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Hinduism Worksheet
pp. 244-250
Do not write on this handout
Part I:
Beliefs of Hinduism pp. 245-248
1. The roots of Hinduism go back this group of people.
2. On a separate piece of paper draw a circle in the middle of the page and write
Hinduism inside. Then cluster all the ways that Hinduism effects a Hindu person’s
life. We will do this in class (ISN Visual)
3. In what ways does the caste system provide a sense of security for its members?
4. What is the purpose of dharma in Hinduism? Is dharma necessary?
5. Create a Venn Diagram. List 5 similarities or differences between Buddhism and
Hinduism. We will do this in class in the ISN
Part II:
Cloze Activity pp. 246-248
Like Buddhists, Hindus also believe in the concept of rebirth or (1) __________. This is
determined by a person’s good or bad deeds known as (2) __________. When a
person no longer has any evil within them, they are no longer reborn and become one
with (3) ___________ or God.
Religious males must study the holy books of Hinduism known as the (4) ________.
Only males of (5) _____ upper classes are allowed to read those holy books. Once the
males begin this sacred study they are then called (6) _____ _____. Life is now
divided into (7) _______ stages.
During the 1st stage a boy studies (8) ___ _____ with his spiritual teacher known as a
(9) _____. In the 2nd stage the young man (10) ________ and _____ _ ______. The
wife is not allowed to do what? (11)
During the 3rd stage, some men and women choose to live in the (12) _______ and (13)
_________. During the 4th stage a few men and women give up everything including
their (14) _____ _____ and become (15) ____ _____ ______.
You’re 11 and about to begin the ceremony and become (16) ____ ____. Your head is
(17) ______ except for a (18) ___ ___. The guru places a (19) ____ over you as a sign
that you are twice born.
The two gods that represent the Brahman are (20) _____ and (21)_____. According to
Hinduist belief, god or gods can take many different early forms or (22) _________.
Part III:
True or False Check for Understanding Quiz
Answer true or false on your paper. You may but are not required to write down
Women are allowed to read the Vedas
The roots of Hinduism come from the Aryan people
If you don’t like your caste or duty, you can change it according to Hindu laws.
The Hindu gods can take many different forms (incarnations)
You only become “twice born” after you are reincarnated.
Karma determines your next reincarnation in both Buddhism and Hinduism
Brahman is the highest stage you can reach as a Hindu
Hinduism is polytheistic
The most important thing about Hindu dharma is following one’s duty.
The Vedas are important Hindu ceremonies
Buddhism borrowed the concepts of reincarnation and karma from Hinduism.
Part IV:
What does the Close Up Picture Tell Us? Page 247
Explain in a sentence or two what the following items tell us about the religious HIndu?
Topknot? Earlobes? Sacred Thread
Lines ?
Part V:
The Gupta Empire: Golden Age of India pp. 248-249
Give examples of why the Gupta Empire became the Golden Age of India.
What are the benefits of being a member of a guild? Are there are any costs?
How are castes and guilds different?
Part VI:
Achievements of Ancient India pp 249-250
What literary achievements did the Indians make during Gupta days?
What scientific discovery did the Indians make in the field of astronomy?
What mathematical discovery did the Indians make? How are you effected by
this discovery?
Metalwork is considered another achievement. What metal did the Guptas use
and why was their work considered so spectacular?