drawbacks.
3. Explain three ways in which the influx of people to the West changed
Pages 609-613 (A)
1. Define the following: Dawes Act, Battle of Little Bighorn, Reservation
2. What was the agreement set in the Fort Laramie treaty?
3. Name two Native American conflicts with the United States and explain the
4. Who was George Custer?
5. Why was the buffalo being destroyed?
6. What is assimilation?
7. What was the main issue the caused the conflict between Native Americans
and the United States?
Pages 601-607 (B)
1. How did the Battle of Little Big Horn affect US government policy toward
Native Americans?
2. What was the Carlisle school and how did it impact Native American culture
3. What was the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and how was it similar to the
Freedmen’s bureau?
Pages 617-623 (A)
Define: Homestead Act, Sodbusters, Populist Party,
What did settlers get under the Homestead Act?
What did the government give to railroads?
How did people use the land to construct their homes?
What new inventions led to an increase in farming?
Why did farmers demand action in the late 1800s?
What did the Populist Party try to achieve?
Why did the Frontier no longer exist?
Pages 617-623 (B)
1. Explain 2 ways in which settlers adapted to their environment to establish
their life on the Great Plains.
2. How did Homestead Act impact Native Americans?
3. What problems did farmers have and how did they try to correct it?
4. Explain two benefits and two drawbacks to the United States as settlers
populated the frontier.
628-637 (A)
1. Define: Robber Baron, Gilded Age, Patent, Corporation, Monopoly, Trust
2. In which cities were the major industrial areas in America in the late 1800s?
Use the map on 629.
3. What caused the United States industry to grow from page 632 image?
4. Name three inventors and their inventions.
5. What are Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller famous for?
6. How do monopolies impact consumer choices?
7. How was the South different than the north during the late 1800s?
8. Who was part of the rich and poor classes?
628-637 (B)
1. How did the growth in immigration impact industrialization?
2. Explain how monopolies created opportunities to help America grow.
3. Explain how corporations are structured and how they grow faster than
other businesses.
4. Explain three reasons why America had the right formula for industrial
growth in the late 1800s.
640-647 (A)
1. Define: Ellis Island, Angel Island, Melting Pot, Hull House, Urbanization,
2. What are three reasons urbanization happened?
3. How did steel change cities?
4. Who were the “new immigrants”?
5. How did many immigrants assimilate?
6. Why did many American born workers discriminate against the Chinese?
7. What were two problems with urbanization?
8. How did Jane Addams try to solve the urbanization problems?
640-647 (B)
1. How did urbanization impact the demand for basic necessities such as food,
clothing, and shelter?
2. How did jobs and public schools help immigrants assimilate?
3. What did native-born Americans fear about immigration?
4. Explain how politicians saw immigrants as an opportunity.
657-661 (A)
1. Define: Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Homestead Strike,
2. What are 4 working conditions workers in the late 1800s faced?
3. What did workers do to combat their poor working conditions?
4. What was the purpose of these labor unions?
5. What groups of people were not allowed to join unions?
6. Why did railroad workers go on strike in 1877?
7. Explain the outcome of the Pullman and Homestead strikes?
8. What was Carnegie’s opinion about unions?
657-661 (B)
1. Why did workers accept jobs in the late 1800s when the working conditions
were so poor?
2. How did labor unions change workers attitude about their job?
3. Why did labor unions fear immigrants?
4. Look at the chart on 660 and explain whether people had more opportunities
or more problems because of industrialization.
670-677 (A)
1. In what area during the late 1800s did women get the right to vote?
2. Define: Progressivism, muckraker, Sherman Antitrust Act, Conservation, Civil
3. What was the job of a muckraker?
4. What are three problems muckrakers exposed?
5. What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-trust Act?
6. What was TR’s opinion about Big Business?
7. Who wroth the book The Jungle and what was the story about?
8. TR believed in conservation, how did he prove it?
670-677 (B)
How did muckrakers contribute to the rise of progressivism?
Why do you think the Sherman Antitrust act was unsuccessful?
Identify three problems the progressives tackled and how they solved them.
Describe how Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive president by explaining
three things he did as president
678-681 (A)
Define: prohibition, temperance, settlement house, suffrage
How did inventions open opportunities for women?
What types of jobs opened to women around 1900?
What was the purpose of a settlement house?
What was the goal of prohibition?
What was the goal of the NAWSA?
What did the 18th and 19th amendments do?
In your opinion did the Progressives change America for the better?
678-681 (B)
1. Name and describe three ways in which the role of women changed around
2. How is the 18th Amendment different that other amendments passed in
history? (hint give or take?)
3. Explain how Americans benefitted from the progressive reforms.
4. Explain how women’s suffrage is similar to the struggle for equal rights for
African Americans.
692-697 (A)
Define: imperialism, manifest destiny
Why did some Americans seek land overseas?
What were three advantages for the American imperialism?
What was the opinion of many when America bought Alaska?
Who started the movement to take over Hawaii?
Why was Pearl Harbor important?
How would new lands help the American economy?
How would imperialism help the American military?
692-697 (B)
How did people’s opinion about Alaska change in modern times?
What are two advantages Hawaii brought to the United States?
Why would industries in America support imperialism?
How is imperialism similar to manifest destiny?
698-703 (A)
Define: yellow journalism, rough riders, anti-imperialist league
Who was the Cuban man that fought for Cuba’s independence from Spain?
Why did many Cubans seek independence from Spain?
What two newspapers contributed to war attitudes with Spain?
What event made America fight the Spanish American War?
Who led the Rough Riders in the war?
What did the Platt Amendment allow?
What land did the US acquire after the war?
698-703 (B)
1. Explain the similarities between the Mexican American and Spanish
American War?
2. How did new lands acquired after the war help America?
3. What were challenges America faced by gaining this new land?
4. How did American businesses benefit from the new lands America acquired?
706-713 (A)
1. Define: Sphere of Influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Monroe
2. What American was the first to go to Japan in the 1800’s?
3. What did America desire in China?
4. Who were the Boxers and why did they fight back?
5. What was the advantage of controlling the Philippines?
6. What were 2 advantages of having the Panama Canal?
7. What were 3 problems with digging the Panama Canal?
8. What advantage did Latin America provide for the United States?
706-713 (B)
1. How did the Monroe Doctrine provide the US with means to police Latin
2. Why did business leaders support the Open Door Policy?
3. How could the Panama Canal benefit the United States economically and
4. What were the benefits and drawbacks for imperialism?
718-725 (A)
Define all four MAIN causes of WWI.
What event sparked WWI?
Who were the Central Powers and who were the Allies of WWI?
What is a stalemate?
Name 4 new technologies used in WWI.
What was President Wilson’s attitude about going to war?
Why did the Lusitania anger some Americans?
What was the purpose of the Zimmerman telegram?
718-725 (B)
1. Name three ways in which European nations were competing before WWI?
2. How did neutrality provide opportunity for America?
3. Name and explain 3 events that changed American attitudes about staying
4. How did the revolution in Russia impact America?
728-733 (A)
Define: war bonds, espionage, sedition, propaganda
What was the Selective Service Act?
What was the role of women and African Americans in the war?
What is the purpose of war bonds?
Why did the government pass the espionage and sedition acts?
What did the committee on public information do?
Why did the government use propaganda?
What did Schenck do that got him in trouble?
728-733 (B)
1. Wilson and Lincoln used the draft. Explain why they did this and whether it is
2. What are 3 things the government did to promote public support of the war?
3. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the Schenck v. The United States
741-745 (A)
1. Define: 14 points, League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles, Reparations, Great
Migration, Red Scare
2. What was Wilson’s 14 points supposed to accomplish?
3. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
4. What did the Treaty of Versailles do to Germany?
5. Why did African Americans move north during the war?
6. How did the war change the role of women?
7. What were Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for?
8. Did Wilson achieve his goal of world peace?
741-745 (B)
1. How did the Senate react to Wilson’s League of Nations?
2. How did the war change the lives for African Americans and Women? Was
this a positive or negative change?
3. How was the League of Nations similar to the Iroquois Confederacy?
4. How did the Treaty of Versailles lay the foundation for WWII?
750-757 (A)
1. Based on the map in which states did people in the US make the most money
in 1927? What section of the country paid the least?
2. Define: Assembly Line, Installment buying, Teapot Dome Scandal, Tariff
3. What were a few problems with the American economy as the United State
entered the 1920s?
4. What are three things Pres. Harding proposed to America in his “Return to
5. How did Henry Ford increase car production?
6. How did people afford expensive items like cars during the 1920s?
7. What happens under laissez faire economics?
8. What did Americans do with their new free time in the 1920s?
750-757 (B)
1. Using the map on 751 explain why each section of the nation paid workers
2. What did Pres. Harding mean by his “Return to Normalcy”? Explain using
three examples.
3. How did the invention of the assembly line and credit contribute to the
growth of industry?
4. What are the benefits of laissez-faire economics?
758-761 (A)
Define: Flapper, Prohibition, Speakeasy, evolution, Jazz age, Mass Media
What was the new role for women in the 1920s?
How did the radio change lives of the average American?
What law did John Scopes break?
What happened to Scopes?
What was the purpose of prohibition?
Why did the government pass prohibition?
What are two reasons prohibition was unsuccessful?
758-761 (B)
How did flappers symbolize the Roaring 20s?
What are the similarities between flappers and John Scopes?
How did mass media help unite the nation?
Why was prohibition a failed experiment?
762-767 (A)
1. Define/Identify: Harlem Renaissance, Lost Generation, NAACP, Materialistic,
Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey
2. Why did African Americans move north during the great migration?
3. What was Garvey’s solution to racism and discrimination?
4. What were two goals of the NAACP?
5. Why was housing available for many African Americans in Harlem NYC?
6. What were the jobs of many Harlem Renaissance entertainers?
7. Who were 2 famous jazz musicians during the Harlem Renaissance?
8. What was the Lost Generation?
762-767 (B)
Describe 4 ways the lives of African Americans improved during the 1920s.
Why did Harlem become the center for African American culture?
Why were the writers and artists of the Lost Generation disillusioned?
What was the subject of Langston Hughes poems?
774-781 (A)
1. Based on the map on 775 where were the highest amounts of unemployment
in the United States in 1934? What states had the lowest unemployment?
2. Define: Great Depression, Stock Market Crash 1929, Bonus Army, Public
3. What problems did the middle class, poor, and farmers face during the
4. What is the relationship between stock market prices and consumer
spending based on the graphs?
5. How did the stock market crash impact banks?
6. How did Hoover respond to the depression?
7. Who was the Bonus Army and what did they demand?
8. Why was Hoover unpopular?
774-781 (B)
1. Why was credit an underlying problem that led to the depression?
2. Why were banks closing and how did this impact people’s savings?
3. How did the closing of the banks create problems for both people and
4. Why did Hoover respond like he did to the problems facing America?
784-790 (A)
Define: New Deal, 100 days, fireside chats, deficit spending, Social Security
What were FDR’s 3 R’s?
Who were FDR’s “Brain Trusts”?
What did FDR do to banks?
Why did FDR pass Social Security?
Based on the chart on 788 what things did the New Deal pay people to
7. What did FDR try to do with the Supreme Court?
8. How did FDR pay for his new deal programs?
784-790 (B)
What was the difference between the 1st new deal and the 2nd new deal?
What did FDR hope to accomplish in his fireside chats?
Why did people challenge FDR’s new deal program?
Explain how the executive branch powers surpassed the powers of the other
two branches under FDR.
793-799 (A)
Define: Dust Bowl, Strike, Liberal, Conservative
What states were impacted by the Dust Bowl?
Where did people impacted by the Dust Bowl move?
Where did many people find their daily supply of food?
How did the Depression change to the life for minorities?
How did the Depression impact labor unions?
How did the New Deal change the role of government?
What New Deal programs still exist?
793-799 (B)
1. Compare and explain Hoovers response to the Depression with FDR’s
2. Did the New Deal end the Depression why or why not?
3. How did labor unions gain strength during the 1930s?
4. Overall did do you think minorities gained more under FDR than ever before?
804-811 (A)
1. According to the map on 805 who were the Axis nations and what areas did
they control?
2. Define: fascism, axis, appeasement, blitzkrieg, Lend-Lease act, Dictator
3. How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to WWII?
4. Who led Italy, Germany, and Russia?
5. Why did the British appease Hitler in Munich?
6. How did Germany start WWII?
7. What strategy did Hitler use to invade Britain?
8. What event brought the United States into WWII
804-811 (B)
1. Why do you think the dictators of WWII were able to rise to power?
2. How did appeasement and the Soviet-Nazi Pact lead to greater German
3. Why did the United States have an interest in helping Great Britain?
4. How did the attack on Pearl Harbor change American attitudes?
812-817 (A)
1. Define: War Production Board, Rosie the Riveter, Internment Camp,
Rationing, Nisei, War Bonds
2. How did WWII change the business of making cars?
3. How did the war change people’s eating habits?
4. How did the war change the lives of African Americans?
5. How did the war change the lives of women?
6. How did the war change the lives for Japanese-Americans?
7. Which social group did the war help the most and why?
8. Who were the Tuskegee airmen?
812-817 (B)
Name each social group who’s life changed due to WWII.
Explain which social groups gained as a result of WWII.
Explain which social groups lost as a result of WWII
How were the internment camps different than concentration camps?
818-825 (A)
Define: D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Anti-Semitism,
What was did the Selective Service Act do?
Why was Egypt important to the United States?
What happened to the Nazis in Russia in 1943?
Why was D-Day the turning point of WWII?
Who met at Yalta and what was discussed?
What was V-E day?
What did Hitler try to achieve during the Holocaust?
818-825 (B)
1.How did the Allies turn the tide in Europe and Africa?
2. Identify the turning points in the American Revolution, Civil War, and
World War II
3.How might the war have changed if the D-Day invasion had not been successful?
4. What was Hitler’s final solution and was it achieved?
826-831 (A)
Define: Island hopping, Manhattan Project, Kamikaze, Code Talkers
What happened to American soldiers in the Philippines?
What area did Japan control during the war?
What was the turning point against the Japanese?
How did Navajo Indians help the United States?
Why did officials consider dropping the atomic bomb?
On what two cities did the US drop atomic bombs?
Where did Japan surrender?
826-831 (B)
1. What was the geographic difference between fighting Germany vs. Japan?
2. Using the map on 829 what battles gave the US access to bombing raids of
3. How did the governments use Native Americans to their advantage?
4. Was President Truman justified in dropping the Atomic Bomb? Explain
832-837 (A)
Define: Marshall Plan, Nuremberg Trials, United Nation, GI Bill of Rights
What was the human cost of WWII?
What nation suffered the biggest loss?
How did the United States benefit from WWII?
Which Nazi’s were put on trial?
Why were they put on trial?
What was the purpose of the United Nations?
How did the GI Bill of rights benefit US veterans?
832-837 (B)
What was the United States stating by passing the Marshall plan?
How did the Nuremberg trials change war?
What did the GI Bill do to change the American economy?
What were the problems with the new nation of Israel?