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Study Guide for Mr. Carney’s/Ms. Darity’s
Civil War Test
Words to know: What do the following words mean? How are they related to the
American Civil War in South Carolina?
Ordinance of Secession- the document that officially dissolved the bond between South
Carolina and the United States of America; SC was the first state to secede from the
Civil War- war between the North and the South
Confederacy- the South; 11 states
Union- the North; their main purpose of the war was to preserve the Union
Blockade- Union blocked Southern ports; based in SC
Anaconda Plan- the Union’s war strategy; 3 parts; blockade Southern ports, take control
of the Mississippi River, cutting the Confederacy into 2 pieces, and taking the capital,
Stalemate- a tie; we were in one the first two years of the war
“Total War”- the Union’s strategy to get the Confederacy to surrender; war on not only
soldiers, but civilians; burned fields, homes, railroads, etc.
Emancipation Proclamation- freed all slaves in the rebel states; didn’t really free anyone
at all; made the war about slavery, not just preserving the Union; because of this, England
is no longer willing to get involved on the side of the Confederacy
Conscription Law- a draft enacted by both the North and the South when there were not
enough volunteer soldiers
Beaufort Experiment- schools were opened for freed slaves in Beaufort by missionaries
from the North; taught freed slaves how to read and write as well as how to be members
of society
Sherman’s March to the Sea- from Tennessee to Savannah; destroyed everything in his
path before coming through SC and burning Columbia
People to Know: How did the following people contribute to the history of the Civil
Abraham Lincoln- president of the United States of America; main goal at the start of the
war was to preserve the Union; killed less than a week after the first Confederate
U.S. Grant- leading Union general who helped lead the US to victory in Virginia and on
the Mississippi River; negotiated the surrender of the army of northern Virginia at
Appomattox; captured Vicksburg, MS
William T. Sherman- Union general who left a trail of destruction behind him in his
infamous “March to the Sea”
Jefferson Davis- only president of the Confederate States of America
Robert E. Lee- one of the leading generals of the Confederacy; led the army of northern
Virginia; surrendered his army at Appomattox Courthouse
Robert Smalls- stole The Planter and put it into Union service; the North reacted by
allowing him to join the army as well as becoming aware of the fact that African
Americans could be useful as soldiers
Gideon’s Band- a group of northern missionaries who opened schools for freed slaves in
Beaufort, SC
1st Regiment of S.C. Volunteers- a group of Beaufort slaves who joined the army after
being freed by the Union
54th Massachusetts Regiment- the first all-black troop group to see action in battle; they
fought bravely in the Battle of Fort Wagner
War Events
Battle of Fort Sumter- April 1861; first shots of the Civil War were fired here; this battle
began the Civil War; Confederacy won
Invasion of Port Royal- Union invaded Beaufort; South Carolinians fled; the Union won
Battle of Secessionville- battle on James Island; Confederate win
Battle of Gettysburg- turning point of the war for the North
Battle of Fort Wagner- led by the 54th Massachusetts Regiment; Confederates won
What were the 3 parts to Lincoln’s Anaconda Plan?
Blockade Southern ports to prevent importing/exporting
Take control of the Mississippi River, cutting the Confederacy in half
Take over the Confederate capital, Richmond
Know the advantages of the Union and the Confederacy and the war strategies of each.
 Advantages: more men who could fight, more effective navy, had more factories
to make more of the machinery needed for war, more railroads
 Strategy: Anaconda Plan
 Advantages: great military leaders, something to fight for, fighting on familiar
 Strategy: defensive, wear the Union down until they give up
Know the events on your timelines. You do NOT need to memorize the dates, but you
should know the years of the war.
April 1861 – Battle of Fort Sumter; Civil War has begun
Battle of Port Royal
Battle of Secessionville
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Fort Wagner
April 1865 – Battle of Appomattox Courthouse; Confederacy surrenders; the
Union has won the war
What was the Beaufort Experiment? Gideon’s Band? Why was this important?
The Beaufort Experiment was when missionaries from the North, such as Gideon’s Band,
opened schools for freed slaves in Beaufort. Former slaves were able to learn how to read
and write as well as how to become members of a free society. This was important
because it demonstrated how life could be after the war ended.