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1 A document produced by someone years after an event is a.
2 A document written by a person who was at an event is a:
3. The famous Rosetta Stone was discovered in this country:
4. Controlling this meant early man could be protected from animals and make sharper tools:
5. This may have developed because of the need for people to hunt together:
6. Early North Americans domesticated this animal:
7. As the agricultural revolution began, more available food made this increase:
8. Watering dry land by using ditches, pipes, or streams:
9. An amount produced in excess of what is needed:
10. The first priests started out by interpreting nature. These men were called:
11. Seals and daggers from Catal Huyuk are examples of:
12. Catal Huyuk was discovered in this present-day country:
13. Catal Huyuk had no gates so the people had to use _______ to get inside the city.
14. Mesopotamia is the land between these two rivers:
15. The first known writing system, which used wedge-shaped symbols:
16. A political unit made up of a city and its surrounding lands:
17. Another name for a Mesopotamian temple.
18. The belief in many gods and goddesses:
19. Sumerians who could read and write were called:
20. This man created the world’s first empire:
21. This was the first empire in history:
22. An area of rich soil stretching from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea:
23. A list of 282 laws which covered everyday life in Babylonia:
24. The only Wonder of the Ancient World still standing today:
25. This guy had the Hanging Gardens of Babylon built for his Persian wife:
26. The Persian homeland is in this country today:
27. Darius the Great put these people in charge of his provinces:
28. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are collectively called:
29. The Promised Land:
30. The belief in one God:
31. The Ten Commandments were written on:
32. This man led the Israelites out of Egypt:
33. This was the first city that the 12 Tribes of Israel were able to take back:
34. During the Israelites 200 years of fighting, these people led the military:
35. This guy wrote many of the prayers found in Psalms:
36. This group conquered Israel in 722 B.C.:
37. The third king of Israel who was the son of David:
38. This Persian king is mentioned more than 20 times in the Old Testament:
39. This king allowed 40,000 Jews to return to their homeland:
40. A group of Jews who led a rebellion against Roman authority in AD 66:
41. The movement of Jews to other parts of the world:
42. This man led a small fighting force which defeated a much larger Syrian army:
43. According to the Torah, the Ark of the Covenant contained the:
44. A menorah is a:
45. A triangle-shaped deposit of rich soil near a river’s mouth:
46. The Nile River flows mainly in this direction:
47. The winds along the Nile usually blow this direction:
48. The Egyptians believed that if the gods were angry, the Nile:
49. Egyptians used this to write on using hieroglyphs:
50. The Egyptian sun god:
51. This guy ordered the building of the largest pyramid:
52. The pyramids were built during this kingdom:
53. This pharaoh had the step pyramid built:
54. Pharaohs were buried here during the New Kingdom:
55. During the Middle Kingdom, this group invaded Egypt from Palestine and Syria:
56. This was the capital city during much of the New Kingdom in Egypt:
57. This Kushite king was declared pharaoh of Egypt around 750 B.C.:
58. The first true pyramid was built in 2600 B.C. by Khufu’s dad in Dahshur. It is called the:
59.This was the capital in Nubia in 1000 B.C.:
60. This woman ruled with her stepson, Thutmose III:
61. This group began to migrate into India in 1500 B.C.:
62. Mountain range to the northwest of India:
63. Seasonal wind systems which shape India’s climate:
64. The first Indian settlements were started near this river:
65. The Harappan people were the first to use this crop to make a type of fabric:
66. Fortresses in Harappan civilization are known as:
67. In India the social class that a person belongs to by birth:
68. The belief that people are reborn into another body:
69. The Aryans who swept onto the Indian subcontinent around 1500 B.C. spoke this language:
70. Priests, scholars, and teachers were in this class:
71. This group, also known as outcasts, was considered below all other groups:
72. Four collections of sacred Sanskrit texts:
73. This modern religion developed directly from Brahmanism:
74. According to this religion in #79, this god was the creator:
75. The belief that what people do now will affect them later in this life and the next:
76. The process of making the mind calm:
77. This word means nonviolence:
78. Greatest Maurya king who began to rule in 272 B.C.:
79. These people believe that every living thing has a soul and shouldn’t be hurt:
80. Chandragupta had this animal play an important role in his army:
81. Asoka helped spread Buddhism by sending out these people to many parts of the empire:
82. The family after the Maurya dynasty to control a large part of the Indian subcontinent:
83. During the golden age astronomers proved that the earth was:
84. This guy used ahimsa to protest British rule of India:
85. This is the Hindu god of success, education, wealth, and wisdom:
86. This great Hindu temple complex was built in the 12th century in modern-day Cambodia:
87. By A.D. 600, this is the country farthest away from India to which Buddhism had spread: