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Chapter 16: The Civil War 1861-1865
Review Game Questions
Name the four original border states. (KY, MO, DE, MD)
Which state seceded from the union first? (SC)
State whether each state fought for the Union or Confederacy.
Capital of the Confederate States of America. (Richmond)
President of the Confederate States of America. (Jefferson Davis)
First capital of the Confederate States of America. (Montgomery)
List one strategy of the South for winning the Civil War (defensive fighting, wait for help
from Britain or France)
The Union had three goals to defeat the South. What were they? (blockade southern
ports, capture Mississippi River, take Richmond)
Which of the Union goals was achieved first? (blockade southern ports)
Which battle was the first battle fought on Union soil? (Antietam)
What was the significance of the First Bull Run? (neither side was prepared, war would
be long)
Which Union general steps down after the defeat at Fredericksburg? (Burnside)
Which Union general did not pursue the defeated Rebels at Antietam? (McClellan)
This Union general accepted the surrender of the Confederate army. (Grant)
Where did the Confederate army surrender to the Union army? (Appomattox Courthouse)
Which battle proved to be the turning point of the Civil War? (Gettysburg)
Which battle secured the Union control of the Mississippi River? (Vicksburg)
What is total warfare? (destroying all crops, homes, buildings; taking war to the civilians)
Which general burned a path across Georgia? (Sherman)
List two ways southern men could avoid the draft. (hire substitute, have more than 20
List two ways northern men could avoid the draft. (hire substitute, pay $300)
What is habeas corpus? (protection against unlawful imprisonment)
Why did President Lincoln suspend habeas corpus? (to silence protesters of the war)
What was the nickname of the Peace Democrats who wanted the war to end?
List three ways the war was financed. (war bonds, new taxes, printed money)
Did the Union or Confederacy profit financially from the war? (Union)
Which Union general was appointed to command just days before the battle of
Gettysburg? (Meade)
Where was inflation during the Civil War worse? (South)
Why did the blockade of southern ports hurt the South financially? (raw materials could
not go out and manufactured products from Europe could not come in)
Give two reasons why President Lincoln hesitated to free the slaves at the beginning of
the Civil War? (fear of losing border states, not all Northerners agreed with it)
What did the Emancipation Proclamation state? (slaves in areas of rebellion freed)
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation important? (changed goal of war so North had
a reason to fight, convinced European nations not to come to aid of South)
Identify the following as Union or Confederacy strengths (large population, skilled
sharpshooters, knew the terrain, excellent military leaders, many factories, extensive
railroad network)