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Zoology 2nd Semester Study Guide
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. Marsupials originated in Australia.
2. Tasmanian devils and American badgers are
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Figure 31-5
3. Which number shown in 31-5 represents the alula?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 7
4. Which number shown in 31-5 represents primary
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 7
5. Which number shown in 31-5 represents secondary
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
e. 7
6. A lightweight, modified protein scale that provides
insulation and enables flight:
a. hair
b. talon
c. pygostyle
d. feather
e. sternum
Figure 31-4
7. Which beak shown in Figure 31-4 is used to scoop
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
8. Which beak shown in Figure 31-4 is most similar to
that of a theropod dinosaur?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
9. Which beak shown in Figure 31-4 is used to tear
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
10. Which beak shown in Figure 31-4 is used to drill
into trees to get insects?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
11. During the ______ stage of respiration,
deoxygenated air in the lungs enters the anterior air
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
e. fifth
12. Which structures do birds share with no other
a. shelled eggs
b. clawed toes
c. feathers
d. scales on their feet
e. beaks
13. Flight feathers:
a. alula
b. coverts
c. barbs
d. down
e. contour
14. During the ______ stage of respiration,
deoxygenated air in the anterior air sacs leaves the
body via trachea.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
e. fifth
Figure 31-3
15. What can be inferred from Figure 31-3?
a. dinosaurs are closely related to birds
b. mammals evolved from dinosaurs
c. reptiles evolved from dinosaurs
d. dinosaurs were just big reptiles
e. amphibians are closely related to birds
16. What can be inferred from Figure 31-3?
a. early reptiles were identical to modern reptiles
b. reptiles are the oldest animals
c. all three groups evolved from early reptiles
d. reptiles are more dominant than mammals
e. early amphibians were identical to modern
17. Interlocking sections of feathers:
a. alula
b. shaft
c. barbs
d. down
e. contour
18. Replacing damaged and worn feathers:
a. preening
b. molting
c. incubation
d. insulation
e. migration
19. To sit on eggs to provide heat, so as to promote
embryonic development:
a. preen
b. molt
c. incubate
d. insulate
e. copulate
20. The _________ regulates gas exchange in an
amniotic egg.
a. allantois
b. chorion
c. amnion
d. yolk
e. albumen
21. During the ______ stage of respiration, most of the
air enters the posterior air sacs.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
e. fifth
22. The small feathers that cover the base of other
feathers on a bird’s body
a. retricies.
b. secondaries.
c. primaries.
d. coverts.
e. alulae.
23. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs
in the:
a. posterior air sacs
b. anterior air sacs
c. lungs
d. trachea
e. pharynx
28. During the ______ stage of respiration, air leaves
the posterior air sacs and enters the lungs while the
air in the anterior air sacs leaves via trachea.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
e. fifth
29. The _________ provides an amniotic egg with
additonal nutrients and water.
a. allantois
b. chorion
c. amnion
d. yolk
e. albumen
30. Birds evolved from
a. crocodiles.
b. turtles.
c. theropods.
d. cephalopods.
e. arthropods.
24. The _________ is the amniotic egg’s septic tank.
a. allantois
b. chorion
c. amnion
d. yolk
e. albumen
31. This hatches from an egg, has the same general
appearances as the end stage but is smaller:
a. pupa
b. larva
c. adult
d. nymph
25. During ________, a bird also uses its bill or beak to
rub oil from a gland near the tail onto the feathers.
a. preening
b. molting
c. mating
d. incubation
e. insulation
32. Identify all of the arachnids:
I. lobster
II. pill bug
III. tick
IV. tarantula
V. ladybug
a. I, III, V
b. II, III, IV
c. II, IV, V
d. III, IV
26. Emperor penguins are covered with
a. retricies.
b. secondaries.
c. primaries.
d. down feathers.
e. contour feathers.
27. The feathers used in steering during flight are
a. retricies.
b. secondaries.
c. down feathers.
d. coverts.
e. alulae.
33. An arthropod is vulnerable to predators during the
molting period because
a. it must come out of hiding to molt.
b. its new exoskeleton is soft.
c. molting cannot occur without the assistance of
d. predators are more numerous during this
34. The function of mandibles is to
a. bite and grind food.
b. sense the environment.
c. propel an arthropod when it swims.
d. support an arthropod when it walks.
41. What does molting enable arthropods to do?
a. to breathe
b. to reproduce
c. to grow
d. to eat
35. Identify all of the insects that undergo complete
I. grasshopper
II. wasp
III. ant
IV. roach
a. II, III
b. I, III
c. II
d. I, IV
42. Arthropods are classified based on the number and
structure of their
a. eyes and wings.
b. body segments and appendages.
c. muscles and bones.
d. gills and hearts.
36. Spiders feed by
a. swallowing their prey whole.
b. biting off and swallowing pieces of their prey.
c. sucking up prey tissues that have been liquefied
by digestive enzymes.
d. sipping nectar through a tubelike mouthpart.
37. An insect can detect minute movements in its
environment by using its compound eyes and its
a. Malpighian tubules.
b. tracheal tubes.
c. chelicerae.
d. sensory hairs.
38. Terrestrial arthropods use _______________ for
a. Malpighian tubules and tracheal tubes
b. tracheal tubes and gills
c. gills and book lungs
d. trachael tubes and book lungs
39. The appendages of arthropods are
a. found only on the head.
b. hard and immovable.
c. jointed and extend from the body wall.
d. divided into six branches.
40. Which of the following habitats do arthropods
a. the sea
b. the land
c. the air
d. the sea, land, and air
43. The compound eyes of insects
a. are made of many lenses.
b. are located on the thorax.
c. produce an image that is more detailed than
what humans see.
d. can not detect movement.
44. The body of an insect is divided into a
a. head and a thorax.
b. head and a cephalothorax.
c. head, a thorax, and an abdomen.
d. cephalothorax and an abdomen.
45. Which of the following is NOT a stage of complete
a. nymph
b. egg
c. larva
d. pupa
46. The first pair of appendages used for feeding:
a. spinnerets
b. chelicerae
c. pedipalps
d. fangs
47. The nervous system of an arthropod is composed
I. single nerve cord
II. double nerve cord
III. ganglia
IV. nerve net
V. brain
a. I, III, V
b. II, III, V
c. II, III, IV, V
d. II, V
48. Identify all of the crustaceans:
I. pill bug
II. wasp
III. crayfish
IV. mite
V. tick
a. I, III
b. II, III, V
c. I, III, IV
d. III, IV
49. Identify all of the insects that undergo incomplete
I. grasshopper
II. wasp
III. ant
IV. roach
a. II, III
b. I, III
c. II
d. I, IV
50. A(n) ____________ is when the head fuses with
the thorax of an arthropod.
a. abdomen
b. cephaloabdomen
c. cephalopod
d. cephalothorax
51. During mating season of a cheetah, males and
females secrete __________, a chemical odor
signals given off by animals.
a. pheromones
b. book lungs
c. spiracles
d. Malphigian tubules
52. Most terrestrial arthropods excrete cellular wastes
through __________.
a. uropods
b. telsons
c. spiracles
d. Malphigian tubules
53. The three stages of arthropods (egg, nymph, and
adult) that undergo changes are _______.
a. incomplete metamorphosis
b. complete metamorphosis
c. parthenogenesis
d. no correct answer
54. Some arthropods reproduce by a form of asexual
reproduction in which a new individual develops
from an unfertilized egg.
a. incomplete metamorphosis
b. complete metamorphosis
c. oogenesis
d. parthenogenesis
55. These organisms can spray foul-smelling fluids
from stink glands:
a. centipedes
b. crayfishes
c. millipedes
d. barnacles
56. The free living, wormlike stage of an insect:
a. pupa
b. larva
c. adult
d. nymph
57. The four stages of arthropods (egg, nymph, pupa,
and adult) that undergo changes are ___________.
a. incomplete metamorphosis
b. complete metamorphosis
c. parthenogenesis
d. no correct answer
58. As silk is secreted by spiders, it is spun into thread
by structures called __________.
a. spinnerets
b. pedipalps
c. chelicerae
d. cocoon
59. The __________ are adapted to handling food,
sensing, and dispensing sperm.
a. spinnerets
b. pedipalps
c. chelicerae
d. cocoon
60. The body segments a crayfish have are
a. cephalothorax and abdomen
b. cephalothorax, chest, and abdomen
c. head, thorax, and abdomen
d. cephalothorax and head
61. A feature that is NOT present in all female
mammals is
a. the ability to generate body heat.
b. a four-chambered heart.
c. the ability to nourish young with milk.
d. the ability to bear young through cloacas
68. Having a thumb that can move against the other
fingers makes it possible for a primate to
a. hold objects firmly.
b. merge visual images.
c. display elaborate social behaviors.
d. judge the locations of tree branches.
62. Which organ is used by a cow to feed her newborn
a. mammary gland
b. placenta
c. marsupium
d. rumen
69. Mammals are characterized by each of the
following EXCEPT
a. mammary glands.
b. hair.
c. endothermy.
d. scales.
e. oil glands.
63. Which organ is used by a zebra to feed her unborn
a. mammary gland
b. placenta
c. marsupium
d. rumen
64. What do some mammals have to release heat from
their bodies?
a. external body hair
b. oil glands
c. sweat glands
d. high rate of metabolism
65. The mammalian circulatory system consists of
a. one loop powered by a four-chambered heart.
b. two separate loops powered by a fourchambered heart.
c. two separate loops powered by a threechambered heart.
d. four separate loops powered by a twochambered heart.
66. Which trait is NOT characteristic of mammals?
a. external fertilization
b. nourishing young with milk
c. providing care for young after birth
d. generating body heat
67. Which of the following mammals does an embryo
spend the most time developing inside the mother?
a. echidna
b. elephant
c. kangaroo
d. koala
e. mole
70. Mammals that have broad, flattened molars feed on
a. insects.
b. meat.
c. plankton.
d. plants.
71. In mammals, the amount of water in the body is
controlled mainly by the
a. kidneys.
b. diaphragm.
c. heart.
d. lungs.
e. small intestines.
72. The egg-laying mammals are called
a. marsupials.
b. monotremes.
c. placental mammals.
d. insectivores.
73. A mammal that carries its young inside the uterus
until development is almost complete is called a(n)
a. marsupial.
b. monotreme.
c. placental mammal.
d. insectivore.
74. Which mammal would have the shortest gestation
a. kangaroo rat
b. kangaroo
c. tiger
d. jaguar
e. blue whale
75. A mammal in which the young have a short period
of development within the mother’s body, followed
by a second period of development inside a pouch
is called a(n)
a. marsupial.
b. monotreme.
c. placental mammal.
d. insectivore.
76. An example of an animal with a marsupium is a(an)
a. elephant.
b. lion.
c. mouse.
d. Tasmanian devil.
e. echinda.
77. The function of a placenta is to
a. exchange materials between an embryo and its
b. store and process newly swallowed plant food.
c. store urine until it is eliminated from the body.
d. increase the volume of the chest cavity during
78. The time during which placental mammals develop
inside the uterus is called
a. assimilation.
b. gestation.
c. incubation.
d. regeneration.
79. The _________ is a hollow, muscular organ in
which offspring develop.
a. fallopian tubes
b. vagina
c. ovary
d. uterus
e. cervix
80. The _________ is where the sperm and egg
a. fallopian tubes
b. vagina
c. ovary
d. uterus
e. cervix
81. The _________ is where the sperm and egg
a. fallopian tubes
b. vagina
c. Ovary
d. uterus
e. cervix
82. The __________ is a muscle that aids the chest
cavity to take in large amounts of oxygen used to
maintain the high metabolism of all mammals.
a. heart
b. glands
c. spleen
d. diaphragm
83. __________ are used to cut food.
a. Canines
b. Premolars
c. Molars
d. Incisors
84. __________ are used to pierce and tear food.
a. Canines
b. Premolars
c. Molars
d. Incisors
85. Rabbits have premolars, molars, and incisors which
mean they are __________.
a. carnivores
b. omnivores
c. herbivores
d. insectivores
86. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
an adult amphibian’s circulatory system?
a. two loops (have arteries and veins)
b. heart with three chambers
c. right atrium and left atrium
d. complete separation of oxygen-rich and
oxygen-poor blood
87. The eggs of amphibians can dry out easily because
a. are never encased in jelly.
b. are unable to adjust to the extreme changes of
terrestrial temperatures.
c. are usually laid on land.
d. are always fertilized internally.
88. Organisms that belong to the order Anura:
a. cartilaginous fishes
b. salamanders
c. jawless fishes
d. frogs and toads
89. In the digestive system of a frog, where does food
go after it leaves the mouth?
a. to the gallbladder
b. to the esophagus
c. to the cloaca
d. to the pancreas
90. In frogs, __________ is (are) used to protect the
internal organs because of its lack of ribs.
a. fat bodies
b. the spleen
c. the pancreas
d. the gall bladder
91. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
most amphibians?
a. They live on land as adults.
b. They breathe with lungs as adults.
c. They have moist, permeable skin that contains
mucous glands.
d. They have scales and claws.
92. Evolutionary advancements of amphibians over
fishes are
a. legs, lungs, and gills.
b. legs, gills, and moist skin.
c. legs, lungs, and scales.
d. legs, lungs, and moist skin.
93. A frog’s tympanic membrane would be most useful
a. enabling the frog to jump long distances.
b. filtering wastes from the frog’s blood.
c. listening to the mating calls of other frogs.
d. keeping the frog’s eyes from drying out on
94. Which feature distinguishes most fishes from most
a. a vertebrae
b. scales
c. breathing with gills during at least part of the
life cycle
d. living in water during at least part of the life
95. In a frog, the cavity through which digestive
wastes, urine, and eggs or sperm leave the body is
a. cloaca.
b. colon.
c. gallbladder.
d. pancreas.
96. In the digestive system of a frog, where does food
go after it leaves the stomach?
a. to the ileum (small intestine)
b. to the duodenum (small intestine)
c. to the liver
d. to the large intestine
97. Adult amphibians have
a. one atrium and one ventricle.
b. one atrium and two ventricles.
c. two atria and one ventricle.
d. two atria and two ventricles.
98. The inability of an organism to regulate its body
temperature is considered a (n)
a. endotherm.
b. ectotherm.
c. invertebrate.
d. vertebrate.
99. A vertebrate is any animal that has a
a. backbone.
b. notochord.
c. hollow nerve cord.
d. tail that extends beyond the anus.
100. Organisms that have slender bodies with no limbs
and undergo internal fertilization:
a. caecilians
b. cartilaginous fishes
c. frogs and toads
d. jawless fishes