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Name ___________________________________________ Hour _______
Unit 4: Civil War and Reconstruction
The Nation Splits Apart (Ch. 10)
Key Terms:
A. Sectionalism – _______________________________________________________________________
B. Abolitionist – campaign to __________________________
C. Popular sovereignty – _________________________________________________________________
D. Secession – ____________________________________________________ –South Carolina was first
African American Abolitionist Leaders
A. Frederick Douglas ________________________________________
1. powerful speaker, started _________________________________
B. Harriet Tubman created and ______________________________________________
1. network of hiding places & transportation
C. Sojourner Truth was a ____________________________________________________________
1. fought for women’s rights
D. Dred Scott - slave from St. Louis; owner died so he sued for his freedom
Differences Between North and South
A. North – ________________________________ and factories & railroad transportation evolved rapidly
1. abolitionist movement grew stronger due to _________________________________________
B. South – plantation farming with _________________________________________________________
1. traditional values supported ___________________________
The Missouri Compromise, 1820
A. Tried to solve the slavery issue by keeping a _________________________________________________
B. _________________ was admitted as ____________________, so _______________________________
C. Created ____________________________________ - ____________________ /____________________
D. No slavery north of 36/30 – permitted south of the line
Growth During the 1840’s
A. CA Gold Rush led to surge in population - most 49ers came from free states, so they opposed slavery
B. _____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Southerners opposed CA joining the Union
D. Southerners wanted to keep ______________________________________________________________
1. Northerners were opposed to this idea – especially Abraham Lincoln
The Compromise of 1850
A. Proposed by Henry Clay, the “Great Compromiser”
B. ___________________________________________________ – 12 free /11 slave
C. Utah Act & Texas and New Mexico Act – slavery decided by popular sovereignty (people voted)
D. __________________________________________________
E. Fugitive Slave Act (FSA) ________________________________________________________________
1. ________________________________________ – faced jail and $1,000 fine
2. people earned $ for return of slaves - ________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________ - abolitionists were outraged
VII. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
A. Written by _________________________________________
B. Powerful novel ____________________________________________________________
1. published in 1852 - ___________________________________ & over 2 million before Civil War
2. raised ____________________________________________________________
3. one of the most important books in U.S. history
VIII. Kansas – Nebraska Act of 1854
A. Repealed the _______________________________________
B. _____________________________________________________ in the Senate
1. believed ____________________________________________________________
2. gained Southern support, but was opposed by Northerners
C. Significance of the KS-NE Act was _______________________________________________________
The Struggle for Kansas
A. “Bleeding Kansas” had ______________________________ vs. ______________________________
1. fighting for control of Kansas and “…to the Pacific”
2. ____________________________________________________________
B. Sack of Lawrence – May 1855
1. center of ______________________________________
2. Lawrence mostly settled by abolitionists from Massachusetts
3. President Pierce declared _____________________________________________
4. pro-slavery posse________________________________________________________
C. _________________________________________________________ from entering KS
D. __________________________________________________________ – executed 5 pro-slavery leaders
E. _____________________________________________________________________
Bloodshed in Congress
A. Charles Sumner (Mass.) delivered speech, “_____________________________________________”
1. _________________________________ towards Southern senators, mostly Andrew Butler (SC)
2. _______________________ (SC), Butler’s nephew, ___________________________________
3. Sumner was out of the Senate for 3 years due to the beating - seat sat empty as a reminder
Election of 1856
A. James Buchanan (D) vs. John Fremont (R)
B. ____________________________________________ – he didn’t want to rock the boat
XII. Dred Scott Decision (Scott v. Sanford)
A. Slave in Missouri, but was free when in IL – his owner died while in free state
B. ____________________________________________________________
C. Supreme Court ruling on Dred Scott
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. Northerners were outraged while Southerners celebrated
XIII. John Brown’s Raid
A. __________________________________________________________ – he was a hardcore abolitionist
B. Harper’s Ferry, VA – Brown seized a federal arsenal
1. Robert E. Lee & the Marines squashed rebellion
2. Tried, ____________________________________________________________
3. Abolitionists ____________________________________________________________
XIV. Lincoln/Douglas Debates of 1858
A. Campaign in Illinois for the US Senate seat in 1858
B. Abraham Lincoln was a ________________________ and called “Just Plain Folks”
1. He was relatively unknown when the seven debates started
2. Lincoln stated that the ____________________________________________________________
3. Lincoln viewed ______________________________________________________
4. Lincoln ________________________________________________________________________
C. Stephen Douglas was the ____________________ and a ________________________
1. Douglas wanted ____________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
XV. Election of 1860
A. Lincoln (R) vs. Douglas (D), John Breckinridge (Southern Dem) and John Bell (CU)
B. _____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Lincoln’s election caused ________________________________________________________
1. Secession – Southerners feared _____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. Southerners felt betrayed
D. New nation formed – _____________________________________________
E. _____________________________________________________________________________________
XVI. War was Eminent
A. Conflicts that ultimately caused the Civil War
1. ______________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _____________________________________
B. Lincoln’s stance – __________________________________
C. Federal ____________________________________________________________________
D. _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. Union Gen. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________ attacked w/ massive mounted guns & ___________________________
E. Fort Sumter marked the ___________________________________________________
The American Civil War (Ch. 11)
Union vs. Confederacy
A. Confederate advantages
1. Fought a __________________________
2. __________________________________
3. Possessed _________________________
4. Biggest advantage was ____________________
B. Confederate weaknesses
1. ______________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
C. Union advantages
1. __________________________________ – greatest resource 2. ____________________________
3. ___________________________
4. _________________
D. Union challenges
1. Had to conquer huge area
2. Unfamiliar w/ area
3. Lame generals (early on)
Wartime Leaders
A. President ______________________________________________
1. Former Secretary of War was highly educated
2. Selected brilliant leaders – ___________________________________________________________
B. President ______________________________________________
1. Strong leader himself, but ________________________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. Highly respected and an inspirational speaker
C. Robert E. Lee’s tough decision
1. Loyalty to his home state of Virginia or Union military and President Lincoln?
2. ___________________________________________________
A. Union strategy – developed by ___________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________
2. Halt the ___________________________________________________
3. Seize ____________________________________________________________________
4. Seize ____________________________ (capital of Confederacy)
B. Confederate strategy
1. ___________________________________________________, so they would give up
2. Get __________________________________ - $ and supplies
Manassas, Virginia
A. First Battle of Bull Run (July 1861) - spectators enjoyed a picnic
B. General ____________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________ – literally ran for their lives
D. Battle of First Bull Run proved ___________________________________________________
1. Demonstrated it was a ____________________________________________________
Changes in Technology and Tactics
A. __________________________________ in the Civil War, more than all other American wars combined
B. The Civil War has often been called the _____________________________________________________
C. Most obvious change in warfare was the ___________________________________________________
D. Introduction of repeating weapons; _________________________________________________________
1. More important was the ____________________________________________________________
E. Greatly _______________________________________________
F. Soldiers quickly learned that the proper position for combat was staying low to the ground and taking
1. Tactic that was changed during the war was ____________________________________________
G. Critical to the war, were two relatively new technologies: the ____________________________________
1. RR made it possible for the large armies to be __________________________________________
2. Union and Confederate armies ______________________________________________________
Naval Action
A. ____________________________ of Southern coastal ports __________________________________
1. _____________________________________________– lost $ because cotton was primary export
2. Made it difficult to import goods from Europe
3. Difficult to ____________________________________________________________________
B. Merrimack (Confederate) vs. Monitor (Union) – ______________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Confederate ____________________________________________________________________
VI. Battle of Shiloh – March 1862
A. Union, under Grant’s command, was surprised by Confederates - reinforcements arrived w/ Gen. Buell
B. Brutal battle – ________________________________________________________________________
C. Nearly 25,000 died - more than Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Mexican War combined!
D. Shiloh opened the way for Union forces to __________________________________________________
VII. Battle of Antietam – September 17, 1862
A. ______________________________________________________ – Sharpsburg, MD
B. Union (75,000), ________________________________, outnumbered _____________________________
C. Confederate battle plans found by Union two soldiers - turned plans over to Gen. McClellan
1. ________________________________________________________________________
D. Union troops continually ______________________________________________________
1. McClellan only used ____________________________________________________________
E. ____________________________________________________________________________________
F. McClellan was ordered by Lincoln to ______________________________________________________
1. McClellan ______________________________________________________
G. President Lincoln ______________________________________________________________________
H. ______________________________________________________________________ – 23,000 casualties
VIII. Battle of Vicksburg - 1863
A. North controlled both ends of river, but ____________________________________________________
B. Vicksburg was at a __________________________________________ – fort was atop a hill 300 feet high
C. Grant tried to take the fort, but was denied time and again
D. General Grant’s brilliant plan
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. Launched a _______________________________________________________________________
E. Six week siege ________________________________________________________________________
F. Two goals achieved w/ this victory
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
G. Vicksburg was __________________________________________________________
IX. Emancipation Proclamation
A. Declared _______________________________________________(Confederacy) on _________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________
C. Kept slavery in Union and Border States (____________________________________________________)
1. Lincoln wanted ______________________________________________________
D. ____________________________________ was the primary objective of President Lincoln
E. Weakened the Confederacy and __________________________________________________
1. Union was fighting to end slavery too, so they _________________________________________
2. Also earned ____________________________________
X. African Americans
A. 200,000 fought for Union - ______________________________________________________
B. 54th Massachusetts Regiment was ______________________________- led by ______________________
1. Attacked _________________________________________________
2. Hailed as one of the ______________________________________________________
3. Earned respect - Secretary of War Stanton recognized them as heroes
C. ______________________________________________________________________________
D. ________________________________________________________________
A. Called ______________________________________________________
B. Over ________________________________________________________________________
C. Filled the ranks by paying bounties and enacted a draft
D. Economy –____________________________________________________________, but faced inflation
XII. South
A. Called ______________________________________________________
B. Central government ______________________________________________________
C. Shortage of soldiers – ___________________________________________________________________
D. ______________________________________________ – lacked food & supplies & prices rose 9,000%
XIII. Women at War
A. Served as ________________________________________________________________________
B. Dorthea Dix ______________________________________________
C. Clara Barton ______________________________________________________
XIV. Confederate Victories
A. Fredericksburg (VA) December, 1862
1. ______________________________________________________
2. Gen. _________________________________________________________________
3. Confederates dug in on hill & Union advanced six times, but _____________________________
4. One of the ______________________________________________________
B. Chancellorsville (VA) May 1863
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________due to mistake by Southern troops
3. Lee stated, “__________________________________________________”
XV. Gettysburg (PA) July 1863
A. _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. England and France might come to the Confederacy’s aid
B. Two armies finally encountered one another in the small town of Gettysburg, PA
C. Two sides clashed in town - _______________________________________________________________
D. On July 1-3, 1863, _____________________________________________________________
E. _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. Longstreet (Conf.) argued with Lee – wanted to march south instead & draw Union after him
2. Lee’s plan was to ________________________________________________________________
F. Lee’s first assault on the Union forces on ____________________________________________________
G. July 4, Lee ordered a second, larger effort (15,000), remembered as _______________________________
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Failure of Pickett’s Charge meant the ________________________________________________
H. Turning point in the war because it was the _________________________________________________
XVIII. Honoring the Dead at Gettysburg
A. ______________________________ in the three day battle
B. Ceremony held in _________________________________
C. Edward Everett and Abraham Lincoln spoke
D. Gettysburg Address was ___________________________________________________
1. Lincoln ____________________________________________________________________
2. Few listened at the time and many were disappointed
3. Today the speech is viewed as ___________________________________________________
XIX. The Last Stage – 1864-65: “Total War”
A. Ulysses S. Grant was appointed __________________________________________________________
1. He believed in using the _____________________________________________________________
2. He was ________________________________________________________________
B. Grant had planned two great Union offensives in 1864
1. In VA, the __________________________________________________________________________
a) Phillip Sheridan in Shenandoah Valley, VA destroyed farmland & killed livestock
2. In GA, William T. Sherman, would ______________________________________________________
a) Sherman conquered, ____________________________________________________________
b) Then ________________________________________________________________________
 Destroyed the infrastructure of the South (____________________________________)
c) “War is all hell,” war should be made as ____________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________
 Sought to deprive the Confederate Army of ____________________________________
 Broke the will of the Southern people, by burning towns and plantations along his route
d) ____________________________________________________________________
XX. The War Ends
A. _____________________________________________ – he defeated Gen. George McClellan
B. Final battles – Grant pursued Lee
1. Wilderness – _____________________________________________
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) month-long _______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________
2. Spotsylvania – ________________________________________________
a) heavy causalities: _____________________________________________
3. Cold Harbor – June 1864, “______________________________________________________”
a) Union lost 7,000 men in 30 minutes
4. ________________________________________ – Grant was committed to victory “at all costs”
C. Battle of Petersburg - Lee dug in, but Grant kept coming
1. Siege ended after 9 months – _____________________________________________________
2. April 2, 1865 – the Union was finally victorious
D. Confederate capital, ____________________________________________________________
E. Lee retreated to Appomattox Courthouse, but was ____________________________________________
1. Lee recognized that further bloodshed was futile
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
F. Unconditional surrender - ______________________________________________________
G. The war was finally over!
XXI. Aftermath of War
A. _______________________________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________ was the main priority
C. Effects of the war - _______________________________________________
1. _____________________________________ ~ even more wounded
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. The Union was restored!
Reconstruction (Ch. 12)
Reconstructing the Union
A. Rebuilding the South’s ___________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________; also assisted poor Whites
1. Schools and educational opportunities – led by Charlotte Forten
C. Ten Percent Plan – ___________________________________________________________________________
1. 10% of voters in a state had to _______________________________________________________
2. New govt. required to ______________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________ came back first
D. Wade-Davis Bill – ______________________________________________________________
1. Felt 10% was too lenient
2. Required a ____________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
II. Lincoln’s Assassination
A. April 14, 1865 (5 days after surrender) – _________________________________________________________
1. George Atzerodt was assigned to __________________________________________________________
a. Got drunk in the hotel bar, lost his nerve and wandered off
2. Lewis Powell __________________________________________________________________________
B. Ford Theater had no security – _________________________________________________________________
1. Enjoyed the comedy, Our American Cousin with his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln
C. ___________________________________________________________________
1. Booth believed _________________________________________________________________________
2. He was a _________________________________________________________________
3. He expected to be hailed as a hero in the South, but ____________________________________________
a. They knew ___________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________ and shot in the neck by Boston Corbett
III. Andrew Johnson
A. ___________________________________________________ – former Governor of Tennessee (loyal to Union)
B. Mild reconstruction plan – _____________________________________________________________________
C. Johnson faced rebellion in Congress
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. Southern leaders & aristocrats had to apply for pardon
3. ___________________________________________________________
IV. Black Codes
A. Laws that limited rights of freedmen – _____________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________
C. Worked mainly as _______________________________________________________
D. Gained some new rights – _________________________________________________
V. Radical Republicans
A. Opposed President Johnson
B. Led by ______________________________________________________________________________________
1. Stevens gave a ___________________________________________________________
C. Main goals of Radical Republicans
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Only __________________________________________________________________________________
3. Break the power of southern planters & give blacks the right to vote
VI. Amendments
A. 13th - ______________________________________________________
B. 14th - _______________________________________________________________________________________
C. 15th - __________________________________________________________________
VII . Radical Reconstruction
A. Reconstruction Act threw out Southern state governments & ____________________________________________
1. New constitutions required for the former Confederate states
2. States must _______________________________________________________________
3. All Blacks were allowed to vote in South
B. Main goal of Congressional Reconstruction was to ______________________________________
VIII. Impeachment of President Johnson 2/24/1868
A. Primary reason for impeachment was ____________________________________________________________
B. Congress opposed him by _____________________________________________________________________
C. Charges unsubstantiated (________________________________)
1. ________________________________________________
IX. President Ulysses S. Grant
A. Defeated _______________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
C. Ineffective leader in Washington DC, but still considered as one of our greatest generals
X. Southern Politics
A. Scalawags – ________________________________________________________________
1. Viewed as ______________________________________________
B. Carpetbaggers – _____________________________________________________________
1. Moved to the South for _____________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________________________________________
D. Freedmen, blacks who were freed, struggled to find their place in the South
XI. White Southerners
A. Conservatives experienced little or no change
B. ____________________________________
1. Wanted to ______________________________________________________________________
2. Used verbal threats & burned crosses
3. __________________________________________________________________
XII. Rebuilding the South
A. Infrastructure – _________________________________________________________________________
B. Economy - _____________________________________________________________________________
C. Taxes and corruption
1. ________________________________________________________
2. Dishonest governments & representatives scammed the system
D. Poverty - blacks had “…____________________________________________”
E. Sharecropping – ______________________________________________________________________
XIV. Radicals (1870)
A. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
C. By 1876, only three Southern states were Republican – Florida, Louisiana & South Carolina
XV. End of Reconstruction
A. Election of 1876
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. Tilden had 250,000 more popular votes and 184 Electoral College votes – 1 shy of getting elected
a) Congress appointed committee
b) All disputed votes went to ________________________________________________________
B. Compromise of 1877
1. Rutherford B. Hayes decided to _________________________________________________________
2. Hayes also ________________________________________________________
3. Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina were the last to return
C. Reconstruction was finally over - ________________________________________________________
XVI. Separate, but not equal
A. Voting restrictions kept freedmen from voting
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
B. Jim Crow Laws – _______________________________________________________________
1. Placed major restrictions on the rights of African Americans
2. Separation in _________________________________________________________________________
C. Plessy vs. Ferguson – segregation was legal
 Supreme Court ruled ______________________________________________________________