Download The Human Blood Type Game

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The Human Blood Type Game
In humans there are 4 possible blood types: A, B, O and AB. These blood types are controlled by multiple alleles.
Blood types A and B are both dominant. Blood type O is recessive. A person who receives a gene for type A and a
gene for type B will have blood type AB because type A is codominant to type B.
1. Obtain a genotype card from your teacher.
2. Write your genotype in the space provided. Write the corresponding blood type in the space provided.
3. Move around the room to 3 find people to with whom you could “mate.” Make a Punnett Square of
your offspring and analyze the results of each cross.
4. Answer all the questions on this page.
1. What is your genotype? ________________
2. Partner A: genotype ________________
What is your blood type? __________________
phenotype: ______________
3. Partner B: genotype ________________
phenotype: ______________
4. Partner C: genotype ________________
phenotype: ______________
In addition to the markers that indicate type A, B, AB and O blood, many people also have cell markers known as
the Rh factor. People with this additional marker are called Rh positive, those without it are Rh negative. Rh + is
dominant to Rh -. Examine the chart that shows the percentage of Americans with each blood type.
% of US
population with
each blood type
Genotype(s) that produce
each blood type (A, B and +
are dominant)
5. The US population is about 300,000,000.
a. How many people would have type B+ blood?
b. If needed, what types of blood could a person with type B
+- blood receive?
c. Explain why a person with B+ blood cannot receive
certain blood types
Suppose a woman with genotype IAi+- marries a
man whose genotype is IBi+-. What are ALL of the
possible blood types for their children?
Make the Punnett Square.
6. Show the analysis of your Punnett Square.
a. What is the percent change they will have a child
who is Rh+
b. Show as a x / 16 number possibility of offspring
with ABO blood