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Campus: Lacy Elementary
Author(s): First Grade Team
Date Created / Revised: June 2014
Six Weeks Period: 6th
Grade Level & Course: 1st grade: Language Arts (E.L.A.)
Timeline: 5 days
Stated Objectives:
TEK # and SE
Unit Title: Unit 6: All About Literacy Lesson 2
Lesson # 2
1.4B: ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and
other texts
1.6C: determine what words mean from how they are used in a sentence, either heard or read;
1.6E: alphabetize a series of words to the first or second letter and use a dictionary to find words .
1.10A: determine whether a story is true or a fantasy and explain why
1.14A: restate the main idea: heard, or read.
1.19B: write short letters that put ideas in a chronological or logical sequence and use
appropriate conventions (e.g., date, salutation, closing)
See Instructional Focus Document (IFD) for TEK Specificity
* Awareness of word patterns support the development of word reading, fluency, and spelling.
* Knowledge of a topic is demonstrated in a variety of forms.
* Readers monitor comprehension in order to gather information and gain an understanding of a topic.
* The ability to focus on decoding patterns of the English language promotes reading fluency.
Key Vocabulary
Suggested Day
5E Model
Day 1Engage/Explore/
Fantasy, Main Idea, detail
Instructional Procedures
Materials, Resources, Notes
(Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend/Elaborate, Evaluate)
E.L.A. Lesson:
{Fact & Fantasy}
1. The teacher will select two books about a similar topic.
(Ex: Facts about Cats vs. The Cat in the Hat)
2. After reading both stories, ask students how these books
were similar and different. Review with students the
words: "fact" and "fantasy". Define each and give
multiple examples for students to differentiate between
the two.
3. Give each student two index cards or two small strips of
paper. Each student will write one fact statement on one
piece and one fantasy statement on the other. While
students are writing their statements, the teacher can
create a t-chart on the board or use two different charts
and write "FACT" on one side and "FANTASY" on the
fact book
fantasy book
index cards
chart paper
fact/fantasy activity
Basal reader daily as
other. Students will need to come read and sort their
statements to the chart.
4. Students can complete a fact/fantasy sort independently.
1. Students can select a topic and write a fact and fantasy
statement on the topic.
1. Review the spelling words for the week. Complete an
individual or whole group activity.
Day 2 –
Explore/ Extend
E.L.A. Lesson:
{Writing a Letter}
1. The teacher will read a book about writing a letter or a
book that is written in letter format. Remind students
about writing a friendly letter and examples from earlier
in the school year.
2. Review the parts of a friendly letter. This can be done by
writing an example letter as a class. Include all of the
parts of a letter and label the parts for students to see.
3. Ask students to think about what they remember from
being in Kindergarten. List these examples on the board.
(took naps, had snack, home center, teachers, etc...) Ask
students to describe how first grade is different than
kindergarten. Explain to students that they will have to
write a letter to a kindergartner and explain how first
grade will be different and what they can expect.
4. The teacher can brainstorm as a class what students
may include in their letters.
5. Students will write their letter. Be sure to include all parts
of a letter in the correct format and order.
book about letter
chart paper
writing paper
1. Students can write multiple sentences that include the
/aw/ spelling word pattern.
1. Review the spelling words for the week. Complete a
spelling activity individually or as a group.
Day 3 – Explore/
E.L.A. Lesson:
(Context Clues)
1. Write the following word on the board: FRIGID
Ask students what they think this word means.
Write the word in a sentence (example: The air was frigid, so
I needed a scarf and gloves.)
chart paper (if
Write the Room cards
Context clues activity
2. Now ask students what they think the word means. How
did they know? What words helped them? Review the word
"Context Clues". Explain what this is and how it helps us
learn unfamiliar words.
3. Students will play "Write the Room" detective style. The
teacher will have placed various word cards around the
room. In smaller letters will be the sentence including the
word. Students will use magnifying glasses to read the
sentence example. On their recording sheet, students will
write what the words means.
4. After all students have completed the activity, read
through each of the words and discuss the meaning.
Discuss how students came to that conclusion. What words
helped them in the sentence?
5. Students can complete their own independent context
clues activity.
1. Students can select one of the words from the write the room
activity and write a sentence. Illustrate the sentence.
1. Review the spelling words for the week. Complete a spelling
activity individually or as a group.
Day 4 – Engage,
Explore, Extend
ELA Lesson:
(ABC order)
1. Show the students a dictionary and tell them you need to
look up a word. How would I look up the word? How do
I know where to look? Re-introduce alphabetical order.
How do we put words into order?
2. Select 4 - 6 words from the room and write the words on
the board. As a class, describe the steps needs to put
the words into alphabetical order. (focus on first letter)
3. Select a new list of 4-6 words from the room and write
them for the class to see. (include some words that
begin with the same first letter). As a class, write the
words into alphabetical order, describing the steps as
you go. (what to do if the letters begin the same, etc..)
4. Partner students into groups of two or three. Write a list
of 4-6 words on the board (different from the previous
lists) and each group will need to write these words into
alphabetical order. Students can use paper, dry-erase
boards, or chart paper. Discuss student responses.
5. Students can complete an independent alphabetical
paper or dry-erase
abc order activity
order activity.
1. Students can complete a Draw.Write.Now activity.
1. Review the spelling words for the week and complete a
spelling activity.
Day 5 –
ELA Lesson:
(Main Idea)
non-fiction book
Reading passages for
main idea
1. The teacher will select a non-fiction book to read to the
class. After reading the story, questions students what
the book was about. What happened in the story. Ask
students to give the Main Idea. Review what main idea
is. Explain what details are and how they help and
support the main idea.
2. As a class, the teacher will show different short passages
on the screen. Read through the passage together. As
a class, determine the main idea. Underline the main
idea in RED. Read through the passage again and
identify at least two details. Underline the details in
BLUE. (Do 2-3 passages with the class)
3. Give students their own individual passage. Students
will read through the passage and underline the main
idea and supporting details as the whole class did.
1. Students can write multiple sentences including their spelling
words or sight words for the week.
1. Review the spelling words for the week. Complete a
spelling activity.
for Special
Accommodations for instruction will be provided as stated on each student’s (IEP)
Individual Education Plan for special education, 504, at risk, and ESL/Bilingual.