Download Microbiology Midterm Review Questions: Basic Microscope Parts

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Midterm Review Questions:
Basic Microscope Parts:
1. Be able to label parts of microscope. What part of the microscope moves the stage? _____________________________
2. What are the 4 objective lenses on the microscope and their magnifications?
How do you calculate total magnification?
What are the two major functions of the microscope?
What are the three tissues used in class and what are their uses?
6. Review the Bunsen burner lab. What was the purpose of this lab?
7. Describe the flame of the Bunsen burner.
8. Know the parts of the Bunsen burner.
9. Describe why a student should not sterilize an inoculator if the flame is yellow.
10. Describe aseptic technique and why it is used.
11. Describe aseptic technique for :
a. Handwashing
Midterm Review Questions:
1. What are the three main categories of staining techniques?
2. What are the types of simple stain dyes used in microbiology?
What is the purpose of a simple stain?
4. What is the purpose of a differential stain?
5. A student uses the gram stain technique to figure out if the bacteria is gram – or gram +. Is this a differential or simple stain
6. A student stains a bacteria smear, the bacteria contain capsules. What stain technique did this student use?
7. How did this student recognize a capsule was present?
8. What are examples of differential stain techniques?
9. A student observes this sample under the microscope. What stain technique was used and what is the student observing?
10. What are the common dyes used in microbiology that are considered cationic or positively charged?
11. Identify this organism:
Midterm Review Questions:
Draw a picture of a properly labeled slide and plate.
What are the three methods of specimen preparation we have used in class?
3. Describe the purpose of the specimen prep lab.
4. What is heat fixing and why is it used?
5. List the steps to making a bacterial smear.
What problems could occur with making a bacterial smear?
7. During the specimen prep lab, you viewed several different organisms (7). List each and list a characteristic of each and their
method of movement (not all individuals were motile).
8. What is the difference between a wetmout slide and a hanging drop slide?
9. What are the 2 kingdom’s of bacteria? _______________________and_________________________
10. What 7 methods are used to classify the 33 groups of bacteria? Make sure you know descriptions
11. What organism was studied for the Arachaebacteria Kingdom? ___________________________________
12. Describe characteristics of this specimen that you observed in class. (#11)
13. What kingdom do cyanobacteria belong too? _________________________________What is another name for them?
________________________________. List 4 major characteristics.
14. List each type of cyanobacteria that was viewed in class and their structural characteristics.
15. What are the major characteristics of the eubacteria kingdom?
16. What are the 4 phyla of eubacteria?
17. List all of the shapes of bacteria?
18. A bacterium that are round and in chains are called? _______________________________
19. A bacterium that is comma shaped is called? ______________________________
20. If a bacterium is in clusters that is what arrangement? ______________________________
21. Describe the simple stain process.
22. What does sterile mean?_____________________________________________________________ What were the major
objectives of the aspetic lab?
Midterm Review Questions:
1. Who is Robert Koch?
2. Why are we studying Koch’s postulate?
List each of Koch’s postulates.
What is the species we are studying for Koch’s postulate? ______________________________What kingdom does it belong
too? _________________________________. What are hyphae?______________________________________________
______________________________________________What is a thallus? ___________________________________What
is the mycelium? ______________________________________________What is the sporangia? _____________________
5. Describe the appearance of this species.
Review the parts to the bacterium (ex. cell wall, plasmid, ribosome etc. be able to label a bacterium)
7. Describe the location of the cell wall in comparison to the cell membrane of the prokaryotic cell.
8. Describe the location of the capsule in comparison to the cell wall of the prokaryotic cell.
9. Describe the composition of the cell of the Eubacteria Kingdom.
10. What is peptidoglycan?
11. What are the two scopes of microbiology?
12. List several groups or individuals that contributed to Microbiology. Know their purposes to microbiology.
13. Who was Louis Pasteur?
14. The study of fungi is called ________________________. The study of viruses is called? ________________________The
study of algae is called? _________________________. The study of bacteria is called? _________________________
15. How are fungi and bacteria related? Create a double bubble
16. What is an aflotoxin? _________________________________________________________________________________
17. Describe the cell wall of fungi.
18. List several ways fungi affect other organisms.
19. What are the six kingdoms?
20. List characteristics of the animal kingdom.
21. List characteristics of the plant kingdom.
22. List characteristics of the protista kingdom.