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HIS 101 04
Directions: Put the letter of the correct answer in Column B
What is in the Cave of Chauvet which demonstrates the creativity of Paleolithic people?
A. A pyramid
B. Earliest Evidence of Writing
C. Cave Paintings
D. First human statutes
E. Decorated pottery
Which of the following was an important technological innovation of Paleolithic peoples?
A. Making tools
B. Use of fire
C. Creation of writing
D. The first two answers both are correct
E. Each of the first three answers is correct.
Which of the following can be associated with the Paleolithic Age?
A. Stone tools B. Hunting & Gathering C. Cave Painting
D. Nomadic settlements
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
What is best associated with the shift from hunting animals and gathering plants for subsistence to producing food
by systematic agriculture?
A. Empire of Sargon
B. Neolithic Revolution C. Royal Standard of Ur D. Code of Hammurabi
Which of the following is best associated with the development of writing in Mesopotamia?
A. Royal Standard of Ur
B. Ur-Nammu
C. Cuneiform
D. Divination E. Gobekli Tepe
Through what practice did the Sumerians seek to discover the will and purpose of their gods?
A. Divination B. Ritual Sacrifice C. Use of Opiates D. Fasting E. None of the other answers.
Which of the following is best associated with the Fertile Crescent?
A. Indus River B.Nile River C.Yellow River D.Supe River E.Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
Which of the following is the most famous example of Mesopotamian literature?
A. The Sumerian Schoolboy Essay B. Atrahasis C. Code of Hammurabi D. Epic of Gilgamesh
The physical environment (geography) of the Mesopotamians generally led to
A. an optimistic outlook emphasizing the secular life.
B. a pessimistic outlook and loathing of religion.
C. a pessimistic outlook with an emphasis on satisfying their angry gods.
D. an optimistic outlook with a belief in providing for benevolent gods.
The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches that
A. the gods are benevolent and care greatly for their people.
B. a wish fulfilled is not always a good thing.
C. human life is difficult and immortality is only for the gods.
D. a periodic flood is necessary to cleanse the world.
What was the basic political unit of Mesopotamian civilization?
A. the city-state
B. the village
C. the Ziggarat
D. the empire
Which statement regarding Mesopotamian religion is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It was polytheistic with numerous deities representing all aspects of the Universe.
B. The Enuma elish.was an explanation of the creation of the universe
C. It was severely critical of cultures that practiced divination
D. Each Mesopotamian city was linked to a god or goddess.
E. It was a family-centered and gave little power and influence to priests and other religious officials
According to the traditional interpretation, what was a consequence of the Neolithic Revolution?
A. Taming of food-producing animals
B. Living in permanent, fixed settlements
C. Specialization (division) of labor
D. Gender Inequality (male predominance)
E. Each of the other answers is correct.
For what is Hammurabi best remembered?
A. His law code B. Ziggurat at Ur C. Cuneiform D. Epic of Gilgamesh E. Neolithic Revolution
Who were An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga?
A. Authors of The Epic of Gilgamesh
B. Architects of the Ziggurat of Ur
C. The most important gods of Mesopotamia
D. The founders of the Empire of Sargon
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, by what disaster did the gods attempt to destroy mankind?
A. Warfare
B. Earthquake
C. Disease
D. Fire
E. Flood
What do Jerico and Catal Huyuk have in common?
A. Neolithic settlements
B. Cave Paintings
C. Ziggurats
D. Gilgamesh
With what are Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro best associated?
A. Third Dynasty of Ur
B. Early Civilization in India C. Epic of Gilgamesh D. Empire of Sargon
Who is regarded as the creators of Mesopotamian civilization?
A. Homo erectus B. Chauvet Cave Dwellers C. Sumerians D. Farmers of Catal Huyuk
Which of the following is not an accurate statement regarding the Code of Hammurabi?
A. The principle of “an eye for an eye” was fundamental.
B. The largest number of laws dealt with marriage and the family.
C. There were no provisions which could be called consumer protection laws.
D. It contained careful regulations of commercial activity.
E. It was not the earliest law code in Mesopotamia.
What was the most prominent structure in a Mesopotamian City?
A. Royal Standard
B. Legal Stele
C. Statute of Sargon D. Ziggurat E. Enuma elish
Which statement regarding empires in ancient Mesopotamia is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Sargon established an Akkadian empire which included all of Mesopotamia.
B. Naram-Sin, the grandson of Sargon, continued the greatness of the Akkadian empire.
C. The Third Dynasty of Ur provided the example of empire which Sargon tried to emulate.
D. Hammurabi was a king of the Old Babylonian Empire.
E. The Third Dynasty of Ur represented a final flowering of Sumerian culture.
Which of the following is in the correct chronological order (your left to your right)?
A. Empire of Sargon, Empire of Naram-Sin, Third Dynasty of Ur, Old Babylon
B. Third Dynasty of Ur, Old Babylon, Empire of Sargon, Empire of Naram-Sin
C. Empire of Sargon, Old Babylon, Empire of Naram-Sin, Third Dynasty of Ur
D. Old Babylon, Empire of Sargon, Empire of Naram-Sin, Third Dynasty of Ur
E. Empire of Sargon, Third Dynasty of Ur, Empire of Naram-Sin, Old Babylon
What does Gobekli Tepe represent?
A. A challenge to the traditional interpretation of the Neolithic Revolution
B. Definitive proof of the glory of the empire of the Third Dynasty of Ur
C. Clear evidence of the role of the cuneiform in the origin of writing.
D. Archaeological proof that the importance of the ziggurat has been overstated.
E. Archaeological evidence which supports the accuracy of The Epic of Gilgamesh
According to your instructor, what was the most important consequence of the Neolithic Revolution?
A. Creation of an environment conducive to writing B. The creation of an economic surplus
C. The elimination of the need to flake stone tools
D. The foundation of a subsistence economy
What are the two characteristics that scientific knowledge must demonstrate?
A. It must be reasonable and accurate B. It must be reliable and empirical
C. It must be deductive and inductive
D. It must have both premises and a conclusion
What statement regarding the city-states of ancient Mesopotamia is NOT ACCURATE?
A. City-states were the basic units of Sumerian civilization
B. City-states were believed to be ruled by the gods.
C. The economy of Mesopotamian city-states was primarily agricultural.
D. Only royalty and religious officials lived within the city; other social classes resided outside the walls.
Which statement regarding the culture of ancient Mesopotamia is NOT ACCURATE?
A. Human beings were insecure because they could never be sure what their gods would do.
B. The Enuma elish is a Babylonian epic which describes the creation of the universe.
C. Mesopotamians believed the universe was safe because divination showed them the will of their gods.
D. Each city-state was sacred because it was linked to a god or goddess.
E. Created to do manual labor for the gods, human relationship with the deities was based on subservience
Who was Enkidu?
A. God of Babylon
B. Creator of the Third Dynasty of Ur
C. Friend of Gilgamesh
D. Father of Utnapishtim
E. Enemy of Sargon the Great
What is the principal lesson of the Epic of Gilgamesh?
A. Beware of plant-eating snakes.
B. You should not eat the Bull of Heaven
C. Respect for the gods will prevent the destruction of mankind by a second Great Flood.
D. To labor for the gods is the proper route to everlasting life.
E. Immortality is reserved for the gods.