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Chapter 4 Notes
New Kingdom of Egypt
More _______________ & power
Queen Hatshepsut encouraged _____________
Thutmose III expands _____________________
Ramses II
Last powerful ________________ of the New
Modern-day Sudan
Also known as the region of Kush
Valley of the Kings = ________________________
Fought Battle of Kadesh between Egyptians and
Adopt from Egypt
_____________________, literature/hieroglyphics,
& __________________________
When Egypt falls to Libya, the ________________ step in & restore culture.
Nubians saw selves as the _______________________ of Egyptian Values.
Meroe = major city of ___________
-involved in trade between _______________, Arabia, & ________________
Controlled empire with ________________ power,
________________, & making provinces
_______________ = first king of Persian Empire
Persian Rule
_____________________ rule
Satraps & Inspectors
Standardized __________________
Persian _________________ & religious
Persian Legacy
Strong _______________________________
Military Power
Ladders, _______________ weapons,
______________, brutal tactics, & __________
Expanded territory through tolerance & military
-honored local _____________ & ____________
-Granted certain _____________________
-showed ___________________________ towards
conquered people
Key Terms
____________________ = governor of a province
within the empire
Royal Road = _____________________________
Zoroastrianism =
China during the Warring Period
____________________________ = believed social order, harmony, and good government could be
restored if society was organized around five basic relationships.
____________________________ = follow the “Dao”-do not strive for fame, power, or wisdom, just let
it be.
Chapter 4 Notes
____________________________ = government should use law to end civil disorder & stress
punishment more than rewards.
____________________________ = together earth & heaven, female & male, passive & active can
represent the natural rhythms of life.
Qin Dynasty
Halted internal battles & ________________
Defeated ___________________
Seized ________________ & uprooted nobles to
the capital city
_________________ ______________ on roads,
irrigation systems, & the Great Wall of China
Standardized ______________ & measurements
Results of Qin Dynasty
Wealth in ______________
Increased _______________________ production
Kept out ___________________
__________________ China
Key Terms
Autocracy = ______________________________
At the expense of what?
__________________ _____________________
Things to Ponder: What were the role of Satraps in Persia?