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City-States in Mesopotamia
Chapter 2 Section 1
Geography of the Fertile Crescent
 Fertile Plains
Mesopotamia was also known as the ________________ because after the yearly
flood a thick bed of mud called _______ was deposited. Huge amounts of wheat
and barley were grown in the rich, new soil allowing villages to _________.
• Environmental Challenges
________________ arrived in South Mes. around 3500 BC, probably attracted by the
good ____________. There were, however, three disadvantages to their new
1) River _______________ were unpredictable and left the field dry after the water
dried up. 2) The little ________ they lived in had no protection. 3) Natural
___________________ of stone, wood, and metal were limited.
• Creating Solutions
They began to dig _____________ ditches that carried river water to their fields, they
built city ___________ of mud brick for defense, and they _____________ with
mountain people.
Sumerians Create City-States
Sumerians built a number of __________, these and the surrounding _________ it
controlled formed a __________________.
• The Power of Priests
Sumer’s earliest govts were controlled by the temple ____________, who took a
portion of every farmer’s __________ as ____________.
• Monarchs Take Control
In time of war, the ___________ of the city chose a tough fighter to lead the city’s
soldiers. Eventually, because of frequent ________, control of standing armies was
left in the ______________ control of these men.
In time, some military leaders became full-time rulers, or ___________; sometimes
passing rule to their rule _________ – and so on… such a series of rulers from a
single family is called a _______________.
• The Spread of Cities
Along with trade of goods came the trade of ____________ and ___________. This
process of a new idea or a product spreading from one culture to another is called
cultural _____________________.
Sumerian Culture
• A Religion of Many Gods
_______________ is the belief in many gods. Sumerians believed that many different
gods controlled forces of ____________, about 3,000 of them. They also believed
these gods did many of the same things humans do – so to make them happy they
built wonderful _______________ and offered sacrifices of animals, food, and wine.
The Epic of ___________________ is a Sumerian long poem, one of the earliest
works of __________________ in the world. The beliefs and legends found in this
___________ greatly influenced other ancient cultures.
• Life in Sumerian Society
Social class society – Priests and kings made up the ___________ level, wealthy
merchants ranked next, the majority worked with their __________ and made up the
third level, ____________ were the lowest level.
Some slaves were captured from other places, others were Sumerians sold into
slavery as ______________ to pay the debts of their parents. Slaves could earn
Women could hold the same _________ as men, hold property in their own name, and
join the lower ranks of priesthood. They probably could not go to school.
• Sumerian Science and Technology
Invented wheel, sail, and ________. First to use bronze and the first system of writing
(cuneiform). _______, early arithmetic and ___________; and in architecture –
arches, columns, and ramps, were also invented.
The First Empire Builders
___________________ were almost at constant ______ with each other.
• Sargon of Akkad
About 2350 BC, a conqueror named _____________ defeated Sumer. Sargon was
from _____________, a ____________ (spoke a language related to Arabic and
Hebrew) city-state north of Sumer.
By taking control of both n. & s. Mes, Sargon created the world’s first ___________ –
brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the
control of one ruler. Lasted about 200 years, declined due to ________________
fighting, invasions, and a severe _____________.
• Babylonian Empire
Around 2000 BC, nomadic warriors known as _____________, also Semitic, took over
Sumeria and established their capital at ______________. The Babylonian Empire
reached its peak during the reign of __________________ (1792-1750 BC), known
for the code of laws he put together.
• Hammurabi’s Code
Used a single, uniform __________ that helped unify the diverse groups within his
empire. Had these laws engraved in ___________ and ____________ placed all
over his empire. Used the “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” punishments, and the
responsibility of govt to its citizens (If thief not caught, govt pays for loss)