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Biology 3rd Quarter Exam Review 4-4-12
1. Explain the following terms:
- homologous chromosomes,
- loci
- genes
2. Explain what a normal human karyotype is
3. Explain the difference between Turner’s Syndrome and Down’s Syndrome.
4. Explain what is meant by chromosome segregation.
5. Explain what is meant by independent assortment.
6. Explain the difference between truebred and hybrid pea plants.
7. Explain Mendel’s three hypothesis.
8. Explain what is meant by dominance and recessiveness.
9. Explain the difference between phenotypes and genotypes.
10. Explain what is meant by co dominance.
11. Explain what is meant by incomplete dominance.
12. Explain what is meant by a trait and give an example of one.
13. Explain what a hybrid is and how they are formed.
14. Explain what self-pollination is and what allows it to happen in pea flowers.
15. Explain what is meant by cross pollination and how this happens in pea flowers.
16. In peas, yellow seed (Y) is dominant over green seed (y). In the F2 generation of a
parental cross in which a dominant homozygote is crossed with a recessive
homozygote, which would you expect: (be able to show your work with a punnett
- a) plants that produce 3 yellow seeds to every green seed
- b) plants with one yellow seed for every green seed
- c) only plants with either the genotype YY or yy
- d) both a and c
17. In humans, pointed eyebrows are dominant over smooth eyebrows. Mary's father
has pointed eyebrows, but she and her mother have smooth eyebrows. What is the
genotype of the father?
18. In guinea pigs, smooth coat (S) is dominant over rough coat (s) and black coat (B)
is dominant over white coat (b). In the cross SsBb X SsBb, how many of the
offspring will have a smooth, black coat?
- a) 9 out of 16
- b) 1 out of 16
- c) 6 out of 16
- d) all offspring will have this phenotype
19. In tomatoes, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is
dominant over shortness (t). A plant that is RrTT is crossed with a plant that is
rrTt. What are the chances of an offspring being heterozygous for both traits?
- a) none
- b) 1/2
- c) 1/4
- d) 9/16
20. A woman with type AB blood marries a man whose mother was type O and father
type A. They have a son with type B blood. What are the possible genotypes of
the father?
21. Yellow coat color in guinea pigs is produced by the homozygous genotype CyCy,
cream color by the heterozygous genotype CyCw, and white by the homozygous
genotype CwCw. What genotypic and phenotypic ratios are matings between
cream colored individuals likely to produce?