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Test One Questions
Q: What is granulated in the amoeba?
A: Endoderm
Q: Process of taking fluid droplets in Amoeba
A: Pinocytosis
Q: Typical reproduction in Amoeba
A: Fission
Q: Stigma in phytomastigophora
A: Eyespot
Q: Volvox is a _____________
A: Colonial phytomastigophore
Q: Positive photoaxis means that animal is…?
A: Drawn to light
Q: Vegetative (somatic) nucleus in infusorian
A: Macronucleus
Q: True/False: DNA transcription takes place in micronucleus
A: False
Q: Sexual process in infusorians
A: Conjugation
Q: Level of organization in sponges
A: cellular
Q: Sponges are: triploblastic, diploblastic, neither
A: Neither
Q: Internal cavity of sponges
A: spongocoel
Q: Which cells create flow of water in sponges?
A: choanocytes
Q: Which cells create skeletal spicules in sponges?
A: scelerocytes
Q: True/False: Water leaves sponge through ostia
A: False, leaves through osculum
Q: Poriferin larvae that develops asexually
A: Gemmula
Q: Cnidarians are triploblastic, diploblastic, neither
A: Diploblastic
Q: Which is not typical for cnidarians: gastrovascular cavity, parenchymal cells,
cnidocytes, nerve cells?
A: parenchymal cells (no mesoderm)
Q: What stage dominates in Hydrozoa?
A: Polyp
Q: Do anthozoa have medusa stage?
A: No
Q: In general, medusa reproduces
A: sexually
Q: What is the non-cellular layer that lies between endoderm and ectoderm?
A: Mesoglea
Q: Not found in epidermis of Hydra: epithelio-muscular cells, cnidocytes,
nutritive muscular cells, interstitial cells?
A: nutritive muscular cells
Q: Nervous system of cnidarians
A: diffuse nerve net
Q: Sensory organs with statocysts in scyphozoa
A: Rhopalia
Q: Dominating stage in scyphozoans
A: Medusa
Q: Ciliated larva of scyphozoans
A: planula
Q: Stage of Aurelia that produces asexually
A: strobila
Q: Radial canals in scyphozoa are part of
A: digestive system
Q: True/False: Retractor muscles in sea anemones well developed
A: True
Q: Flat worms are diploblastic, triploblastic, neither
A: Triploblastic
Q: Acoelomate means:
A: Spaces between organs filled w/organs
Q: What class of flatworms includes free-living planarians
A: turbellaria
Q: Which isn’t typical for planarians: Cilia in epidermis, metamorphosis,
cephalization, hermaphroditic
A: Metamorphosis
Q: Which muscles aren’t present in planarians?
A: Transverse
Q: Type of nervous system in planarians
A: Ladder type
Q: Which isn’t part of excretory system in planarians: flame cells, tubules,
radiating canal, pore?
A: Radiating canal
Q: Not a part of male reproductive system in flukes: testis, seminal recepticle,
penis, seminal vesicle?
A: seminal recepticle
Q: Structure that covers body of fluke
A: Tegument
Q: Characteristic not typical of flukes: leaf-like body, 2+ suckers, no digestive
system, hermaphroditic
A: No digestive system
Q: Cercaria stage of chinese fluke life cycle lives in: human, water, snail, fish
A: lives free in water
Q: Tapeworms parasite in:
A: Intestine
Q: Part of tapeworm with suckers and hooks
A: Scollex
Q: Meat trichinella found in
A: Pork
Q: Host organ not found in Ascaris life cycle: Intestine, kidney, lung, pharynx,
blood stream
A: kidney
Q: Internal cavity of nematodes
A: Pseudocoel
Q: Brain circle in nematodes around:
A: Pharynx
Nematodes don’t have circulatory system – false
Free-living and parasitic nematodes – true
Nematodes are dioecious – true
Nematodes undergo metamorphosis – false
Some nematodes turn into cysts – true
Test Two Questions
To what class do horseshoe crabs belong?
Merostomata, class chelicerata
What is the function of the funnel in cephalopoda?
What subphylum of arthropods includes completely extinct animals?
Why is the circulatory system called “open” in arthropods?
Blood vessels open, deliver blood to cavities, washes over organs, then
recollects in the veins and is taken back to the gills to be reoxygenated
What cephalopods have an internal shell?
Rostral plate of polychaets
Anal plate in polychaets
Setae bearing segment in polychaets
Gills of polychaets (if present) formed by
Organ represented by single pair in polychaet
Most of the polychaets are carnivorous
Polychaet larvae are called trochophores
Muscles not present in oligochaets
Clitellum used by oligochaets in
Pygidium present in oligochaets
Muscles attached to setum in oligochaets
Not present in digestive system of oligochaets
Esophageal caecum
Nephrostome part of excretory system
Calciferous gland in earthworm used for
Collecting CaCO3 from blood
Typhlosole in earthworm is intestinal fold
Testis in oligochaets situated inside
Seminal vesicle
Fertilization in earthworm occurs in
Muscles not present in leeches
Organ without diverticula in leeches
Coelomic cavity function in leeches
Circulatory system
Coelomic cavity not present in leeches
Ovisac in leeches contains
“lid” structure in gastropod shell
Radula part of
Digestive System
Not present in gastropod nervous system
Visceral ganglion
Gastropod larva (if present)
Bivalve larva called
Not present in bivalve nervous system
Crossed nerve cord
Funnel is to cephalopods as foot is to gastropods and bivalves
Ganglion that innervates tentacles
Fertilization in cephalopods occurs in
Mantle cavity
Body cavity typical of arthropods
Abdominal legs in arthropods
Telson : crustacean :: pygidium : polychaets
Antennules : crustacean :: palps : polychaets
Malpighean tubules part of
Excretory system
Respiratory system of insects formed by
Most distal part of insect leg
Most of the digestion in starfish takes place in
Pyloric stomach
Endoskeleton of starfishes is
# of layers in nervous system of starfish
Photoreceptors in starfish situated in
Base of tentacles
Most important function of circulatory system in starfish
Nutrient transport
Respiratory organs in starfish are
Invaginations of skin
External opening of ambulacral system in echinoderms called
True/False Echinoderms are not hermaphroditic. TRUE
Animals completely sessile
Muscle septa in cephalochordates formed by
Notochord tunic
Most important function of circulatory system in cephalochordata used for:
Oxygen, waste, nutrient, and CO2 transport
Excretory system of cephalochordata formed by
Metanephridia, NO KIDNEYS
Blood that enters hepatic portal system in sharks and lampreys comes from
Gonad ducts in cephalochordata not well-developed
Primitive char of cephalochordates
Metameric gonad
Cyclostomates DO NOT have paired appendages
Endostyle of cephalochordata situated in
Tailtype in lamprey
Respiratory organs of lampreys
Gill pouches
Respiratory organs of lampreys formed by
Lampreys do not have paired nostrils
Lampreys do not have complete neural arches
Vein collecting blood from ventral side of head and tongue in lampreys
Organ not forming blood in lampreys
Respiratory system in sharks
Cardiac stomach bigger than pyloric
Respiratory system in sharks formed by
Rectal gland in sharks
Absorbs salt
Rectal gland in sharks
Opens into rectum
Spiral valve situated inside
Large intestine
Pancreatic ducts in sharks opens into
Small intestine
Type of tail in bony fish
Pairs of gills in sharks
Efferent ducts of testis in sharks opens into
Fertilization in sharks occurs in
Vertebrae in pelvic girdle attached in amphibians to
Bone cartilaginous in amphibians
Oxygenated blood from lungs of amphibians goes into
Left atrium