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Honors Biology
Ch. 15 Notes
Tracing Evolutionary History
Opening Essay
Compare the structure of the wings of pterosaurs, birds,
and bats. Explain how the wings are based upon a
similar pattern.
15.1 Describe the current evidence supporting the idea
that life existed at least 3.5 billion years ago.
✍ Stromatolites: dense, layered mats of photosynthetic
prokaryotes found fossilized and dated to 3.5 bya
✍ Photosynthesis is complex process
✍ Earlier processes were simpler, maybe 3.9 bya
15.1 Describe the four stages that might have produced the first
cells on Earth.
✍ Spontaneous Generation: life from non-living matter
o S.G. for complex life dispelled in 1600’s
o L. Pasteur, 1862, all life from life (Swan-necked
✍ Four stages:
1. Abiotic synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides
2. monomers into polymers like A.A.→protein and
nucleotides→nucleic acid
3. Protobionts
1. droplets with membranes
2. maintain internal chemistry diff. from environ.
4. Origin of self-replicating molecules (RNA) make life
15.2 Describe the experiments of Dr. Stanley Miller and
their significance in understanding how life might have
first evolved on Earth.
Oparin and Haldane 1920’s: Hypothesize on composition of
early atmosphere, but no experiment to support.
Miller-Urey used these gases to experiment:
✍ methane: CH4
✍ ammonia: NH4
✍ hydrogen: H2
✍ water: H2O
✍ NO free OXYGEN: O2
Later evidence, early atmosphere:
✍ nitrogen: N2
✍ carbon dioxide: CO2
Perhaps pockets of Miller-type gases near volcanic vents
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15.3 Describe the significance of protobionts and
ribozymes in the origin of the first cells.
Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules
Without enzymes to catalyze synthesis reactions of monomers
into polymers, where did the large amount of EA come
Formation of Protobionts
Protobionts: isolation of a collection of abiotically created
molecules within a membrane, first “cell.”
✍ Allowed for the concentration of certain combinations
of molecules that interact more efficiently.
✍ Different environment than surroundings.
Abiotically formed lipids:
✍ can form small bounded droplets in water
✍ Act like phospholipid bilayer
✍ Selectively permeable membrane surface
✍ Swell or shrink osmotically
✍ With enzymes, some can carry out simple metabolic
Self-Replicating RNA:
✍ Central Paradigm: DNA→RNA→Protein
✍ Evolved slowly, simple→complex
✍ First genes: Self-replicating RNA (assemble
✍ First natural selection: RNA molecules that were any
better at self-assembly
✍ Ribozymes: RNA molecules that are enzyme-like
Major Events in the History of Life
15.4 Describe the key events in the history of life on
Origin of Prokaryotes:
✍ 3.5 bya→2 bya
Production of O2.
✍ “Oxygen Revolution”
o oxidizing rather than reducing atmosphere.
o oxidized iron in crust→red soil deposits
o poisoned many prokaryotes caused extinction
o some survived in anaerobic environments
o oxygen-binding as protection may have been first
step toward aerobic respiration
o allowed these prokaryotes to flourish
Origin of Single-celled Eukaryotes:
✍ 2.1 bya
✍ Originated when small prokaryotic cells capable of aerobic
respiration or photosynthesis began living in larger cells
✍ Great range of unicellular forms evolved
Origin of Multicellular Eukaryotes:
✍ 1.5 bya
✍ Next wave of diversification
✍ descendants include:
o algae
o plants
o fungi
o animals
Colonization of Land:
✍ Required protection from sun
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✍ rose to upper atmosphere to create
✍ protected life from DNA damaging
radiation from sun
1 bya Probably began with floating prokaryotic/algal mats
500 mya multicellular eukaryotes encroached on land
Plants colonized land in company of fungi
o mycohhrizae today help absorption and receive
nutrients in return
o (most diverse and widespread)
o insects and spiders
o four-legged animals
o includes humans
o one-hour clock of Earth’s history:
o H. sapiens appear 0.2 seconds ago
15.5 Distinguish between the relative age and the
absolute age of a fossil.
Absolute Age: Determining the age of rocks or artifacts using
radiometric dating, the rate of decay of unstable isotopes.
Relative Age: Indirect way to estimate the age of much older
fossils. K-40 (half-life = 1.3 by) used to date volcanic
rock layers. The age of fossils found above or below that
layer can be estimated relative to the dated rock.
Explain how radiometric dating is used to determine the
age of rocks and fossils and when carbon-14 and
potassium-40 are most appropriately used.
C-14 used to date relatively young fossils (75,000 ya)
K-40 used to date very old rocks (10 ya or 100’s mya)
Knowing both the half-life of a radioactive isotope and the ratio
of radioactive to stable isotope in a fossil enables us to
tell the age of the fossil.
Problems: Show your work, clearly labeled or explain
using your best writing skills.
1. Study the graph of the rate of decay of C-14. How long
does it take one half of the original amount of C-14 to
What is the half-life of C-14?
If a sample from an ancient leather hide was found to have
.25 grams of C-14 remaining and a modern sample had
1.0 gram of C-14, how old is the ancient hide?
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If there is 1/8 of the original amount of C-14 remaining,
how many half-lives have passed?
If an organic artifact is found to be 28,500 years old, and
the modern equivalent has 2.0 grams of C-14 in it, how
many grams of C-14 were remaining in the artifact?
The ratio between an ancient sample’s amount of C-14
and a modern analog is found to correspond to four halflives of C-14. How old is the sample?
A sample was found to have zero C-14 remaining. How
old is the sample? Explain.
15.6 Use the list on the back of your assignment sheet.
Mechanisms of Macroevolution
physical mechanisms:
continental drift
mass extinction
adaptive radiation
genetic mechanism: “evo-devo”
(genes that control the rate, timing and spatial pattern of
changes in an organism’s form as it develops)
15.7 Describe how Earth’s continents have changed over
the past 250 million years. Explain the consequences of
these changes for life on Earth.
15.14 Describe the process of convergent evolution.
Timeframe: Post Eukaryotic Multicellularity
Supercontinent formed and broke up three times
Continental plates move about slowly but incessantly on molten mantel
Breakup of Pangaea
✍ 180 mya
✍ Pangaea started to break apart
✍ causing geographic isolation of colossal proportions.
✍ Each continent became a separate evolutionary arena
✍ Laurasia and Gondwana: 135 mya
Marsupial/Placental distribution
Before breakup
✍ Marsupials numerous in Australian area
✍ Placentals numerous elsewhere
After breakup,
✍ Australia:
o many placentals became extinct on continent of Australia
by competition with more numerous marsupials
o Marsupials filled all mammalian niches
✍ Elsewhere:
o Placentals out-competed marsupials elsewhere
o Placental filled all mammalian niches
Radiation in Parallel
Fossil Lung Fish
World-wide distribution indicates that lungfish evolved when Pangaea
was intact.
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15.9 Describe the causes, frequency, and consequences
of mass extinctions over the last 600 million years.
Mass Extinction: Global environmental changes were so rapid
and disruptive that a majority of species were swept away in
a relatively short amount of time.
Show: NOVA Science NOW, show#7: “Permian Puzzler” (3:30-18:00)
claimed 96% of marine animal species
Siberia, enormous volcanic eruptions
high CO2 levels
global warming
reduced temp differences between equator and
slowed mixing of ocean water
reduced O2 available to marine organisms
oxygen deficit played large role in P.extinction
Cretaceous Extinction:
o more than half of all marine species
o many lineages of terrestrial plants and animals
o over just 10 m.y. all dinosaurs (but bird
ancestors) gone
o Evidence: Iridium in layer of clay worldwide 1
million x higher than normal
Iridium is very rare on Earth
common in meteorites
correlates to end of Cretaceous
o hypothesis: fallout from giant meteorite
evidence: crater in Yucatan peninsula
180 km wide crater, created by 10 km
enough material to create dust cloud
that would instantly kill most animals in
N. Amer.
✍ Affect biological diversity profoundly
✍ Can decimate a thriving and complex ecological
✍ Random events that act on species indiscriminately
✍ Can permanently remove species with highly
advantageous features
✍ Can change the course of evolution forever.
✍ Recovery Time?
o 5-10 my
o Permian: 100 mill.
15.10 Explain how and why adaptive radiations
How: Opening up niches due to:
o Extinction of species
dinosaurs died out
mammals radiated into previouslyfilled niches
o New territory
volcanic islands
Galapagos Finches
o Adaptations that open new niches
bilateral symmetry: predation
burrowing muscles: opened ocean bottom
stems, waxy covering: opened terrestrial
wings: opened skies
webs: capture flying prey
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Natural selection and the struggle to survive.
Utilizing a niche with less competition is adaptive.
Allows for health and high fecundity.
Exponential Growth in new niches.
physical mechanisms:
continental drift
mass extinction
adaptive radiation
genetic mechanism: “evo-devo”
(genes that control the rate, timing and spatial pattern of changes
in an organism’s form as it develops)
15.11 Explain how genes that program development function
in the evolution of life.
“evo-devo”: scientists working at the interface of evolutionary
biology and developmental biology are studying how slight
genetic changes can become magnified into major
morphological differences between species.
Intensity of cause vs. magnitude of effect.
Changes in Spatial Pattern:
Homeotic genes:
o master control genes in development
o they determine where appendages will develop.
o Changes in such genes or in where these genes are expressed
can have a profound impact of body form.
Example: Evol. of terrestrial vertebrates from fishes.
o Location in developing limb where homeotic gene is expressed is
initially the same between the two.
o A second region of expression in the developing
tetrapod limb, however, produces the extra
skeletal elements that develop into foot bones.
o Changes in the expression of these genes
appear to have led to the evolution of walking
legs from the paired fins of fishes.
Changes in Gene Regulation
Stickleback fish
o Pelvic spine present (ocean)
o Pelvic spine absent (lake)
o Predators used spine to capture lake fish
o Natural selection favors those without the spine
Comparing the genes
o Genes were exactly the same between ocean
and lake fish (Pitx1)
o Gene not expressed in pelvic region of embryonic
lake sticklebacks.
Example shows how morphological change can be caused
by altering the expression of a developmental gene in
some parts of the body but not others.
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15.11 Define and describe examples of paedomorphosis.
Paedomorphism: retention of juvenile features of
ancestors into adulthood.
o Axolotl keep external gills at adulthood instead of
o Humans and chimpanzees are much more alike
as fetuses than they are as adults.
o Human adult skull is like the fetal skull: rounded
skull and small jaw make the face flat and
o Chimpanzee brain after birth shows slow growth
while our brain continues to grow at fetal rates for
one year.
o Both skull and brain show retention of fetal traits.
15.12 Define exaptation and describe two examples in
Gradual refinement from simpler versions having the
same basic function into intricate versions (eyes):
Simple ancestral patch of photoreceptor cells
Diverged into vertebrate eye and squid eye.
Both use same master genes that regulate eye
Evolved through a series of incremental modifications
that benefited their owners at each stage.
Gradual adaptation of existing parts to new functions
Exaptations: Structures that evolve in one context but
become co-opted for another function. A structure can become
adapted to alternative functions. Novel features can arise
gradually via a series of intermediate stages, each of which
has some function in the organism’s current context.
Evolution of feathers from dinosaurs to birds.
First evolved as insulation
Mating displays
First flights were mere hops to pursue prey or escape
Once flight became an advantage, natural selection
would have remodeled feathers and wings to fit their
additional function.
Penguins are flightless but excellent swimmers
wings became “flippers”
reduced feathers
Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
15.14 Distinguish between homologous and analogous
structures and provide examples of each.
Homologous structures: due to common ancestry and using
“parts available.”
Analogous: When natural selection (environment) favors
similar adaptations. Creates convergent evolution.
15.14 Describe the process of convergent evolution.
see parallel evolution of marsupial and placental mammals.
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15.17 Explain how molecular biology is used as a tool in
Molecular Systematics: Comparing nucleic acids or other
molecules to infer relatedness.
See activity: “Biochemical Evidence” and its summary below.
The more recently two species have branched from a common
ancestor, the more similar their DNA sequences should be.
The longer two species have been on separate evolutionary
paths, the more their DNA is expected to have diverged.
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