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Name: ________________________ Chapter 4: Energy
PPT1 Energy
Guided Notes: Mrs.
A. What is Energy?
Energy is the ability to cause ________.
1. Different Types of Energy
a. _________ energy
b. chemical energy
c. ____________ energy
d.electrical energy
B. Kinetic energy (KE)- Energy in the form of ____________
a. The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on its ______ and its velocity
b. KE= ½ mass X velocity2
c. _________ - The SI Unit to measure energy
C. Potential energy (PE)- Energy stored by ___________ things, giving it the potential to cause change
3. ________ potential energy (EPE)- Energy stored by things that ________ or compress
4. Chemical potential energy (CPE) - Energy ________ in chemical bonds between atoms
5. Gravitational potential energy (GPE) - Energy stored by things that are above __________
a. The amount of GPE an object has __________ on its mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and its height above
the ground
b. GPE = mass in kg x 9.8 m/s2 x height in m
1. Name the different types of energy.
2. How is elastic potential energy different from chemical potential energy?
Conservation of Energy
A. Transforming Electrical Energy
1. What device transforms electrical energy into light and thermal energy?
B. Transforming Chemical Energy
1. Spark plug firing _________ the conversion of chemical potential energy into thermal energy
Energy Conversion
A. Energy conversion - energy ___________ from one form to another
1. Mechanical energy (ME) - the total amount of __________ and kinetic energy in a system
*______________ energy = kinetic energy + potential energy
Law of Conservation of Energy
B. Law of Conservation of Energy - Energy may change from one _____ to another, but the total amount of _________
never changes
1. As a swing moves back and forth, it’s energy continually converts from kinetic to potential and back to kinetic
2. Friction Converts some of the mechanical energy into __________ energy
3. Where is PE the greatest?
4. Where is KE the greatest?
Nuclear Reactions
C. Mass is _______________ into energy in the process of fusion and fission
1. Nuclear ____________ - Two nuclei are fused together. Takes place in the sun
2. ___________ fission - Two nuclei are broken apart
Energy in the Human Body
D. Conservation of energy in your body
1. Your body __________ energy in the form of fat and other chemical compounds.
2. Chemical potential energy from food that is __________ in your body is used to fuel the processes that keep you
3. The __________ calorie is used to measure how much energy you get from various foods. *One _____________
is equal to about 4,180 J.
1. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state?
1. Energy in the form of motion is potential energy _____
2. The greater mass a moving object has, the more kinetic energy it has_______
3. A rock at the edge of a cliff has kinetic energy because of its position_______
4. Friction causes some mechanical energy to change to thermal energy______
5. Energy that is stored is kinetic energy_____
6. Mass is measured in Joules_____
7. Doubling an object’s velocity will double its kinetic energy____
8. Chemical potential energy is energy stored in chemical bonds______
9. Thermal energy is energy stored by things that stretch or compress_____
10. A book and a feather are sitting next to each other on a shelf and have different potential energies____
11. Two copies of the same book are in a book case. One book is twice as high as the other. They have the same
potential energy____
12. A toaster uses chemical energy to make toast______
13. Mechanical energy is the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system____
14. When a plant falls from a window its thermal energy is transformed into kinetic energy______
15. The law of conservation of energy state that although energy can change forms it can never be created or
PPT2: Energy Forms and Changes
Nature of Energy
 Energy is all around you!
You can ________ energy as sound.
You can see energy as ___________.
And you can feel it as ___________.
 You use __________ when you:
hit a softball.
lift your book bag.
compress a spring.
 Living organisms need ____________ for growth and movement.
 Energy is involved when:
a bird flies.
a bomb explodes.
rain falls from the sky.
electricity flows in a _________.
 What is energy that it can be involved in so many different activities?
Energy can be defined as the ability to do _________.
If an object or organism does work (exerts a _________ over a distance to move an object) the object or organism
uses energy.
 Because of the _________ connection between energy and work, energy is measured in the same unit as work:
joules (J).
 In addition to using energy to do ______, objects gain energy because work is being done on them.
Forms of Energy
 The five main forms of energy are:
Heat Energy
 The ____________ motion of the atoms is called heat energy, because moving particles produce heat.
 Heat energy can be produced by ________________.
 Heat energy causes changes in _______________ and phase of any form of matter.
Chemical Energy
 Chemical Energy is required to _________ atoms together.
 And when bonds are __________, energy is _____________.
 Fuel and food are forms of ______________ chemical energy.
Electromagnetic Energy
 Power lines carry _______________ energy into your home in the form of electricity.
 __________ is a form of electromagnetic energy.
 Each color of light (Roy G Bv) represents a __________ amount of electromagnetic energy.
 Electromagnetic Energy is also carried by X-rays, ________ waves, and laser light.
Nuclear Energy
 The nucleus of an atom is the _______ of nuclear energy.
 When the nucleus ________ (fission), nuclear energy is released in the form of heat energy and light energy.
 Nuclear energy is also _________ when nuclei collide at high speeds and join (fuse).
 The sun’s energy is produced from a nuclear fusion _________ in which hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium
 Nuclear energy is the most _____________ form of energy.
*Most of us live within 10 miles of the Surry Nuclear Power Plant which converts nuclear energy into
electromagnetic energy.
Mechanical Energy
 When work is done to an __________, it acquires energy. The energy it acquires is known as mechanical energy.
 When you kick a football, you give mechancal energy to the football to make it move.
 When you throw a balling ball, you give it energy. When that bowling ball hits the pins, some of the energy is
transferred to the pins (transfer of momentum).
Energy Conversion
 Energy can be ___________ from one form to another. Changes in the form of energy are called energy
 All forms of energy can be converted into other ________.
 The sun’s energy _________ solar cells can be converted directly into electricity.
 Green plants convert the sun’s energy (electromagnetic) into __________ and sugars (chemical energy).
Other energy conversions:
In an ___________ motor, electromagnetic energy is converted to mechanical energy.
In a battery, chemical energy is ___________ into electromagnetic energy.
The mechanical energy of a waterfall is converted to _____________ energy in a generator.
 In an automobile ___________, fuel is burned to ___________ chemical energy into heat energy. The heat energy
is then changed into mechanical energy.
States of Energy
 The most common energy conversion is the conversion between __________ and kinetic energy.
 All forms of energy can be in either of two states:
States of Energy:
Kinetic and Potential Energy
 Kinetic Energy is the energy of _____________.
 Potential Energy is _____________ energy.
Kinetic Energy
 The energy of __________ is called kinetic energy.
 The ____________ an object moves, the more kinetic energy it has.
 The greater the _________ of a moving object, the more kinetic energy it has.
 Kinetic energy depends on both mass and _________________.
 K.E. = mass x velocity
------What has a greater affect of kinetic energy, mass or velocity? Why?
Potential Energy:
 Potential Energy is __________ energy.
Stored chemically in fuel, the nucleus of _______, and in foods.
Or stored because of the work done on it:
__________ a rubber band.
Winding a watch.
Pulling back on a bow’s arrow.
Lifting a __________ high in the air.
Gravitational Potential Energy
 Potential energy that is _____________ on height is called gravitational potential energy.
Potential Energy:
 Energy that is __________ due to being stretched or compressed is called _______ potential energy.
Gravitational Potential Energy:
 A waterfall, a suspension bridge, and a falling ________ all have gravitational potential energy.
 If you stand on a 3-meter diving board, you have 3 times the G.P.E, than you had on a 1-meter diving board.
 “The bigger they are the __________ they fall” is not just a saying. It’s true. Objects with more mass have greater
 The formula to find G.P.E. is
G.P.E. = Weight X Height.
Kinetic-Potential Energy Conversion:
-Roller coasters work because of the energy that is built into the system. Initially, the cars are pulled mechanically up the
tallest hill, giving them a great deal of potential energy. From that point, the conversion between potential and kinetic
energy powers the cars throughout the entire ride.
Additional Notes (if needed)- YOU WRITE:
The Law of Conservation of Energy:
 Energy can be neither __________ nor destroyed by ordinary means.
It can only be converted from one form to another.
If energy seems to ___________, then scientists look for it – leading to many important discoveries.
 In 1905, Albert Einstein said that mass and energy can be converted into each other.
 He showed that if matter is destroyed, energy is created, and if energy is destroyed mass is created.
 E = MC2
mechanical energy
heat energy
energy conversion
Law of Conservation of Energy
chemical energy
electromagnetic energy
nuclear energy
kinetic energy
potential energy
gravitational potential energy