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General Geology Section 004
September 15, 2006
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General Geology Section 004
TEST 1 Version B
September 15, 2006
For each question select the BEST answer. Each question is worth 2 points each and
the test is worth 110 points.
1. THE COLOR OF ________ is much more reliable than the color of the mineral.
a. streak
c. cleavage
b. fracture
d. hardness
2. Mohs hardness scale indicates that __________.
a. quartz will scratch corundum
c. talc will scratch glass
b. diamond can be scratched by topaz d. GYPSUM will be scratched by a finger
3. Cations are________.
a. larger the atom from which they are formed
b. negatively charged
c. larger than anions
d. smaller than anions
4. A common bond type in minerals is _________.
a. ionic
c. metallic
b. covalent
d. all of these
5. ___________ is an example of a concordant igneous rock body.
c. a sill
a dike
d. a batholith
6. The opening in the earth where lava, pyroclastic debris and gases are released is
called a ________.
a. crater
c. caldera
b. a and c
d. fumerole
7. Which of these would settle out of the air nearest the crater?
a. blocks
c. dust
b. cinders
d. ash
8. An extrusive rock _________.
a. has aphanitic texture
c. cools and solidifies at or near Earth’s surface.
b. is composed of microscopic grains
d. all of these
9. Silica tetrahedral share _____ oxygen atoms in mica (a sheet structure silicate
a. 1
c. 2
b. 3
10. Which is an example of plate boundaries?
a. convergent
b. subduction
d. 4
c. divergent
d. all of these
11. Plate tectonics is a unifying theory that helps explain where and why there are
______ on Earth.
a. earthquakes
c oceanic ridges
b. volcanoes
d. all of these
12. Which of the following has the thickest zone?
a. asthenosphere
b. mantle
c. crust
d. core
13. Lava that has been ejected into the atmosphere and solidifies on its return to Earth’s
surface, is called ________.
a. pumice
c. scoria
b. rhyolite
d. cinders
14. Pumice is lighter than water because of
a. many small vesicles
b. volcanic gases in the rock
c. holes filled with water
d. all of these
15. Porphyritic texture indicates
a. a long period of cooling
b. slow cooling
c. rapid cooling
d. b and c
16. The most common rock on the continents is _______ and the most common rock on
the ocean floor is ________.
a. rhyrolite … ….basalt
c. rhyolite … …granite
b. basalt … …gabbro
d. granite… …basalt
17. The fact that large plates of the planet Earth are moving to day and therefore have
moved in the geologic past is an example of _______.
a. the law of plate tectonics
c. uniformitarianism
b. continental drift
d. sea floor spreading
18. Sharing of electrons occurs with _______ bonding.
a. ionic
c. hydrogen
b. opposite charges attracting
d. none of these
19. The earth is about _____________________years old.
a. 4,500
c. 450,00
b. 4,500,000
d. 4,500,000,000
20. Gabbro and basalt are different in _______.
a. texture
c. mineralogy
b. chemistry
d. the kind of magma that each crystallized from
21. When magma fills a crack that cuts discordantly across the pre-existing layering of
the country rock, the result is an igneous ________.
a. sill
c. batholith
b. dike
d. mantle
22. A sill will have _________
a. vesicles above it
b. chill zones above and below
c. baked zones above and below
d. all of the above
23. Large crystals called _____ are sometimes observed in an otherwise fine-grained
volcanic rock.
a. pyroclasts
c. xenoliths
b. porphyrycrysts
d. phenocrysts
24. Heat from an intruded magma will___________________.
a. form chill zones in the country rock
c. form baked zones in the country rock
b. form a contact
d. form xenoliths
25. The explosive eruption of volcanoes is the result of:
a. steam pressure
c. viscous magma
b. composition of the rock
d. all of these
26. The smooth, ropey surface of a lava is cause by
a. the chemical composition of the lava
b. temperature of the lava
c. water content
d. all of these
27. A volcaneo with steep sides is either a _______ or ________ .
a. composite….. …..shield
c. shield ….. ….strata cone
b. cinder cone… …shield
d. cinder cone … …strata cone
28. An example of the Rule of Uniformitarianism is ________.
a. streams have eroded Earth in the past and will do so in the future
b. the theory of Plate Tectonics
c. streams are eroding today and have done so in the past
d. streams are eroding today and will do so in the future
29. Which of the following minerals is a good source of iron?
a. sphalerite
c. pyroxene
b. galena
d. hematite
30. Porphyritic rocks are formed by:
a. rapid cooling
b. phenocryts and a finer grain ground mass
c. slow cooling
d. heating stope blocks
31. Which of the following cooled most rapidly?
a. an aphanitic-textured rock
c. a coarse-grained rock
b. a rock with phaneritic texture
d. a rock with cryptocrystalline texture
32. Ore minerals are minerals ______.
a. that form on Earth’s surface
b. that are associated with volcanic rocks
c. that can be produced for a profit
d. that form during metamorphism
33. Amethyst is the variety of ________.
a. corundum
b. olivine
c. topaz
d. quartz
34. Which is not an intrusive igneous rock?
a. gabbro
b. diorite
c. granite
d. andesite
35. The discontinuous branch of Bowen’s reaction series contains the mineral
a. pyroxene
c. biotite
b. olivine
d. all of the above
36. The rock type that is most closely associated with explosive composite volcanoes is
a. rhyolite
c. basalts
b. andesite
d. obsidian
37. The geothermal gradient alone does not supply enough heat to melt rock and form
magmas. The MOST important factor in addition to the geothermal gradient for the
formation of magmas is _________.
a. presence of water
c. large amounts of iron
b. friction
d. absence of potassium
38. _____ is an igneous rock that contains large grains of quartz and smaller grains of
a. gabbro
c. rhyolite porphyry
b. basalt
d. pumice
39. Within a magma chamber, _____ minerals tend to crystallize early (at higher
a. mafic
c. silicic
b. felsic
d. intermediate
40. As the word is understood in sciences, many “theories” in geology will never
become laws because__________.
a. geologists cannot agree
b. geologic time cannot be duplicated in the lab or field
c. it is impossible to observe Earth processes
d. all of these
41. Subduction zones are associated with _____ plate boundaries.
a. convergent
c. transform
b. divergent
d. a and b are both correct
42. In order for a particular type of material to be classified as a mineral, it must:
a. have a random atomic structure
c. be a silicate compound
b. be formed at high temperatures
d. have a definite chemical composition
43. The most common mineral in the earth’s crust is ________.
a. quartz
c. pyroxene
b. feldspar
d. biotite
44. The ability of a mineral to break along preferred directions is call _______.
a. fracture
c. breakage
b. crystal form
d. cleavage
45. The VERY LARGE circular depression at the top of some volcanoes, formed by
collapse of a magma chamber subsequent to an eruption, is called a _______.
a. vent
c. caldera
b. pit
d. crater
46. The most abundant gas emitted by a typical volcano is ______.
a. carbon dioxide
c. hydrochloric gas
b. water vapor
d. sulfur dioxide
47. Most fatalities associated with volcanic eruptions are caused by:
a. lava
c. volcanic gases
b. pyroclastic debris
d. lightning
48. An example of an aphanitic rock is _________.
a. diorite
c. gabbro
b. obsidian
d. none of these
49. An example of a ferromagnesium minerals-rich rock is
a. gabbro
c. andesite
b. rhyrolite
d. none of these
50. Basalt pillows indicate that the rock
a. has had two periods of cooling
b. was formed from basalt lava extruded onto the ocean floor
51. What igneous rock body is shown?
a. batholith
b. dike
c. volcanic plug
d. sill
52. The “grooves” on this mineral cleavage surface are:
a. Mhos
c. xenoliths
b. phenocrysts
d. Mohs
53. What type of lava is this?
a. granite
b. aa
c. rhyolite
d. pahoehoe
54. What intrusive rock body is shown?
a. batholith
b. sill
c. xenolith
d. dike
55. This slide is a good example of ____________.
a. a porphyry
c. fracture
b. cleavage
d. a bomb
c. has many vesicles
d. is granitic