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Chapter 1
-software: the programs that give commands to the computer
-information technology: the set of techniques used in information handling and retrieval of
information automatically
-data mining: the process of searching huge amounts of data with the hope of finding a pattern
-PSS: Personal Shopper Systems
-digital home: having an appropriate computer and digital devices which are all connected to a home
-TiVo is a digital video recorder
-personal digital assistant (PDA): a small device that enables users to carry digital information
-radio frequency identification tags (RFID): tags that contain a microchip that holds a unique sequence
of numbers used to identify the product to which it is attacked
-public domain: not covered by copyright
-nanotechnology: the science revolving round the use of nanostructures to build devices on an
extremely small scale
-affective computing: computing that relations to emotion or deliberately tries to influence emotion
-digital divide: having access to the use and knowledge of computers compared to those individuals
who do not
Chapter 5
-application software: the software you use to do everyday tasks
-system software: set of software programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions b/t
application software and your computer's hardware devices
-consists of 2 types of programs:
-operating system (OS): a group of programs that controls how your computer functions
-utility programs: perform general housekeeping tasks for your computer
-the OS coordinates the flow of data and information through the computer system by coordinating the
hardware, software, user interface, processor, and the system's memory
-real-time operating system (RTOS): a program with a specific purpose that must guarantee certain
response times for particular computing tasks (used in machines & robots)
-single-user multitask OS: an operating system that allows only one person to work on a computer at a
time but the system can perform a variety of tasks (desktops)
-single-user single task OS: an operating system that allows only one use to work on a computer at a
time to perform just one task at a time (PDA)
-Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS): a single user, single task OS created by Microsoft
-multiuser OS: enables more than one user to access the computer system at one time by efficiently
handling and prioritizing all the requests from multiple user (mainframes & supercomputers)
-platform: the combination of operating system and processor
-Linux: an open-source operating system, that is, one that is freely available for developers to use or
modify as they wish
-servers: computers on a network that manage network resources
-mainframes: very large computers that handle the request of thousands of users simultaneously
-user interface: part of the OS that enables individuals to interact with the computer
-preemptive multitasking: when the OS processes a task assigned a higher priority before processing a
task that has been assigned a lower priority
-virtual memory: the process of optimizing RAM storage by borrowing hard drive space
-device driver: a special program that facilitates the communication between the hardware device and
the OS
-application programming interfaces (API): blocks of code in the OS that software applications need to
interact with
-basic input/output system (BIOS): a program that manages the data b/t the operating system and all the
input and output devices attached to the system
-also responsible for loading the OS from its permanent location on the hard drive into RAM
-registry: contains all the difference configurations used by the OS and by other applications
-ribbons/toolbars: groups of icons collected for easy access
-explorers: the main tool for finding, viewing, and managing the contents of your computer by showing
the location and contents of every driver, folder, and file
-tiles view: displays files and folders as icons in list form
-file extension: identifies what kind of family of files the file belongs to or which application should be
used to read the file
-only files deleted from the hard drive go the Recycle Bin
-disk defragmenter: regroups related pieces of files on the hard disk
Chapter 3
-communication is the primary reason people use the internet
-podcast: a clip of audio or video content that is broadcast over the Internet using compressed files
-aggregators: software programs that go out and grab the latest update of web material according to
your specifications
-blogs: personal journal entries that are posted on the Web -webcast: the
broadcast of audio or video over the Internet
-are not updated automatically
-wiki: a type of website that allows anyone visiting the site to change its content
-cookies: small text files that some Web sites automatically store on your computer's hard drive when
you visit the site
-adware: software programs that download on your computer when you install or use other software
-spyware: unwanted piggyback program that runs in the background of your system
-malware: software that has a malicious intent
-URL (Uniform Resource Locator): allows you to gain access to a particular Web site
-protocol: a set of rules for exchanging data and communication (first part of a URL)
-HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP): allows transfer of files from server to computer to view
-File Transfer Protocol (FTP): upload/download files from one computer to another
-breadcrumb list: a list of pages within a Web sites you've visited
-subject directory: a structured outline of Web sites organized by topics & subtopics
-spider: part of a search engine that collects data on the Web
-client: a computer that asks for data
-server: a computer that receives the request and returns the data to the client
-internet backbone: the largest and fastest pathway that is the main artery of the internet
-Internet Protocol address (IP): the means by which all computers connected to the internet identify
each other
-broadband: a connection to the internet other than dial up
-DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): uses telephone lines to connect to the internet
-dial-up modem: a device that converts the digital signals into analog signals that can travel over phone
-the Web is the means we use to access information over the internet
Chapter 13
-T-lines: high-speed fiber-optic communication lines that are designed to provide much higher
throughput than conventional lines
-network access point (NAP): the points of connection between ISPs
-Internet Exchange Points (IXPs): devices that allow different ISPs to exchange information b/t
-point of presence (POP): a bank of modems through which many users can connect to an ISP
-computer protocol: a set of rules for exchanging electronic information
-circuit switching: a dedicated connection is formed b/t two points and the connect remains active for
the duration of the transmission (telephone conversation) / is inefficient for computers
-TCP/IP: the main suite of protocols used on the Internet
-static addressing: the IP address for a computer never changes
-dynamic addressing: your computer is assigned an address from an available pool of IP addresses
-handled by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DFCP)
-DNS server: functions like a phone book in that is matches the URL to the IP address
Telnet: both a protocol for connecting to a remote computer and a TCP/IP service that runs on a remote
computer to make it accessible for other computers
-the WWW is a grouping of protocols and software that's resides on the Internet
-hypertext documents are documents in which text is linked to other documents or media
-Secure-HyperText Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP): in an extension to the HTTP protocol and supports
sending data securely over the Web
-Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): creates a secure connection b/t server and client
-HyperText Markup Language (HTML): describes the content of a Web page (mainly text & graphic
-Extensible Markup Language (EML): a language that enables designers to define their own tags,
making it much easier to transfer data b/t Web sites and Web servers
-Common Gateway Interface (CGI): provides a methodology by which your browser can request that a
program file be executed instead of just being delivered to the browser
-the programs created are called CGI scripts
-server-side program: programs that are run on a Web server as opposed to inside a Web browser
-client-side program: a program that runs on the client and requires no interaction with the Web server
-JavaScript: a programming language used to add interactivity to Web pages
-applet: a small application that resides on a server
-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): responsible for sending email along the internet to its
-email servers: specialized servers whose sole function is to store, process, and send email
-Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME): a specification that was introduced in 1991 to simplify
attachments to email messages
-extranets: are pieces of intranets that only certain corporations or individuals can access
-encryption: the process of coding email so that only the person with the key can read the message
2060 - Notes 2
Chapter 2
-computer-a data processing device that performs four major functions:
1) it gathers data, 2) it processes the data into information 3) its outputs data 4) it stores data
-data-is a representation of a fact or idea
-information-data that has been organized in a meaningful fashion
-processing-manipulating data into information
-binary language-the language computers use to process information
-binary digit (bit)-a digit that corresponds to the on and off states of a computer's switches
-8 bits combine to create one byte
-software-the set of programs that enables the hardware to perform certain tasks
-application software-the set of programs you use to help you carry out tasks
-system software-the set of programs that enables your computer's hardware devices and
application software to work together
-ie operating system (OS)-the program that controls the way in which your computer
-also provides a means by which users can interact with the computer
-input device-enables you to enter data and instructions into your computer
-ie keyboard, mouse, scanner, electronic pens (styluses) etc
-Bluetooth-a wireless transmission standard that facilitates the connection among electronic computing
-function keys-act as shortcut keys you press to perform specific tasks
-toggle key-a keyboard keys whose functions changes each times it is pressed
-notebook computers-portable computers that are powered by batteries and have keyboards, monitors,
and other devices integrated into a single compact case
-stylus-pen-shaped device that you use by writing on the PDA's touch-sensitive screen
-the best wireless keyboards use radio frequency
-optical mouse-uses an internal sensor or laser to detect the mouse's movement
-trackball mouse-a mouse with a rollerball on top instead of on the bottom
-touchpad-a small, touch-sensitive area at the base of the keyboards that function like a mouse
-trackpoint device-a small nub that allows you to move the cursor
-magnetically shielded microphones-mic's designed to reduce interference from external sources and
that usually plug into a port on the sound card
-output devices-enable the user to send processed data out of your computer
-ie monitor, printer, speakers
-CRT (cathode-ray tube)-monitor that looks like a traditional television set
-LCD (liquid crystal display)-a flat-panel monitor that are lighter and more energy efficient
-pixels-single points that create images on a computer monitor (red, blue and green)
-resolution (clearness/sharpness) is controlled by the number of pixels a screen has
-impact printers-have tiny hammer-like keys that strike the paper through an inked ribbon
-nonimpact printers-spray ink or use laser beams to transfer marks onto the paper
-plotters-large printers used to produce oversize pictures
-thermal printers-a printer that works by either melting wax-based ink onto ordinary paper or by
burning dots onto specially coated paper
-sleep mode-all documents are in RAM where they are quickly accessible upon starting up
-hibernation-stores your data in memory and saves it to your hard disk
-warm boot-restarting the system while it's powered on
-hard disk drive is a nonvolatile storage device meaning it holds that data and instructions your
computer needs permanently even after your computer is turned off
-drive bays-special shelves inside computers designed to hold storage devices
-serial ports-send data on bit at a time and are often used to connect modems to the computer
-parallel ports-sends data between devices in groups of bits
-universal serial bus (USB)-are now the most popular ports used to connect input and output devices
to the computer
-connectivity ports- give you access to networks and the internet
-Ethernet port-used to connect to a cable modem or network
-expansion cards (adapter cards)-circuit boards with specific functions that augment the computer's
basic functions as well as provide connections to other devices
-network interface card (NIC)-enables the computer to connect with other computers or to a cable
modem to facilitate a high-speed Internet connection
-motherboard-a special circuit board in the system unit that contains the CPU, RAM, and slots for
expansion cards (main circuit board that connects all of the electronic components of the system)
-CPU-the part of the system unit responsible for the data processing (brains of the computer); controls
all the functions and processes all the commands issued to it by the software instructions
RAM-the computers temporary storage space or short-term memory
-is the temporary or volatile storage location for the computer
ROM-read only memory that holds all the instructions the computer needs to start up
Chapter 9
-semiconductor-any material that can be controlled to either conduct electricity or act as an insulator
-integrated chips-very small regions of semiconductor material that support a huge number of
-microprocessors-chips that contain a CPU
-the processor used on a computer also determines what operating system is used
-multi-core processing-technology in which two or more processors have been attached to an
integrated circuit board for more enhanced computing performance
-machine cycle/process cycle-fetches binary code  decode  execute  storage in registry -registersspecial memory storage areas built into the CPU (fastest memory in your computer)
-control unit (of the CPU)-manages the switches inside the CPU
-cache memory-small blocks of memory located directly on and right next to the CPU
-not possible to upgrade your cache
-ALU (arithmetic logic unit)-part of the CPU that performs mathematical operations
-word size-the number of bits a computer can work with at a time
-bus-an electrical wire in the computer's circuitry
-local buses (aka FSB)-are on the motherboard and run b/t the CPU and the main system memory
-pipelining-technique that allows the CPU to work on more than one instruction at a time
-parallel processing-a network computer environment in which each computer works on a portion of
the same problem simultaneously
Chapter 6
Moore's Law-number of transistors on inside a CPU will double CPU capacity every 18 months
-the CPU is made up of the control unit (coordinates the activities of the computer's components) and
the ALU
-a 3.8 GHz processor performs work at a rate of 3.8 billion machine cycles per second
-CPU usage-the % of time that your CPU is working
-volatile storage-when the computer is shut down, the memory is cleared (& requires power to save
-nanoseconds are billionths of a second
-memory modules (memory cards)-are small circuit boards that hold a series of RAM ship
-kernel memory-the memory that your operating system uses
-page file-the file the operating system builds on the hard drive when it is using virtual memory to
enable processing to continue
-platters-thin, round plates stacked onto the hard drive's disk spindle
-optical media-CD's and DVD's
-for CD & DVD drives, record speed/rewrite speed/playback speed
-video card-an expansion card that is used to translate binary data into images
-video memory-memory included on a video card
-bit depth-the number of bits the video card uses to store about each pixel on the monitor
-amplified speakers are ones that use external power
-port-an interface through which external devices are connected to your computer
-ei. USB (universal serial bus), USB2.0, FireWire, Ethernet, Serial, Parallel
-irDA port-uses infrared waves to transmit data
-MIDI port-allows one to connect musical instruments to the computer
-expansion hub-a device that connects to one port to provide more ports
Chapter 8
-popular OS for cell phones include Symbian OS and Windows Mobile
-digital signal processor-a specialized chip that processes digital information and transmits signals
very quickly
-MMS (Multimedia Message Service)-allows you to send messages that include sound, images, &
-data plans refer to text messaging plans
-PMP(Portable Media Players)-small portable devices that allow you to carry around MP3 files
-flash memory is non-volatile
-sampling rate-the number of timers per second the music is measured and converted to a digital value
-peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing-the process of users transferring files between computers
-Graffiti-one of the more popular notation systems for PDA's
-processors speed-the number of operations/cycles the processor completes each second
-PDA's do not contain internal hard drives
-cradle-connects a PDA to a computer using either a USB port or a serial port
-wireless allocation protocol (WAP)-the standard that dictates how handheld devices will access
information on the Internet
-smartphone-a device that combines the functionality of a call phone, a PMP, and a PDA into one unit
-hot-swappable bays-bays that provide the ability to remove one drive and exchange it with another
while the computer is running
-the two types of notebook batteries are lithium ion and nickel metal hydride
-memory effect-the old battery must be completely used up before it is recharged
-ultranotebook (subnotebook)-category of computers that weigh 4 pounds or less
-ExpressCards-are smaller and transfer data faster than the PC Cards they are replacing
Chapter 4 - Application Software
-software: refers to a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do
-programs: a series of instructions to be followed by computer to accomplish a task
-productivity software: includes programs that enable you to perform various tasks generally required
in home, school and business
-labels: descriptive text that identifies the components of the worksheet
-functions: formula's that are pre-programmed into the spreadsheet software
-database software: a complex electronic filing system
-macros: small programs that group a series of commands to run as a single command
-integrated software application: a single software program that incorporates the most commonly used
tools of many productivity software programs into one
-software suite: a group of software programs that have been bundled as a package
-three primary developers of productivity software sweets are Microsoft, Lotus, and Corel
-encoders are programs that convert files into MP3 format
-Microsoft Visio is a program used to create technical drawings, maps, etc
-DTP (Desktop Publishing) software allows you to incorporate and arrange graphics and text in your
documents in creative ways
-Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems-used to control many "back-office" operations and
processing functions
-vertical market software: software that is developed for and customized to a specific industry's need -proprietary
software: a program that is owned and controlled by the company that it is created for or
-CAD (computer-aided design): programs that use a form of 3-D modeling
-Web-based application software: a program hosted on a Web site and does not require a large
installation on your computer
-beta versions: versions of software that are still under development
-shareware: software that enables users to "test" the software by running it for a limited time free of
-files ending with .exe are executable files or applications
-a full installation copies all files and programs
Chapter 11 - Databases and Information Systems
-databases: collections of related data
-data redundancy: when the same data exists in more than one place of the database
-3 main advantages of databases: 1) enable information sharing 2) promote data integrity 3) flexible use
of data
-database administrator: an individual trained in the design and building of databases
-databases have 3 main components: fields, records, and tables (files)
-field: a category of information in a database (are displayed in columns)
-record: groups of related fields
-table (or file): a group of related records
-primary key: the unique field that each database record in a table must have
-3 types of databases are: relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional
-relational database: organizes data in table format by logically grouping similar data into relations
-multidimensional database: stores in multiple dimensions and in cube format
-database management system (DBMS): specially designed software that interacts with the user and the
database to capture and analyze data
-data dictionary (data schema): a file witch defines the name, data-type and length of each field in the
-metadata: data that describes other data
-input form: provides a view of the data fields to be filled in a database
-field constraints: properties that must be satisfied for an entry to be accepted into the field
-database query: a question or inquiry you ask the database so it provides you with the records you
wish to view
-relationships: refer to the links between tables that define how the data is related
-normalization: the process of recording data only once in a database to reduce data redundancy
-foreign key: the primary key of another table that is included for purposes of establishing relationships
with that other table
-referential integrity: for each value in the foreign key of one table, there is a corresponding value in
the primary key of the related table
-data in warehouses is organized by subject
-data staging: a three step process, extracting data from source databases, transforming the data, and
story the data in a data warehouse
Chapter 7 - Networking and Security
-network: two or more computers that are connected via software and hardware so that they can
communicate with each other
-nodes: refers to the devices that are connected to a network (a computer, a peripheral, or a
communications device)
-peer-to-peer (P2P) network: a network in which each node connected to the network can communicate
directly with every other node on the network
-client/server network: a network in which the clients makes requests of the server and the server
returns the response
-local area networks LAN): networks in which the nodes are located within a small geographic area
-wide area networks (WAN): made up of LAN's connected over long distances
-transmission media: the radio waves or cable that transport data on a network
-twisted pair cable: cables made of copper wires that are twisted around each other and are surrounded
by a plastic jacket (is the most popular option for wired Ethernet networks)
-data transfer rate (bandwidth): maximum speed at which data can be transmitted between two nodes
on a network (measured in bits per second)
-throughput: the actual speed of data transfer that is achieved
-packets: bundles of data over transmission media
-network navigation devices: devices on a network such as routers, hubs, and switches that move data
signals around the network
-repeaters: devices that are installed on long cable runs to amplify the signal
-routers: devices that transfer packets of data between two or more networks
-transceiver: a device that translates the electronic data that needs to be sent along the network into
radio waves then broadcasts these radio waves to other network nodes
-hubs: network navigation device that transmits a signal to all other nodes attached to it
-wireless access point (WAP): a device that attaches to a network and provides wireless nodes with a
means of wirelessly connecting to the network (basically extends wireless range)
-power-line networks: use the existing electrical wiring in your home to connect the nodes in the
-Trojan horse: a program that appears to be something useful but at the same time does something
-distributed denial of service attack (DDoS): automated attacks that are launched from more than one
zombie at the same time
-logical ports: virtual communications gateways/paths that allow a computer to organize requests for
information from other networks or computers
-firewalls: software programs or hardware devices designed to keep computers safe from hackers
-virus: a computer program that attaches itself to another computer program and attempts to spread
itself to other computers when files are exchanged
-worms: a program that attempts to travel between system through network connections
-scripts: series of commands, actually mini programs, that are executed without your knowledge
-encryption virus: a malicious program that searches from common data files and compresses them into
a file using a complex encryption key, rendering the files unusable
-polymorphic virus: change their own code
-multipartite virus: infect multiple files
-stealth virus: erase their code from the files where they reside and hide in the active memory of the
-inoculation: the process by which anti-virus software records key attributes about files on the
computer and compares them to changes so as to detect viruses
Chapter 12 - Networking and Security
-server: a computer that both stores and shares resources
-client: a computer that requests those resources
-main advantage is it allows data to flow more efficiently than P2P
-scalable network: more users can be added easily without affecting the performance of the other
network nodes
-personal area networks (PANs): used to connect wireless devices in close proximity to each other
-dedicated servers: used to fulfill one specific function
-authentication servers: keep track of who is logging on to the network and which services on the
network are available to each other
-application server: a server that acts as a repository for application software
-communications server: is the only server connected to the internet
-network topology: refers to the physical or logical arrangement of computers, transmission media
(cable) and other network components
-bus topology: a system of networking connections in which call devices are connected to a central
cable called the bus (or backbone)
-each device is connect to each other and the data is always sent to all devices
-terminator: a device that absorbs the signal so that it is not reflected back onto parts of the network
that have already received it
-passive topology: when data merely travels the entire length of the communications media and is
received by all network devices
-ring topology: networked computers/peripherals that are laid out in a logical circle
-token: a special data packet used to pass data in a token-ring network
-active topology: each node on the network is responsible for retransmitting the token, or the data, to
other nodes
-star topology: nodes connect to a central communications device called a switch
-protocol: a set of rules for exchanging communication
-jam signal: a special signal sent of all network nodes alerting them that a data collision has occurred
-fiber-optic cable: composed of a glass (or plastic) fiber that comprises the core of the cable
-are one directional
-wireless media: add-ons to extent or improve access to a wired network
-network operating system (NOS): software that handles requests for information, Internet access, and
the use of peripherals for the rest of the network nodes
-device drivers: enable the network adapter to communicate with the server's operating system
-Media Access Control (MAC) address: a physical address similar to a serial number on an appliance
that ios assigned to each network adapter
-is internal whereas IP address is external
-frames: containers that can hold multiple data packets
-bridges: network devices that are used to send data between two different LAN's or two segments of
the same LAN
-routers: are designed to send information between two networks
-access card readers: read information from a magnetic strip on the back on a credit card
-biometric access devices that use some unique characteristic of human biology
-packets screening: examining incoming data packets to ensure they are from authorized users
-done by the router
-bastion host: a heavily secured server located on a special perimeter network between the company's
secure internal network and the firewall
-proxy server : acts as a go-between for computers on the internal network and the external network