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Calverton English Strategy Year 3 to 6
Year 3
spellings should
be given out
for pupils to
learn and then
be tested on
the following
week based
upon the
spelling rules
detailed here.
Choose the
areas of
Term 1
adding ‘ing’
dropping the ‘e’ and adding
‘ing’ drive= driving
Pattern ‘le’ e.g. little,
muddle, scramble. ‘ckle’
‘able’ ‘cle’ ‘dle’
double letter + le
common prefixes: un, de,
dis, re, pre,
mis,in,sub,inter,super, anti,
generate new words from
root words happy/unhappy,
words with ai, ei, eigh, ey
an, a - a rock, an open rock.
Simple sentences (what are they
and what must they include?)
Identify object and subject in a
Developing action verbs
Term 2
 words changing when ‘er’ and ‘est’ are
added (quick, quicker, quickest)
 How words change when ‘y’ is added.
 Identify basic rules of changing nouns
when‘s’ is added.
 Investigate and read words with silent
letters e.g. knee, gnat and wrinkle.
 Recognise and generate compound words
e.g. (playground, airport, shoelace)
 Common suffixes e.g. ‘ly’ ‘ful’ ‘less’ ‘ness’
‘ation’ ‘ment’ (kindly, wishful, careless,
teacher, reliable, (adjective to adverb)
 Generate new words from root words e.g.
proud, proudly. Hope, hopeful, hopeless.
 Use apostrophe to spell shortened forms
of words e.g. (don’t, can’t)
 ‘ation’- Verbs to form nouns e.g.
information, sensation
Pronouns- explaining the difference when
used in 1st, 2nd, 3rd person
Conjunctions- if, so, while, though, since,
Time sequences-first, then, after, meanwhile,
Term 3
 Identify short words within
longer words to aid spelling
(father= fat, at, the, her)
 Recognise and spell prefixes
mis, non, ex, co, anti.
 Use knowledge of prefixes
(super, anti, auto) to generate
new words e.g. lead, mislead.
Sense/ nonsense.
 Regular and irregular plurals
 Use the apostrophe to spell
further contracted forms of
words e.g. couldn’t , I’m, you’re
 Explore homonyms (word that
have the same spelling but
multiple meanings e.g. (wave=
gesture, shape or motion)
Adverbials- time, place, manner
Use a wider range of connectives to
develop sentences and include more
than one clause ( when, if, because,
grammar that
link with the
piece of
writing and
the topic that
you are
areas, as and
when covered,
you will
probably cover
them more
than once.
Tenses- using ‘ed’
Changing a sentence into a
Introduction into punctuating
direct speech
Exploring different presentation
of text- features
Commas in a list
Adjectives- classifying
Exploring capitalisation of proper
nouns (names, months, planets)
Using nouns and avoiding
repetition by using pronouns.
Collective nouns e.g. a murder of
crows, a litter of pups etc
Irregular past tense
the year you
need to teach
a poem unit, a
story unit and
2 others from
the list
Cross out the
genres that
you are not
covering that
Story with familiar setting
Traditional stories (fairy tales)
Traditional stories (myths and
Shape poem
Poems based upon observations
Performance poetry
Informal letter
Simple persuasive leaflet
Book review by same author
Non chronological reports based
on an animal
Instructions- basic (link to DT)
Diaries over time
from, where and to express time and cause
Adverbs and prepositions (in, of, at, with, by,
Commas within a sentence, use after a frontal
Use of commas for embedded clause
Variation in sentence openers
Using connectives to create compound
sentences (and, but , so)
Accurately using full stops, capital letters,
question marks, exclamation
Superlative/comparative adjectives
Nouns expanded by simple adjectives
Develop openings and closing
Start linking ideas using pronouns
Start developing word banks of
adventurous words
Use of plurals
Alphabetical order work- using
Story with familiar setting
Traditional stories (fairy tales)
Traditional stories (myths and legends)
Shape poem
Poems based upon observations
Performance poetry
Informal letter
Simple persuasive leaflet
Book review by same author
Non chronological reports based on an animal
Instructions- basic (link to DT)
Diaries over time
Story with familiar setting
Traditional stories (fairy tales)
Traditional stories (myths and
Shape poem
Poems based upon observations
Performance poetry
Informal letter
Simple persuasive leaflet
Book review by same author
Non chronological reports based on an
Instructions- basic (link to DT)
Diaries over time
topic. Then
highlight as
the you have
Year 4
Weekly spellings
should be given
out for pupils to
learn and then
be tested on the
following week
based upon the
spelling rules
detailed here.
Term 1
 Spell two-syllable words containing
double consonants e.g. (bubble,
kettle, common.)
 Distinguish between the meaning
and spelling of common homophones
e.g. (to, two, too. They’re, their,
 Spell regular verb endings ‘s’ ‘ed’
‘ing’ (link with tenses) cooks, cooked,
 Spell irregular tense changes e.g.
go/went, can/could.
 Recognise and spell the suffixes al,
ary, ic e.g. (medical, stationary,
 Recognise and spell the suffixes
‘ship’ ‘hood’ (childhood, membership)
 Action verbs to form nouns
 Adjective to adverb – ‘ly’ kind to
 Nouns and adjectives can be made
into verbs by use of suffixes ‘ate’
‘ify’ ‘ous’ (pollen, pollinate)
 Spellings sounding like zhuh measure, pleasure,
Term 2
 Investigate what happens to words
ending in ‘f’ when suffixes are
added. (elf, elves)
 Spell words with common endings
‘ight’ ‘ion’ ‘ious’ ‘ial’ ‘ough’
 Recognise and spell the prefixes ‘al’
‘ad’ ‘af’ ‘a’
 Explore the occurrence of certain
letters within words e.g. ‘V’ ‘K’
Deduce some of the conventions
between beginning, middle and
endings of the words.
 To explore the occurrence of
certain letter strings ‘wa’ ‘wo’ ‘ss’
(swat, water, worship, goodness)
 Spell words with common letter
strings but different pronunciations
‘ough’ ‘ear’ ‘ight’ ‘ight’ ‘ou’ ‘au’ ‘ice’
(tough, bear, light, out, aunt,
 Endings- tion, sion, ssion, cian
 Collect, investigate and spell
patterns in pluralisation ‘es’ ‘s’
‘drop the y add ‘ies’
Term 3
Collect and classify words with
common roots e.g. (advent, invent,
prevent, press, pressure)
Practise extending and compounding
words through adding parts ‘ful’ ‘ly’
‘ive’ ‘tion’ ‘ic’ ‘ist’
Recognise and spell the suffixes
‘ible’ ‘able’’ ive’’ tion’ ‘sion’
Distinguish between the two forms
it’s possessive and it’s contracted it
Investigate compound words and
recognise they can aid spelling e.g.
(handbag, cupboard)
Understand how diminutives are
formed e.g. suffixes: ette and
prefixes: min
Regular and irregular plurals
Words with silent letters
Understand where to place the
apostrophe in words with regular
plurals e.g. boys’, girls’
Homonyms and near homonyms
Short forms of words e.g . road=Rd,
Limted = Ltd, Kilometer Km.
chuh- furniture, mixture, departure
‘ly’,’ tion’ endings
Reread own writing to check for
grammatical sense (coherence and
Choose the areas accuracy) to identify errors and
of grammar that suggest alternatives (should be done
link with the
throughout the year)
piece of writing
Using and punctuating direct speech
and the topic
Passive voice
that you are
Commas using vocative case
Using standard English e.g.
subject/verb agreement
grammar areas,
Verbs (we, were, I did)
as and when
Proper nouns
covered, you will Using nouns/ pronouns appropriately
probably cover
for clarity and cohesion.
them more than
Using nouns/pronouns in sentences to
avoid repetition
Revise work on verbs from year 1-3 and
investigate verb tenses (past, present
and future)
Compare narrative and non narrative
Understand how tenses refer to time.
Identify the use of powerful verbs
(hobbled instead of went)
Irregular past tense
Subordinate clauses – use of comma
Identify adverbs and understand their
function within a sentence (notice
where they occur in sentences.
Practice using commas to mark
grammatical boundaries and expand
Use paragraphs in story writing.
Work on expressive and figurative
languages in stories
Use of metaphors, similes
Comparing adjectives on the scale of
Understand the significance of word
Recognise how commas, connectives and
full stops are used to join clauses.
Identify how and why paragraphs are
used to organise and sequence
Developing superlative/comparative
Change particular words- changing
verbs endings, adding comparative
endings, pluralisation (singular and
Understand how the grammar of a
sentence alters when the sentence
type is altered e.g. when a
statement is turned into a question
e.g. the boy has eaten, has the boy
eaten the apple?
Use of connectives e.g. adverbs,
conjunctions, to structure an
argument e.g. if, as, when, although
Start sentences with adverbials
phrases using commas in the
correct place.
Develop a wider range of connectives
(when, if, because, although)
Know where to use “ “ , . ! .... effectively
Use of basic sub-ordinate clausesand, so, but
within paragraphs / sections, some
links between sentences, e.g. use of
pronouns or of adverbials
use simple adjectives to expand
Indicating possession by using
Adventure/mystery stories with
Throughout the
Stories that raise an issue
year you need to Stories about an imaginary world
teach a poem
Poetry from different cultures and
unit, a story unit traditions
and 2 others
Poetry with a theme
from the list
Modern poetry
Persuasive argument/written advert to
Cross out the
genres that you
Write a play script
are not covering Newspaper report
that topic. Then Discussion/ 2 sided argument
highlight as the
Non- chronological report- class
ones you have
information book
Adventure/mystery stories with
Stories that raise an issue
Stories about an imaginary world
Poetry from different cultures and
Poetry with a theme
Modern poetry
Persuasive argument/written advert to
Write a play script
Newspaper report
Discussion/ 2 sided argument
Non- chronological report- class
information book
possessive apostrophe with singular
and plural nouns.
Adventure/mystery stories with
Stories that raise an issue
Stories about an imaginary world
Poetry from different cultures and
Poetry with a theme
Modern poetry
Persuasive argument/written
advert to persuade
Write a play script
Newspaper report
Discussion/ 2 sided argument
Non- chronological report- class
information book
Year 5
Year 5
should be
given out for
pupils to learn
and then be
tested on the
following week
based upon
the spelling
rules detailed
Choose the
areas of
Term 1
 Examine the properties of words
ending in vowels other than the
letter e.
 Collect, investigate and spell
patterns in pluralisation change
‘f’ to ‘ves’
 Investigate the meanings and
spellings of the words using the
following prefixes; auto, bi,
trans, tele, circum
Identify root words, derivations and
spellings patterns (sign, signature,
 Words with silent letters e.g.
knight, psalm, solemn
 Letter string: ‘ough’
 Words ending: ‘shul’
 Suffixes: ‘able’ ‘ible’
 Use knowledge of morphology
and etymology in spelling and
understand that the spelling of
some words just needs to be
learnt specifically, see appendix.
 Understand the basic convention
of standard English and consider
when to use it.
 Discuss, proof read and edit
Term 2
Term 3
 Explore spelling patterns when
 Correct use and spelling of
ll in full becomes l when used as
possessive pronouns (their, your,
a suffix.
yours, my, mine)
 Spelling patterns of consonants
 Spell the suffixes ‘cian’ ‘sion’
and formulate rules: words
‘session’ ‘tion’ ‘ation’ ‘etion’ ‘ition’
ending with a single consonant
‘otion’ ‘ution’
proceeded by a short vowel
 Spell unstressed vowels in
double the consonant before
polysyllabic words (company,
adding ‘ing’
E.g. ( beep, beeping, beeped)
 Words ending in modifying e,
 Patterns of consonants and
drop e when adding ‘ing’
formulate rules: c is usually
 Words ending in y preceded by a
soft when followed by I
consonant change ‘y’ to ‘ie’ (shyly,
 Common letter strings abut
different pronunciations: boot,
 I before e except after c rule.
Changing tenses: ed, ing
 Distinguish between
 Recognise the spelling and
homophones which are often
meaning in, im, ir, il, pro, sus.
confused i.e. words with
common pronunciations but
different spellings (ate, eight.
Grate, great)
Transform reported speech to
direct speech or vice versa.
Understand how dialogue is laid
out, positioning of commas
Be aware of the differences
between spoken and written
language (use of punctuation)
Identify and classify a range of
grammar that
link with the
piece of
writing and
the topic that
you are
areas, as and
when covered,
you will
probably cover
them more
than once.
their own writing (should be
completed throughout the
Create more complex sentences,
using a larger range of
connectives, simplify clumsy
Understand the need for
punctuation as an aid to the
Use subordinating conjunctions:
after, although, as, as if, as long
as, in case, since, unless, when
Adapt writing for different
readers by changing vocabulary,
tone and sentence structure.
Understand the difference
between direct and report
Dictionary use- using first 3
letters to find words.
Secure knowledge of: colons,
semi colons, parenthetic commas,
dashes and brackets
before speech marks
Reviser and extend work on
verbs, focus on: tenses- using
auxiliary verbs like be and have.
Use of modal verbs: will, would,
shall, should.
Experiment with the person 1st,
2nd or 3rd.
Show developments and
structure e.g. high and low
points, links between sections,
paragraphs and chapters.
Different kinds of nouns, the
function of pronouns
Use punctuation effectively to
signpost meaning within
complex sentences: ; () - , . “”
Re-ordering sentences- keeping
the meaning
Secure the use of a comma.
Adding words to indicate
shades of meaning
Expanded noun phrases
Gender- masculine, feminine,
common and neuter e.g. Lord,
lady, goose, gander.
prepositions (back, up, across,
through, on)
Use punctuation accurately in
complex sentences
Identifying main clauses in
Use connectives to link
within paragraphs / sections,
some links between sentences,
e.g. use of pronouns or of
use adjectives, adverbs and
embedded clauses to write
expanded noun phrases
use of some subordinating
connectives, e.g. if, when,
because throughout the text
some variation, generally
accurate, in tense and verb
commas used in lists to mark
clauses, used in correct positions
within a range of sentences.
similes, metaphor,
Cohesion within a paragraph
using time connectives. Link
paragraphs using time, place and
number adverbials.
Use of brackets and ...
Relative clause beginning with
the year you
need to teach
a poem unit, a
story unit and
2 others from
the list
Cross out the
genres that
you are not
covering that
topic. Then
highlight as
you have
Story from other cultures and
Play script into a story
Narrative/classic poems
Choral performance/ performance
Comparative poems
Book journal/ reading review
Variety of formal letters
Non chronological report- based on an
Autobiography/ diary
Persuasive argument
Journalistic writing
Story from other cultures and
Play script into a story
Narrative/classic poems
Choral performance/ performance
Comparative poems
Book journal/ reading review
Variety of formal letters
Non chronological report- based on an
Autobiography/ diary
Persuasive argument
Journalistic writing
who, where, why.
 Adding words to indicate shades
of meaning
Story from other cultures and
Play script into a story
Narrative/classic poems
Choral performance/ performance
Comparative poems
Book journal/ reading review
Variety of formal letters
Non chronological report- based on an
Autobiography/ diary
Persuasive argument
Journalistic writing
Year 6
Year 6
Weekly spellings
should be given
out for pupils to
learn and then be
tested on the
following week
based upon the
spelling rules
detailed here.
Use root words, prefixes and suffixes
as support for spelling e.g. aero, aqua,
audi, bi, cede, clued, con, cred, duo, log
(o) (y), hyd(ro)
(ra), in micro, oct, photo, port, prim,
scribe, scope, sub, tele, tri, ex
Learn spellings from previous sats
Develop more complex word banksconnectives, use of words for
effect etc
Investigate meaning and spellings of
connectives: therefore,
notwithstanding, furthermore etc.
word classes, prepositions, reexpressing sentences
Choose the areas Revise- active and passive- transform
of grammar that
sentences from active to passive
link with the piece Investigate connecting words and
of writing and the phrases, collect example and classify
topic that you are e.g. position( besides, nearby, by)
To form complex sentences through,
Highlight grammar use of different connect devisesareas, as and
explore how meaning is affected by the
when covered, you sequence and structure of clauses
will probably
Secure the use of the term ‘active’ and
cover them more
than once.
Features of formal official language
(collect and analyse examples, know
Construct sentences which express
possibilities, hypothesis
Analyse how individual paragraphs are
structured in writing e.g. comments
sequenced to follow the shifting
thoughts of a character, justify a
point and reiterate to give it force.
Dictionary use- using first 3 letters
to find words.
Note taking
Identifying fact and opinion
Linking beginning and end of
Modal verbs
Developing the variation of sentence
Conduct detailed language
investigations through interviews,
research and reading.
wider range of connectives used to
clarify relationship between ideas,
e.g. although, on the other hand,
secure use of pronouns,
connectives, references back to
Language conventions and
grammatical features of the
different types of text such as:
when and where they are used)
Revise work on contracting sentences:
summary, note making, editing
Use reading to investigate conditionals
(if, then, might, could, would and their)
length for effect e.g. to build up
Accounts of observations
Explanatory texts
Persuasive texts
Balanced arguments
Adding words to indicate shades of
Cohesion within a paragraph using
time connectives. Link paragraphs
using time, place and number
Journalistic writing
Cover each of the Diary
genres as often
Descriptive writing
as fits and as
many times as the Persuasive writing
pupils need, use
Story to play script
incerts to assess
Non chronological report
what needs
Balanced argument
further work.
Formal/informal letters
Poetry by established poets
Journalistic writing
Descriptive writing
Persuasive writing
Story to play script
Non chronological report
Balanced argument
Formal/informal letters
Poetry by established poets
Expand noun phrases
Show constituency when using
similes, metaphor and
Accurate use of bullet points
Journalistic writing
Descriptive writing
Persuasive writing
Story to play script
Non chronological report
Balanced argument
Formal/informal letters
Poetry by established poets