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39. Lymphatic and Immune systems
! How are the lymphatic nodes of the lower limb classified?
superficial and deep
#anterior and posterior
medial and lateral
parietal and visceral
! Where are the superficial lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs located?
within the subcutaneous tissue outside the superficial fascia
#accompany deep blood vessels
within the muscles of lower limbs
within the skin
! Where are the deep lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs located?
accompany deep blood vessels
#within the subcutaneous tissue outside the superficial fascia
within the muscles of lower limbs
within the skin
! The posterior lymph vessels of the lower limbs open into:
popliteal lymph nodes
#deep inguinal lymph nodes
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
medial lymph nodes of the lower limbs
! Which group of lymph nodes of the lower limb is absent?
anterior popliteal lymph nodes
#popliteal lymph nodes
deep inguinal lymph nodes
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
! The deep lymph vessels of the lower limb open into:
deep inguinal lymph nodes
#superficial inguinal lymph nodes
popliteal lymph nodes
anterior tibial node
! Where are superficial inguinal nodes located?
in the femoral triangle outside the fascia lata
#within quadriceps femoris muscle
in the iliopectineal sulcus under fascia lata
within the skin below inguinal ligament
! Where are deep inguinal nodes located?
in the iliopectineal sulcus under superficial lamina of the fascia lata
#in the femoral triangle outside the fascia lata
within muscles of the anterior group of the thigh
in the capsule of the hip joint
! How is the upper deep inguinal node called?
Pirogov’s node
#Keith-Flack node
Aschoff-Tawara node
Willis node
! The superficial inguinal lymph nodes do not gather lymph from:
muscles, joint and bones of the pelvic region
#external pudendal organs
skin of the gluteal region
skin of the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
! The efferent vessels of the deep inguinal nodes terminate at:
external iliac nodes
#internal iliac nodes
common iliac nodes
lumbar iliac nodes
! How are the lymph nodes of the pelvic cavity divided?
parietal and visceral
#superficial and deep
medial and lateral
anterior and posterior
! Which lymph nodes are absent in the pelvic visceral group?
external iliac nodes
#paravesical nodes
parauterine nodes
paravaginal nodes
! Which of the following are the visceral lymph nodes of the pelvic cavity?
pararectal node
#internal iliac nodes
gluteal nodes
sacral nodes
! Which of the following are the parietal lymph nodes of the pelvic cavity?
obturator nodes
#paravesical nodes
parauterine nodes
paravaginal nodes
! The efferent lymph vessels from parietal nodes of the pelvic cavity pass to:
external and common iliac nodes
#visceral vessels of the pelvic cavity
inferior mesenteric nodes
superficial inguinal nodes
! The efferent lymph vessels from visceral nodes of the pelvic cavity pass to:
mainly to common iliac and subaortici nodes
#parietal lymph nodes of the pelvic cavity
inferior mesenteric nodes
deep inguinal nodes
! The efferent lymph vessels from common iliac and subaortic nodes pass to:
lumbar lymph nodes
#inferior mesenteric nodes
superior mesenteric nodes
superficial inguinal nodes
! How are the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity classified?
parietal and visceral
#paired and unpaired
superficial and deep
anterior and posterior
! Where are the coeliac lymph nodes located?
near coeliac trunk
#on the anterior abdominal wall near umbo
in lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
within greater omentum
! Where are the gastric lymph nodes located?
along the lesser curvature of stomach
#on the anterior abdominal wall
within posterior abdominal wall
surround pyloric part of stomach
! Where are the hepatic lymph nodes located?
into hepatoduodenal ligament, neighbour common hepatic artery
#on diaphragmatic surface of the right hepatic lobe
within parenchyma of liver
on the visceral surface of the liver under peritoneum
! Where are the cystic lymph nodes located?
near neck of gallbladder
#near fundus of gallbladder
in the cavity of gallbladder
within the wall of gallbladder under mucosa
! Where are the superior mesenteric lymph nodes located?
within mesentery along superior mesenteric artery
#within mesocolon sigmoid along inferior mesenteric artery
in the greater omentum
in the lesser omentum
! Which lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity do the greatest group of the abdominal
visceral nodes constitute?
superior mesenteric nodes
#inferior mesenteric nodes
coeliac nodes
left and right lumbar nodes
! What lymph nodes are not parietal nodes of the abdominal cavity?
inferior mesenteric nodes
#inferior epigastric nodes
inferior diaphragmatic nodes
lumbar nodes
! What lymph nodes are not parietal nodes of the thoracic cavity?
anterior mediastinal nodes
#parasternal nodes
intercostal nodes
superior diaphragmatic nodes
! The superficial lymph vessels of the upper limbs are not responsible for drainage of:
skin and subcutaneous fat
#muscles, tendons and fascia
joint capsules and ligament
periosteum and nerves
! The efferent vessels from the cubital nodes pass to following nodes:
axillary nodes
#parasternal nodes
lateral cervical nodes
supraclavicular nodes
! The efferent vessels given by axillary nodes give rise to:
subclavian trunk
#jugular trunk
bronchomediastinal trunk
right lymphatic and thoracic ducts
! The efferent vessels from the mammary gland pass to:
parasternal nodes
#paratracheal nodes
prevertebral nodes
tracheobronchial nodes
! The efferent vessels from the mammary gland pass to:
supraclavicular nodes
#retropharyngeal nodes
prelaryngeal nodes
pretracheal nodes
! The lymph from the thoracic part of oesophagus goes to:
directly to the thoracic duct
#right bronchomediastinal trunk
left bronchomediastinal trunk
tracheobronchial nodes
! The lymph from the abdominal part of oesophagus goes to:
left gastric nodes
#right gastric nodes
pyloric nodes
splenic nodes
! Which of the following are on the greater curvature of the stomach?
right and left gastroomental nodes
#suprapyloric nodes
right gastric nodes
left gastric nodes
! The efferent vessels from the upper part of the rectum pass to:
superior rectal nodes
#internal iliac nodes
sacral nodes
subaortic nodes
! The efferent vessels from the anal canal pass to:
anorectal nodes
#gluteal nodes
external iliac nodes
common iliac nodes
! The efferent vessels from the fundus of uterus pass to:
lumbar nodes
#inguinal nodes
gluteal nodes
obturator nodes
! Which of the following is not the organ of the immune system?
thyroid gland
vermiform appendix
! Which of the following is not the organ of the immune system?
parathyroid gland
lymph nodes
aggregate lymph nodules
! Which of the following is the central organ of the immune system?
bone marrow
#spinal cord
medulla oblongata
! Which of the following is the central organ of the immune system?
#parotid gland
! Which of the following is the peripheral organ of the immune system?
! Which organ is responsible for proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes?
bone marrow
# spleen
! Which organ is responsible for proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes?
# spleen
lymph nodes
vermiform appendix
! What structures of the intestinal wall are peripheral organs of immune system?
solitary lymph nodes
#circular folds
intestinal villi
major duodenal papilla
! What structures of the intestinal wall are peripheral organs of immune system?
aggregate lymph nodules
#circular folds
minor duodenal papilla
ileo-caecal valve
! How is the pharyngeal lymph ring named, which forms by tonsils?
Pirogov-Waldeyer’s ring
#Eustachian’s ring
Halleri’s ring
Keitch-Fleck’s ring
! How many tonsils take part in formation of the pharyngeal lymph ring?
! Where are aggregate lymph nodules located?
within wall of the ileum
#within wall of the stomach
within wall of the rectum
within wall of the of urinary system
! The bone marrow is subdivided into:
red and yellow bone marrow
#red and blue bone marrow
blue and yellow bone marrow
red and orange bone marrow
! Where is yellow bone marrow located in adults?
in diaphysis of tubular bone
#in epiphysis of long bone
in chambers of the flat bones
in chambers of the spongy bones
! Where is not red bone marrow located in adults?
in diaphysis of tubular bone
#in epiphysis of long bone
in chambers of the flat bones
in chambers of the spongy bones
! Where is thymus located?
in the superior mediastinum
#in anterior mediastinum
in posterior mediastinum
in middle mediastinum
! What parts of the thymus do you know?
left and right lobes
#caudate and quadrate lobes
anterior and posterior lobes
superior and inferior lobes
! What is in front of thymus?
manubrium and body of sternum
#intercostal muscles and ribs
left lung
right lung
! Which of the following does not make the contact with posterior surface of lobes of thymus?
inferior vena cava
pulmonary trunk
superior vena cava
! Which of the following makes the contact with lateral surface of lobes of thymus?
mediastinal pleura
arch of aorta
left and right brachiocephalic veins
! The thymus is covered by:
! The parenchyme of thymus consists of:
cortex and medulla
#acinus and efferent ducts
white and red pulp
! How are the thymic bodies called?
Hassal′s bodies
#islets of Langerhans
Hering′s bodies
Leidig′s cells
! What artery does not supply thymus with blood?
pulmonary trunk
#brachiocephalic trunk
internal thoracic artery
! Where is lingual tonsil located?
under epithelium in the root of tongue
#within muscles of tongue in the body of tongue
on the apex of tongue
on the margin of the tongue
! What artery supplies the tongue with blood?
lingual artery
#transverse facei artery
superior and inferior facial artery
descending palatine artery
! Where is palatine tonsil located?
in tonsillar fossa
#within soft palate
in retromandibular fossa
in supratonsillar fossa
! What artery does not take part in blood supply of palatine tonsil?
internal carotid artery
#ascending pharyngeal artery
facial artery
lingual artery
! Where is pharyngeal tonsil located?
between the fornix and posterior wall of pharynx
#in tonsillar fossa
in the pharyngeal recess
in region of the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
! What artery supplies the pharyngeal tonsil with blood?
ascending pharyngeal artery
#ascending palatine artery
descending palatine artery
facial artery
! Where is tubal tonsil located?
in the region of the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
#in tonsillar fossa
in the pharyngeal recess
in supratonsillar fossa
! What artery supplies the tubal tonsils with blood?
ascending pharyngeal artery
#facial artery
lingual artery
maxillary artery
! Where is spleen located?
in left hypochondriac region at the level of IX-XI ribs
#in epigastric region at the level of xiphoid process
in right hypochondriac region at level of X rib
in left lateral abdominal region
! What surfaces has the spleen?
diaphragmatic and visceral surfaces
#anterior and posterior surfaces
superior and inferior surfaces
parietal and visceral surfaces
! Which organ does not come in the contact with spleen?
left kidney
left flexure of the colon
! What relationship according to the peritoneum does the spleen occupy?
intraperitoneal position
#mesoperitoneal position
extraperitoneal position
retroperitoneal position
! How is the parenchyma of spleen divided?
white and red pulp
#cortex and medulla
grey and white pulp
terminal parts and efferent ducts
! The splenic artery is branch of following artery:
coeliac trunk
#superior mesenteric artery
inferior mesenteric artery
directly from abdominal aorta
! The splenic vein opens into:
hepatic portal vein
#inferior vena cava
hemiazygos vein
azygos vein
¡ What is the vermiform process?
process of the caecum
#process of the ascending colon
process of the transverse colon
process of the ilium
! Where is the vermiform process located?
right inguinal region
#umbilical region
right lateral abdominal region
epigastric region
! The efferent vessels from occipital lymph nodes pass to:
lateral deep cervical nodes
#mastoid nodes
supraclavicular nodes
axillary nodes
! The occipital lymph nodes receive the afferent vessels from:
occipital and temporal region
#posterior region of the neck
skin of the lateral region of the neck
parietal region
! The mastoid lymph nodes receive afferent vessels from:
parietal region and external ear
#temporal region
mastoid cells
frontal region
! The parotid lymph nodes do not receive lymph from:
skin and deep tissue of the occipital region
#skin and deep tissue of the parietal region
skin and deep tissue of the frontal region
! The efferent vessels from parotid nodes pass to:
superficial and deep cervical lymph nodes
#facial lymph nodes
occipital lymph nodes
mastoid lymph nodes
! Where are the submandibular lymph nodes located?
within the submandibular triangle
#within the mylohyoid muscle
between mylohyoid and genoihyoid muscles
on internal surface of the angle of mandible
! The efferent vessels from submandibular lymph nodes pass to:
deep lateral cervical nodes
#superficial anterior cervical nodes
submental nodes
pretracheal nodes
! The efferent vessels from superficial cervical lymph nodes pass to:
deep cervical nodes
#anterior mediastinal nodes
parasternal nodes
thoracic lymphatic duct
! The efferent vessels from deep lateral cervical lymph nodes give rise to:
left and right jugular trunk
#right lymphatic duct
left and right subclavian trunk
thoracic lymphatic duct
! Which of the following is not the structure of lymphatic system?
pulmonary trunk
#jugular trunk
subclavian trunk
bronchomediastinal trunk
! Which of the following is not the structure of lymphatic system?
coeliac trunk
#lumbar trunk
intestinal trunk
subclavian trunk
! Which of the following is the trunk of lymphatic system?
subclavian trunk
#pulmonary trunk
brachiocephalic trunk
coeliac trunk
! Which of the following is the trunk of lymphatic system?
lumbar trunk
#coeliac trunk
pulmonary trunk
brachiocephalic trunk
! Which of the following is the duct of lymphatic system?
thoracic lymphatic duct
#choledochus duct
cystic duct
deferens duct
! Which of the following is the duct of lymphatic system?
right lymphatic duct
#right hepatic duct
left hepatic duct
pancreatic duct
! The right subclavian trunk collects the lymph from:
right upper limb
#right lower limb
right part of the abdomen and thorax
right part of head and neck
! The right jugular trunk collects the lymph from:
right part of head and neck
#left part of head and neck
right upper limb
right part of the abdomen and thorax
! The right bronchomediastinal trunk collects the lymph from:
organs of right part of thoracic cavity
#organs of right part of abdominal cavity
right upper limb
right part of head and neck
! Which of the following does not open into the right venous angle?
thoracic duct
#right lymphatic duct
right jugular trunk
right bronchomediastinal trunk
! The left jugular trunk collects the lymph from:
left part of head and neck
#left part of the abdomen and thorax
left upper limb
left lower limb
! The left subclavian trunk collects the lymph from:
left upper limb
#left part of head and neck
organs of left part of thoracic cavity
organs of left part of abdominal cavity
! The left bronchomediastinal trunk collects the lymph from:
organs of left part of thoracic cavity
#organs of left part of abdominal cavity
left upper limb
left part of head and neck
! Which of the following does not open into the left venous angle?
right jugular trunk
#thoracic duct
left jugular trunk
left subclavian trunk
! Which of the following is the greatest lymphatic vessel of the human body?
thoracic duct
#right lymphatic duct
right lumbar trunk
left subclavian trunk
! Which of the following is not part of the thoracic duct?
pelvic part
#abdominal part
thoracic part
cervical part
! What is the dilation of the initial part of thoracic duct called?
cysterna chili
#cysterna interpeduncularis
cysterna interchiasmatica
bulbus chili
! The thoracic duct enters the thoracic cavity via:
aortic hiatus of the diaphragm
#foramen vena cava of the diaphragm
eosophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
between the crura of lumbar part
! Where is abdominal part of the thoracic duct located?
in the retroperitoneal space
#within mesentery
in peritoneal cavity
within lesser omentum
! Where is thoracic part of the thoracic duct located?
in posterior mediastinum
#in anterior mediastinum
in middle mediastinum
between pericardium and pleura