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Caderno CRH
ISSN: 0103-4979
[email protected]
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Santana, Marco Aurélio; Braga, Ruy
O PÊNDULO OSCILANTE - sociologia do trabalho e movimento sindical no Brasil
Caderno CRH, vol. 22, núm. 56, mayo-agosto, 2009, pp. 297-309
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Salvador, Brasil
Available in:
The present paper analyzes the relationship established between sociology of labor and the unionism in Brazil. That is done by
covering three moments of that relationship. Having as a backdrop the successive political and economical conjunctures, we go
from that first generation of work sociologists to the recent period, trying to identify the most characteristic points in that trajectory .
W e work with the hypothesis according to which, along its trajectory , sociology of labor in Brazil was marked, in its origins, by the
search for affirmation and professionalism (1950/1960); later , it developed a strong political and social engagement, assuming a
public character and serving to conform to certain social identities (1970/ 1980); finally , it would have turned into a sociology for
public policies (1990/2000).
Sociology of labor , social identities, workers, unionism.
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