* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
.' 7' t /\aAt ' \ UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT (Abstract) and Sjrllabus of II Semester M.S programlne ir-r $clurLctrll,-u-c r,rr-rcl Ivlicrobioiogy under Cr-edit Semester System (cucss-pG-2ol(_)) tor colleges - irnplernented r,vith effect frorr 2O1O achnission - orclcrs GENERAL & ACADEMIC BRANCH-IV 'J' SECTION No. GA IV lJl 14660 l2OlO Datecl, Calicut University PO, 0l .04.2O11 Read: 1 . U. O. No. G AIV /J 1 I 137 3/ 08 date cl 23 .O7 .20lO 2. U.O.No.GAIV/J I I 4660 I 20 10 clated 24.09.2O1O. 3. Letter from tl-re Chairman,,Board of Studies ir-r Acluaculturre clzrted 21 .O3.2011. 4. Order-s of Vice-Chancellor in the file of even 1ro. on 30.03.2()11. . ORDER Credit Senaester System (CUCSS-PG-2O10) 1-ras been ir-rtroducecl for- the PG progr-anrmes of all affiliated colleges of this Ur-riversity u,lth effect lrorn 201O eLdtnissior-rs vide paper reacl as (1) above. '1'h(i Lfoard of Sturdies in Aquacult.urre restrtrctureci tl're 5lrllabus of I\4,Sc Acluacultut'e rtnci Fisher'., Microbiology in tone r,rrith tl-re Credit SYsl-ent 201C and tlte srrliairus for I semester r,lras irnplementccl vicle Urrirrersit], Or-der rea<i ;,s (2) above. \ricle paper read as (3) above, tl-re Chairman has submittecl tl-re sr,llabu.s o[ Il sernestei' of lvl.Sc Aquracrllture and Fishery Microbiology 1:rogr-arrrlne unclerCaiicurt Universit.v Cr-edit Semester System PG 2010. The Vjce-C]-rar-rcellor in view of exiger-rcy approvecl the s1,llabus [cr' irnplcn-rentation subject to ratification by the Academic Council. Sanction l-ias tl-rerefore been accorded for implementing the schcme llncl sv'llab-'rs of il sernester M.Sc Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology progr-airme rrnder Calicut Unirzersitl, Credit Semester SJrstem - PG - 20 l0 for affiliatecl r:clleges vvith e[[e ct from 2OlO ac]missior-t. r Orclers e1l-e issuecl accordingly. Scheme and S),1labr-ts of il sernes;tetapPer,c-lc'cl. Thc salne are also available in Uuiversit-y rargbsil.. sd/DEPUTY REGISTRAR(G&A iV) FoT REGISTRAR 'l'o l) 'l'lte Pr-incipals ol'ail affiliated Z Co.lleges offerir-rg N4.Sc. ;tt'tls,,r-atntrc rrrquacu ltur-c :rr-rd Fi shery Microbiolog)r. Sclf finar,cir-rg ccr-rtres of 1.1'rc University 6f ilr nqrtac:ulturc ancl [ishcry N4icrobic;logy. Calicut olTer-ing Nt.Sr-' pr-ogt':tn-r:i)(l Cop-v" to: PS to \./C/PA to it.t l{egistrarlCEltrnquiry,/ Forurarcl ed 7 L31, O rc'l er rli.rrmation centres/ DR TII (Exams) ltrG-l I Dlt PGi 'l'altulation scctiouT'(lAI 'F' 'G'.sectiot-ts/ Digital u,ir-rg (r,.;i1h a recluest to upload in Ur r iversiiy websiteT' GAII / G,\lll / SIr/ F C tr F. \Sl)ii,,( )lii rl:il\l seelr,,n\l l\l l-lt-.t,tt .\qrraclrllrrrl ()l 0,1 201 I ,krc SEC'TION OFFICET{ r ll TJ I.I t, University of Calicut M. Sc. Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiologt - Course Struclure, Scheme & Syllabus (Credit Semestgr System - 2010 Admission onwards) I Semester Course Course Code Course Title & Exfernal Credits (%) Exam Duration Internal (%) 6 3 hrs 25 75 4 L P Core AFM 1 COI Core AFM 1 CO2 Taxonomy & Biology 6 3 hrs 25 75 4 Core AFM 1 CO3 General Microbiology 6 3lrs 25 75 4 'Practical AFM 1 CO4P Tar<onomy, Biology Fisheries 3 hrs 25 75 4 Fish Fisheries & 7 Total Credits II Course Course Code Core AFM 2 CO5 Core AFM 2 CO6 Core AFM 2 CO7 'Practical AFM 2 CO8P 16 Semester Exam Duration Internal (%) External Credits (%) Course Title L Ecology and Fisheries Management lnstrumentation, Statistics & ComputerApplication in Fisheries Fishery Microbiology 6 3 hrs 25 75 4 6 3 hns 25 75 4 6 3 hrs 25 75 4 3lus 25 75 4 General & Fishery P 7 Microbiolosy t6 Total Credits III Semester Course Course Code Core AFM 3 CO9 Elective AFM 3 EOl Elective AFM 3 EO2 Elective AFM 3 EO3 Course Title L Hatchery & Seed Production Technology Pathology & LnmunologY 6 Omamental Fish Breedine & Rearing Biochemistry & Fish Genetics P Exam Duration Internal (%) External (%) Credits 3 hrs 25 75 4 t q) 6 3 hrs 25 75 5i3 5 gU tb E U oi Elective Biotechnology & Molecular biolosv FishNutrition & Feed Technolosy Industrial Microbiology AFM 3 EO4 Elective AFM 3 EO5 Elective AFM 3 EO6 !+ 6) 3 hrs 6 ,l 75 E.g EE tb A U l 'Practical AI'M 3 CIOP Water Qualrty Management & 3 hrs 7 2: 75 4 Aquaculfure t6 Tr tal Credits IV Semester Course Code Course Core Elective AFM4CII AFM4 EO7 Elective AFM4 EO8 Elective AFM4 EO9 Elective AFM 4 ElO El:cti..,e ATI\d 4 E! Elective AFM 4 EI2 'Practical ' 1 AFM 4 CI2P Course Title L Quality Control in Fisheries Fish Processing Technolosy Operation Management in Fishery Industrv Research Methodology & Proiect Formulation Aquaculhre Production Systems 6 A^q'.:4:u!"t :re Engi nee'in g 5 P Exam Duration Intt rnal 0 (e 3 hrs 5 External Credits (%) 75 4 75 5E gE q) 3 hrs 6 2 tb EI U !f, q) Aquaculture Economics & Extension Fish Processing Technology & Quality ? 1.r. E.g 2 O!( U'Y tb E U 7 3 hrs 2 75 2F 75 r 4 Control AFM 4 Cl3Pr Dissertation 4 2 AFM 4 C14Pr Field Work & Specimen Collection AFM 4 C15V Viva-Voce 2:5 4 2 Tt L - Lecture hotrs; P - 75 Total Credits for the whole Practical Hours (Hour distribution in a week) 75 4 tal Credits 28 I rogramme 76 * Examination will be conducted at the end of even semesters' ** Field work & specimen collection may be canied out anytime during the entire period oflthe programme o? AFM 1 COl . FISH AND FISHERIES I Unit Fisheries resources of India, potential and trends in fish production. PFZ, EEZ and FAO's code of conduct of responsible fisheries. Marine capture fisheries, fishery of commercially important pelagic and demersal fishes, crustaceans and molluscs. Oceanic and deep sea fisheries resources. II Unit principles of fish population dynamics. Concept of fish stock, recruitment, growth rate and mortality. Fish stock assessment models, CPUE, Maximum Sustainable Yield and Maximum Economic YieldApplication of remote sensing in fisheries. Fisheries regulations (fleet and mesh regulation, closed seasons, catch quota regulation). Unit III Inland capture fishery resources and production in India. Fisheries in major riverine systems, estuaries, and reservoirs and lakes of India. Cold water fisheries of India. Scope and exploitation of freshwater marine ornamental fish resources of India. Unit IV present status of fishing technology in India. Different types of crafts and gears, their operation and techniques end maintenance. Selectiviql of fishinggesrs and hy .catch reduction clevices. Use of moCein equipments for finding and capturing fish..Economics of fiShing operations', Unit V principles of fisheries extension. Mechanisms and modes of extension and their impact on capture and agencies in fisheries and fisher livelihoods. National and international organisation, institutions Role of co-operatives in fisheries extension. Seafood export promotion and organisations involved' fisheries. Suesested readins l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jhingran V.G. Jhingran V.G. and Talwar S.K. Bal J and Rao S.R. Hameed M.S & Bhoopendranath M.R' Santhanam S. Bensam K. Sathiadas P.K. KorakandY R. Rao S.R. Fish and Fisheries of India Fisheries of India (Vol I & 2) Fishes of India Modem Fishing Gear TechnologY Fisheries Science Development of marine Fisheries Science in India produciion & Marketing management of marine fishes of India Economics of Fisheries Management Economics of Fisheries o3 .^ 10. Tandon K.L. 11. Yadav Y'R. 12. Cushing D.H 13. Devaraj,M. 14. Nelson J.S. 15. RoYce W.F. 16. Saigal,K.L. & Jhingran'V'G' 17. Samuel,C.T. L' 18. Sreekrishna, Y' & ShenoY 19. Talwar.P.K. & Kacker,R'K' freshwater fishes Age and Growth in Indian Fish and Fisheries EcologY and Fisheries frf*in" 'fitt p"p"fatio'n Oynamics Course Manual Fishes of the World' introduction to FisherY Sciences' of India' CotO Wut.r Fisheries Marine Fisheries in India' Gear and Craft TechnologY' ^Co.*".t.iut Sea Fishes of India' ;filg Reading Supplementary & Advanced sheries' No' 4' 82P. Fishe FisherY Resources 2. rno irgq5) code t. 3. 4 FAO (1997) P. Fisheries' No' 6 Fisheries FAO (1997) Inlan %'iffi!t},lt"' fiI'tr'?J3tly;7illllifd; 5. CMFRI Bulletin 6. CMFRI' Bulletin Unit eEBZof India' I Newer trends in taxonomYs' SYstematic IchthYologYscs' Unit II MorPhotogY fishes. ductive MaturitY sta strategies Unit in III ot Unit IV digestive tract in enzymes. Modification of and grqd: Digestive and structure of digestive system in fishes, relation to age' sex' season frshel,;;.'d;;i" of r..ifg"r,ruit-s and Food relation to feeding habits. maturity. Food analYsis indices' unitv '-^^+11^+in respiratory ofc ventilation' ptgtnents' Respiration-Structure of nrrr.r and its significance' Endocrine re-spiratory Accessory exchange. gas mechanism of "1cir"i" g-J;"'ittt control of reproduction in crustaceans pt n'nt'' system,-Pituitur, gtunJ in flrn.r. gi,,s, bra*chial glands' mechanism ",oniont"i" and molluscs' Sugsested reading 1. 2. Ichthyology Fishes and Introduction of MoYle and Cech NikolskY G.V EcologY of fishes Fish EndocrinologY Fish PhYsiologY Fishes of India Ceylon and Freshwater Fishes of il;A"et of Fish Production in Freshwater Fish EcologY Behavior of Teleost Fishes The BiologY of Mollusca BiologY of Crustacean An Introductio'n tc Ichthyclcg-v A History of Fishes'"at Fish Production in Freshwaters 3.M 4. Hoar and Randall 5. Francis DaY 6. Munro I.S.R. 7. Bagenal 8. Wooran R.J. 9. Pitcher T'U' il;ffite 10. Purchol R.D' 11. Blis D.E' 12. MoYle,P.B' & Ceqh,J'J' 13. Norman,J.R' 14. Bagenal. S Supplementary & Nicol J.A.C' 2. Prosser C.L' 3. Bames R'D. 4. Newell R.C' 5. Newell R.C' 1. 6. Palmer, J.D. 7. CMFRI. 8. Wootton, R'J' 9. FAO ;il;;'- "f dvanced Reading The BiologY of Marine Animals' io*p*utire Animal PhYsiolo gY' lnvertebrate ZoologY' -., ^f Intertidal Animals' onment. Marine Organisms' olluscs of India' Fish EcologY. identific ati "lS tttttl f"t P t o5- AFM Unit 1 CO3 . GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY I Scope and importance of Microbiology, Modern concept in Microbiology, Classification of Microorganisms. Microbial involvement in biogeochemical cycles in nature, iifect of environment parameters on growth and distribution of micro organism in nature. Nutritional requirements of microorganisms-general growth media, differential selective media. -rdiu, Unit II Bacteria-Morphology and ultrastructure, Nutritional types of bacteria, Culture of bacteria- pure culture. Quantitative measurement of bacterial growth, isolation, enumeration, preservation and maintenance of cultures, biochemical characterization, regulation of bacterial growttl'Bacterial enzymes, antibacterial agents. Unit III Microbial communities in the aquatic environment, kinetics of microbial population, biofilms, Bio fouling and biocorrosion. Microbial interactions- symbiosis, antagonirrrr, Routine tests for identification of microorganisms- morphologicai, cultural, bioJhemical "o-h"nsalisms. and serological. Unit IV Fungal classifications, biology of fungi, slime, mould, protist fungi, true fungi, imperfect fungi. Morphology and ultrastructure of molds, cultivation of molds, ro*. ioids of micr-otiological interest. Mycotoxins. Techniques for isolation and identification of yeasts and molds. Unit V Viral morphology and taxonomy, mode.of viral enty, virus replication strategies, viral interference, cytopathic effect, Antiviral agents, viral immunity. Laboratory d-iagnosis of viral diseasesIsolation of viruses using cell culture; Purification and characterization of viruses. Sugsested readins 1. Sali A.J. 2. Schlegel 3. Maat A.G. and Wiley A 4.Pelezar Read and Chan 5. Collins C.H. and Lyns P.M. 6. Lengeler 7. Subbarao 8. Meinheimer 9. 11. ZoBell 10. Pawar and Diganawala Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology General Microbiology Microbial Physiology Microbiology Microbiological Methods Biology of Prokaryotes Soil Microbiology Aquatic Microbiology Marine Microbiology General Microbiology o6 J 11. Frobisher et al. Fundamentals of Microbiology Supplementary & Advanced Reading l. Harry W. Seeley, et al. 2. HawkeyPM&LewisDA 3. Barrow G I & Feltham R K A. 4. Kimberley A.Whitman 5. Kathleen P.T. and Arther T. 6. Ingraham, J.I. et al. Microbes in Action: A Laboratory Manual of Microbiology. Medical Bacteriology: A Practical Approach Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria Finfrsh and shellfish bacteriology manual-Techniques and procedures Foundation in Microbiology Introduction to Microbiology AFM 2 CO5 ECOLOGY AND FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Unit I Aquatic ecosystem- components, structure and functions; Ecological concepts succession, r and k selection; Concepts of habitat and ecological niche; carrying capacity. Ecological classification of marine and freshwater ecosystems. Interaction of biotic and abiotic ecological factor. Biodiversity and diversity indices. IUCN categorization and endangered fishes. homeostasis, natality and mortality, Conservation of freshwater resources and fish. Unit II Concepts and principles of Marine fisheries management. Impact of climate change/global warming in marine fisheries. Management of reserves- in situ and ex situ conservation. Conservation issues in world fisheries- Aquatic Protected Areas. i!4atine sanctuaries. Ecosystem modeling and impact assessment. Principles of Ecosystem maturity. Modem computer tools in ecosystem modeling and trophic interactions. ECOPATH and ECOSIM Unit III Fisheries acts and Legislations, revisions and amendments. Fisheries policies, MFRAs, other regulatory instruments of the State and Central Governments. Management of riverine, reservoir and lacustrine fisheries. Models of fisheries management. Ecosystem approach to Fisheries management. Use of technology in fisheries conservation using TED, BED, BRD etc. Use of selective fishing gears, mesh size regulations, capture ofjuveniles. Deep sea fishing policy of India. Unit IV Open access, regulated, advisory; participatory, user rights. Intemational fishery regulations, treaties and instruments. Input control measures such as access control, size, type, number and power of boats, duration of fishing, Output control measures such as Total Allowable Catch. Catch Quotas, Licensing Technical control measures such as size limitations, closed fishing areas, closed seasons, size of nets and mesh size regulations, limited entry. Diversification in fisheries. Suggested Readings: 1. Eugene P Odum 2. O. Kinne 3. Kutchal E.P. Fundamentals of Ecology Elements of Marine Ecology Statistical Ecology oa H al. Primack W.J. K. P.K. R. 11. Carter,R.W.G. 4. Whittaker R 5. Groom M et 6. Richard B. 7. Sutherland 8. Bensam 9. Sathiadas 10. Korakandy C.C. E.J. 12. Park, 13. Kormondy, Communities Ecosystem Principles of Conservation biology Essentials of Conservation biology Conservation Hand Book Development of marine Fisheries Science in India Production and Marketing management of marine fishes of India Economics of Fisheries Management Coastal Environments: An Introduction to the Physical Ecological and Cultural Systems of Coastlines Ecology and Environmental Management Concepts of Ecology AFM 2 CO6 - INSTRT'MENTATION. STATISTICS & COMPUTERAPPLICATION IN FISHTRIES Unit 1- Instrumentation Microscopy-Working principles of light microscopes (dark field and light field), fluorescent microscope, (TEM, SEM), pH meter, Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Probe, Salino-refractometer High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Chromatographic separation methods. Electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing. Immuno electrophoresis Spectrophotometry- UV-visible, Flame Photometry and Atomic Absoqption Spectrophotometry. ELISABlotting techniques - Southern and Northern blotting. PCR. \4i croarrays- Principles phase contrast microscope, and electronic microscope Unit 2- Biostatistics Experimental Designs Sampling and Data Presentation Correlation and Regression Probability theory- Types of probability, Probability measures, Tests of significance: Chi-square test, Student's t-test, Analysis of variance Statistical Ecology: Diversity Indices, Evenness Index Simple models of Fish Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment. Unit 3- Biocomputing and Bioinformatics Data analysis using SPSS software- Descriptive statistics - Regression and correlation- t-test, ANOYA Computer aided Fish population dynamics analysis and fish stock assessment tools (FiSAT and LH)A ). Databases in biology: Protein, Nucleotide, Literature- Primary, Secondary Databases of NCBI, EMBL, DDBJ, KEGG Protein and DNA Sequence analysis using common softwarePhylo-genetic analysis using Phylip and similar software. or Suggested Readings: Agarwal, B.L. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (1996) Basic statistics, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi. Bailey, N.T.J. Statistical methods in Biology. Hodder and Stongtton, London. Statistics for biologists. Blacker and Sons Publishers, Bombay. Campell, R.C. Gupta, C.B. and Gupta, V. (2002) Statistical methods. Ikas Publishing House, New Delhi. Rastogi, V. B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. Ane's Students Edition New Delhi O. Elements of Marine Ecology Kutchal Statistical Ecology Stephen W. and Looney(2008) Methods in Molecular Biology-Biostatistical MethodsSpringer International Edition Biostatistical Analysis - Fourth edition. Pearson Education. Delhi. Zar, (1981) (1978) (2009) Kinne E.P. J.H.(2003) AFM 2 CO7 . FISHERY MICROBIOLOGY Unit I Introduction-Microbiological standards fixed for fish. Encapsulation-Formation of cell aggregates. Lactics-Acetics-Butrics-Propionics. Proteolytic and putrefactive bacteria-Lipolytic and saccharolytic bacteria. Mesophiles-Thermophiles and Psychrophiles-Halophiles. Unit 2 Unit 3 Source of micro organism to frsh-Sanitary measures adopted to reduce microbial load in fish. Microbiology of fish and some fishery products. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters that affect microbial growth. Micro flora associated with the habitat, body surface and interr'ral organs of fish and shell fish. Total plate count Coliforms-concept- indicator organism-MPN estimationisolation and identification of faecal coliforms. Salmonella-Isolation and identification. Vibrio- Isolation and identification. Streptococcus- Isolation and identification. Listeria spp isolation and identification. Pseudomonas aeroginosa, General understanding about different microbiological rnethods. (FDA, CFIA, FSIS, AOAC). Unit 4 Food borne diseases-Food infection and food intoxication. Botulism. Typhoid and Paratyphoid, Clostridium perfringens, Listeriosis Sources and transmission of bacteria in foods:from human, animal, and environmental reservoirs; crosscontamination; food associations. Suggested Readings: l. Chincheste, C.O and Graham, H.D. 2. Frasier, W.C and Westhoff,D.C 3. Jay, J.M. VanNostrand.D. 4. Amerine,M.A, pangborm,R.M 5. Connell.J.J 6. Sali A.J. Microbial Safety of Fishery products, Food Microbiology, Modern Food Microbiology Principles of sensory evaluation of food Control of fish Quality, Fundamental Principles of Bacterio on 7. 8. 9. General Microbiology Microbial Physiology Microbiology Microbiological Methods Biology of Prokaryotes Schlegel Maat A.G. and Wiley A Pelezar Read and Chan 10. Collins C.H. and Lyns P.M. I 1. Lengeler AFM 1 CO4P. TAXONOMY. BIOLOGY & FISHERIES Taxonomy o o Collection and identification of commercially important freshwater and marine fishes Collection and identification of commercially important crustaceans and molluscs. Biology o o o o o Gut content analysis of fishes of fishes with different feeding habits. Determination of maturity stages and Gonadosomatic index of commercially important fishes. Estimation of Fecundity and ova diameter. Collection and identification of eggs and larvae of economically important fishes and crustaceans. Determination of length weight relationship of fishes and estimation of growth parameters. Fisheries o o . o Collection and description of different netting materials ldentification of modern fishing crafts Identification of traditional and modem fishing gears Visit to Ponnani and adjacent fishing harbours and preparation of report AFM 2 C08P: GENERAL AND FISHERY MICROBIOLOGY . o o o o o o o . Basicmicrobiologicaltechniques Sterilisation- dry heat, moist heat, filtration, flaming, UV-inadiation Preparation and sterilisation of media Bacterial Handling Techniques, aseptic transfer of microbes Estimation of bacterial population in water and fish- TPC MPN Isolation and maintenance of pure culture Study of morphological characters, colony morphology, microscopic examination of micro organisms Staining of bacteria, gram stain, spore stain, capsule stain (o . . o . o o o Enrichment culture using selective media- Salmonella, vibrio. Identification of E. coli, Staphylococcus, faecal streptococci Anaerobic culture techniques Growth of Fungi and yeast Determination of mobility of bacteria Latex egglutination for identification of bacteria Antibiotic sensitivity tests. lr I Semester M.Sc Degree Examination June/ December Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology AFM I C01 - Fish & Fisheries (ccss) Max.Weightage: 36 Time: 3 hours I . Write short answers to the following. Answer a// Exclusive Economic Zone 2. Oceanic Tuna 3. Parapaeneopsis stylifera 4. Maximum Sustainable Yield 5. Monsoon Trawl Ban 6. Swept Area Method 7. Miss Kerala 8. Hilsa ilisha 9. Game fishing 10. Jigging I 1. Purse seine 12. Net sonde 1. Questions. Weightage: I I3. MPEDA 14. Hub and Spoke model of extension II.Write short paragraph answers to the following. Answer any seven questions. Weightage: 2 15. Discuss the potential of Deep sea fishing in India 16. List the salient features of CCRF 17. What is von Bertalanffy growth model? 18. Mention the importance of surplus production method of fish stock assessment. 19. What do you mean by Reservoir ranching? 20. What are Oxbow lakes? 2l. Describe two by-catch reduction devices used in Trawl nets. 22.What is stake net fishing? 23. Discuss the role of Matsyafed. 24.Mention the role of NABARD in fisheries sector. Weightage: 4 III. Answer any two questions. 25. Write an essay on the Marine fishery resources of India with special reference to pelagic fish resources. 26. Discuss various fishing regulations implemented by Govt. of India to reduce the fishing pressure in marine sector. 27. Write an essay on various craft and gears used in inland fishery sector. 28. Write the present scenario of fisheries extension in the country and mention the role of various research organizations in this regard. tz I Model Question Paper Semester M.Sc Degree Examination (CCSS) Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology AFM I C02 - Taxonomy and Biology Time: 3 hours I . Write short answers to the following. Answer c// 1. Binomial nomenclature 10. Allometric growth Max.Weightage: 36 Questions. llteightage: I 2. MolecularTaxonomy 3. Gonosomatic Index 4. Speciation 5. Fecundity 6. Zona pellucida 7. Meramaid purse 8. Chondrichthys 9. Viviparity l. Petersen disc 12. Benthos 13. Emergency food 14. Air bladder I II.Write short paragraph answers to the following. Answer any seven questions. Weightage: 2 15. account of various maturitv stages of fishes. 16. Briefly describe the age determination proces with the help of otoliths 17. Discuss the various types of feeding found in fishes. 18. Briefly describe the various methods of gut content analysis employed in fish biology 19. Describe graphically the relationship between length and weight in fishes. 20. Give a short account of accessory respiratory systems found in fishes. 21 . Give an account of fish pheromones. 22. Give a short account of reproductive strategies found in fishes. 23. Briefly describe the modern theory of evolution. 24. Give an account of larval stages of molluscs III. Answer any two questions. lVeightage: 4 25. Write an essay on fish migration. 26. Write an essay on the life history of the fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii 27. Write briefly on classification of fishes 28. Explain the gas exchange mechanism found in fishes t3 I Model Question Paper Semester M.Sc Degree Examination (CCSS) Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology Time: 3 hours I . Write AFM I C03 - General Microbiology short answers to the following. Answer a// l. Max.Weightage: 36 Questions. ll/eightage: I Azetobacter 2. Capnophils 3. Selective media 4. Pure Culture 5. Symbiosis 6. Staphylococcus 7. Endospore 8. Neurospora 9. Candida 10. Antibiotics 11. Cyanophage 12. Slime mold 13. Pectin 14. Cell lives II. Write short paragraph answers to the following. /.nsvver any seven questions. Weightage: 2 15. Define media. what are the different types of media? 16. Explain morphology of bacteria 17. Explainbiocorrosion 18. Reproduction of fungus 19. Explain mycotoxin 20. Describe the structure of virus 21. What is Immunisation? 22. Explain bacterial enzymes 23. Describe life cycle yeast 24. Explain physical parameters which influence growth of bacteria III. Answer any two questions. 25. 26. 27. 28. llteightage: 4 Explain role of bacteria in biochemical cycle Describe reproduction in virus Give ultra structure and classification of bacteria Explain the fungi of microbiological importance t+ II Model Question Paper Semester M.Sc Degree Examination June/ December Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology Time:3 AFM 2 COs. ECOLOGY AND FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (CCSS) Max.Weightage:36 hours I . Write short answers/description to the following. Answer a// 29. Homeostasis 30. Diversity Indices 31. Niche 32. Endemic Species 33. Marine Sanctuaries 34. ECOPATH Questions. Weightage: I 35. Ring Seine 36. BRD 37. Ghost Fishing 38. CPUE 39. OAL 40. Open access use right 41. Mesh size regulation 42. CRZ II.Write short paragraph answers/description to the following. Answer any seven questions. lYeightage:2 43. Carrying Capacity 4 4. E colo gical rnodelling 45. Endangered fishes 46. Marine Protected Areas in India 47.lmpact Assessment in Marine Environment 48. MFRA 49. Management of reservoir fisheries 50. Juvenile fishery and its impact on resource 51. Licensing of marine fishing fleets 52. Diversification of Fisheries ll/eightage: 4 III. Answer any two questions. 53. Discuss the threat, conservation measures and conservation issues of the inland freshwater fish resources oflndia 54. Discuss the impact of global warming on marine fish resources with special reference to pelagic of India. 55. Discuss various regulations imposed by the govt. of India to reduce the fishing pressure on marine fishery resources. 56. Discuss the History, role and impact of closed season fishing on the marine fishery resources of Kerala. tf, l, -. Model Question PaPer II Semester M.Sc Degree Examination June/ December Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology AF"M 2 C07z Fishery MicrobiologY Time: 3 hours I . Write short answers to the following. Answer a// Questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (ccss) M"*.849!Eg9i1!Weightage: I Halophiles Clostridium perfringens MPN Cholera toxin Encapsulation Sterilisation Pre-enrichment 8. XLDA 9. Lipolytic bacteria 10. Coliforms 11. Eh 12. Lactobacillus I3. EMB 14. Acetic Acid Bacteria II.Write short paragraph answers to the following. Answer any seven questions. lleightage:2 15. Propionics 1 6. Allochthonus microflora 17. Bacterial spoilage 18. AOAC 19. Sanitary measures in food processing 20. Listeriosis 21. Extrinsic factors affecting microbial growth 22. G elatin Liquifaction test 23. Isolation of fecal streptococcus 24. TPC III. Answer anY two questions. Weightage:4 parts of fish 25. Write an essay on the micro flora associated with various body and control measures importance, etnichment, iso lati on and_identifi cation' of microbiological standards for fish and fishery products' 26. Botulism- Diiease, etiology, symptoms 27 . 28. S alm o ne I I Give an a- "..ourt (4 Model Question Paper II Semester M.Sc Degree Examination June/ December Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiotogy (ccss) AFM 2 C06 - Instrumentation, Statistics Time: 3 hours I . Write short answers to the following. Answer a// & Computer Application in Fisheries euestions. Max.Weightage: 36 Weightage: I I. ELISA 2. Dark field microscopy - 3. Isoelectric focusing 4. Microarrays 5. TEM 6. Stratified random sampling 7. Secondary data 8. Sahannon-Weiner index 9. Bear lambert's law 10. Central tendency I l. 12. Histogram FISAT I3. SPSS 14. NCBI II.Write short paragraph answers to the following. Answer any seven questions. llteightage: 2 15. Principle involved in the HPLC 16. Working principle of SDS- PAGE 17. Mention different tests of significance 18. What is AAS 19. Describe the procedure for southern blotting 20. Compare between regression and correlation 21. Difference between surplus production and swept area method 22. DNA sequence analysis 23. Use of phylogenetic analysis in fisheries 24.Mention online data base for fisheries III. Answer any two questions. 25. 26. 27. 28. Weightage: 4 Describe the functioning of PCR and its role in disease diagnosis in fishes Describe the working principle of light microscope and compare with electron microscope Briefly describe various ecological indices used in fish biodiversity studies Describe the salient computer aided programmes for fish stock assessment. l7