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Juice/Broth Cleansing Program
For people who are ready for a new body!
To assist healing of disease, weight loss (if excess weight is to be lost), and to
revitalise energy levels. The program also fosters a greater clarity of mind, spiritual
awareness and intuition. It is safe, easy to follow, tasty, and best of all – you don’t
suffer hunger pains, and have lots of energy to work and play normally. The first 2-3
days or so should be laid back and stress free while the body adjusts. Drink lots of
herb teas and pure water in between juices and broths.
(Warning: Please consult with your doctor before embarking on any fasting or dietary
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it
in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is
the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our
medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when
you are sick, is to feed your sickness."--Hippocrates, M.D.,
460?-370? B.C.,
Juice/broth fasting has been practised for centuries to heal and regenerate the body. In the
last 30 plus years many well renowned doctors and healers worldwide have administered
this method with great and long lasting success, including Dr Bernard Jensen, Dr Paavo
Airola, Dr Otto Buchinger Jr, Dr Shelton, Paul Bragg , and Rudolf Breuss. The following
program is a basic summary of their combined research.
Medical Science Re-discovers Fasting:
Fasting is the oldest therapeutic method known to man. Even before the advent of healing
arts, man instinctively stopped eating when feeling ill and abstained from food until his health
was restored. Perhaps he learned this from animals, which always fast when not feeling well.
Throughout medical history, fasting has been regarded as one of the most dependable
curative methods. Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus and many other "greats" of medicine
prescribed fasting.
But with the advent of modern, drug-oriented medicine, fasting has fallen into disregard in the
types of the orthodox practices. All kinds of reducing diets - yes; but the total abstinence from
food - the best form of reducing as well as healing - is seldom tried.
Happily, things are beginning to change. Many scientific studies are now being made around
the world, particularly in Europe, to determine the prophylactic, therapeutic and rejuvenate
effects of fasting.
The Karolinski Institute in Stockholm, a world famous medical research institution, has made
clinical studies of fasting up to 55 days under Drs. Pr. Reizenstein and J. Kellberg. Studies
demonstrated that fasting is not only a perfectly safe measure, but that is also has a definite
beneficial healing effect.
The famous Swedish fast marches, led by Dr. Lennarrt Edren, proved to the world the great
potential of fasting as well as its safety. Although the fasting participants were under
extremely severe stress walking 34 miles a day for 10 days, their health condition only
improved and "they felt stronger and had more vigor and vitality after the fast than before it",
as expressed by Dr. Karl-Otto Aly, M.D., one of the participants of the fast march.
In Germany, fasting is now used in hundreds of biological clinics operated by medical
doctors. One doctor, Otto Buchinger, Jr., has supervised over 90,000 successful fasts. In
German and Swedish clinics fasting is now routinely used to treat virtually every disease therapeutic conditions, digestive disorders, skin conditions, and cardio-vascular disorders
In Russia, doctors have used fasting experimentally for 23 years and report excellent results.
The latest report from Russia shows that controlled fasting was found to be the most
effective treatment for schizophrenia. 64% of the patients had improved mentally after 20-30
days of controlled fasting.
Some recent animal studies in the United States have shown that periodic fasting can
increase the life span considerably. In one study, the fasting of worms periodically - every
other day - caused them to live 50 times as long as usual! Larger animals or man may not do
as well, but the Cornell University studies with rats showed that keeping them from
overeating and fasting them systematically increased their life span 2 1/3 times!
What is Disease?
The main causes of disease and aging are to be found in biochemical suffocation, the
systematic disorder that interferers with the normal process of cell metabolism and cell
regeneration. As the famous Canadian ‘stress doctor’, Hans Sale, said, “Life, the biological
chain that holds our parts together, is only as strong as the weakest first link” - the cell. You
are as healthy and as young as your smallest links, the cells are. Disease and aging begins
when the normal process of cell regeneration and rebuilding slows down. This slowdown is
caused by the accumulation of waste products in the tissues, which interferes with the
nourishment and oxygenation of cells.
Each cell of your body is a complete living entity with its own metabolism. It needs a constant
supply of oxygen and adequate nourishment in the form of all the known nutritive
substances, such as proteins, minerals, fatty acids, trace elements, etc. When nutritional
deficiencies, sluggish metabolism, sedentary life, lack of fresh air and water, overeating and
consequent poor digestion and assimilation of food cause our cells to be deprived of the
nourishment they need they start to degenerate and break down. The normal process of cell
replacement and rebuilding slows down and your body starts to grow old. Its resistance to
diseases will diminish and various ills will start to appear. This may happen at any age.
Only about half of all your cells are in the peak of development and working condition. One
fourth are usually in the process of growth and the other fourth in the process of dying and
replacement. It is of vital importance that the dying cells are decomposed and eliminated
from the system as efficiently as possible. Quick and effective elimination of dead cells
stimulates the building and growth of new cells.
Here's where juice comes in as the most effective way to restore health and rejuvenate the
body. During the juice fast, the process of elimination of the dead and dying cells is speeded
up, and the new building of cells is accelerated and stimulated. At the same time, the toxic
waste products that interfere with the nourishment of the cells are effectively eliminated and
the normal metabolic rate and cell oxygenation is restored.
Why Fasting is So Effective?
1. During a prolonged fast (after the first three days), your body will live on its own
substance. When it is deprived of needed nutrition, particularly of proteins and fats, it will
burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysins, or self-digestion. But your body
will not do it indiscriminately! In its wisdom - and here lies the secret of the extraordinary
effectiveness of fasting as curative and rejuvenating therapy! - your body will just decompose
and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. In fasting,
your body feeds itself on the most impure and inferior materials, such as dead cells and
morbid accumulations, tumors, abscesses, fat deposits, etc. Dr. Otto Buchinger, M.D., one of
the greatest fasting authorities in the world, calls fasting - very pertinently - a “refuse
disposal”, or a “burning of rubbish.” The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the
nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting.
2. During fasting, while the old cells and diseased tissues are decomposed and burned, the
building of new, healthy cells is speeded up. This may seem unbelievable, since no
nourishment, or only a limited amount of nourishment during a juice fast, is supplied. But this
is nevertheless a physiological fact. During the famous Swedish fast marches, when first 11
and then 19 men walked from Gothenburg to Stockholm, a distance of over 325 miles, in 10
days while on a total fast, it was observed that the protein level of the blood (serum albumin
reading) of the fasting people remained constant and normal (blood sugar levels also
remained normal!) throughout the fasting period, in spite of the fact that no protein was
consumed. The reason for this is that proteins in your body are in the so-called dynamic state
being constantly decomposed and resynthesized and re-used for various needs within the
body. When the old or diseased cells are decomposed, the amino acids are not wasted, but
are released and used again in the process of new-building of young, vital cells.
3. During a juice fast, the eliminative and cleansing capacity of the eliminating organs - lungs,
liver, kidneys and the skin - is greatly increased, and masses of accumulated metabolic
wastes and toxins are quickly expelled. For example, during fasting, the concentration of
toxins in the urine can be ten times higher than normal. This is due to the fact that the
alimentary canal, liver and kidney are relieved from the usual burden of digesting foods and
eliminating the resultant wastes and toxins such as uric acid, pureness, etc., from the
tissues. This eliminative process is evidenced by the following typical symptoms of fasting,
offensive breath, dark urine, continuous and generous discharge from the colon with enema,
skin eruptions, excessive perspiration and catarrhal elimination of mucus.
4. Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs.
After fasting, the digestion of food and the utilization of nutrients is greatly improved, and
sluggishness and further waste retention are prevented.
5. Finally, the fast exerts a normalizing, stabilizing and remunerative effect on all the vital
physiological, nervous and mental functions. The nervous system is rejuvenated, mental
powers are improved, glandular chemistry and hormonal secretions are stimulated and
increased; the biochemical and mineral balance of the tissues is normalized.
Cancer Treatment
Rudolf Breuss, an Austrian healer born in 1899, discovered a German book written over 300
years previously, which expounded the value of using fruit and vegetable juices to treat
disease. He thus developed his Total Cancer Treatment, a method which boasts over
45,000 testimonials from cured sufferers.
Breuss maintained that cancer, whenever it occurs in the body, feeds and grows from
protein. He therefore deduced that if one fasted for what now has been confirmed as an ideal
period of 42 days, during which various herbal teas and juices are taken to detoxify, cleanse
and eliminate, the cancer would starve, be absorbed, and subsequently pass out of the body
one way or another.
Dr Herbert Shelton in the 1950’s had success with treating breast cancer by putting his
patients on a 21 day water fast. During this period the body would feed off the cancer cells
first by breaking them down and consuming them as building blocks for cell regeneration as
well as casting out the waste or toxic material.
Prerequisites for the Program
1. Enema kit (gravity feed): Peristalsis of the colon ceases about 3 days into the fast.
If you do not keep your colon clean daily you will be reabsorbing toxins through the
bowel, which cause nausia and headaches. We suggest you use a magnesium based
laxative for the first few days to get rid of any bulk. Then start using daily enemas.
Morning is best. A little Vaseline or KY jelly on the nozzle makes it easier to insert.
Use 1.5 litres of body temperature water with a few drops of lemon juice. Every 3 or 4
days you may also replace one cup of enema water with one cup of freshly brewed
black coffee (optional). Hold the water in for 10-15 minutes and lie down, changing
positions from side to side. If you feel a contraction before it’s time to let go, then
press on the muscle just before the anus to relieve the contraction. In most cases
after a few days people will pass “ropes” or long stringy bits that have been caught in
the bends of the intestines for a long time. In some cases people even pass worms
by the second month. Don’t worry if this happens. What comes out is exactly what is
supposed to come out!
2. Skin brush or loofa: It’s important to brush the skin every day to help the body
3. Tongue scraper: Another important daily cleansing tool. Your tongue will show
considerable coating during cleansing.
4. Juicer: A good and efficient juicer makes things so much easier. Champion make
the Rolls Royce of juicers, extracting all juice with no wastage – and it’s fast and easy
to clean. Remember, no fibre, bulk or puree should get through because that triggers
your digestive process. And one of the reasons this works so well is that you don’t
suffer from hunger. That’s the secret – no bulk or fibre. Strain 4-6 times after juicing
just to make sure.
5. Pressure Cooker (optional): Pressure cookers retain more nutrient value and
flavour in the cooking process of your vege broth– and they’re much quicker. But a
saucepan and lid will do too.
6. High quality balanced vitamin/mineral formulation: A fast in our modern age
causes high levels of chemicals and toxins to be eliminated. As these are expelled
from the cells and find their way into the blood stream you will need the added
buffering of a high quality balanced antioxidant/mineral formula such as the USANA
Essentials. They help to counteract the side effects of cleansing.
Breaking in – 3 or 4 Days
The digestive system needs time to adjust both going into the fast and coming out. Eat two
meals per day: One all raw fruits (except melons), and the other all raw vegetables (with lots
of green leafy ones) – NO DRESSING except lemon juice. You may have avocado with
either meal, but make sure to leave 4 hours or more between the meals because fruit and
vegetables mixed in the stomach produce too much gas. No limit on quantity.
Drink lots of herb teas including citrus teas, chamomile and peppermint.
According to consensus, 40-42 days seems to be the average time for adults on this
program. Many have continued for 65 days and longer to achieve their desired results. It
depends on the individual. You will know when it is your time when your enema water
becomes clearer.
Breaking out – 3 or 4 days
Discontinue enemas by Day 2. It’s very important not to start eating normally straight away.
The digestive system will have become sensitive and not able to cope with heavier foods
such as meat and dairy immediately. You could do some damage if you toss these foods
down too soon.
Continue the normal juice/broth regime while coming out of the fast. Add one tablespoon
each of bran and flax seeds to your morning broth, with a dose of acidophilus culture to recolonise the bowel with good bacteria. Also add:
Day 1: One apple in the morning, small salad (with dressing) for lunch, and no dinner.
Day 2: 6-8 soaked prunes for breakfast. Steamed carrots or small salad for lunch. Salad or
soup with a slice of whole grain bread. 2 apples during the day between meals.
Day 3: Same as day 2, but add raw almonds to one meal, and a potato or cereal to the
Day 4: Same as Day 3, but add a small amount of protein. Take skin and fat off meats for
those that wish to eat meat.
The Juice/Broth Program (Organic is best) Plus as many herb teas as you like in
Morning: One cup of vegetable broth.
Lunch: Freshly squeezed mixed fruit juice (mainly citrus with grapefruits, oranges and
5pm : Raw mixed vegetable juice (carrot, beetroot, celery, spinach and a touch of apple).
Mid evening: Freshly squeezed mixed fruit juice with extra apples.
Before Bed: One cup of vegetable broth.
If you feel like an extra amount of juice, then have it. Different individuals will have different
requirements depending on their physical exertion.
The Broth Recipe
The vegetable broth has an alkalizing effect and helps to balance. It is a very important
component in the program. You can make two days worth at a time and put it into air-tight
bottles to store in the fridge. But don’t store it any longer than two days. When you re-heat
don’t boil, just heat to drinking temperature. Avoid using pots where aluminium contacts the
food. Stainless steal or crockery pots & PRESSURE COOKERS ARE THE BEST
Add 1.5 litres of pure water and mixed veges and bring to boil, turning down to simmer for 30
minutes with lid on. Turn off and let sit for another 30 minutes. Strain broth and throw away
the remnants of veges as most nutrients have transferred to the broth. The leftover fibre of
the veges should not be consumed.
MUST HAVES: Apart from selecting a variety of vegetables in season, it is important to
incorporate green leafy veges, fresh herbs to taste, potatoes with skins in tact, carrots, celery
and beetroot.
DON’T HAVE: Onions, garlic, leek, radish or any of this family.