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Germany Faces Economic Collapse
United States History
Eve of Pearl Harbor - Europe
Do you think Germany’s punishment was
I. World War I devastates Germany.
II. Treaty of Versailles will make Germany:
A. Take full responsibility for the war.
B. Make territorial concessions.
C. ______________________________.
D. ______________________________.
What could happen as a result to such a
III. Hyperinflation- In 1914, 4.2 German marks = $1 punishment?
U.S.; by 1923 1 billion marks = $1 U.S.
IV. Germans were angry with their Weimar
government because of Treaty of Versailles.
U.S. Response:
I. The U.S. did not join the League of Nations after
WWI despite it being the last point of President
Wilson’s 14 points.
II. ________________________________________
III. Although ½ a billion of dollars was given in aid
to Europe, the U.S. persisted on the repayment of
debts from the U.S. allies. Great Britain and
France couldn’t pay the U.S. due to owed money
by Germany.
IV. ______________________________________
Why did the U.S. not join the League of
What would you think of the Dawes Plan?
Answer on their own: (Four Corners)
Do you think the United States should have been in isolationism after World War I? Why or why not?
After hearing your classmates responses, has your opinion changed? Why or why not?
The Rise of Adolf Hitler and Fascism in Germany
United States History
I. Hitler Rises
A. Joins the National Socialist German Workers’
Party (the Nazi Party).
B. _____________________________________
II. Dictator
A. In 1934 Hitler combined the offices of
chancellor and president and called himself the
Fuhrer (leader).
B. ______- a political philosophy that calls for the
glorification of the nation above the individual,
a centralized government headed by a
dictatorial leader, severe economic and social
control, and the use of force against opposition.
C. Believing that the Aryan race is superior, he
begins to build up the military (disobeying the
Treaty of Versailles) and to claims Germany
has rights to territory in the east.
III. ___________________ A. ____ were not allowed to work in government
jobs, education, practice law or medicine.
B. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 took away
Jews’ German citizenship and banned marriage
between non-Jews and Jews.
C. Many Jews emigrated to other European
countries and around the world.
U.S. Response:
I. President Roosevelt focused on domestic policy
since the U.S. was still in the Great Depression.
Therefore, he did not put an emphasis on Hitler’s
II. Americans hoped that disarmament, arms control,
and international agreements would maintain
world peace. The _____________________
What would you fear most about Hitler?
What do you think the U.S. should have done
have done as a response to Hitler’s rise?
How should the U.S. government respond to
the anti-Semitism in Germany, if at all?
Explain why.
Why did Americans hope this agreement
would maintain peace?
Spanish Civil War
Fascism in Italy
United States History
I. Background
B. Italians wanted territory after WWI.
II. Mussolini
C. In 1922, Mussolini led “
” to
fight vs. a communist takeover making him
prime minister.
D. Controlled elections, outlawed all opposition,
and censored the press.
III. Imperialism
. He
formed a protectorate over Albania.
U.S. Response:
I. _
_ ActsA. In 1935, 90% of Americans were isolationists.
– Sell of war materials (steel).
II. _
__ Embargo –
A. Embargo – An order prohibiting merchant
ships/commerce in or out of a country.
B. In response to Italy’s aggression, Roosevelt
asked to U.S. businesses to withhold sales but
sales of oil, copper, and scrap metal rose
sharply as Italy’s war production increased.
I. Civil War Breaks Out A. ___________________________ against the
republic in 1936.
a. Many weapons that were used in WWII
were tested in Spain.
C. Western countries stood by due to __________
D. ____________ sent supplies to the democratic
government but it was not enough.
E. _____________________________________.
What trend do you see emerging in European
countries? Focus on problems and political
Define isolationism.
Why are 90% of Americans isolationists in
1935? What do you think needs to happen in
order for this percentage to go down?
Why did businesses not follow President
Roosevelt’s request of a moral embargo?
Why did Italy, Germany, and Spain fall to
fascist leaders?
United States History
Violation and Appeasement
I. Treaty of Versailles
A. In 1936 – Hitler violates treaty by rearming,
occupying the Rhineland, and _____________
This is a photograph of
British Prime Minister
Chamber-lain and Adolf
According to the body language of the two
men, what just happened?
B. ___________________________________
II. Munich Agreement/Pact
A. Sudetenland – part of Czechoslovakia where 3
million Germans lived.
B. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
and Hitler meet in Munich in 1938.
Sudetenland was given to Germany with the
agreement that Hitler would leave the rest of
the country alone and no further interest in
European expansion.
If you were an American citizen in 1938,
would you think that war was just avoided?
After the Munich Conference, Chamberlain
declared that the agreement guaranteed
“peace in our time,” did he really believe
this? Explain.
Dr. Seuss published a series of cartoons about
WWII a New York newspaper. This is one from
Who is in the middle?
The Appeaser
What do the lollipops represent?
What is the cartoonist’s opinion of
appeasement? Does he think it’s going to
Do you think other New Yorkers and
Americans agreed with this interpretation?
France & Britain
World War II Begins
United States History
I. Czechoslovakia
A. Hitler will invade the rest of Czechoslovakia
six months after the Munich Conference.
B. He will make demands for Poland.
C. Britain and France pledge to help Poland.
II. Nazi-Soviet Pact
A. The Soviet Union was concerned with the
Poland crisis and tried to become an ally with
France and Britain but they feared their
communist system.
B. The USSR turns to Germany in a pact to not
attack each other on August 23, 1939.
U.S. Response:
I. President Roosevelt will send out letters to leaders
to attempt to maintain peace.
Above you see German tanks rolling through a
Sudeten street in Czechoslovakia with people
cheering and a banner reading “Hail to our
German borders.”
Are the people against or for this action? How do
you know?
Would you think that this invasion is uncalled for or
appropriate since the majority of the inhabitants are
I. Poland is invaded on September 1, 1939 and is
defeated within 3 weeks (blitzkrieg=lightning war).
II. Britain and France declare war.
III. Germany then invaded ____________________
U.S. Response:
I. Roosevelt asked Congress to lift the arms embargo
stated in the ________________ to aid the Allies.
II. Leading isolationist Charles Lindbergh and others
from The America First Committee argued that
America had no business in European affairs.
III. _____ and ________ - U.S. would allow Britain
& France to purchase arms in cash and transport
them across German-patrolled Atlantic.
IV. September 1941- 80% of Americans opposed
U.S. entry into the war but 70% believed it was
more important to defeat Hitler.
I. France Is Taken Over
A. In 1940, _______ and ______ invaded France.
B. General Charles de Gaulle fled to England to
run the government and Free France force.
II. _________________
A. Goal was to destroy RAF and then cities.
B. For months, the Luffwaffe pounded London.
C. _____ helped the British shoot German planes.
D. Hitler called off the invasion, but bombings
still continued.
Swastika rolling into Poland.
What does the giant swastika represent?
What is this cartoon showing about Germany and
Poland? Who is stronger? What is the action
Eventually when the U.S. enters the war, it’s
goal is to beat Germany first…why?
The U.S. Supports
Soviet Union Joins the Allies
United States History
I. Communism & Stalin
A. In 1917, Bolshevik Revolution took Russia out
of WWI and started communist revolution.
B. _____________________________________.
C. By trying to turn the USSR into an industrial
power and his paranoia of his enemies, _____
is responsible for _________________.
a. ___________ more died due famine.
II. ________________________A. Hitler broke his promise in 1941 and launched
B. The U.S. provided the USSR with weapons.
Using your prior knowledge and the
information these notes have presented, do
you think the Allies could have won the war if
Hitler didn’t invade the Soviet Union?
Why or why not?
I. ________________- Prime Minister Churchill met
with President Roosevelt in Canada to discuss war
II. _______________ Act (1941)- Made the U.S. the
“_________________.” Allowed the transfer of
military equipment to nations whose defense was
considered vital to the U.S.
Was the U.S. already picking sides without
entering the war?
Why the Allies?
Was the U.S. really out of the war?
Four Corners question:
The Lend- Lease Act made the United States a fair target of war. Do you agree with this statement?
Highlight the degree of agreement/disagreement and then explain why.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Who’s on which side?