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wallow during the most intense drought
aniety, as verified by us, of the disease
kens, and knowing, as we do, that these
detritus they can find , it is not difficult
ot their toxicosis from the same source,
ase of toxicosis.
theses, which laboratorial research only
I'm. The following observations relating
the disease, will further give them
the disease attacks a great number of
, .whereas neighbouring kraals are left
ding us to believe that, in reference to
cUlTed certain conditions, limited to small
the other though larger areas. The case
ed to by us justifies exactly the same
eems characteristic of this sickness. The
would correspond, in stiff-sickness, as
stains of diffusion of the causal microbe
Ie, verified vice of bone-licking implying
oaded with bacteria, being sufficient to