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AP World History I
Fall 2013: Text Homework Sheet
According to new THHS guidelines you are not supposed to have more than 2 hours
homework per week for any one subject. In addition, you are not supposed to have any
Social Studies homework assignments in which you have to work on Thursdays after
school. However, you can have a homework assignment due on Friday, if you have been
given at least two days’ notice prior to Friday to complete that assignment.
Once you are initially directed to complete the first homework in preparation for the first
lesson of the Unit you must continue to complete the next homework assignments for the
following classes. Don’t stop unless specifically directed to do so. If in doubt, complete
the next homework assignment. As an example: complete #1 for the first lesson,
complete #2 for the second lesson, etc. However, abide by the 2 hours of homework per
week rule.
Unit I: Introduction to History and Geography
1. Read, then complete and return the “Course Outline” tear off return slip.
2. Think about history and geography.
3. Work on your “What’s in Name?” assignment.
Unit II: Geography and the Environment
1. Play geography games
2. Make your way to class
Unit III: Early Civilizations
1. Read pp. 7 – 13
a. Define and or Identify: Paleolithic, Neolithic, homo-sapiens, hunting and gathering,
Bronze Age
b. When did the Neolithic Revolution take place?
c. How did the Neolithic Revolution change the world?
2. Read pp. 13 – 19
a. Define and or Identify: Civilization, Mesopotamia, Sumerians, Ziggurats,
Babylonian (s), Hammurabi’s Code, cuneiform, Tigris River, Euphrates River,
Sumer, barbarian
b. What were the most noteworthy achievements of Sumerian civilization?
3. Read pp. 20 – 21
a. Define pharaoh, pyramid, Kush, Nile River, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt
b. To what extent were Egypt and Sumeria similar?
4. Read pp. 21 – 24
a. Define and or Identify: Indus River, Harappa, Yellow River (Huanghe), Shang
b. What brought about an end to Harappan Civilization?
c. How much contact did early Chinese civilization have with the other river
civilizations, and what role might geography have played in that isolation?
5. Read pp. 24 – 29
a. Define and or Identify: Phoenicians, monotheism
b. What were the greatest contributions of the early river civilizations to humanity?
Unit IV: Early Belief Systems and Religions
Animism: There is no textbook homework associated with this Unit IV lesson; Animism.
1. Judaism
Read pp. 25 – 28
Identify and or Define: Jews, Semitic, Babylonian, Jehovah, monotheism
a. What are the basic tenets of Judaism?
2. Christianity
Read pp. 106 – 108
Identify and or Define: Jesus, Messiah, Paul, pope
b. How did Christianity manage to grow into a significant religion?
3. Islam
Read pp. 108 – 110, 113 – 119, 121 – 130
Identify and or Define: Allah, Muslim, Mohammed (Muhammad), Koran (Qu’ran),
Arabian Peninsula, Bedouin, Mecca, Medina, shaykhs (sheiks), Arabia, Byzantine
Empire, Ka’ba, Five Pillars of Islam, Ramadan
4. Hinduism
Read pp. 57 – 61.
Identify and or Define: Vedic and Epic Ages, artha, karma, dharma, Brahmanism,
Upanishads, Gurus, Vishnu, Shiva, reincarnation, Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma
(Krishna), Kamasutra
5. Buddhism
Read pp. 59 - 61, 103 – 106.
Identify and or Define: Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, Nirvana, Mauryan Emperor
Ashoka, stupas, Mahayana
a. How did Buddhism start?
b. Where did Buddhism spread to?
c. How did Buddhism change over time?
6. Read pp. 26 – 27, 42 – 43.
Identify and or Define: Mandate of Heaven, Laozi, Dao (Tao), Han Dynasty
a. What are the basic tenets of Taoism (Daoism)?
b. How does Taoism differ in comparison to Confucianism?
7. Read pp. 40 – 42.
Identify and or Define: Confucius (Kung Fuzi), Confucianism, Zhou Dynasty,
a. What are the basic tenets of Confucianism?
b. Why did Confucianism evolve the way it did?
8. Greco – Roman Religious Beliefs
Read pp. 79 – 80
Identify and or Define: Zeus (Jupiter), Apollo, Mars, Neptune, Venus, Aristotle,
Socrates, Plato, the Stoics, the Iliad and the Odyssey
a. In what ways do Greco – Roman religious beliefs reflect Animist concepts?
Unit V: Classical Civilizations
1. The Persian Empire
Read pp. 70 – 71
Identify and or define: Cyrus the Great, Zoroastrianism
2. Ancient Greece
Read pp. 69, 71 – 72, 75 – 76, 79 – 83
Identify and or define: Olympic Games, Peloponnesian Wars, Pericles, Phillip II of
Macedon,, Hellenistic Period, Alexandra (the Great), Alexandria, Direct (True)
Democracy, Aristotle, Stoics, Socrates, Plato, Sophocles, Iliad, Odyssey, Doric, Ionic,
Corinthian (columns)
3. Mauryan Empire
Read pp. 51 – 55, 61 – 67
Himalayas, Monsoons, Sanskrit, Ramayana, Muaryan Empire (Dynasty), Chandragupta
Maurya, Ashoka, Kushans
4. Rome
Read pp. 72 – 74, 76 – 79, 99 - 103
Identify and or define: Roman republic, Punic Wars, Carthage, Hannibal, Julius Caesar,
Augustus Caesar (Octavian), Diocletian, Constantine, Senate, Byzantine Empire,
What caused the (Western) Roman Empire to collapse?
5. China
Read pp. 35 – 40, 44 – 49, 98 – 99
Identify and or define: Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Confucius, Shi Huangdi, Han
Dynasty, Silk Road, Yellow Turbans
6. Gupta Empire
Read pp. 55 – 57, 99
Identify and or define: Guptas, Kautilya, Rajput
What caused the collapse of the Gupta Empire?
7. Axum
Read pp. 92 – 99
Identify and or define: Kush, Axum, Ethiopia